• Published 2nd Dec 2019
  • 2,711 Views, 384 Comments

Twilight's Reign - James Pwyll

Twilight now rules over Equestria, and she is determined to rule it well

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"You know something, Spike?" Twilight asked.

"What?" the young dragon asked back, looking to her with worry.

Twilight sighed. "There are days when I knew this position wasn't going to be pleasant. No ruler ever goes their whole reign without at least one bad day. And today..." Her eyes closed. "Is definitely not a good day for me."

Spike reached over, patting her on the side and causing her to look to him as he offered her a small smile. "I know, but...you can do this. I know you can."

Twilight too smiled, thankful at the small comfort he gave her. But again, it was only a small comfort, and their smiles faded when they looked up together. They were not alone here in the throne room today, and there was far more than just a few guards or some daily visitor. Here a great many had gathered, nobles and commoners alike, and they all stood in groups on either side of the chamber. Taking a deep breath, Twilight stepped forward from her throne, causing all here to look to her. She stood at the edge of the stairs that led down from said throne, putting on her most serious expression, before stretching out her hoof and pointing forward. "Bring him in."

The guards at that end of the room saluted to her, opening the door as ordered. All turned to look upon the one who now entered. A rather scruffy-looking stallion, walking slowly into the room while being accompanied by several guards, with Flash at their head. The most notable thing about this stallion however was the fact that he had chains around his hooves, which naturally hindered his movements. Nopony said a word, not even him, but this silence was broken by Flash when they at last reached the base of the stairs that led to Twilight's throne. "Princess Twilight. This is the criminal you have been told about. His name is Rough Edge, and he was seen having started a tavern brawl some time last night. There was a great deal of fighting before the city guard were able to arrive and intervene. And before they did..." He frowned as he looked back to Rough. "This stallion had seriously injured one of the other ponies there."

Twilight too frowned. "How is she?"

Flash sighed before answering. "The doctor's report states that she's stable, though the injury was still quite bad. Chances are it'll be a while before her hind leg is recovered enough for her to walk on it."

Twilight nodded to him. "Thank you, Flash." She watched as he saluted to her, stepping forward and allowing Rough to be escorted just a few steps closer. Here, he was stopped, fully surrounded by the guards, refusing to even look up to her. Twilight, by contrast, gave him her full attention. "Before we begin here, have you anything to say?" The stallion remained silent after that, earning him the scorn of many of the surrounding guards. Twilight took a moment to glance down to Spike, who was similarly concerned, before again turning her gaze to Flash. "I hear this stallion has other crimes to his name?"

A grim nod from the guard. "He has." Reaching behind himself, Flash produced a parchment, which rolled out onto the floor. "He is charged with numerous counts of unnecessary aggression towards Canterlot citizens. Multiple acts of theft, many of which were conducted violently. Vandalism, with his targets usually being ponies' homes. Shall I continue, your Highness?"

Twilight shook her head. "No. That will be all." She watched Flash give her another salute, then focused her attention on Rough. Nopony said anything for a time, but eventually Twilight finally addressed him. "I know of you, Mr Edge. You used to serve as one of the associates of Dr Caballeron, yes?"

Rough unceremoniously spat on the floor after hearing that name, much to the chagrin of the guards nearby, before looking up to his Judge. "That old coot ain't got no business with me anymore. He cut us loose when you and yours made him go legit."

Twilight frowned. "I offered the Doctor a chance to do some good. And rest assured, that's exactly what he's doing right now. Under supervision of course."

But Rough was unconcerned. "I don't care what he's dong now. All I care about is that me and the guys had nothing to do once he was done with us. We were a tight crew for years, and then, boom, left behind."

"Be that as it may, taking your frustrations out on innocent ponies is far from an acceptable thing to do. I hope you understand that you've committed several serious crimes? Ponies have been hurt by you, and there is no doubt in my mind that you'd likely have continued to do wrong if you hadn't been apprehended by the Guard."

Rough stayed quiet for a few moments, then cast her a scornful look. "I don't care about them. I don'rt care about the Boss..." His eyes narrowed. "And I don't care about you." There were, of course, many angry murmurs in the crowd over his disrespectful remarks towards the Princess. But like with everything else, he ignored them. "Just throw me in a cell if you want. We all know that's where I'm heading."

Twilight took a deep breath, looking down to Spike for a second or two, before again turning her gaze to Rough. "Doubtless there are many here who would love nothing more than for me to do that. For me to throw you in some dungeon and throw away the key." The looks of pleasure on the faces of many in the crowd proved her suspicions on that count, but she kept on speaking. "But you should know...I have no intention of having you spend the rest of your life in some cold cell. Not even in the face of all the terrible things you've done."

Slowly, Rough looked to her, clearly confused. "You...what?"

Twilight stepped forward. "Mr Edge...I intend to give you an opportunity not unlike that which was offered to your former employer."

All eyes were upon her, and none bore more shock and surprise than Rough himself. However, this sentiment on his part was short-lived, as he soon burst out laughing. "What?! You think you're gonna make me into one of your little servants? Trotting around Equestria on goodwill missions or something?"

Twilight's expression was a stony one. "Do not mistake my words for a pardon. You've seriously hurt the citizens of this city, and you will be paying the price for those actions. But when that price has been paid, and you step out again into the light, there's no need for you to keep on wandering back-alleys without a goal in your life."

To that, Rough's dismissive attitude seemed to wane, if only a little. "So...what are you doing to me, exactly?"

Twilight paused, briefly, then addressed the entire crowd. "Let it be known that for the crime of willingly committing injuries to another pony, Rough Edge is hereby sentenced to a year of imprisonment." She waited for the resulting murmurs to die down somewhat, before then locking her eyes with Rough's again. "But when you walk free from that, we will speak again. Because I promise you, I will not allow anypony to simply go through life being a danger to others. There can be an outlet, a purpose to your life, Rough. But whatever it may be..." Her face softened, at least a little. "Then I hope you're willing to take it when the time comes."

Rough didn't know what to say, but his body language, turning away from her, made it pretty obvious that he had a lot going on in his head right now. The guards, having heard the verdict, began to escort him away, never letting their eyes leave him just in case he tried something. The other assembled ponies, regardless of their station, were all abuzz with discussions over the Princess' verdict, though even they too began to disperse after Rough had finally been taken out of the throne room. After several minutes of watching ponies walking out, Twilight finally allowed herself to relax, reclining back into her throne, all while Spike looked to her with concern. "Think ponies will be okay with that? Wanting to make this guy into a productive member of society and all that?"

Twilight gave a quick shrug. "I'm not sure, Spike. But the fact of the matter is that I have forgiven those who have committed far worse acts than him. I've even called those people friends, and on more than one occasion. What would it say about me if I was not willing to offer the chance to grow and become better to one like him?"

Spike folded his arms, looking deep in thought. "Can't say. What I can say though is that I really don't envy you on days like this, Twilight."

To that, Twilight looked to him with a smirk. "In that case, Spike, I'd be more than happy to trade places with you next time this duty comes along."