• Published 23rd Jul 2019
  • 3,927 Views, 126 Comments

This is Home. - Lucy_Marigold

Twilight is different, that's for sure. Only, she didn't know how different she was until that fateful Wedding.

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Chapter 22 - This Isn't What I Wanted.

~Chapter 22 - This Isn’t What I Wanted.~

10:59 AM, June 30th, 2 S.E.

The Enigma Hive.

“This doesn’t make sense. Something terribly wrong.” Twilight muttered, pacing back and forth.

“Did the princess seem off at all when you talked to her last week?” Thorax asked, passing out refreshments to Rarity and Fluttershy who sat on a nearby ottoman. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had retreated to the war room with the other generals, a small segment of the one wing she hadn’t explored, the Stellar Wing.

“No, she wasn’t.”

“Was anything you talked about strange or unusual?” He questioned.

“No. No… we just talked about stuff.” Twilight’s wings twitched in agitation, her eyes darting around as she continued to pace in the grand changeling library. She held her new crown in her magic, staring at it. “Who could it be?!”

“I think I know,” Fluttershy whispered as eyes darted towards her. She let loose a mild squeak before mumbling out her next words. “I think it could be Discord.”

“But why? But we reformed him.”

“Absolutely! I hate how you silly ponies keep assuming that I’m going to be evil!” Discord appeared in a puff of pink smoke and silly string, pouting.

“Where the Tartarus have you been?! I’ve been worried sick!” Fluttershy snapped, flying up to him as she crossed her arms. “You promised you’d come by yesterday for tea!”

“I got wrapped up with things.” He twisted his body around itself like it was a string. “Celly’s acting super strange these past few days. In my opinion, she’s gone bonkers!” He chuckled a little before frowning.

“Isn’t the hive supposed to repress other magical signatures?” Thorax mumbled, eyeing Discord warily.

“Oh no, we lost the throne to Chrysalis’s hive a long time ago,” Rune muttered, flicking her wings as she withdrew a small glowing orb, jabbing a straw into it and sucking on it like a juice box. “In a bet, I think, after Enid’s time.”

Dune sat down beside her, also drinking from another orb. “That was when Odonata was still Princess. I think the Queens got a little drunk during one of the summits.”

“Ah changelings, you guys are just bundles of fun!” Discord chuckled.

“Discord, can you tell me exactly what was wrong with Princess Celestia?” Twilight glanced up at the draconequus, tapping her hooves impatiently.

He sighed, waving a paw around. “If I must.” He conquered himself a seat before sitting down and crossing his arms. A glass of chocolate milk appeared in his hand and he took a sip before speaking. “She’s been gathering up her little toy soldiers for something. She won’t talk to me either. She also missed our weekly morning tea which is unusual for her. Miss Ink Well, her assistant, said that Celly hasn’t left her room since… “ He magicked up a calendar. “Well, Sunday.”

“The sun princess came here that day and-” Rune mumbled, tapping a hoof against her chin.

“-We saw her leave in the afternoon.” Dune continued.

“But why did Luna make this law? Was she acting odd at all, either?” Twilight unfurled the scroll, presenting it to Discord. He held it in his claw, a slight frown appearing on his face.

“Well, that’s not how you’re supposed to play the game.” Discord murmured, placing a hand against his hip. “No, I don’t think loony Luna was acting odd. No, not at all.”

There was a swift knock on the door, a panicked Bee running in. “My Queen, General Alyssum requires you in the war room. Queen Chrysalis has also sent a messenger.” Twilight’s gaze darted between the rest of her friends and Discord then back to Bee.

“Take me to them.”

11:10 AM, June 30th, 2 S.E.

The Enigma Hive.

Twilight’s eyes grazed across the hallways, ancient murals depicting Luna’s night set into the walls of the corridor. The Stellar Wing was accurately named as her eyes wandered towards the ceiling where little white gems were set into the resin, glowing like starlight.

Her hooves echoed around her, voices being heard at the end of the hallway. Light streamed out of one room, Rainbow Dash stepping outside as Twilight neared. “Oh, Twi’! About time!” Rainbow Dash ushered her inside, the disguised pegasus firmly pushing her.

Applejack stood around an old and ornate wooden table, hooves firmly planted against them. Midge, who was bound in gauze and medical supplies, was leaning in a nearby wooden seat, watching as Nova pointed towards the old carving of Canterlot. Chrysalis’s messenger was shuffling back and forth in the corner, chittering nervously. The map was carved out of the table, paint peeling everywhere. “We need ta presume that somethin’ in happenin’ in Canterlot.”

“Why would they be taking innocent ponies though? And where are they taking them?” Nova murmured.

“It’s not Discord, that’s for certain.” Twilight declared, everyone’s attention turning to her. She sheepishly smiled, trotting into the room. Chrysalis’s messenger darted over, bowing deeply.

“Queen Twilight, I have news from Queen Chrysalis.” He sputtered out. Twilight nodded, her gaze darting quickly to Applejack and then back to the changeling. “Some of her changelings have been captured and she requests a summit to discuss the new treaty.”

“Tell her that my friends and I shall sort out the problem and retrieve her changelings.” The young changeling queen muttered, wings flicking behind her. “And tell her to set a date and time and then we’ll talk further.”

There was a moment of silence as the messenger nodded, retreating into the corner. Twilight sighed, glancing at the map. “I need to go to Canterlot.”

01:01 PM, June 30th, 2 S.E.


Twilight trotted through the streets, her wings furled against her sides. Some ponies glanced in her direction but the disguised changeling queen paid them no heed. Applejack and Rainbow Dash flanked her sides, eyes examining their surroundings with extreme scrutiny.

The sound of hooves landing softly against the cobblestone and the babbling of conversation were merely background noise to the thoughts in the lavender mare’s head.

Twilight was instantly halted by a pair of guards as she approached the grand gateway to the castle. “State your business.”

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, I’m here by the request of Princess Celestia.” Twilight chirped. The two guards shared a look.

“Very well, Princess. Please be aware that you shall be scanned the moment you step inside.” One of the stallions said. Twilight merely nodded as they relinquished, allowing the three disguised mares past.

Instead of walking towards the castle, she turned towards the garden, dragging her friends along with her. They darted into the bushes, the blooms sheltering them from view. “We need to get onto that balcony.” She pointed a hoof towards the balcony above them. Her friends nodded, Applejack shifting her form as wings sprouted from her back.

The trio sneaky flew up, Twilight shakily needing assistance from Rainbow Dash before they landed quietly on the small balcony. Easing the nearby door open with her magic, Twilight peering down the corridor.

She pulled back as a pair of maids trotted down the hallway. She pushed her friends towards the balcony edge as she cast a spell to cloak them. “Where is the princess?” One of the maids questioned her co-worker.

“I heard from Ink Well that she hasn’t left the throne room since last night. Princess Luna hasn’t been seen leaving the throne room either.” The other responded.

“Do you suppose she’s holding court?”

“Oh no, I heard she cancelled-” The mares continued down the hallways, voices slowly growing distant. Twilight indicated to her friends as they stalked through the hallway, heading towards a new destination, the throne room.

01:29 PM, June 30th, 2 S.E.

The Canterlot Castle.

The throne room didn’t have any guards posted outside, the corridor completely silent. Applejack and Rainbow Dash wordless took position outside the door, nodding at the disguised changeling queen. Twilight used her magic to pry open the grand door, being greeted by a sombre sight.

Princess Celestia sat on her throne with her back turned, head dropped. Her wings lay splayed behind her, tips brushing against the carpet below. There was an eerily creepy smile on the solar regent’s face as she slowly turned towards Twilight, glazed over eyes staring at her.

Luna sat in a similar position beside her sister, untamed wings laying against the floor. She cocked her head towards Twilight, an eventually vacant pair of eyes staring at the new arrival.

Neither were wearing their regalia.

Oh, Hello Twilight.” Celestia’s voice sounded flat, almost empty. “What brings you here?”

Don’t you know, sister? She’s one of them.” Luna sounded just like Celestia, sending a chill down her spine.

“What have you done to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?!” Twilight’s wings flared behind her.

Isn’t this what you wanted, Twilight? Didn’t you want revenge for what Chrissy did?” Celestia tilted her head, mouth splitting into a wider smile.

“What do you mean?” Her previous confidence had fallen, the feeling of fear suddenly gripping her.

You wanted her to pay, didn’t you?” Luna muttered next.

“It’s hurting me more than her! I didn’t want this!” Twilight sputtered out.

“Oh, I know, but that’s only temporary Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight’s eyes darted towards a figure who emerged from behind the throne. Blueblood stepped forward, strutting towards her.

YOU!” She hissed.