• Published 2nd Dec 2019
  • 2,711 Views, 384 Comments

Twilight's Reign - James Pwyll

Twilight now rules over Equestria, and she is determined to rule it well

  • ...

Unprecedented Unions

"So, any word from Daring?" Twilight asked.

Spike rummaged around the pile of scrolls on the table, before smiling at one in particular. "Yep. Her and Caballeron managed to find a pretty nasty artefact in some desert temple somewhere. Apparently it's called the Ginna...Ginnag...Well, it's called something, and they're gonna be bringing it back to be properly locked up."

Twilight smiled. "Good. One less dangerous artefact out there. And the Wonderbolts?"

Spike's smile widened. "Going good so far. They've had a pretty big intake of non-pony recruits, like you hoped. Some of the Changeling kids are having confidence issues, but aside from that things seem to be going along smoothly."

Leaning back into her own chair, Twilight sighed. "I'm glad to hear it." Then, before she had the chance to speak to her advisor further, she was interrupted by the sound of somepony clearing their throat to her right. Turning, both she and Spike saw that it was Flash, helm at his side, who gave her a salute, prompting another smile from Twilight. "Good morning, Flash. Nothing bad, I hope?"

Flash, putting his helmet back on again, shook his head. "No, Ma'am. We have some visitors to see you. They didn't have a scheduled appointment, but they had something important they wished to discuss with you."

Twilight considered that. She wasn't in her usual royal garb for official addresses or visits, but she nevertheless felt fine with receiving somepony here today, and so gave a small nod to her guard. "Very well. Let them in."

Flash nodded, turning and giving a nod of his own to the two guards who stood watch on either side of the throne room's doors. They, in turn, gave a salute before opening said doors, and Twilight moved herself away from the table on the side to the middle of the room. Here, with Spike beside her, she watched as two ponies, maybe a couple of years younger than her, entered. A stallion and a mare, both of whom looked nervous to be here, especially when they saw the Princess. Twilight, for her part, was happy to see them, giving a quick bow of her head. "Welcome to the palace. To whom do I have the honor of speaking to today?"

The stallion stepped forward, clearing his throat. "Um...my name is Oak. And this..." He gestured to the mare beside him. "This is Rose."

The mare timidly walked beside Oak, giving a deep bow to Twilight. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess."

Twilight was used to ponies being unsure around her, but she nevertheless returned the bow. "And to you, Rose." Standing tall again, she looked to them both before speaking up again. "Now then, how can I help?"

Oak and Rose looked to each other, silently staring, as if worried about what was going to happen, and Twilight was sure to give them as much time as they needed to get their thoughts in order. Eventually, Rose herself was the one to finally speak. "We...well...we were wondering if you could be so kind as to give us...your blessing."

Twilight arched an eyebrow. "My...blessing?"

Here, a blush came to Rose's cheeks. "Your blessing...to marry."

Slowly, Twilight's face lit up, and it was mere moments later when she sounded as giddy as a school-filly. "Of course you can have my blessing! I'm so happy for both of you!"

But, rather than the excitement or happiness that she might have expected, both Oak and Rose started to look concerned. They silently looked to each other again, and then, after a moment, it was Oak who spoke next. "We're grateful, but...before you grant that to us, there's something you should know."

Twilight was confused, but said nothing as Rose continued her betrothed's words. "We're not what you'd call a...usual couple."

Twilight titled her head slightly. "I'm...not sure I follow."

Rose hesitated, then looked to Oak, who smiled warmly to her. "It's okay, honey. You can show her."

Again, Rose paused, looking around the room to everypony here. She gulped, and then, after making sure she was as calm as possible, she closed her eyes. Immediately, Twilight was taken aback to discover that this unassuming mare was now engulfed in what appeared to be magical flames. Her guards did their duty, rushing forward to protect their Princess, but Twilight raised a hoof and halted them. For those flames lasted mere seconds, and when they died down, the one who stood there was not a pony mare, but instead a female Changeling. Rose opened her now-insectoid eyes, and again looked wracked with nervousness. "This...is what I really am."

Suddenly, all the pieces came together in Twilight's mind. The nerves, the downright fear they were feeling while they were in her presence. It was all clear now. But Twilight, looking to both of them, spoke calmly. "How...how did you two meet?"

Oak spoke first. "I was part of a travelling merchant group, and with the Changeling Empire opening up to Equestrians, it was decided that they might be interested in our wares."

Rose nodded, smiling to him. "I was there when they arrived, and after a bit of haggling he and I got to talking. We struck up a friendship and, well...one thing led to another."

Twilight considered them both. "I see. Well, I hope you realise that a union like this has...well...never been done before."

Rose's ears, or at least the Changeling equivalent of them, drooped slightly. "I know. And if you decide the world isn't ready for something like this, we'll understand."

To that, Twilight frowned. "I never said that."

Rose and Oak looked to her with surprise, with the latter's voice wobbling just a tiny bit as he spoke. "You mean...you're not unhappy with...this?"

Twilight smiled to him. "Changelings have been our friends and allies for some time now. Having ponykind and them grow closer is something I've been working towards for a long while." She glanced to Rose. "True, I never really considered this to be a consequence of that friendship, but you will not find me unhappy about it."

Naturally, validation like this caused no end of joy for the young couple, who eagerly embraced one another, much to Twilight's delight. In fact, so wrapped up were they in their loving moment that they even kissed, right in front of her, causing her to blush and look away. Realising what they'd just done in front of the ruler of all Equestria, they parted, looking somewhat embarrassed over the matter. "Oh! Um...sorry about that, Princess," Oak apologised.

But Twilight simply giggled. "It's no problem. My own sister-in-law is the Princess of Love, so trust me, public displays like that are nothing new to me."

However, Rose soon started to look worried again. "I'm grateful to you being accepting of this, but...we know there's a lot of people out there who might not take kindly to us. I know ponies and Changelings haven't always had the most positive of relationships."

Twilight frowned. "If anypony gives you grief over this, they'll have me to answer to. My friends and I have spent years trying to make our world into one where people from all corners can come together. If you two have found love, then I know we've succeeded. And to those who look down on you, who say you're 'wrong' for loving one another...those kinds of people simply aren't worth giving the time of day to."

The two visitors smiled with appreciation to her, bowing simultaneously to her. "Thank you, Princess. You have no idea how long we've been wanting somepony to say that to us."

Twilight bowed back, then gave them a knowing smile. "It's no trouble. And for the record, if you're struggling with preparations for the wedding, I have a certain somepony in mind who can help you out with finding a good dress for it."

They both beamed at that, and after giving one final bow they finally tarted to back away, before turning and leaving the throne room proper. Twilight waved them off, and after the doors of the room had been closed, Spike looked up to her with interest. "If I were you, I'd get a letter to Cadance over this. Chances are she'll be eager to hear about it."

Twilight sighed. "Oh, no doubt. She'll be squealing with joy for hours over a new kind of relationship starting to happen."

Then, Spike started to take on a worried look of his own. "Do...do you think they'll be okay? I mean, you and I both know that there are ponies who don't even like the idea of different peoples going to school together. When this gets out, there's probably going to be more than a few who'll have some harsh things to say about it."

In response, Twilight frowned. "For a long time now, I have fought against that kind of intolerance, and I fully intend to continue to fight it. In the past, we were all divided, Spike. Ponies, dragons, hippogriffs, all of us. Those walls are coming down, and a new era is coming in after it." She turned, looking out of the nearest window. "And I promise you...those old, divided days will never come back."