• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 423 Views, 3 Comments

The Ever-Shifting Tides Of Life - DougtheLoremaster

RarityDash based fic. Rainbow and Rarity recount the first time they met to their children; on the frontlines against Sombra, former ruler of Equestria.

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Chapter 4- The Name Upon Her Collar

Rainbow Dash sounded distant. Rarity was sure that Rainbow could see her, yet the voice seemed to be directed at some pony the Pegasus was unable to reach. “Pegasi take or rather, took great pride in who they were. Your name will be the foundation on which your legends are carved.”

Rarity listened intently as she heard the private take a moment to chew some more shredded wheat grain and smiled. The sound of a disgusted grunt was then heard afterwards. She may not enjoy it, but she is still willing to do as I've requested. Interesting. Rainbow once more continued. “That's what they taught us in school, anyway."

The sound of a hoof smashing down on the bedside table, caught Rarity’s attention, and she frowned. Is she mad? No wait, it isn’t me she is mad at? Rainbow’s voice continued. “I hated school! I never wanted to hunt like my brethren, and for that I was cast aside. A pegasus that can’t hunt is useless to the tribe they would say. Hard to believe youre the sister of Rainbow Dash.”


“I could hear it, Sweetie, I could hear her heart crying out in anguish. With every word she spoke I could hear the ghosts of thousands of tears. I wasn’t sure what to do. I wanted to know, but her pain seemed to rip my own heart to shreds. I wanted to know, but I didn’t want to hurt her further.”

Rarity paused to adjust a picture frame, in which sat Rainbow Dash next to Rarity in a restaurant booth. Sweetie Belle who had been eagerly listening as her mom hung pictures up, spoke up. “What did you do mom?”

“As painful as it was, I had a feeling that if I didn’t ask at that moment, she would never tell me. She would never feel a connection; she would never let go of her pain. Terrified at pushing her away and my heart pounding in my chest, I asked her about her brother.”


“You’ve mentioned that your name isn’t Rainbow Dash, but rather your brother’s. Could-Would you please tell me more about him?”

Rainbow sat there, frozen for a moment her eyes wide with trepidation. What do I say? Tell her the truth! But what if she, what if she gets angry or worse; she is disappointed...Wait why do I care what that prissy unicorn thinks. Tell her. Why should I? TELL HER! Her mind running rampant with contradicting thoughts, she forced the words from her lips. “He was the pride of our tribe; a legend by the time I came to be born. You name it, he slew it. The perfect hunter. Every filly, every colt they desired nothing more than to aspire to his greatness. He was everything...I...Wasn’t,”

Rairty’s voice seemed gentle and welcoming as Rainbow listened to her response. “That sounds like it was quite a stressful scenario. Trying to live in such a wide shadow. Is that why you took his name? To be like him?”

Rainbow’s muscles tensed in agitation. She snapped back as if on impulse. “No, it isn’t!”

“Rainbow dah-ling, watch the tone! I’m just asking.”

Rainbow Dash cringed. Rarity’s admonishing tone was like a whip across her flank. It hurt her. Why does it hurt so much? The disappointment in Rarity’s voice hurt worse than any kind of injury she had ever sustained.


Scootaloo stared at her mom. “Did it really hurt that much?”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Remember when you stubbed your hoof earlier?”


“It hurt a lot right?”

Scootaloo winced, remembering earlier, when she banged her hoof against a wooden chest. Only Rainbow’s kiss on her boo-boo, had been able to stop the flow of her tears.“Yeah it hurt a lot and is still sore.”

As Rainbow gave the hoof another motherly kiss, she replied. “Imagine that, only a million times worse.”

“Wow, did you cry too, mom?”

Laughing, Rainbow Dash answered her. “Only on the inside. The pain, however, was one of the greatest blessings I ever got.”

“It hurt but it...Was a good thing? Mom I don’t understand.”

Rainbow stared at her daughter for a moment, unsure how to tell the child what it meant. Finally, she explained. “Sometimes, when a Pegasus flies too close to the sun, singeing her wings can bring her back down to Equestria.”


“Being knocked down a peg when you are too full of yourself, can open your eyes that somepony cares and isn’t just attacking you.”

Scootaloo sat still for a moment to ponder what was said. Her reply was accompanied by a slight shrug of her tiny wings.“Oh. I...Don’t get it.”

Smiling knowingly, Rainbow laughed. “You will one day. Though at the time it was a mystery to me, it gave me a clarity I didn’t have before. I had a desire to make up for my behavior. That desire to gain her approval spurred me on and bolstered my resolve to tell her…Everything.”


Rarity sat frozen in disbelief. There was no way she had heard that correctly. What did she just say? Composing herself, she spoke calmly and slowly, as if piecing it together. “Rainbow, Dah-ling, did you jusy say...That you were celebrating your birthday, when Sombra attacked Cloudsdale?”

“That’s what I-”

Rarity cleared her throat. Immediately Rainbow stopped and backtracked. “I mean- Yes, that’s right...um...Rarity.”

I’m not sure why her listening to me makes me smile. I’ve never viewed another like this. Do I...Am I falling for her- No that’s silly, I am just worried about her that’s...all. Right? “It’s alright, just don’t do it again, Rainbow. Explain Dah-ling.”

As Rarity sat there waiting for the inevitable outburst, she instead found herself pleasantly surprised. It didn’t come. Instead, Rainbow Dash spoke in a measured voice, intentionally keeping her tone respectful. “Yes ma’am. You see, it wasn’t jealousy that drove me to take this name. It was something more.

I was never like my brother, much to my parents disappointment. The tribe, my parents...Everyone rejected me, except one; my brother. He learned of my desire to join the tribal skydancers; the Wonderbolts. The acrobatic aerial maneuvers were so eye-catching and it was my goal in life to fly with them. It was strange, my brother would take time each week to help me practice my routine maneuvers. Even though it was against the will of the tribe, he told me he was proud of my ambitions. He encouraged me to do my best and when no one else cared, he was somepony I could depend on.”


Rarity was now sitting on the couch next to Sweetie Belle, having finished unpacking the boxes. Just like Rainbow Dash she had avoided explaining the specifics of the conversation, choosing to focus instead on the tone and own thoughts of the memories. “I could hear it in her voice, Sweetie. She enjoyed approval from others, and she was searching for mine as well. But it wasn’t the actual approval she sought, it was the thrill of working to get it.”

Sweetie Belle sat on the couch listening and placed a hoof to her chin deep in thought. The young filly began piecing together her thoughts out loud. “So...She wanted you happy...Because that would make her happy. But what made her happier was the pursuit of trying to make you happy...Like a carrot on a stick?”

Rarity booped her on the nose. “Exactly. The thrill of the chase is more rewarding than the end result. I know that now mind you, but at the time it was such a baffling concept to me. She was so confusing to understand and yet it felt naturally awkward. Like it was meant to happen. Like...Like she needed me.”


“My brother had come to visit, bringing his wife and their son; just to celebrate my birthday. It was amazing. His wife; Cloudy Sunburst had baked a cake for the occasion. His son actually showed me respect. My parents begrudgingly attended but...For the most part it was perfect. The candles were lit, and the sun had been lowered by Queen Luna. In the glow of the candlelight, the entire tribe sang a traditional of age song. And that’s when the town hall burst into flames, engulfed in a massive fireball.”

Rainbow stopped to look at Rarity for some sign of what the unicorn thought. Her posture gave nothing away and her breathing stayed calm. Her voice, however, was quiet as if in thought. “That must have been quite the shock to see.”

Rainbow ruffled her wings in distress, but immediately responded. “I never saw it, I heard the roar of the inferno, and then felt the pain as the spire fell on top of me; pinning me to the ground. Unable to move, I watched the entire scene, as my tribe was completely overwhelmed. The blazing houses, the unconscious Pegasi; stallions, mares, and fledglings, just sprawled everywhere. Then he showed up amidst the flames.”

“Your brother, Dah-ling?”

“No, it was-"

Rainbow’s face narrowed in intense hatred as she spoke the name of the one she would never forgive. “Sombra. That stupid grin on his muzzle, those masks, my brother, my family! Green eyes...No...You can’t!”

Rainbow? Dah-ling are you alright?”

“ You won’t take them like this! Live free or Die free! I’ll kill you. You scum!”

“Rainbow calm down!”

Placing her head in her hooves, Rainbow Dash began to shake, the fires of that night roaring before her eyes once more. “Mom, Dad...Brother please, forgive me. Forgive me, I won’t- I won’t let him take you! L-Live free or Die Free!

"Rainbow you have to calm down!”

“Please-Just sleep. Close your eyes, and I’ll see you again one day-”


Her muzzle was soaked with her tears as her head snapped up to look at Rarity. “WHAT?!”

The Pegasus cringed as she heard her words leave her muzzle. She waited for the inevitable snapback from Rarity. I shouldn’t have yelled. I couldn’t stop myself. Oh feathers! Instead of a harsh reprimand however, her eyes beheld something she had never considered from the judgemental unicorn.


“Mom are you alright?”

Scootaloo, who had been listening to her mom’s recount of the vague details, had just heard Rainbow Dash say. “I yelled at Rarity as her voice snapped me from my memories.”

Now her mom had tears dripping down her face, and the tiny Pegasus wanted to give her a hug. Blinking, Rainbow Dash gave a weak laugh and brushed away her tears with her hoof. “Sorry about that kiddo, sometimes it’s painful to look back.”

Grabbing scootaloo in a fierce hug, Rainbow Dash grinned. “Don’t you worry, I’m alright. It’s about time we start heading out. Time to say goodbye to the cloudy house. In a few hours, we can finally put the past behind us. Grab your box. The trek begins.”

Together with a single box apiece, Rainbow Dash and her daughter carefully drifted down to Equestria; Scootaloo on her mother’s back. As they touched down, Rainbow gave the cloudy house she and Scoots had called home, one last glance. Her eyes hardened as she surveyed their surroundings, ever-alert. The land was far from safe, and a moments notice, she would draw her fabled blade to ward off any threat. Her voice gave nothing about the situation away as her eyes roamed the landscape before and to the side of them. “The backlash never came, though. No, what I got was far more painful, if not more welcomed…”


Rarity couldn’t see Rainbow, but she had heard it; the unmistakable break in the Pegasus’s voice, the wild flutter of her wings being extended. The hatred in her words. Calling out Rainbow’s name had resulted in an outraged reply: “WHAT?”

She understood Rainbow was in pain. I can’t push her further. The time has come for finesse. She needs support, not discipline. Rarity pat her lap with her hooves. Am I insane? What, am I calling a dog? Ugh I am such a- Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as she felt the mane of Rainbow Dash against her hooves; the Pegasus having lain her head upon her lap. That...Was unexpected. Alright, now what? Maybe I should comfort her? For bucks sake, breathe. Trust your instincts; you got this!

Rarity closed her eyes and let her emotions guide her. Running her hoof gingerly through the mane of Rainbow Dash she spoke in a warm, flowing manner. “Shhh, It’s alright. I’m here. I got you.”

From her lap she heard the sobs. “I had no choice! They were going to be taken, their lives stolen by those...Those masks...I-”

Continuing her steady strokes of the mane, Rarity ran her hoof slowly down the back of Rainbow’s neck. Her voice never wavering as she sought to console the distraught Pegasus. “Take your time, breathe. Shhhh, no more tears Dah-ling. I’m here for you.”

After a few moments of silence broken only by the sniffling of Rainbow, she heard a loud deep breath followed by: “I was the reason the Pegasi didn’t leave Cloudsdale that night, Rarity.”

Sudden silence. No sound was heard. Rarity sat there in silence. She’s waiting for some kind of acknowledgement; a validation that I’m listening. Answer her you idiot! Trying her hardest to keep the surprise out of her voice, she forced her tone to remain neutral. “I see, would you mind elaborating for me?”

Bloody Tartarus, what are you some bucking snob? Relax your tone and don’t talk down to her you- “Yes, Rarity.”

Or maybe she wants that? “I lay pinned beneath the rubble. I watched as they were-”

Taking the opportunity to pat her on the head, Rarity gave her some encouragement. “It’s alright. Take your time.”

The change in Rainbow’s voice was noticeable. Her tone rose, as if being said through a smile. This did not escape Rarity’s ears as she continued to listen. “They were captured, laid out; unconscious, by the might of the dragons. I felt my blood boil seeing them tossed about. Then that-that thing! Sombra...He put those masks on them. And I..I broke. My rage allowed me to break free of the rubble. I picked up a nearby sword and-”

Her voice broke once more. Rarity murmured gently to the Pegasus as she drew the side of her hoof slowly down the cheek of Rainbow Dash. “You are doing wonderfully, Rainbow, don’t stop now. Tell me what happened.”

The reinvigorated tone of Rainbow reaching her eas told her she had succeeded in encouraging her Pegasus friend. Spurred on by the gentle words Rainbow Dash finally spilled the last details. “All I could think of was the pride of the Pegasi, the freedom we had to soar the skies. It would be gone. All gone. In school we were taught: Live free or Die free. If anything would take that freedom away...I couldn’t let him take them. I-I struck, enraged against my former family, my former tribemates. I...I gave them eternal freedom, so he couldn’t use them.”

No wonder she was all choked up. Oh the poor dear, and on her birthday too. Such a burden to bear and at such an age too. Patting her gently, Rarity nodded and the words Rainbow had wanted to hear somepony, anypony tell her came forth. “I’m proud of you Rainbow. You did what you felt was best for your kind. You did your best to protect your tribe.”


Sweetie Belle sat opened mouth beside her mother, unable to find any words. Rarity however, looked at her daughter as she explained a bit more about the vague situation she had described. So far, all Sweetie Belle heard was a rather bad scenario had caused Rainbow Dash to break down, and that her mom had her own mental battle to fight on the situation. Sweetie Belle was more surprised than anything that her mom had trouble finding the words.

“Naturally I was...A tad disturbed by her actions. Though in hind-sight, I suppose there is always a better option. As I sat there listening to her, I couldn’t help but be supportive. Doing what she felt was right in a spur of the moment catastrophe; I couldn’t fault her for adhering to the Pegasi principles she had grown up with and-”

Rarity paused. A steely glint appeared in her eye as she slowly reached beside her. Her tone was measured, but Sweetie Belle knew it well. “Sweetie, Dah-ling can you do mommy a favor?”

“Mom what’s-”

Rarity calmly cut her off as she drew forth her combat knife and her eyes flicked to the window. Sweetie Belle understood as her mom continued. “No interruptions go upstairs and play by yourself for awhile. Mommy has some...Special guests to entertain.”

As Sweetie Belle bolted upstairs, Rarity calmly trotted to the front door, wearing the holsters for her knives; one on each foreleg. It was nothing new, for the past eighteen years, the world had been controlled by anarchy. There was no order; no law, the princesses having perished in the Sombra Regime. Ponies, among other creatures would gladly attack any they came across in hopes of getting supplies. Supplies were few and far between as crops weren’t grown as frequently, and the only drinking water came from the unruly storm clouds that crossed the skies; free of the Pegasi’s control.

Smiling warmly at the four Unicorns before her, each decked out in a ragtag ensemble of scraps and armed to the teeth. Rarity spoke flowerly. “Dah-lings, you should have told me you were coming. I would’ve set an extra place.”

“Quick grab her!”

“Don’t worry I got her!”

Laughing scornfully Rarity drew forth her twin blades “Dah-ling the only thing you've got concerning me-”

Rarity charged the bandits. “Is a punishment, the likes of which pain you could not fathom!”


Grunting, Rainbow Dash tugged her sword free of the giant, now shattered crystal eye. “wretched creature.”

Staring at the giant form of rocks and crystals that had attacked them in a rage, Scootaloo shivered. Seeing it’s blood slowly drain from the wound her mom had inflicted, she was in disbelief. She had never seen such a creature. “Mom what is that?”

Having sat down to wipe the crimson smear from her blade, Rainbow Dash glanced up to look at her daughter. “A crystal golem.”

“A what?”

Rainbow Dash had gone back to cleaning her sword and was taken unawares by the comment. Forgetting momentarily to censor herself, she blurted out: “During the Rebellion, Sombra used alchemy and necromancy to fuse the blood and souls of my fallen comrades into monstrous crystal bodies he himself had formed. They would then attack those left-”

Looking up she froze. Her daughter was staring at her in absolute horror. Thinking quickly, she changed the subject. “I mean that’s so boring. Wouldn’t you rather hear more about the story about how Rarity and I fell for each other?”

A look of sheer relief appeared on Scootaloo’s face, whom had turned many shades of green, staring at the giant corpse of the crystal golem. “Y-Yes tell me, mom!”

Gesturing to Scootaloo, Rainbow smiled through her pain. Unbeknownst to her daughter, her only good wing had begun turning red as the dark crimson color of blood flowed down the inside of her wing; issuing forth from her now severed tendon. “Come here. Let’s sit a while. That fight took a bit out of me. Not as young as I used to be, I’m afraid.”

The two sat on the hulking giant of black crystal as Rainbow hugged her daughter tightly and her vision slowly going blurry, told Scootaloo more about that evening. “I lay my head upon her lap, unable to believe it…”


“You-You’re proud of me?”

Rainbow had heard the words, but she couldn’t believe that she had heard right. “I-I-”

Rarity’s voice was firm, yet as warm as a nice hug. “You did what you felt was right. You did your best. How could I ever fault you for doing your best at that moment in time?”

There was a moment of silence between the two. So what now? I told her my past, and she praised me. Is she happy? Why do I care? Do I care? Rarity’s voice cut through her thoughts. “Rainbow, did you take your brother’s name to remind you of how accepting of you somepony was?”

She really does understand. Answer her you stupid Pegasus! “Yes, I...He was the only one who cared and-”

“While I can understand that, I don’t think I want to call you Rainbow Dash anymore. At least not one-on-one.”

“What why not?”

“I don’t feel it represents the real you. I want to know the real you, talk to the real you; not your brother’s shadow. Your brother’s memory is precious, and I don’t want to take that from you, but I need a name only I can call you. One no one else can ever know, one that represents the real you.”

The real me? Rainbow Dash’s mind raced. Never once had she considered the thought. If my name isn’t Rainbow Dash then what is it? What would she call me? Rarity then asked her a question she thought she would never hear anypony say again. “Would you be willing to tell me what your original name was?I promise it would be our secret.”

The rainbow-maned Pegasus smiled. She really does care. Not some silly nickname but she genuinely wants to know me. “Yes! It’s...”

Rarity sat there, eyes closed in the darkness of her bandages, listening as Rainbow Dash shared with her something precious for just the two of them. The connection had truly began as she smiled upon hearing it. “Alright then, from now on, when you and I are alone that is the name I will call you, Dah-ling”

As Rainbow and Rarity fell asleep; the Pegasus on her lap still, the two wore smiles neither could see. The world had grown just a smidgen brighter and now Rainbow had a new name; one that she could truly call her own.