• Published 2nd Dec 2019
  • 2,711 Views, 384 Comments

Twilight's Reign - James Pwyll

Twilight now rules over Equestria, and she is determined to rule it well

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Looking out from her balcony, a soothing cup of tea in her hooves, Twilight couldn't help but sigh with contentment. Her role as Equestria's ruler wasn't always easy, and indeed this past week had proved that, but she would always be grateful to moments like this that just allowed her to stop and take it all in. The sun was setting slowly, thanks in no small part to her own involvement, and she was sure to watch every single moment of it. After all, it was watching the moving of the sun all those years ago that first inspired her to walk the path that led her to where she is today, and those fond memories caused a smile in her as she took another sip of her tea. Alas, her peaceful solitude was interrupted by the sound of her balcony doors opening up behind her. But there was not the sound of hooves coming towards her, but a far more familiar sound of movement, and one that caused another smile in her as she didn't even bother to look back before speaking. "Afternoon, Spike."

Getting into his chair on he other side of the small table where Twilight was sitting, the diminutive dragon smiled back to her. "And you, Twilight."

Here, Twilight finally did look to him, and she saw that he was carrying what was most definitely a collection of newspapers. Another sigh escaped her, for she knew what that meant. It was something of an unofficial routine the two had fallen into since coming to their current positions, and as Twilight set her cup down for a moment, she took a deep breath, bracing herself for the worst. "Alright...how bad is it?"

Spike's smile faded as he rummaged through some of the various headlines of the papers. "Well, things seem to be okay for the most part. There are plenty of ponies who are pretty happy with the fact that things have been pretty quiet and peaceful since you came to power. There's also been a lot of positive buzz over things like your decision to expand the use of the Wonderbolts..."

Slowly, Twilight looked to him, eyebrow raised. "But...?"

Spike hesitated, but knew he couldn't keep quiet about every matter indefinitely. "But...there are some papers that are critical of your decisions to increase the amount of 'mingling' Equestria does with others."

Disappointment came to Twilight's expression. "I thought there might be."

Spike frowned. "You don't need to pay attention to them, Twilight. People with those kinds of views are just living in the past. Like when we first met Neighsay? They'll come around."

Twilight looked out to the horizon. "Be that as it may, Spike, even if they do change one day, that day might be very far off. And in the meantime their words can and will reach the ears of a lot of ponies. Ponies who'll be influenced a great deal by this kind of sentiment." Her ears drooped. "How many will be turned against the world we're trying to build?"

Spike mournfully scratched the back of his head, looking away to the horizon. "Can't say. With luck it won't be that many. Times are changing, Twilight. Equestria isn't what it used to be, so who knows? Maybe ponykind really is past all that bad stuff now."

Twilight smiled to him, thinking fondly on his words. "I want that to be true, Spike. I really do." Her smile faded shortly afterwards. "All these things I'm trying to do. Helping Equestria, bringing us closer to those beyond our borders..I hope I'll be remembered well for it."

Spike chuckled, casting her a sly look. "Oh, no need to worry about how you'll be remembered, Twilight. You'll be ruling for a long time yet."

As before, Twilight smiled to him. "I'll certainly try to. But if Princess Celestia taught me one thing, it's that nothing lasts forever. Even she stepped down after a time. That same will happen with me one day, and however it happens, I hope..." A sigh escaped her. I hope...ponies will look back on my era happily."

The young dragon beside her gave a shrug. "How could they not? All the things you, me and our friends have done, there's not a creature in the world who doesn't know that you've done good wherever you go. If your time gets taught about in history books one day, I've no doubt they'll sing your praises every time."

Twilight knew he was trying to cheer her up, for which she gave him an appreciative look. But then new thoughts came to her, and she once more looked solemn. "Events of the past aren't always thought of as well as we'd like them to be, Spike. Just look at Luna." She grimaced at the memory. " For a thousand years, the ponies of Equestria didn't even know she existed. All we knew was of a 'wicked mare of darkness' who once challenged Celestia for control of the nation. Her name, her true name, was forgotten, and whatever good deeds she might have done before her turn was lost to history, replaced instead with tales of a monster who'd devour children."

Scratching his cheek, Spike too started to look uncomfortable. "Huh...I guess history can be pretty harsh sometimes." He started to look more worried after that. "Stygian was in the same boat too. I mean, how long was he helping the Pillars to fight evil? Instead, most ponies for the last few centuries only ever knew of the monster the Pony of Shadows."

Twilight nodded. "I wish it were not so...but one day, my name will also be forgotten. The deeds I do, unknown. Perhaps I too will only be told of as a fable, a myth. And perhaps not even a good one, even after all my friends and I have tried to do." She took another sip of her tea to try and calm herself. "I don't like to dwell on things that are far away, but the thoughts come all the same."

As was often the case, Spike wanted to think of a way to help her, and so, for a time, the two simply sat in silence, looking out over the lands of Equestria that were still lit by the continually-setting sun. Then, after a moment, Spike's eye widened, and his face lit up. "Maybe...you can get your own story out there!"

Twilight looked to him with confusion. "Huh?"

Spike looked to her eagerly. "Think about it! What if you don't just wait for your story to be told by others? What if you're the one to tell it? An autobiography!"

The Princess of Friendship considered that, but seemed sceptical. "An autobiography? Just...just me writing about my life? Doesn't that sound a bit...self-indulgent? I don't really want to be the kind of monarch who just brags about what they've accomplished."

Spike shook his head. "You're not bragging, Twilight. You're getting your side of things out there for all to see! You worry about how history will remember you, but there's nothing to say that yours can't be one of the voices talking about that history, right?"

Twilight tapped the end of her chin. "Well...I'm certainly not opposed to the idea of some official documentation about my reign or the years before it, but...I'm no writer, Spike."

Spike scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Oh yeah? All the piles of paperwork the Golden Oak and Friendship Palace would beg to differ."

His friend giggled. "Writing essays and reports is one thing. This is something else altogether. I'm not going to pretend that biographies, auto or otherwise, are something I have any experience or skill with."

Looking away, Spike thought on that for a moment, then smirked to her. "Then we'll start small. Don't just write the book willy-nilly. We'll start by gathering testimony."

Twilight looked to him with further confusion. "What, are we in a court case now?" she asked with no small degree of amusement.

The tiny dragon waved her off. "You know what I mean. It's like that memory book me and Starlight made for you. It wasn't you making it, even if it was ultimately about your life in Ponyville. It was stories and memories from all those you know. That's what we can do. You've touched the lives of so many people, Twilight. And not just ponies, but plenty of others too. And I guarantee that every single one of them would be willing to talk about all you've done if it means future generations will be able to look back and smile at your time on the throne."

Twilight blushed. "I...thank you, Spike. I'm not really sure about the idea of having some big book about my life, but...I suppose it's just better than letting the winds of fate decide how those in the future will think of me."

Spike nodded his head. "No argument there. I mean, can you imagine just how many truths are lost forever just because people didn't have the common sense to write it all down?!"

Twilight shuddered. "Okay, yeah, point made." She clapped her hooves together. "In that case, o royal advisor...let us discuss book titles."

To that, Spike grimaced. "Ah shoot. I hate coming up with names!"