• Published 2nd Dec 2019
  • 2,696 Views, 384 Comments

Twilight's Reign - James Pwyll

Twilight now rules over Equestria, and she is determined to rule it well

  • ...

Reaching Out

Since her coronation, Twilight had received many visitors to discuss important matters. Some she'd known for a long time, while others were only just being met that day. But today brought a smile to her face as she considered who was coming to see her. Spike too seemed to be eager as he shifted in his chair. The two shared a glance, and though no words passed between them, it was clear that they were both looking forward to this. The silence ended when the great doors of the throne room opened at last, and Flash Sentry entered as he so often did, giving a salute to his Princess. "Announcing the arrival of Sunset Shimmer!"

Twilight stood after the announcement, and sure enough she watched as her guard stood to one side, revealing her otherworldly friend. Sunset smiled as she entered, glancing around and obviously reliving old memories from her own time in this place. Spike, forgetting the usual protocol, rushed out of his chair to greet her, leaping to her and hugging her tightly. Though taken aback at first, Sunset soon chuckled, returning the hug. "Good to see you too, Spike."

The Princess of Equestria didn't wait for her friend to reach the bottom of the stairs, and instead moved down herself, gliding gracefully from her throne to land just a few feet away from her fellow student of Celestia. "It's good you could make it."

Sunset smiled back to her. "Hey, I'm just sorry I wasn't here for the coronation. I hear it was quite the event."

Twilight blushed. "Trust me, I'd love to catch you up on everything that's happened. But..."

Sunset nodded. "I know. You wouldn't have called me here just for a casual bit of chit-chat."

Twilight nodded solemnly, then glanced left and right before leaning in closer. "Even so..."

Sunset smirked to her. "They're all doing fine over there, Twilight. In fact..." She reached behind herself, into the saddle-bag that rested upon her back, before pulling out a small photograph. Smiling to it, she offered it to the young Princess. "They wanted me to give this to you, since they couldn't be here themselves."

Twilight accepted the gift, looking to it and smiling warmly. It was a photo of all of her human friends from the other world. From the looks of it they were all seated at that world's version of Sugar Cube Corner, and they were smiling and waving to the camera with the words "hope to see you soon" scribbled in the bottom. Sighing contentedly, Twilight looked up to Sunset again. "Thank you. This means a great deal to me."

Sunset shrugged. "Well, who knows? Maybe they can make their way here one day for a proper visit."

Twilight grinned at the prospect. "Nothing would please me more." But before she could continue, she noted a slight poking in her side, prompting her to look down and see that it was Spike, who gave her a knowing look. Sighing, Twilight assumed her now-practised regal tone. "But as you know, there is important business to attend to."

Sunset nodded. "Of course." With that, the three of them moved to the side after Twilight gestured to a small table beside one of the massive strained-glass windows of the chamber. As they moved there, Sunset took a moment to appreciate all the events depicted in those windows, especially the ones involving Twilight and what she and her friends had accomplished. But eventually, they reached the table, and after sitting down beside it, Celestia's former student looked to her royal friend with curiosity. "So...what's the big plan, Princess?"

Twilight took a single, calming breath, then looked to Sunset with a smile. "I wanted you to be the first to know...that I plan on opening diplomatic relations between Equestria and the human world."

At first, Sunset was stunned to hear such a thing, as anypony would. But as the moments passed, that feeling dimmed, and she instead put on a small smile and slowly nodded. "I had a feeling this might happen sooner or later. Our two worlds have had so much to do with each other in recent years it would have been unlikely to think some sort of official talks between them wouldn't happen at some point."

Spike gestured to her. "Well, with all the magic, monsters and baddies that world has had to deal with because of Equestria, it's sort of our responsibility to at least approach them in some way."

Sunset nodded in agreement. "Well, I'm sure all our friends back there would be pretty eager to establish closer ties with Equestria, as would anyone who's had some involvement with you." She paused, tapping her chin with her hoof. "I do foresee some difficulties though. For the most part, the notion of magic and other worlds would, at best, be seen as the work of fiction over there. Letting people know that it really does exist would be a pretty big announcement, and one they'd have a hard time with at that."

Twilight sighed. "I know. Something like this needs to be handled with care and delicacy. One wrong move and we risk causing unnecessary panic. Worst case scenario, they'll see Equestria as a danger."

Spike chuckled. "Mostly because of all the dangers we've put on them." Seeing the slightly irritated looks he was getting from the two mares over that remark, Spike nervously poked the ends of his claws together. "Right, staying quiet now."

Shaking her head to that, Sunset glanced up to Twilight again. "I recommend making your overtures as soon as you can. Chances are word about magic and the like will be spreading pretty far by this point."

Twilight nodded solemnly. "Because of the yacht incident, I assume?"

"Not just that," Sunset added. "There have been other instances of magic, far beyond the area of Canterlot. It's not just something confined to a single town anymore. Word is getting out, and it's likely going to keep happening."

A sigh from the Princess. "I feared as much."

Sunset leaned forward. "And since a about a hundred human civilians were taken through a magic island portal through Equestria itself, chances are that'll be common knowledge in the near-future too."

Twilight glanced to the side. "There's a lot that will need to be done, I know. We'll need to send messages to their world's leaders. We'll need to build embassies. We'll need to maybe try and establish that island portal as an official meeting place between our two worlds."

Spike looked to her. "That thing leads straight underneath Equestria's capital. So yeah, we'll need to keep an eye on it."

Sunset, hearing that point in particular, started to look worried. "Ever since we went to that island, I've been wondering, or worrying rather, that there might be other portals out there between our worlds. Portals we don't even know about. What if someone or somepony just falls through one by accident?"

Here, Twilight smiled. "Oh, no need to worry on that front, Sunset. Let's just say I have one or two ponies out there already to keep an eye out for strange magical goings on."

Sunset smiled back. "I had a feeling you'd want to cover the bases. And you know, it might actually go rather well, us and them making formal introductions and all."

Twilight tilted her head slightly. "Oh?"

Sunset nodded. "There might have been a lot of bad coming through, but there's also been a lot of good. The magic me and the other girls have has been used to help a lot of people. So when it eventually gets revealed that magic is out there, at least there'll be a base of goodwill towards it through our actions."

Twilight took a moment to enjoy some of the tea that had been here on the table since they sat there, thinking hard on Sunset's words. " I hope you're right. This isn't like meetings between Equestria and Griffonstone. These are two worlds that, for the most part, don't have any real knowledge of one another. The mere fact that they exist will be enough of a shock, but to discover that there's already been involvement between them, and that not all of it has been benevolent, will take some getting used to."

Sunset gave a sigh of her own. "I know. But..." She reached over, patting Twilight on the hoof. "If there's anypony who can do it, it's you."

Twilight blushed again. "Thank you, Sunset. That means a lot."

Spike stepped closer to her, patting her on the side. "Come on, Twilight, you deserve the praise. How many dragons, changelings and griffons would be friends today if it wasn't for you?"

Sunset looked to her fellow mare, impressed. "Honestly, if you'd have told me back then that that would happen one day, I'd have called you nuts."

Twilight giggled. "Well...I try."

Taking a sip of her own tea, Sunset began to speak more casually. "So, since we've established all that stuff, how about we take a moment to do that 'catching up' now?"

Twilight practically beamed over that. "I'd be honored."

Sunset nodded, then cast a sly look over her shoulder. "So...I couldn't help but notice that your guard there bears a pretty strong resemblance to a certain...musician."

Twilight, seeing the smirk Sunset gave her soon after saying that, gave herself a facehoof. "Oh no! Not you too!"

Author's Note:

Well, I did say I'd get back to this eventually 😊