• Published 29th Jul 2019
  • 3,579 Views, 31 Comments

Massage Stories - nobody495

Spike gets a massage one day. This leads to a lot more weird stuff happening than he realizes.

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Chapter 1

“Hello?” Spike asked as he stepped into the Carousel Boutique. He wasn’t sure what he was doing in here. He heard that Rarity had free time today, so he wasn’t sure what services he could possibly provide to her today. Little would he know the true intent for his arrival. Rarity personally requested he arrive, and that he make sure he was alone when he came here.

“Oh, so nice of you to come in, Spikey-Wikey~” the familiar elegant tone said. Not that Spike didn’t like visiting Rarity, but something about this visit felt weird. He couldn’t put a claw on what, but something about this was weird. She’d never done anything like this before they visited the spa. Rarity came into view from the back of her shop, looking just as beautiful as ever.

“Uh, did you need me to help you with a project?” Spike asked. “I-I’d hate for you to feel you need to work after you set some time aside for yourself.”

“Oh no-no-no-no,” she cooed, approaching Spike’s side. She gently brought a foreleg around him, and began to lead him in deeper. “Today’s all about you, my Spikey-Wikey~” Spike blushed once she said that. He had no idea what’d gotten into this lady. She was never like this around him!

“Uh, are you feeling alright, Rarity?” Spike dared to ask. He’d love for this to be true, but he knew all about the phrase “too good to be true”. He only got more confused as Rarity continued to lead him in deeper.

“Nothing’s wrong at all,” Rarity assured. “I just wish to… try something~” Of course, anyone looking on the scene could smell some ulterior motive here. And, like Spike noted, it’d only started after the visit to the spa.

Curse it all, why did he and her have to go to the spa at the same day? Apparently Spike’d been complaining more and more about soreness in his body, and eventually she had him looked at. He was recommended a massage, so the same day she came to get her mane done, she saw Twilight and Spike.

She didn’t mind it at first, they had as much right to be there as she did. But no, the issue came when the massage came. While Aloe tended to her mane, Vera was apparently tending to the young dragon. And she could practically hear all of it. From the cracking noises of a muscle being pushed just right, to Spike’s noises. Goodness Spike’s noises.

Soon, she began to pay more attention to the noises Spike made while her mane was tended to. She remembered the soft “oogh~”, quickly interrupted by a sharp “AH~” She didn’t know why, but those noises did things to her.

She remembered the blood rushing to her cheeks as his blissful moans reached her ears. She felt herself begin to lean forwards, regardless of the mare tending to her mane, just so she could possibly hear them more. She felt… enthralled. She didn’t know why, but something about hearing his bliss drove her longing, while also igniting a twinge of jealousy that it was somepony else responsible for it. Though, why would she feel jealous? She’d never desired such a silly thing from Spike as his pleasant moans.

Eventually, the noises stopped, and she watched as Spikey-Wikey was being led out.

“Oh man, I really needed that,” he commented, stretching his back and arms. He was soon led to Twilight.

“How’re you feeling?” she asked.

“I feel like a million bits!” Spike cheered. He turned towards Vera. “Seriously, thank you!” Vera seemed to grin wider at that.

“I vas happy to help!” she said. With that, the purple two then left the spa.

Some peace and quiet Rarity tried to say to herself. So she just lied back and waited for her mane to be done. And waited… and waited… She fidgeted in her seat repeatedly, grimacing at the strange discomfort. She couldn’t describe the source of the discomfort. Spike’d been disruptively noisy a few minutes ago, and now that disruption was gone. So why was she feeling this weird sense of… she wasn’t sure what it was. It almost felt like something was missing once that young dragon left.

Those noises couldn’t have affected her that badly, could they have?

Spike was led deeper into Rarity’s house, deeper and deeper until he found himself, of all places, inside her bedroom. It was of a low light, the soft scent of candles filling the air. She was leading him towards her bed.

“Uh, what are we doing in here?” Spike asked.

“Don’t worry, dear~” Rarity said as Spike climbed up on the bed. He sat down, facing her, feeling this strange unease, mixed with excitement. He’d always love the chance to be with Rarity, but this was all very weird for her. “Now, I want you to lie down. On your back or front, either’s fine for now.” Spike simply looked at her confused. What in Equestria is she up to?

“What is this all about?” Spike asked.

“It’s all about treating you, dear~” Rarity said. She leaned forwards and stroked the dragon’s cheek. “You seem awfully tense, Spikey-Wikey~ Just lie down, and let me take care of that~” Spike nervously gulped at her touch, his tail going stiff. He fidgeted in place, still not sure what to feel. But it seemed like Rarity didn’t mean any harm. Surely this’d be safe, right?

“U-uh, ok…” Spike said. He then began to lean back, leaning down on his elbows while still looking at her.

“All the way, please.” Spike leaned back more, until he was all the way on his back. He was left looking up at the ceiling. He wasn’t sure how long he had the blush. He wasn’t sure if it was him lying on the bed that incited this or anything, but he was made aware of the burning sensation in his body. His arms were clenched and he could feel his body tense out of uncertainty. “Please relax, dear. That’ll make this so much easier~”

At that, Spike tried to follow. He tried to make sure his limbs were more sprawled out, and he flexed his fingers and toes to make sure he was loose. He then tried to breath deeply, in and out… in and out… If it could make this situation less weird, he’d do it. Meanwhile, Rarity observed his form carefully, pausing.

A part of her couldn’t believe she was in this position. No explanation, such vagueness. Why didn’t she tell him? Honestly, she wasn’t sure if she understood what she was doing. Could she really go this far just to possibly experience whatever she felt in the spa? Then again, she is a little too late for that, isn’t she? No, at this point it’s all or nothing. Now, she climbed up on top of the bed, and loomed over Spike, looking down into his unsure eyes.

“There’s nothing to be worried about, Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity practically whispered. “This’ll be all pleasure~” Spike noticed something weird about her tone now. Whereas she usually had a baby-ing tone to her when she addressed him, there was something more… predatory here, especially with the way she said his nickname. With that, Rarity brought up a hoof. Spike, meanwhile, could feel himself begin to sweat. His eyes followed the hoof… Until it placed itself on his chest.

“Wh-what’re you-?” Spike asked. Her hoof was joined by her other one, them both pressing equally on either side of his chest. And then, she began to rub circles into them. The way she touched him did little to quell his uncertainty. More and more circles as Rarity’s half-lidded eyes seemed to scan around his body. Despite his uncertainty, he had to admit that the way she rubbed felt nice. It felt kinda tingly… “O-oh~” he moaned lightly. Once that started, Rarity’s mind was practically made up.

She wanted more.

Her hooves traveled down his abdomen, circling around his belly and gently kneading at his gut, a sensation that was on the edge of being a tickle and not. Spike’s body quaked a little in response, tiny jolts running through his body like water’d spread over one’s body. Rarity rubbed over his belly with either hoof in a U-shape. Her left hoof would start at the upper left, rub down his side, before coming up and rubbing up near the center of his belly, while her right hoof would start at the upper right and rub down before rubbing up the right middle of his belly. She repeated the movements a few times, Spike’s whole form shaking each time.

Eventually, she moved herself back enough so that either leg was in front of her. And then, she brought her forehooves down to his right thigh, them clasping around it. Once she did, he could feel a distinct tightness to it.

“Does your leg usually feel like that?” she asked.

“Y-yeah… why?”

“Oh dear. Shouldn’t this have been dealt with during your trip to the spa?”

“The spa…? Well, we paid for a back massage. At the time it was only my back that was hurting.”

“Oh, this simply won’t do~” Rarity said. With that, she then squeezed her hooves tighter.

“AH!” Spike yelped. Not completely in pain, though it was pleasant. However the way she squeezed, it felt like she was personally pressing out the tension in his leg muscles. And then, she began to rub her hooves in circles, making sure her hooves always faced each other as they rubbed about, making sure they’d always squeeze towards each other. As she squeezed, she could see Spike’s eyes squeeze tight while he grasped behind him, grabbing the bedsheet behind him and tugging. He must’ve really liked this.

After enough, her hooves went lower until both hooves were over one of his knees. She propped the leg up over one of her hindlegs, which allowed her plenty of leverage to knead that knee. That didn’t get quite as intense a reaction as before, though a bit of calm was always fine. Rarity could see as those sharp gasps were soon reduced to simple sighs as she tended to that sore knee. Still, she couldn’t help but enjoy Spike’s soft appreciation as much as the loud ones.

Eventually, her hooves dragged down his calves, as slowly as one’d peel off a sock. Down more and more and more… until her hooves were now holding his foot. Spike leaned forwards a little, looking at Rarity in… anticipation. Yes, that’s definitely what Rarity could see on the young dragon. She was more than aware of how unnerved he was earlier, but that was certainly gone. His tongue’d lolled out by now, him panting after the last few rubs, and his cheeks burned brightly.

Of course, a generous sort like her couldn’t leave him waiting for long. So, while propping up his foot, she brought a forehoof out, and held it close, barely brushing it. She might want to make him happy, but she couldn’t help but take a little joy as those anticipating breaths sped up once her hoof came close. She felt the urge to take those in for now… And then, her hoof came forwards.

“AH! AH!” Spike squealed out, his spine going completely straight. Her hoof was now pressing deeply into Spike’s foot, his toes curling painfully tight from it. “OOGH~!” Rarity’s predatory grin widened at Spike’s pleasure. She could only barely imagine how good her touch must’ve felt…

Oh, I can’t even imagine how he’ll feel when I do this~ Rarity thought. And then, her leg moved about like a pestle grinding the contents of a mortar. Her hoof pushed against more and more of that foot, all while shifting around juuust right. Spike’s hips began to move without his commanding, dancing to the tune of the pleasure Rarity pumped through him. Spike was rendered cross-eyed, his tongue drooped down his chin as he once again grasped at the bedsheets.

Rarity made sure to move her hoof up and down. She made sure she was hitting his sole, just below his toes, and his heel. Especially his heels, for once she began grinding into it, Spike couldn’t contain the his bliss as he cried out. He thrashed about more and more, gasping and panting. Even Rarity couldn’t fight back a blush as her hooves worked the young dragon to this pleasure.

“Goodness, I definitely didn’t hear all of this at the spa~” Rarity teased. As she did, she stopped pressing into Spike’s foot, simply brushing it gently with her fur. And then, she gently set down that leg, before picking up his other and reaching for that thigh. “Is it just because I hit a spot they didn’t?” she said as she gently squeezed at it, switching up the angle of her squeeze so that her hooves pressed into a different patch of flesh. Spike was simply left panting, left to enjoy the reprieve of stimulation he was now receiving. He was too overwhelmed by what she did to his foot, he could scarcely understand her question. Something he’d chide himself over later, when he wasn’t feeling so good.

While he was still recovering, he couldn’t talk. So he tried to shake his head. While she was getting those parts of him he didn’t realize he needed touched, that wasn’t all. Something about Rarity doing this, personally taking charge of his body and pleasuring him without him even expecting it. It felt good, it felt really good, but something about Rarity doing it only made it better. Rarity giggled at that. It may’ve been a vague answer, but knowing Spikey-Wikey, it didn’t take much to understand what he liked.

“Oh, as much as I love doing this, I’m afraid it’ll have to end soon,” Rarity sighed. Her hooves traveled down his thigh and towards his knee, softly rubbing at it. “So sorry, but I’ll be sure to let you savor it~” Her hooves were soon at the sides of his foot, as if threatening to do to this foot what happened to the other one. Spike’s chest rose and lowered as he watched on, looking on as if pleadingly. Rarity savored that lovely feeling of holding his pleasure in her hooves. It was downright delicious, seeing that dragon shiver on the bed, already reaching to get ready to grasp those covers. Rarity soon felt she teased Spikey-Wikey long enough.

She propped his leg on her hindleg, wrapped one of her forelegs around the back of his foot, and then used her other hoof to press into his sole. The way she squeezed that thing between her hoof and her foreleg, of course Spike squealed out. He kicked about lightly, squirming in the bed as her hoof worked its magic. And again, she tried out that mortar and pestle motion, grinding her hoof into that foot. It traveled up and down, up and down his foot, from just under the toes to that poor, sore heel.

Rub, rub, rub she went, using her other foreleg to squeeze the foot more against her hoof in order to really give it the squeeze. Spike tensed up more and more, his knees starting to buckle together. It looked sort of like he was trying to hold back the sheer bliss her hoof was putting him through. Silly Spikey Rarity teased. Surely you realized that you’re not going anywhere unless you give me those sweet noises~ She centered her heel at the very middle of Spike’s heel, licking her lips a little as she nuzzled it into place, Spike shivering a little at the subtle movements.

“Hold nothing back, darling~” Rarity cooed. And then, she held nothing back. She pressed deep into Spike’s heel.

“G-Guuuuuuuuh~!” Spike moaned, his legs shaking a little. And then, after a few seconds of the pressing, Spike went limp, panting, sighing while Rarity took her hoof off of him. Rarity gave a light chuckle as she looked on little Spikey-Wikey. Sprawled out, panting after her special touch. Simply perfect.

After a bit of recovery, Spike was now on his feet, stumbling a little as he was coming towards the door. Rarity was beside him, keeping an eye on him in case he fell over.

“Ooo, might be a bit too loose~” Spike noted.

“Do you think you’ll be alright, darling?” Rarity asked.

“Y-yeah, I think so…” Spike noted as he stood before the door. And then, he turned to Rarity. “Hey, uh, thanks for all of that. I didn’t realize how much I needed that.” Rarity grinned at that.

“Oh, feel free to ask for more, Spikey-Wikey,” Rarity cooed. “Just keep this between us.”

“Ok,” Spike said. He soon got his claws on the door handle, and began to move it. “Oh, and another thing… Feel free to just say what you want to do next time.” Rarity nodded, and then the dragon left the door.