• Published 29th Jul 2019
  • 3,575 Views, 31 Comments

Massage Stories - nobody495

Spike gets a massage one day. This leads to a lot more weird stuff happening than he realizes.

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Aloe and Lotus

Eventually, Twilight had decided to hear out those two ponies just outside her door. And upon opening the door initially, she was greeted with their excited pleas for Spike to come into their spa again. And all the while, Spike would watch on (his little problem finally subsided), and Twilight would rub her temples as she took in the information.

“I-is it good conduct for you to personally request a client?” Twilight asked in exasperation.

“There will be no problem,” Lotus said.

“Ya! We do it after hours so nopony has to worry about special treatment!” Aloe said.

“Ugh, I can’t believe you’re putting me in this position…” Twilight grumbled to herself. “Look, why don’t we wait for tomorrow, then I can bring him in and pay for it normally.”

“Booked solid tomorrow!” Aloe declared. “Booked for a few days, actually!”

“We have little opportunity to tend to him!” Lotus corroborated. Twilight groaned in annoyance. As the sisters made clear, they wouldn’t leave until they made some proper arrangement. She probably wouldn’t mind, but between the awkwardness with Pinkie, and the very weird begging of these two grown mares, Twilight felt deep in her core that there was something deeply wrong with this situation.

“Come on, don’t you think this is a little weird?” Twilight asked. “I mean, coming out from nowhere to request this guy comes in for you to rub him down?”

“We rub down ponies all the time!” Lotus declared. “We get fairly intimate with many of our clients! You kind of have to in this line of work.” Twilight grumbled and buried her face into a hoof.

“If it makes you feel better, we could offer bits to see the dragon,” Aloe explained. Twilight pulled her face back and looked at her incredulously.

“Really? Now you’re going to pay me to let you rub down my dragon?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t know, maybe you’re making a bigger deal out of this than it is?” Spike asked. “I mean, how bad can a massage be?”

“Bu-!” Twilight started as she turned towards Spike. She glanced between the two parties, the massagers and their proposed client. Twilight was the only one in the room that saw how weird this was. She’d soon realize that she could argue this point until the cows come home, and she could never reach a conclusion favorable to herself. Especially now that the “client” was in support of Aloe and Lotus. She took in a deep breath, and sighed.

“Ok,” she said. “I’m not going to ask you to pay to do your job, especially on your own hours,” Twilight clarified. “However, I’ll be by his side the whole time. And if you two do something I don’t like, I have the right to cut your session short.”

“Oh of course!” Aloe nodded. “Consent is very important in a massage.” Twilight blushed at that.

“A-alright, glad we understand…” Twilight muttered. Spike, meanwhile, seemed excited at the prospect. They didn’t quite meet the itch the other ponies he’d gotten a massage from previously, but they were still very nice. And heck, maybe their excitement might mean that they’ll be more enthusiastic to rub him. He giddily rushed up before the two ponies while Twilight climbed up onto her hooves. The two spa ponies turned and headed out of the house, while Twilight and Spike followed them out and in the direction of the spa, the moon overhead only reminding them how late it was, and only affirming to Twilight how weird this whole situation is.

Eventually, they made it to the spa, where the spa ponies unlocked the door. Aloe headed inside while Lotus held the door open for the purple duo. And so they entered, Spike a little more quickly than Twilight. Once inside, Aloe rushed over towards the massage area, where Spike’d gone a couple of times in the past.

“You prefer back or front today, Spike?” Lotus asked.

“I think I might prefer my front today. Had my back recently,” Spike said. Aloe and Lotus nodded in affirmation, before heading inside the massage area, Spike and Twilight following. There, Spike could see the massage tables he was familiar with a couple of times. One of them set the proper sheet on, and Spike climbed up on top of it, lying down on his back.

“Keep your limbs splayed, keep loose, and leave everything to us,” Aloe said.

“Within reason!” Twilight declared. The two spa ponies glanced over towards Twilight as she suddenly spoke up. “With… within reason…” She then coughed to clear her throat, before setting them down, nervously rocking on them. “Ok, just do what you will, within reason…” By now, she was willing to let them do what they wished as long as it meant not having them just stare at her. The two spa ponies shrugged, and walked around to either side of the table, Aloe pulling a cart of various lotions with her. Aloe held some oil, before lathering it over her own hooves, Lotus following suit.

Soon, their hooves were nice and oily, Spike watching all the while. He felt the oil with previous sessions, and it usually felt nice having the cool stuff over him. Spike wriggled in place in excitement, a definite grin on his face. And then, the ponies’ hooves came down, Aloe holding Spike’s right arm, and Lotus holding Spike’s left leg. Aloe stretched his arm out towards her, while Lotus lifted up his leg. There, Lotus’ hoof traveled down to the back of his leg, gently caressing his thigh just a little bit, her hoof just a couple of centimeters from brushing his backside. She pressed her hoof into his leg, and rocked side to side, pressing her hoof into bits of him, slowly.

“Mn~” Spike muttered. He shut his eyes and leaned back to enjoy the sensation. Meanwhile, Aloe’s hooves held either side of Spike’s hand. She held the palm with one hand, it acting as a support to keep it up, while she brought her other hoof down on the back of it, pressing gently into the middle of it. There, she too rocked her hoof, this one in a circular motion, to rub into his knuckles and hand joint. “Ah, yeah~” After repeating that motion, Aloe flipped his hand over and pressed into the palm of his hand, repeating the motion to get at his finger joints. And as she did, his fingers clenched around her hoof.

Eventually, Aloe would proceed to stroke the length of his fingers, while Lotus would adjust herself. She’d lean his leg over her shoulder and would now cup the point of massage with both hooves, before rubbing up his thigh and curling around to squeeze into the fatty parts. Spike was starting to blush now, and deeply enjoyed how her hooves carefully caressed his leg, getting wetter and wetter with that special oil. It really helped their hooves dig in. Whereas the previous ponies required a bit of force to squeeze past his armor-like scales, that oil made it as if the casual hoof touch was squeezing underneath a layer of scales to mold into his muscles directly. She’d repeat this motion, before coming up to his knee, where he’d lay his leg flat and rub circles into it.

Spike sighed dreamily as she tended to his knee, and while Aloe would lean forwards and begin stroking between his hand and elbow. She had his arm laid flat against the table, hand facing the ceiling, and she set both hooves down on his wrist. And then, she’d squeeze down, before pressing forwards and all over his fatty arm. Spike moaned as his flesh molded around her rubbing hooves, and clenched his toes. As he moaned, Twilight’s former look of caution began to melt.

She felt color rise to her cheeks for some reason, she felt her heart thump against her chest, and she got all antsy as Spike’s pleasured moans began to flee his mouth. She wasn’t sure what was happening, but for some reason, she felt all funny as the dragon moaned out his joy. It was strange: it felt less like she was watching a massage and more watching a pair of ponies making out. She felt the same kind of embarrassment, with a twinge of excitement. She could even feel shakes begin to course through her body, from her fidgeting fore hooves to her shimmying rump. She felt a sense of guilt watching this scene, but felt too… enthralled(?) to look away.

The two had repeated their motions a few time to really squeeze out whatever tension was within, before they maneuvered around to do the same to the other arm/leg. After a bit of that, Aloe held both of Spike’s underarms, before lifting them overhead and keeping his hands up at the head of the bed. Lotus, meanwhile, had his legs moved down such that his feet were pointed towards the foot of the bed. Aloe leaned in and placed either hoof on his bicep area, while Lotus leaned down to get a head-on view of his feet.

“Do hold still, please,” Aloe said. “This may tickle.”

“Same here,” Lotus said. “Get ready~!” Spike glanced towards either pony, Aloe’s hooves near his armpits and Lotus’ hooves on either foot. Then, they moved. Spike let out a spasm as Aloe brushed his pits while she stroked up towards his elbows, while Lotus dug circles into the balls of Spike’s feet. Spike let out slight struggles, from shaking his hips to a slight squirm of his arms and legs. However, Aloe would climb up on the bed to sit down on his hands to keep him from moving too much. To the dragon’s misfortune, this meant having two handfuls of her cushy rear.

Spike blushed deeper as he was suddenly aware of what was filling his hands, which prompted him to squirm more, not helped by the continued tickling of Aloe’s massage motion. Lotus, meanwhile, was expanding the range of her rubbing, going just beneath his toe joints, and just above his heels. And all the while, she could see his toes flex, especially with specific motions near the heels. The two spa ponies couldn’t help but smile as they kept on rubbing.

They themselves felt their hearts thumping, which was weird considering their position. They were supposed to be strictly professional, and not take any interest in clients aside from their personal enjoyment and the bits they can extract from them. But there was something weird about Spike… When he made his cute noises, he seemed to touch their hearts directly. He tickled their bones, evident by their shaking on top of them. Deep, deep in their souls, they wanted to do have their hooves all over him, to whisk him away to their personal quarters and do… they weren’t even sure what. All they knew is, they personally wanted him, and for reasons not entirely professional. They may’ve been violating work ethic by having these feelings, but they did everything in their power to make sure nothing happened that wouldn’t happen in a proper massage. Besides, it’s not exactly like they’re on work hours right now~

They kept on keeping on, Aloe having rubbed under Spike’s arms, bringing forth more cute, tickle-induced jolts. Eventually, her hooves began curving around his underarms to rub at the sides of his biceps. Meanwhile, Lotus had adjusted her hooves to press into Spike’s heels, where she made a grinding motion with them, which really got the boy squirming. His eyes widened and he squirmed around, rocking his hips in a circular fashion while she ground away. Spike was panting and panting, and Aloe could swear she could see a bit of drool drip from his lips.

“A-Ahn~” he moaned out as the two ponies rubbed down on him. Spike’s poor feet were enjoying all the attention they were receiving, and his biceps… he spent a lot of time lifting, so his arm muscles were nice and tight as a result. Now, they were slowly mellowing and melting under Aloe’s skillful hooves. Meanwhile, that spa pony could feel his fingers squeeze either cheek in elation, which got her shaking. She wriggled side to side on his hands, which only got Spike more blushy as he was forced to feel her rub into him.

Meanwhile, Lotus was hoisting both feet up, where she had them set next to each other. With them properly lined up, she planted her foreleg against them, pressing in tightly. Then, as if she were rolling dough, she rubbed up and down, from his heels to his toes, which got him moaning more and more, his legs shaking about in her grip. His lips were quivering and he struggled about like some caught prey, except instead of terror or peril, his form was filled with pleasure as the pair tended to his respective limbs. And all the while, Twilight felt the need to bite her lip while her legs shook about. She personally hoped that nopony was watching her at this moment, who knows what they might think?

Eventually, Aloe scooted forwards such that she was sitting on top of his forearms, at which she gently propped his head up and against her hind legs. With him propped up, she brought her hooves up on either side of his scalp, starting on either side of his fin. She’d start by squeezing towards the center, before making a smoothing motion outwards. She’d repeat the motion, pinch in, smooth out, pinch in, smooth out. It started with rubbing relatively the same spot, before adjusting the angle with which she smoothed out. As she did, Spike sighed and seemed to rub into those hooves.

“Mmm~ Yeah~” he cooed as his cranium was rubbed. Eventually, he found his tongue lulling past his lips as she did so, eventually maneuvering her hooves around to rub into his temples. “Oh yeah, just like that~” The two spa ponies couldn’t help but giggle at his bliss. Meanwhile, Lotus had moved on from his feet, and got up to sit on his ankles, where she’d cup his belly and rub her hooves along his curves and up to his chest. Spike was positively soaking with oil by now, and loving it. Head to toe, their loving hooves was squeezing him in all the right ways, sometime giving a curt press on a particular pressure point to cause him to jolt.

However, soon they’d be finished with his front, before standing up and moving away from him, leaving behind a panting, limp, blushing mess on that table. For a moment, it was hard to tell where the purple stopped on his face and where the red started.

“O-oh Celestia~” he moaned while panting. As he lied there, Twilight would feel herself approach and look over his form. Seeing him so overwhelmed with pleasure, to the point where he couldn’t lift a finger… Twilight was sure she was matching Spike’s shade in the face. And Spike’s continued moans and pants only made her heart beat faster and faster. Meanwhile, Aloe and Lotus would similarly be blushing. At this moment, the ponies would realize they had that in common, and where now merely worried about drawing attention to that towards either of them. Instead, the three of them nervously glanced from pony to pony, while also occasionally glancing at Spike, still panting, still glistening from the fluid all over him.

“…S-so is ok, right?” Aloe stated.

“Yeah, totally safe for us to do,” Lotus said.

“Y-yeah, totally safe and innocent,” Twilight said. She felt the need to rub a bit of drool from her lips as she looked down at the resting Spike. Again, there was a pregnant pause. “…Do you think you can do more?”

“Certainly!” both sisters perked up, smiling widely at Twilight. However, they’d then draw back, realizing that they might’ve answered a bit too enthusiastically.

“If is what you want,” Aloe said.

“Yeah, only with your permission.” Seemed like the burden of continuing this totally innocent, free of ulterior motives, activity.

“I-I mean, he has been pretty busy…” Twilight started.

“Ya?” the spa ponies said, as if pleading her to go on.

“And, we’ve already gotten the front of him squared away.”


“I-I mean… It’d only make sense to-.” However, before she could finish, the two spa ponies suddenly dashed back upon the table, the wind from their movement whipping her mane and tail. There, the two were on top of the table, before they got to one side of Spike, and then enthusiastically rolled him into his belly, his backside pointed up at the ceiling. After that, Aloe would get towards the head and adjust his head such that he laid on his chin. He looked up at her, as if bringing himself back from the blurry grip of bliss. He blinked a few times to try and comprehend the image before her of the pink coated, blue maned pony looking down at him lovingly.

Spike’s eyes were wide at the sight before him, when she gently set him back down. Once he was, she reached around to the back of his neck, where she’d gently caress and rub it. She’d start right on the spinal cord, before curving around to the sides of his neck. Spike sighed and went limp as she did so. Meanwhile, Lotus, having already done his legs while he was face up, would be left with the first thing past them, his rear. She was blushing brightly and took a few moments to merely look over it while her hooves rested on Spike’s thighs.

She took a deep breath, before exhaling as she tried to get herself ready for this. This was just business… She bit her lip as she gently held Spike’s tail, before hoisting it upright. The young dragon muttered in confusion as she did so, before he gasped out upon feeling one of those oily hooves on one buttock. He wriggled a little, prompting Aloe to lean down on top of her head to hold it tightly. Meanwhile, the drooling blue pony was caressing the other buttock with her other hoof. She’d started at the middle of the cheek, at which she dug in that circular fashion yet again. After initially merely grinding into it, she’d eventually begin expanding the range of her rubbing, having gone from the center to slowly gliding around towards the edge of his cheeks.

“N-nm~” Spike moaned. Lotus must’ve been bright red in the face by now, and she could feel her hind legs quiver. She was going clockwise with the left cheek, and counter clockwise with the right. And all the while, Spike blushed as the spa pony rubbed him. He felt all tingly, and could swear he’d feel that feeling he got when Ember rubbed him down. He felt like clenching his legs protectively, but Lotus was between them, making it harder for him to. After a bit, Lotus’ hooves would arrive at the base of his tail. Meanwhile, Aloe was moving down to his shoulder blades, where she’d press down gently.

As she got into position, she’d climb up, her backside on the back of Spike’s head. The young dragon huffed and puffed as the mare squashed him into the massage table, at her mercy as the pony pressed down in the middle of his shoulder blades, before brushing out to the edges of his form. She’d repeat this motion, from brushing outwards, to squeezing in towards his spine.

“We’re running out of Spike,” Lotus said as she stroked his tail.

“I s-suppose that all things must end,” Aloe remarked as she kept rubbing. The two glanced over at Twilight, who was blushing furiously. She’d clearly felt funny throughout all of that, and they could only imagine how fast her heart was beating when Spike’s glutes were massaged. Soon, she realized that she was being looked at, and defensively covered her face. “T-Twilight?” Aloe asked. “Spike’s session will be over soon.”

“Y-yeah, I realize,” Twilight muttered. “I-I understand. Just make sure it feels really good.” She glanced at Spike as the two were almost finished rubbing him, and she could feel the gears turning in her head. “You should squeeze that pleasure out of him. R-Really squeeze it~” With that, the two ponies’ faces lit up in excitement. They then began to lay down while maneuvering Spike around, getting him on his side while the two of them carefully laid on either side of him, Lotus in front of him and Aloe behind him. The two began to wrap their fore legs under his arms and around the other pony’s back, Spike looking around curiously.

The two had their hooves in place, and snug a little, though not too much. Spike felt slight pressure on either side of him, though not too crushing. Still, he felt the urge to wriggle a little in discomfort.

“On 3. 1…” Aloe started.

“2…” Lotus continued. Spike could feel their hooves clench up around him, and could feel either belly threaten to squeeze tightly.

“3!” they both chimed. And then, the hugged the other tightly and trapped Spike in a furry vice from either side, Spike grunting and groaning as their forms squeezed his form. They could feel him wriggling around, struggling against their grasp. They couldn’t help but giggle at it, finding it cute. They squeezed tighter and tighter, and moved their bodies carefully to squeeze him from whatever angle. Spike felt himself enduring a full body massage, and he kept on moaning. He wriggled around in place as hisfront and back were squeezed into submission. He could hear his body pop in response to their squeezing.

He wriggled more and more, and gave slight squeaking noises due to his oil-covered body. His tongue was lulled out by now, and his adorable face of elation on display for both of the spa ponies, who couldn’t help but coo and blush as he panted and moaned. Twilight, meanwhile, was positively shaking at the sight before her. She never expected to see herself looking down upon a scene like this. If she were in any other state of mind, odds are she’d be smacking herself for how silly she’s acting.

After a bit more squeezing, the two’s eyes widened as they looked down at him. His pleasure seemed to give away as his consciousness faded. Spike’s tongue was still out, drool dripped down his chin, but his eyes were shut tight. He was distinctly snoring. The two ponies smiled, before pulling away from each other, leaning just right to let his slippery body glide off of their body and onto the bed. With him down, Twilight approached on shaky hooves.

“H-How is he?” she asked.

“Classic case,” Aloe said. “We made him too relaxed. Now he’s sleepy.” The three merely looked over his sleeping form. It was a long time of thinking among the three.

“I should probably get him home,” Twilight said.

“Yeah,” the two spa ponies affirmed slightly too quickly.

“Yeah, I’ll just,” Lotus said as she went to scoop him up. However, her attempts at lifting him up off of the table only led to his slippery form gliding down her fore legs. Aloe also attempted to lift him, but he once again glided down.

“Hang on, I have idea,” Aloe said. She stood beside the side of the table, at which Lotus pushed him over onto her back. He once more began slipping, at which Aloe wobbled around to try and keep him in place, rocking her hips side to side and back and forth to try and hopefully balance him on her back. However, he’d soon get encompassed by a purple light.

“Sorry, I’ll just…” Twilight said as she brought Spike to her side. “Seriously, thank you both for… Well, you know…”

“Oh, no worries!” Aloe said. “Though, I fear we may wish to request one more thing…”

“I feel it’s in our best interest that what happened stays between us,” Lotus said.

“Yeah, I think we can all benefit from that,” Twilight affirmed.