• Published 2nd Dec 2019
  • 2,696 Views, 384 Comments

Twilight's Reign - James Pwyll

Twilight now rules over Equestria, and she is determined to rule it well

  • ...

The Contest

Twilight always enjoyed a good flight, and today was no exception. Plus, being able to get away from the politics of Canterlot was good as far as she was concerned. There was, after all, only so much of stuffy unicorn nobility she could take in a single week. So, for now at least, she contented herself with enjoying the feel of the wind through her mane as she and Spike travelled in the chariot that, once upon a time, would have been used solely by Princess Celestia. The two pegasus guards, veterans of this particular task, were performing their usual duties admirably, dodging and weaving around the various clouds in their path with their usual grace and giving a very comfortable ride in the process. Glancing down from her platform, Twilight smiled at the sight of Equestria below, being reminded full well of her first journey to Ponyville. But, it was neither that fond home of hers nor Canterlot she was journeying to today, as the magnificent form of Cloudsdale soon arrived into view in the distance. Twilight's smile grew, for her ears could, even from this far away, pick up all the cheers coming from the city in readiness for what she herself was hoping to see. "Isn't this exciting, Spike?"

Her closest aide smiled back. "It sure is. But..." His smile faded as he tapped the side of their vehicle. "Is it really worth us going there in this thing? I mean, not to put too fine a point on it, but you and I do have a pair of perfectly good wings for this," he emphasised by flapping his own.

Twilight sighed. "I know, I know, but you know how all those advisors were back there. It's just tradition to make an entrance as a princess. So, I suppose we'll just have to grin and bear all the pomp and circumstance."

Spike grimaced, folding his arms and leaning against the side. "I know, but remember, you put me in charge of Equestria's finances, and I just don't think going from place to place in a solid gold chariot is really the best use of bits when we can both fly."

Twilight giggled, patting him on the shoulder. "I'm glad you're taking your responsibilities seriously, Spike. Tell you what, how about we trade it in for a sliver one when we get back? Because honestly I think that's as good as I can do with all the castle staff being as stuck in their ways as they are."

Spike rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I guess it'll have to do, for now anyway."

Twilight glanced upwards, her smile returning, which prompted Spike to look ahead also. They had arrived at the famed pegasus city, and in particular they were heading to the massive flight arena on the outskirts of the place. From the looks of things it was as if every pegasus in the city was here, and all of them were cheering with excitement, not only for the arrival of their newest princess, but also the event itself. "I can still remember how exciting our first Young Fliers Competition was. I hope this one will be good too."

Spike arched an eyebrow to her. "If by 'exciting' you mean utterly terrifying because one of our closest friends was falling to her doom, then sure."

Twilight blushed at her apparent forgetting of that particular point, and she coughed slightly to clear her throat. "Yes, well, I'm confident something like that won't happen this time. I mean, if nothing else, it hasn't been long enough since the incident for ponies to forget about it."

In response, Spike's eyebrow arched even higher. "Twilight, it's been ten years since the one Rainbow and Rarity were a part of."

Twilight's head snapped in his direction, and she looked to him with utter bafflement. "What?! No! It can't have been! It was only..." Her voice trailed off, and Spike knew that, had she the hands of her otherworldly human form, she'd have been counting off her fingers right now. Instead, he watched as a look of horror crossed her face, and she attempted to put on a more regal and dignified look in his presence. "Well...it's not really that concerning how much time has passed, is it?"

Spike, still keeping his arms folded, chuckled. "You just felt yourself get older, didn't you?"

Twilight's eye narrowed. "Not. Helping." Spike knew her well enough not to push further, and in any case now was not the time to press the matter. Because the two had been flown directly into the exact same spot Princess Celestia herself once stood in audience to this event. And with the landing complete, Twilight disembarked, followed shortly by Spike. The young monarch gave a nod to her two charioteers, who bowed in response before flying off. Here, in the special royal box, the two of them had a grand view of the entire arena, and all of the crowds cheered loudly in the presence of their new leader. Twilight smiled to them all, giving a customary wave, like what she remembered her mentor giving to audiences a thousand times over. Eventually, and after waiting for the crowds to finally quieten down, Twilight cleared her throat, and while she was tempted to use the Royal Canterlot Voice to address them, she had done enough of these speeches by now to make herself heard without them. "Citizens of Cloudsdale! I thank you for welcoming me to your fine city! Now, it is my honour to open this, the annual Young Fliers Competition! May our contestants prove their mettle on this fine day!"

The crowds resumed their cheering, and Spike, leaning over the edge of the box, looked around in every area of clear sky he could see, as if expecting to see something. Eventually, he glanced back to Twilight, his expression a mix of both hopefulness and nervousness. "Think she'll be here?"

Twilight smirked. "Oh, trust me, she wouldn't miss it." Then, her ears perked up, as the distinct sound of high-speed flying began to make itself known above the collective noise of the crowd. "Ah, right on cue." All eyes, hers and Spike's included, looked upwards, and just in time to see three trails zooming across the open blue above them. As before, the Wonderbolts had arrived to greet the opening of the contest. But this was not the old-guard trio of Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot that had been here when Twilight for came to this contest years ago. No, these were the newest frontrunners of that famed flying institution. Newcomers Vapour and Sky, and in the middle of the formation, leading them with her usual confidence and flair, was Rainbow Dash. That very name was now being chanted among the crowd, which Twilight knew would please Rainbow's ego to no end, and the princess watched as her friend flew upwards, higher and higher, preparing herself for what she knew was coming. Then, in a flash, she did it, a sonic rainboom, sending a bright circle of colour in every direction, much to the amazement of the gathered pegasi, and Twilight's amusement. "I had a feeling she wouldn't be able to resist another one of those in this contest."

Spike nodded, clapping to their friend's performance. "Rainbow, Cloudsdale and a sonic rainboom. Like old times, eh, Twilight?"

Twilight sighed with nostalgia, placing her hoof gently upon Spike's shoulder. "Yes, Spike. Like old times." Turning, she watched as Rainbow and her two wing-ponies took position in their own box, just on the other side of the arena to where Twilight and Spike were. Across from her, Rainbow took her goggles off, and while Vapor and Sky gave the usual bow, their leader gave a wink in Twilight's direction, which Twilight herself was glad to return. With the opening performance done, however, the princess of Equestria stepped forward, again looking to the crowds who were all giving her their undivided attention. As Twilight looked down to see that the first of the titular young fliers were lining themselves up on the grounds below, she smiled and nodded to them all, before finally speaking aloud to the entire arena. "Let the games begin!"

Author's Note:

Yep, another old story back from the grave. Hope you enjoy ๐Ÿ˜Š