• Published 2nd Dec 2019
  • 2,704 Views, 384 Comments

Twilight's Reign - James Pwyll

Twilight now rules over Equestria, and she is determined to rule it well

  • ...


Spike looked out of the window eagerly, his tail wagging with as much energy as that of a dog. For a moment, Twilight was tempted to remind him of his form from the human world, but thought better of it, instead waiting for her trusted aide to return to her side. "Think they'll have any interesting stories to tell?" he asked excitedly.

A quick giggle from the young princess. "Who knows? It was quite a task they'd set for themselves, trying to fill our horseshoes, but I have every confidence that they'll be able to handle it."

Spike's smile widened. "Well, they had a good teacher to get them started."

Twilight blushed, but otherwise said nothing, for it was here when Flash spoke out in his usual, loud way. "Announcing the arrival of Gallus, Silverstream, Ocellus, Yona, Smolder and Sandbar!"

Stepping aside, the stallion allowed for the opening of the great doors, and the reveal of the six youths whom he'd declared the arrival of. Being as young as they were, they were of course largely unsure of how to behave in a place as pristine and high-class as the very palace of the nation, with the notable exception of Silverstream. Being royalty herself, she naturally knew the proper etiquette when approaching Twilight, and so gave a deep bow, followed shortly by her friends. Twilight returned the gesture, and as soon as they were at the base of the steps leading up to her throne, she broke the silence. "It's good to see you all again. How go your studies?"

Sandbar was the first of them to speak, looking quite happy to do so. "They're going great. Starlight's a pretty good Headmare, so I mean it when I say that the school's running just as smoothly as it was when you were in charge."

Twilight nodded to him. "I'm very glad to hear that."

Smolder snorted. "But, as good as the schoolwork is, I'm pretty sure that's not why you called us here."

Some of the more conservative members of Twilight's court might have called that kind of tone insubordination. But, thankfully for the six children, it was not they, but Twilight who had heard it. "Indeed. I am very interested to learn how your true life task is going."

Ocellus was next, looking as nervous as she usually did. "Well, it was definitely a lot to take on. We were all happy to do it of course, but it was only when we got started that we realised how big a job it is."

A solemn nod from Equestria's leader. "I can imagine. Trying to fix friendship problems across the nation and beyond was always a tough task even when my friends and I were doing it. You six have had to start out not only without the years of experience we began with, but also with a palace that no longer even points you in the right direction."

Yona smiled widely to that. "It no problem! Ocellus very smart! She find way to figure out good places to look!" she declared, giving the friend in question a heart pat on the shoulder, causing the expected blush on the latter's part.

Twilight looked to Ocellus herself, her youthful curiosity coming back to her with a vengeance. "I'd be quite fascinated to hear of your methods, Ocellus. I'll be sure to come and visit you someday when you have time."

Ocellus nodded meekly, but nevertheless looked honoured by the request. Instead, it was Silverstream who spoke next. "Our first mission went great! Ocellus was right on the money when she figured Griffonstone as a place where friendship problems could be found!"

Gallus sighed, glancing away briefly. "Yeah, but not without a few bumps along the way."

That comment earned him Twilight's undivided attention. "Oh?"

Gallus knew he'd caught her interest, but some mild discomfort in him was as clear as day to everycreature else, with Silverstream giving him a reassuring claw upon his shoulder. The two smiled to one another, and Twilight surmised that, whatever their first mission had been, it had clearly been a personal matter for the young Griffon, and so silently decided not to press the matter. "In any case, I want you all to know that I'm very proud of all of you. Your commitment to helping ponies, Griffons and everycreature else is a true inspiration."

Gallus chuckled drily. "I'm pretty sure you and your friends are still the real inspiration in the land, your Majesty. Me and the guys here? I doubt anycreature is gonna see us as heroes like they do with you."

In response, Twilight shrugged. "Maybe. But maybe not." She began to descend down her stairs, with Spike close behind her. "Don't forget, it wasn't so many years ago that my start in life was as humble as yours. I may have been Celestia's student, but few, if any, would have guessed that I or my friends would go on to do the amazing things we ended up doing." Reaching them, she too placed a hoof on Gallus' shoulder. "To many, the real heroes of Equestria were those like Starswirl, or Rockhoof. Great, grand names that would cast large shadows over anypony who would try to make a name for themselves." She looked to each of them with a genuine smile. "But in the end, I look to all of you in the same way Starswirl and his fellow Pillars looked to me or Fluttershy or Applejack or any of us. You are not replacements or shades, you are your own generation, your own heroes. Worthy of standing where we stood and doing the good work of friendship."

Silverstream squealed with delight. "Eeeeeeee! Royal endorsement! How great is that?!"

Folding her arms, Smolder snickered. "Not a bad start to the day, I'll say that."

"We won't let you down, Princess!" Ocellus declared.

Twilight nodded to her, still smiling. "I know you won't. Any of you."

The mood was pleasant, but of course, leave it to Spike to bring up other matters shortly afterwards. "So...anycreature want to pay a visit to the filly Twilight adopted?"

As expected, Silverstream's eyes widened with delight and amazement upon hearing those words. "There's...THERE'S A BABY HERE?!?!"

Giggling again, Twilight once more looked to her oldest friend. "Well, let it never be said she hasn't got her priorities straight."

Author's Note:

And with that, I think we have another good point to finish off with for the time being. As before I don't know if I'll get back to it, but in case I don't I thank everyone who read this and enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 9 )

Awesome interaction here between Twilight/Spike & the Young 6, well done!:twilightsmile:

Looking forward to your next story!:moustache:

Twilight blushed, but otherwise said nothing, for it was here when Flash spoke out in his usual, loud way. "Announcing the arrival of Gallus, Silverstream, Ocellus, Yona, Smolder and Sandbar!"

Gasp omg it's the young 6 😃

Ocellus nodded meekly, but nevertheless looked honoured by the request. Instead, it was Silverstream who spoke next. "Our first mission went great! Ocellus was right on the money when she figured Griffonstone as a place where friendship problems could be found!"

Oh yeah I remember that story that was like that very first big friendship Mission and even though it was bittersweet but it's a start somewhere

Wow what a way to end the story having the young six talking with Twilight and Spike how much is a grown throughout the years even from the ups and downs they always find a way to bring friendship to every pony and creatures wow this was a really good story keep up the good work

Interesting stopping point. I should keep tracking this story just in case you decide to start updating it again.

The mood was pleasant, but of course, leave it to Spike to bring up other matters shortly afterwards. "So...anycreature want to pay a visit to the filly Twilight adopted?"

As expected, Silverstream's eyes widened with delight and amazement upon hearing those words. "There's...THERE'S A BABY HERE?!?!"

He said "filly" Silverstream, not "foal".

"Let the word go forth, from this day and age, to friend and foe alike: That the torch has been passed to a new generation!" I believe that quote sums it up better than anything else. :twistnerd:

Very good job on this last chapter (at least for the time being, maybe). Really appreciate the work that went into the exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up. Not much I can say that other reviewers haven't already said better, but I WILL be looking forward to more of your work in general.

And of course you deleted my comment and block me because you really don't like to listen to reason and you just going to keep bugging other people and spamming nonsense to everybody

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