• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 423 Views, 3 Comments

The Ever-Shifting Tides Of Life - DougtheLoremaster

RarityDash based fic. Rainbow and Rarity recount the first time they met to their children; on the frontlines against Sombra, former ruler of Equestria.

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Chapter 8- The Marks of Destiny

A single bead of sweat trickled down the side of Scootaloo’s face. Ignoring it, she focused on the target in front of her; her new sword gripped in her maw. She crouched low; waiting. Remembering what she had been taught. Observe your enemy; track their movements. Wait for a moment of weakness in their defense. Her eyes widened as her target stumbled. Now! She broke into a charge. She neared her prone adversary feeling victorious when…


Scootaloo fell to the dusty ground as she felt the kick connect to her forelegs. Glancing up she saw her mom approach. Her voice conveyed her disappointment; taunting as well. “Again. Remember never attack your enemy head on. You may have gotten lucky with the Risen-Bear, but there are far scarier creatures out there. Always attack from your enemies blindspot, never charge recklessly. Up on your hooves. Pick up your sword, and this time give me all you got.”

As Scootaloo slowly got up from the ground a crisp popping sound was heard as Sweetie Belle appeared between the two of them. She seemed extremely pleased with herself. “Yay! I did it.”

Rainbow Dash gently patted her on the head. “Nice work kiddo! You finally managed to teleport. Well done!”

Scootaloo gave her a quick hug. “Awesome job, Sweetie!”

Sweetie Belle giggled happily before giving a small gasp. “Thanks. Oh wait, that’s right! Mom said it is time for lunch.”

Rainbow Dash smiled gratefully. “Thanks for the heads up, alright let’s-”

“Aw c’mon I was just getting the hang of-”

Scootaloo began interrupting her mom before falling silent mid-sentence with a glare from Sweetie Belle. Rainbow watched amused with a knowing smile as the following scene played out:

Sweetie Belle glared at Scootaloo, who immediately froze mid-sentence. “Are you saying you aren’t going to listen to what mom wants?”

Scootaloo looked nervous and scuffed the ground with a hoof. “N-no that’s not-”

Sweetie Belle was clearly not having any of it. Stamping a hoof to emphasize her point, she simply stated. “Two minutes.”

Staring at her with a dumbfounded expression, Scootaloo asked her. “What do you mean two minutes?”
Smiling sweetly, Sweetie Belle spoke in a matter-of-fact manner. “That’s how long you have to get your orange hide to the table, ready to eat lunch, before I get angry.”

Scootaloo just stared at her. “What do you mean ‘before you get angry’?”

Sweetie Belle just silently tapped her hoof for a few silent moments until she declared. “One minute, thirty seconds.”
“Hey wait a minute that’s not-”

Staring at her friend, Sweetie Belle spoke up. “One minute, twenty seconds.”

Her wings making a metallic ruffling sound out of frustration, Scootaloo bolted for the house. Sweetie Belle watched her silent for a moment before breaking out into a wide grin and trotting after her. Watching the two, Rainbow Dash gave a small chuckle. Some things never change. She then hurried off in the direction of the house as well.


After lunch, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were out in the field again; honing Scootaloo’s ability to wield a sword. Her movements were sloppy, her focus most certainly wasn’t on the task at hand. Her blade is angled wrong, that won’t deflect anything. A mistake like that could mean her death. What is she doing? Rainbow stared at her, trying to figure it out when Scootaloo dropped her sword. “Mom, can we talk? Something is bothering me.”

Lowering her blade, Rainbow walked over to, and wrapped a wing around her daughter in a gentle hug. “What is it, Scoots?”

Hanging her head, Scootaloo’s voice conveyed her embarrassment. “Lately, Sweetie Belle’s been extremely bossy and no matter how I try to argue, I always end up doing what she says.”

As her eyes twinkled knowingly, Rainbow asked her daughter in a soft voice. “Would you like me to tell her to stop, since it is bothering you?”

Shaking her head quickly, Scootaloo blurted out. “No that’s not it. I- I just don’t understand why I feel so compelled to listen to her. Am I going crazy?”

Rainbow grinned down at her daughter. “Tell me, Scootaloo, what do you know of our kind?”

Looking up into her mother’s eyes, Scootaloo grew curious. “You mean the Pegasi?”

“Yes, What do you know of the Pegasi?”

Scootaloo closed her eyes and recited what Cherilee had taught her. “Fierce warriors of unparalleled strength and drive to track down and slay the most dangerous of beasts in Equestria.”

Chuckling, Rainbow nodded. “Nicely put. We Pegasi pride ourselves on our strength and stamina. Though prideful of our physical prowess; power without guidance is simply a wildfire in a dry forest.”

“I don’t understand.”

Rainbow flared her wings wide. “We the mares of the Pegasi are able to take down anything once we have set our sights on it. Our speed is unmatched, our will unrivaled. As you yourself have experienced; we can be eviscerated and still we will continue to fight, until our prey lies dead at our hooves.”

“Yeah, now that you mention it, I couldn’t stop fighting. Once the bear lay slain, my energy left me, however.”

Rainbow nodded and smiled; pleased her daughter understood. “However, though we possess the bloodlust and the strength, we naturally lack the focus to maintain such passion at all times. I’m sure you felt it as well, that desire to attack with reckless abandon, while training earlier.”

Scootaloo thought about it. She’s right. Earlier today when I attacked her head-on, I was filled with a desire to strike; I just stopped thinking and attacked. But why? That question was answered moments later by her mom, as she folded her wings. “Scootaloo, the mares of the Pegasi were gifted with strength but not control. The stallions on the other hoof are the opposite; lacking physical ability but making up for it in cunning and command.”


“Mares were the hunters, but the stallions were the guides. The stallions would lay out the strategy, which the mare would implement.”


“Yes. As the old proverb states: Beneath every mare’s wings, is the stallion who gives her the lift to soar.”

Scootaloo looked confused. “But what does this have to do with Sweetie Belle being bossy?”

Laughing her mom wrapped her in her wings and gently nuzzled her. “Think about it; you have strength, she has control. She’s your stallion.”


“I’m her...What?”

Rarity gave a small chuckle. “Her stallion, Sweetie.”

Sweetie Belle looked at her mom as though Rarity had suggested the moon and sun were still in the sky; instead of sheer darkness. “Mom...I’m a girl. I’m not a stallion!”

Shaking her head with a smile, Rarity explained to her daughter the intricacies of Stallions among the Pegasi. Fifteen minutes went by as Sweetie Belle listened to her mom, while watching Scootaloo as she talked to Rainbow Dash. “And that is why, to her at least subconsciously, you are her Stallion. Do you understand?”

Sweetie Belle turned to look at Rarity with her ears pinned back. “So the only reason she listens to me is...Her nature forces it. She...doesn’t want to? That sounds horrible.”

Rarity stared back as her eyes twinkled knowingly. “Is it?”

Sweetie Belle couldn’t believe her mother was being so heartless. “Forcing her against her will...Of course it is! How could it possibly be a good thing?”

Rarity turned to a pan of sugar cookies that had been cooling. “I wonder. Do me a favor, go get Rainbow and Scootaloo for snack time. Their blood sugar is probably dangerously low. Oh and don’t tell Rainbow or Scootaloo I said to come.”

“Oh...Um okay mom.”

Sweetie Belle teleported and told the two that it was time for a snack. Rarity closed her eyes and listened as expectedly Rainbow refused, while Scootaloo reluctantly agreed. Opening her eyes, she saw Rainbow still out there staring, while Scootaloo was currently sitting beside Sweetie Belle munching a sugar cookie with a huge grin on her muzzle. “Rainbow Dah-ling, come get some sugar cookies!”

Sweetie Belle watched in amazement as less than a second later, Rainbow was sitting next to Rarity happily munching on a sugar cookie. Why- Her thoughts were interrupted as Rarity whispered to her as the two left to go train some more; energy replenished once more. “Think of it like this. Not just any Stallion will do. Just as Rainbow listens to me, Scootaloo resonates with you.”


“She feels something when you tell her what to do, something she doesn’t feel from any other. It’s a special bond only you and her can have.”

Sweetie Belle shook her head angrily as her mom watched her; Rarity’s expression retaining a gentle smile. “Mom, what if I don’t want that? What if I don’t want to control her; I mean she really doesn’t like it, so what if I just decide not to?”

Rarity laughed and closed her eyes, her voice filled with relief. “Then that’s just wonderful. Sweetie.”


Rarity kept her eyes closed, and seemed to be almost afraid to open them; scrunching them even tighter. “Yes really, after all, you’ve only known each other for a year and at your age-”

“Scootaloo what are you...Hold that thought mom. I need to…”

It was silent. Rarity dreaded opening her eyes; she knew what she would see. If she kept her eyes shut it would remain as it always had been. Sweetie Belle once her baby sister, now a teenage daughter, would be by her side listening to her wisdom. Nothing would change. A tear welled in her eyes as she opened them to reveal what she knew was coming. She smiled, a bittersweet smile. Sweetie Belle could be seen by Scootaloo’s side, telling her what to do during her combat training. She’s growing up so fast. “Hard to believe it’s only been a year since we left it all behind, huh Rar?”

Rarity blinked and turned to observe Rainbow Dash sitting by her side, wing wrapped around Rarity in a loving embrace. “They’re growing up fast aren’t they?”

Has it really been a year? Rarity turned back to watch the two out in the clearing chatting and discussing strategy. She’s all grown up. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both sported a newly acquired cutiemark. Sweetie Belle’s was a beveled cross; resembling a ruby having been cut into a medic’s cross wearing a nurses hat. Scootaloo’s was her mother’s sword, which she clenched proudly in her muzzle during a fight. The two were now considered what ponies would call ‘of age’; both were now mares and it was killing Rarity. They don’t need us anymore; she doesn’t need me anymore. A tear began to trickle down her cheek. “Are you alright Rar?”

Turning back to Rainbow Dash, Rarity spoke in a bittersweet tone of voice. “I was just thinking about how it was; raising Sweetie Belle.”

Her companion spoke wistfully, surprising Rarity with her rarely displayed words of wisdom. “I hear you there; Scootaloo was so excited about her cutiemark; we even threw a party. Her and I spent the night celebrating the Pegasi way; getting drunk and clashing steel with fury. She was so happy and even though there was a smile on my own face; I was dying inside. My little girl is about to take the new day as a mare. That was all I could think of, and it was all I could do not to cry.”

It’s not just me. Rainbow had been Rarity’s partner for almost thirty-five years now. The two had faced hell and highwater side by side. Rarity gave a small silent laugh about how silly she had been; thinking it hadn’t been bothering Rainbow as well. The two mares sat side by side at the picnic table, both engulfed by their memories of six months ago; when the two fillies were granted their cutiemarks. Meanwhile, in the clearing, Scootaloo sat getting lectured by Sweetie Belle.

**Six Months Ago**

The four had been traveling for months. They were exhausted, filthy and in Rainbow’s case, fur dye a dull red; muddied by dried blood. Scootaloo’s jaw was numb from how tightly she was clutching a small sword made for her by her mom out of the broken hilt of her own blade. Rainbow carried no weapon. Rarity and Sweetie Belle both carried saddlebags of medical supplies; both looked fatigued and unable to go further. The Arisen had been relentlessly hounding them. About to completely, collapse the group finally arrived at Twilight’s cabin. She had stood there, welcoming them with open hooves; though something seemed slightly off about it. Twilight seemed different. She smiled and seemed to be very pleasant at dinner, but something about it was bothering Rarity and Rainbow; they just couldn’t put their hoof on it.
That was, until they lay in bed side by side after some passionate alone time. “She hasn’t said a word.”

Rainbow turned to look at Rarity. “Wha-?”

Brushing Rarity’s mane away from her eyes, Rainbow looked into them as Rarity explained. “Twilight, she hasn’t spoken since we got here! Not a single word. I knew something was different about her.”

Rainbow whispered to her, as she kissed Rarity’s neck lovingly. “Can you blame her? Not much sunshine to discuss for her since Celestia perished that day.”

“Perhaps but-”

A sudden shouting from the fillies room caught the mare’s attention. “Scootaloo do it, NOW!”

Quick as a flash, Rarity had bolted down the hall before Rainbow could blink. “Girls I’m coming!”

Bursting through the door, a gruesome scene greeted the unicorn’s eyes. Twilight lay at her hooves, her forward right and back left legs were severed from her body. Scootaloo stood panting from extreme exertion, the sword in her maw, hissing as if melting. Rarity screamed. “What have you-?”

Sweetie Belle yelled at her in desperation. “Mom, she’s an Arisen!”

“What are you talking about-”

Sweetie Belle began to cry. “She isn’t bleeding! She’s already...Mom look out!”

Twilight’s corpse reared up and tried to bite her, as Rainbow came out of nowhere and in less time it took for Scootaloo to blink, Had carved Twilight into hundreds of chunks of flesh. Tears streamed from her eyes as she silently stood looking at the remains of their last friend.

There was no blood, yet her flesh glistened as if it had been preserved against the decay. Rarity locked eyes with Rainbow as they shared a sickening, knowing glance between them. “Stay here, I’ll investigate the cellar.”

Rarity stood there stone-faced, even knowing her friend was dead she felt nothing; far too long had she witnessed her fellow fighters die in her sights. And now there’s just us. Rest in peace, Twilight. May you find yourself in a better world. We’ll meet again. The sound of sobbing wrenched Rarity from her thoughts; Scootaloo was crying. Opening her muzzle to comfort her, Rarity stopped and stared in admiration as Sweetie Belle rushed forward and gave the fledgling Pegasus a warm hug. The young Unicorn could be heard by Rarity as she stood there, transfixed by the touching sight. “You did wonderfully. I’m proud of you.”

Rarity begrudgingly felt a smile creep onto her face as she observed her daughter wipe away the tears of the distraught Pegasus with a hoof. “You did good, Scootaloo.”

Even in this nightmare, there is still some beauty left in this world. The veil of beauty the scene presented however, was quickly lifted; Rainbow had returned and her face was grim. Grabbing Rarity she quickly pulled her into the hallway. Her voice was a hissed whisper, urgent and forceful; completely unlike Rainbow. “We need to leave now!”

“Rainbow Dah-ling what are you-”

“Rar listen, the cellar is filled with mountains of fresh and rotted carcasses!”

Her eyes narrowed. “She was performing research on the toxin. Her notes say it’s a bacterium that corrupts the flesh and replaces it with its own kind. The bacterium then controls the host as it is eaten alive within it’s own body.”

Rarity spoke calmly though she was being engulfed in fear. “An antidote. That’s why she was an Arisen. She wanted to control it, so she injected herself with the toxic bacterium! It would seem she was able at least for a short while to mitigate the urges of the toxin. And the meat…”

“Yeah that’s why her body looked so normal.”

Rarity processed the current situation. It wasn’t known why, but Arisen were able to eat meat to prevent their own flesh rotting. It seemed to meld into their body after consumption. Flesh both rotted and fresh was prized by the Arisen... and the amount Rainbow is referring to would…A horrible thought had just occurred to her as she felt the ground quake. “Rainbow, where is the cellar?”

“The stairs leading to it are down the hall. The room is directly below...The...Guest bedroom- GIRLS GET OUT OF THERE!”

As the words tore themselves from the Pegasus’s throat, Rarity smashed through the door; slamming into it with her powerful hooves. The two fillies just stared as their moms entered the room in such a brutal fashion. Rarity saw them and sighed in relief. “Thank goodness you’re -”

At that moment, the ground shook more violently as the entire cabin rocked on its foundation and the wall exploded inwards. Scootaloo stood there frozen as a shower of durasteel and wooden debris cascaded on them. There, larger than any other snake, slithered a massive sickly-green serpent, it’s giant yellow eyes nearly hidden behind the glowing mask upon its face. It stood taller than any of the nearby trees and the odor of it’s rotting body leaked from beneath its putrid-looking scales. Glancing down in disbelief at what had been reinforced steel plating, Sweetie Belle saw that it has been corroded away with some kind of acid.

With pure adrenaline in their systems, Rarity and Rainbow didn’t hesitate to hurl themselves at the massive Arisen. Rainbow began to batter it from the sky with her hooves; every blow could be heard as it impacted the thick scales. Rarity meanwhile had begun trying to pierce key points with her medical dagger only to watch it be repelled again and again. Sweetie Belle blinked as she watched the futile efforts of the two mares. Suddenly she saw the snake’s tail twitch. “Look out!”

Acting quickly she knocked Scootaloo out of harm’s way as the annoyed serpent lashed out. The smashing blow slammed into Rainbow Dash knocking her from the air to slam head first into the nearby wall with an audible CRACK! Before she slumped to the ground, completely still. Rarity was caught in her midriff and ended up being tossed backwards into a deeper part of the cabin. She wasn’t moving, but her strained gasps for desperate breath could be heard; likely owing to her exposed ribs and shattered limbs.

Sweetie Belle was never quite sure what caused her to do it, but she raced over to the terrified Scootaloo and grabbed her muzzle in her hooves. “You need to fly.”

The Pegasus shivered as though struck by a sudden chill. “I-I can’t-”

Looking down Scootaloo finished her words with a sorrowful tone as she stamped a hoof. “I can’t fly, Sweetie Belle!”
Scootaloo had been born with misaligned wing muscles; causing her wings to be stunted in growth. Theoretically she could use them, but the pain was excruciating just moving them, let alone attempting flight. Ever since her wing was replaced with an alchemical substitute, that pain had only doubled. Sweetie Belle stared into Scootaloo’s eyes with absolute conviction.

Her words left no room for argument. “I don’t think you understand Scootaloo. I don’t care if you can or can’t fly, I said you are going to. Now shut your muzzle and fly your pretty flank up there and distract the big bad snake while I heal mom and Rainbow.”

With those words, she gave a kiss to the lips of Scootaloo. “Go get ‘em, Hunter. I believe in you.”

Hunter. The slang for Pegasi for some, but for the two fillies it carried a special meaning. Much like Stormy with Rainbow, Hunter was Sweetie Belle’s secret name for Scootaloo. Hunter. The word echoed in the mind of Scootaloo as she slowly began to flap her wings, slowly. She wasn’t thinking about the serpent before her, nor the shattered remains of the cabin; where their moms lay, barely breathing. Scootaloo mind had only one thing on it as the excruciating sensation of pain coursed through her; I won’t let her down!

Her flapping grew frantic, her muscles feeling like they were on fire. It tore through her; it hurt like Tartarus, still she didn’t care. I won’t let her down! Lifting off the ground as the tears stung her eyes, Scootaloo launched herself at the Arisen monstrosity with her sword clenched tightly in her teeth.

Her eyes were filled with a sparkling, crackling wildfire as she flew towards the snake. As the fiend reared back to strike at her, Scootaloo swung her blade with all her might. The blade clanged deftly against its seemingly impervious scales. I need to be stronger! The snake had turned its attention to the unicorn mending her mom’s ribcage with a soft blue-ish glow. No, I will protect her! I am a Pegasus!

The slithering devil found itself screeching, as Scootaloo plunged her blade deep into its neck; driven by her natural instinct. Her body was reaching it’s pain threshold as the massive beast roared and flailed about. I don’t care what it costs me, I will protect her!

With a roar that came from the most primal of her being, she pulled her blade with all of her might. The Arisen’s head was ripped from the flailing body to land beside Sweetie Belle; who was in the process of mending Rarity’s punctured lungs. The lidless eyes of the snake stared into the merciless gaze of Scootaloo who landed in front of it, glaring; and panting from exertion. “DIE YOU ABOMINATION!”

For only one brief instant the snake’s eyes displayed it’s fear; as though it were still alive. “It’s because of scum like you my aunts died! You won’t take her from me! I won’t let you take her!”

With those words, Scootaloo repeatedly smashed the pommel of her sword into the mask upon its face, shattering it and causing the enormous creature’s body to cease flailing. The rage in Scootaloo’s eyes died down as tears began to course down her muzzle. Her tears fell as the pain overtook her; both physical and psychologically, it was simply too much. Scootaloo blacked out.

As she fell to the ground oblivious to the world, she was caught by Sweetie Belle who nuzzled her. Behind her lay the unconscious Rainbow Dash and Rarity with her partially closed chest; heart pounding away healthily. Sweetie Belle whispered softly to the sleeping Pegasus. “Good girl. I’m proud of you.”

Gently laying the sleeping Scootaloo to the side, Sweetie Belle noticed something had appeared on her orange flank; a shield with none other than her mother’s sword on it. She was excited for Scootaloo but forced herself to turn away and focus on fixing both Rainbow and Rarity. There will be time to celebrate later, besides she has earned some rest.

As she sat there gingerly using her magic to finish stitching up the remaining puncture wounds in Rarity’s lungs, Sweetie Belle hummed a soft lullaby Rarity used to whistle for her. “Hm Hm Hm Hm Hm, Hm Hm Hm Hm Hm, hmmm hm hmm hm hm hm hmmm hm hm hm.~”

The melody was honey-laced, the words long forgotten to the winds of time, but it gave her comfort and allowed her to focus on her work. Rarity though conscious had been hit with a spell to numb her pain receptors and now listened to and watched with complete ease. She was quietly observing the meticulous precision when Sweetie Belle began to sing to herself; seemingly unaware that Rarity could hear her:

“One day, when the sun rises yet again,

And the moon appears in the star-ry sky.

We’ll be able to settle down,

In the Twilight glen,

And watch the world pass by.

The pain we endure is fleeting,

And the anger is felt on the land.

Still we push on,

While writing our song.

One no other,

Could understand.~”

While she sang, Sweetie Belle finished her stitching and applied a gauze to soak up any residual fluids. Wiping her brow, Sweetie Belle gently used her magic to place a blanket on Rarity. “Get some rest, doctor’s orders.”

She laughed quietly to herself as she moved to where Rainbow Dash lay. Her spine was bent at an odd angle, and a quick magical x-ray revealed her thoracic vertebrae had been damaged; leaving her limbs complete paralyzed. Well, that’s not good, we don’t have any prepared for a transplant. How can I… Glancing over at the deceased reptile, she noticed that each bone in it’s spine was the size of a pony. Not much help there. Unless… The young unicorn was struck with a spark of inspiration and quickly she began purifying the slain Arisen’s bones.

I don’t have much time. Going have to trust my instincts. It had never been done before, still Sweetie Belle continued her plan. After about fifteen minutes of prep work in, Sweetie Belle made a precision slice with a heat spell narrowed into a fine point; severing the bone from the spine on two sides. Then taking a deep breath, she began carving it. Using her own magic to see what she was copying, she slowly cut away the excess. Making sure to bore a hole into her design, she sang more of her strangely haunting tune as Rarity watched propped up on her hooves:

I hear your pain,

And I take it as mine.

From ashes you’ll raise,

Justice divine.

Your flesh, bone, blood,

I will heal,

And from your grateful lips,
A smile,
I shall yield.

One day, when the sun rises yet again,

And the moon appears in the star-ry sky.

We’ll be able to settle down,

In the Twilight glen,

And watch the world pass by.

The pain we endure is fleeting,

And the anger is felt on the land.

Still we push on,

While writing our song.

One no other,

would understand.~”

Taking a deep breath, she carefully covered Rainbow’s nerves and muscles with her numbing spell. Just in case. With that, she cast her heat spell to completely remove the thoracic vertebrae of Rainbow Dash, quickly swapping it with her own uncrushed copy. As she sealed up the endings, she noticed a twitch in the only good wing of Rainbow. Smiling, Sweetie Belle quickly stitched up the opening and wiped her brow of all sweat. Taking a moment to admire her handiwork, she took a deep breath.

If all goes well, she won’t notice a difference...Or scream in pain. Here’s the moment of truth. Wasting no more time, Sweetie Belle lifted the numbing spell and observed Rainbow’s reaction.

The sleeping Rainbow Dash kicked out her leg and fidgeted a bit as she continued snoring; completely oblivious to the entire situation. Patient seems stable. Phew! Taking a moment to place a blanket on Rainbow Dash. Sweetie Belle walked over to and began cuddling the sleeping Scootaloo, completely unaware that on her flank was a brand new beveled ruby in the shape of a cross wearing a nurses hat; Sweetie Belle had finally gotten her cutiemark.

***Present Day***

"...And that's why you need to keep your guard up when she dodges. Any questions?"

Out in the field, Sweetie Belle had just finished her lecture towards Scootaloo, who hung her head in shame. "Sorry Sweetie."

Back on the bench, Rarity and Rainbow looked at each other and laughed. "They've come so far since then haven't they?"

"Yeah, reminds me of when we got our cutie marks."

Sweetie Belle gave Scootaloo a kiss on her cheek. "Now go get 'em, my Hunter."