• Published 29th Jul 2019
  • 3,579 Views, 31 Comments

Massage Stories - nobody495

Spike gets a massage one day. This leads to a lot more weird stuff happening than he realizes.

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After that, Twilight would be heading back to her home. On her way back, she glanced towards Spike as he rested on her back. He’d sometimes slide off on account of the gel all over him, but she’d use her magic to keep him up. She sighed. She was glad those two ponies were able to help him relax, but for him to be so noisy… She supposed they didn’t do anything wrong, but she felt kinda dirty having been in that room. She couldn’t believe she was feeling this way, she had no reason to. It was just a massage, just a simple, clean, wholesome, purely for his benefit massage.

And yet… Every moan he made, every wince, every gentle movement… She felt a nervous shudder run through her body as she thought back to all of those noises. Her heart beat harder, and she felt the need to wipe her lip, in case of any drool. She felt glad that she was away from it. She should, right? It made her feel so… weird… And yet, she couldn’t help but remark how empty the area around her felt without those noises. Of course it should be, on account of the lack of ponies out this late. But no, there was a very special kind of empty.

She kept walking home, before eventually making it to her front door. She opened it up, and stepped through, walking through the empty, empty halls, occasionally adjusting Spike to make sure he didn’t fall. Eventually, she made it to his room, where she’d lift him off her back with some magic, and set him upon it. She stood there a while, and thought about how she should probably go to her own bed now… She should probably go to her own bed now… She should probably…

She wasn’t exactly glued in place, no. No, she was just watching over him, feeling a slight sense of longing. She couldn’t explain it, was it really so empty here? She shook her head and huffed.

“Ngh, what am I doing?” she admonished herself. Despite that, she still found herself staring, and staring, and staring. Cautiously, she reached her forelegs out to cradle his leg. “Ok, how did they do it…?” One leg was behind his knee, so she brought the other up, and sandwich his lower leg between the two legs, squeezing just under his knee.

“N-nghm~” Spike muttered, wiggling on his bed a little. And like that, Twilight’s blush returned. There was that moan, and with it came the funny feelings. She immediately withdrew her hooves and let his sleeping body lie. She nervously paced in place as if that would shake the strange feeling out of her body. For a while, she didn’t even realize that she was holding her breath! She quickly galloped out of the room, where she’d close the door behind her, and finally release that held breath, before she panted in. As she panted, she glanced back towards the room she’d just walked out of.

Twilight took a deep breath, before exhaling. She took notice of her pumping heart, and held a chest to it.

“Geez, where did that come from?” she asked. She then sighed and set her hoof down. It felt sorta like the opposite of that emptiness earlier. Was she… longing for those sounds? She sighed. “Hm… Sh… should I? …I-I mean, it’s totally harmless… Then again, he kind of just had one…” Eventually, with a shake of her head, she left the room and instead headed towards her own bedroom. “I-I’ll just… deal with that when he’s feeling stressed…” she decided as she left.

For the next few days, Twilight would begin to put Spike through the wringer, so to say. She packed chore after chore after chore after chore on his shoulders, forcing him to go all over Ponyville and work his poor legs. Deep down she hated doing this, but she needed this, she decided. As he went about his business, she could feel that emptiness return. She needed this fast. So, she let him keep on keeping on, up to the point where he’d see him sweating, his legs wriggling beneath him in struggle. Eventually, he walked up to her, huffing and puffing.

“Twilight… A-are you sure you need me to do all of this today?” he’d ask.

“Give me a moment,” she’d say. She’d lean in and gently press her hoof against his back, feeling for tension. Though some’d build, she’d need the right amount. “It’s very important, Spike,” Twilight assured afterwards. “I’m sorry, but I’ve got business of my own to deal with, I really need you to do all of this.” That was approximately how conversations would go. At least until evening. At this moment, Twilight was sure he’d be right where she’d need him to be.

“O-ok, I think I did everything,” Spike’d wheeze out between breaths. Twilight looked over his panting, sweaty form. Even looking at him, one’d see stress squeeze his whole being. She was sure of it, even without touching him to test.

“Yes you did, Spike!” she’d say. “Now, come with me. I need to reward you real quick.”

“Oh, I’d like an award,” Spike’d wheeze out.

“Of course! Now, come and follow me,” Twilight said. She then began to head deeper into the castle, and towards her room, Spike following after her. They’d keep on walking and walking, though Twilight would try to hide an oncoming blush. She was already anticipating what her session was going to be like. She’d managed to watch those two put the squeeze on him, so to speak. She thought about how her magic could function like a hand, maybe she could squeeze him more effectively? Well, at least she has the chance to test that theory.

Soon, they each arrived in Twilight’s room, Spike feeling a little confused.

“Hm? What reward could be in here?” Spike asked. The door was then closed behind the purple pair, Spike looking back, just in time to see the door lock. Spike’s confusion got worse when Twilight’s magic plucked him from the ground, before tossing him onto the bed with a “pomf”, Twilight following after him and climbing onto her bed, her looming over him. “Wah! What are we doing on the bed, Twilight?” Twilight, meanwhile, had her hooves on his chest, gently pressing down on him.

“Don’t worry, I’m going to get rid of all of that tension,” Twilight assured. “You got all stressed out working for me, right? Well, I’ll work out all those kinks.”

“A-are you sure, Twilight? Wh-what about the professionals?” Spike asked.

“Don’t worry about them,” Twilight said assuringly. “You should know I take care to remember each and every detail~” She’d begun rubbing circles into his tight chest. And almost immediately, he let out a shuddering moan. And Twilight was already blushing. She thought it’d be simple first, she’d sit on his thighs and rub in circles, starting high up on his trunk before traveling down to his belly, keeping up the motion. Then, she went from the circular motion to simply tracing the outline of his gut, starting down at the waistline and having either hoof curl around up to his chest, netting a sigh from Spike. Gentle, tickling tingles coursed through Spike as she rubbed right upon his belly.

After a bit of that, she sat back and picked up one of his legs, propping them up such that she was looking upon his little foot. With it in position, she conjured her magic, and wrapped it up in it. Spike looked up at her confused upon hearing the twinkly noise of the magic. And then, the magic seemed to tighten slightly around him.

“O-ooogh-woah!” Spike moaned. His foot shivered and clenched up as Twilight’s magic squeezed deep into his crevices, managing to rub the scarcely-treaded space between his toes. It may not’ve been like feeling some comparatively larger hooves on him, but the smaller surface area of the massaging implement seemed to pelt his tiny body with a special level of elation. Instead of squeezing each spot equally, her magic seemed to target specific spots, from his toe joints to his heel to his sole, her magic squeezed him very specially. It wasn’t long before Twilight picked up his other leg, and wrapped up his other foot, both now enveloped in purple magic.

Twilight, meanwhile, was elated. Her heart was pumping and pumping and she herself was soaring, and it was all thanks to the music Spike moaned out. Her magic squeezed and pushed and rubbed, before traveling to his calves, where she’d similarly squeeze them, the magic wrapping around his ankles and legs like a band.

“Nm~ Twilight~” Spike moaned. He shivered and squirmed around, his noises of response only adding to Twilight’s enjoyment. Her face was flush with red as she kept on rubbing and rubbing, soon able to make it to his knees, where she’d squeeze the joint and softly rub circles into his caps. Spike cooed and wriggled his legs a little, his eyes fluttering. Soon, Spike’s various movements grew too… satiating for Twilight. She couldn’t just watch~

While her magic was giving him the work, she gently crawled towards his side, where she’d lay down on her side and wrap her hooves around his torso, pulling his side against her underbelly. She held him tight, and shut her eyes to fully enjoy his soft wriggling as she kept massaging his knees. Eventually, they’d go up to his thighs, squeezing just right upon the sensitive parts, and she could see Spike blush as that caressing magic got closer and closer to his joints. Twilight herself couldn’t help but moan softly as she felt Spike wriggle against her.

Soon, the magic was on his joints, and Spike moaned once more as the magic dug into his muscles, getting him to kick about. Her magic seemed to squeeze just right to make him kick, which only seemed to make Twilight’s heart beat faster. Twilight felt herself hug him tighter as he writhed about. She could feel him heat up, which was awfully strange, wasn’t it? This was just an innocent massage meant to reward him for his effort. Now why was he starting to get hot and bothered, even resorting to clench his thighs in defense? Then again, Twilight herself couldn’t help but feel similar.

Except, instead of the her getting all defensive and wanting to shrink away, like she can feel him squirming trying to squirm out of her grip, she felt like a predator on the prowl, this boy a little victim for her to swallow up. She shouldn’t feel this enthralled, but she was. And right now, she wanted nothing more than to indulge herself in him. She’d rubbed his abdomen for a while, so she decided to dissipate her magic after breaching the line between waist and legs. However, faster than Spike could sigh in disappointment, she’d crawled across the bed, laying Spike’s head on her lap and resting her hooves on top of his scalp.

She rubbed circles on either half of his scalp, the small dragon sighing happily. His eyes shut tight as the purple pony tended to him. At the moment, he didn’t even care that he could feel her thighs on either side of his head, he just felt nice and cozy in her grope. And as she did, her magic twinkled again, and he could feel the glow gently grip his earfins.

“O-oh~!” Spike moaned, his body shuddering as the magic rubbed him down. From base to tip, then back to base, it was like soft fingers rubbed circles into his fin. There were few muscles in it, but the simple touch felt very soothing. Twilight, meanwhile, was still rubbing his scalp, before reaching around behind his fins and rubbing, then pulling up to gently grasp his cheeks, which she squished around. Twilight could still feel herself blushing as she tended to his head. She sighed and found herself leaning over him as she kept on rubbing and rubbing.

After that, she used her magic to flip Spike over, him now face down. Thank goodness he’d chosen to shut his eyes, else he might see… Either way, Twilight decided to bring her legs beneath her to cross them defensively, hoping to shield herself. With him down, she’d rub the back of his head, smiling contently. She’d rub the back of his head and curl around to rub his sides. Meanwhile, her magic would ignite, and with him like this, she decided to be a little more daring.

She conjured her magic again. She could start anywhere pleasant, anywhere normal, any plain spot to rub. But instead, her pumping heart told her she needed to target… there. Her magic extended forth, before wrapping just under Spike’s buttocks. Spike gasped as he felt the magic begin to squeeze around, the magic seeming to squeeze and stroke the surface, sides, and between his cheeks. He wriggled around and shook, and Twilight could feel his blush burning into her legs. She released a breath she didn’t even realize she was holding as her magic stroked and squeezed and rubbed.

Eventually, she decided she’d messed with his rump enough. Soon, her magic retreated and instead held the base of his tail, squeezing it. Spike sighed and nuzzled into place, still resting on Twilight’s hindlegs. Her magic stroked his tail, from the base to the tip, a motion nopony tried before. Spike moaned as his previously untouched tail was worked. Twilight smiled and brought her hooves down towards his mid back, leaning over him as she rubbed just under his shoulder blades. The combination helped soothe the dragon, who’d practically swooned at the feeling of both sensations, her magic squeezing his tail and her hooves bearing down on his back.

She simply made circles into his back, her magic soon releasing his tail in order to come up and weave between his spikes as it traveled up his back. And at that, he heard the small dragon gasp out in sheer bliss. He was so happy in her grasp, so happy. Twilight was managing to get all nose nasty little bits that ponies before now were unable to touch. And judging by the tension between his spikes, he really, really needed somepony to touch there. Twilight couldn’t help but feel a little special, having gotten herself right where nopony else had been. Surely she holds a special place in his heart now…

Twilight shook her head a little.

Where did that come from?! she pondered to herself. This was just a massage! Why was she getting all giddy about what Spike must be feeling? It was just a massage… just a massage… and she just happened to stumble across a spot that Spike really needed tended to now. And she was more than happy to tend to that poor sport with great vigor. Her magic kept on traveling up the dragon’s spine, fitting between each spike to rub at the stress-filled spot each protrusion hid.

Twilight hummed merrily as she rubbed and rubbed, herself leaning forwards more and more, bringing more of her body looming above Spike as she worked out as many kinks as she could, her magic going in a direction opposite her hooves, her magic targeting harder to reach spots while her hooves grasped at anything else. From his shoulders to his midback, eventually down to his hips she went, her magic soon making it around his neck. There, it’d soothingly squeeze at it, squeezing towards the back before going towards the front as gently as a breath.

Spike gave a little shake as he felt his neck almost tickled. Twilight couldn’t help but giggle a little at his movements. She smiled warmly as she finally got back to his thighs, where she’d squeeze down on them, pressing them into the mattress. For a while, she’d almost though Spike’d fallen asleep… when she heard a crunch.

Immediately Twilight’s eyes opened up and she leapt off of Spike, looking over him.

“O-oh no no,” Twilight muttered to herself. “T-tell how bad it hurts, Spike!” she ordered, concern dripped from her voice. Then she heard another crunch, this one occurring while she staid away from him. Spike began to lift himself up, certainly not appearing to be in pain.

“What do you mean, Twilight?” he asked. The purple pony was confused, before she heard another crunch. She turned towards the source, the bedroom door. She opened it up and peered outside… spying a very guilty looking Rarity, and Pinkie Pie, who was holding a bag of popcorn. The two of them were pressed awfully close to the wall, ear first. Rarity felt guilt wash over her as she saw Twilight glaring at the two of them, to the point where she was beginning to pour with sweat. She then snapped her gaze towards Pinkie, as if trying to make the party-loving pony out to be the guilty party.

Pinkie shrugged, and munched down on another kernel.

“Are we at the intermission now?” she asked. Twilight sighed and planted one of her fore-hooves into her face.

“This isweird!”

After that day, massages would be a little less frequent, at least while Twilight had a say in it. And she does have a say an awful lot of the time.