• Published 19th Nov 2019
  • 2,358 Views, 72 Comments

Wherever the Light Shines - MLPSolarDash1907

Awoken at ten years old, Mystic doesn't remember anything about herself other than her name. She will see how her choices, the ponies around her, and the world could make her into the pony she will become.

  • ...

Chapter 5 - The Ringleader

Year 12 – Day 25

Her lonely hoofsteps clip-clopped along the newly paved road.

Mystic quietly let out her tears before seeing her reflection in a puddle. A magic dampener is on her horn, and she’s covered in tar, bruises, and cuts. The pain didn’t matter to her. Ever since she and Sunshine were caught, she’s been processing on how to get to her and both of them to that stallion that’ll take them to Equestria (she hoped) but she hasn’t been too successful.

“Maybe I can escape during the transfer, or during the time we’re being called back to the Palace late this evening,” she told herself, “I can find Sunshine, lay low for a few days and make our way to the destination to meet him.”

She smirked, feeling a boost of confidence return. However, her thoughts betrayed her and told her that even if she did get to the orphanage, the place could be surrounded by soldiers. It may or may not be. But who knows? She instinctively kicked a stone down the road, growing frustrated and knowing that Hong will be returning this evening.

She let out a sigh and sat down on a bench, looking up at the ever so cloudy sky.

“I have to try,” she told herself. “No point in not doing anything.”

With her plan put in motion, it has to be today and there’s no doubt that when Hong returns, she’ll receive worse punishment. Maybe even prison for all she knew.

No, definitely prison.

The sound of hoofsteps made her stop. She inhaled and then exhaled, exhaled and exhaled.

“Did you kick that stone?!” one voice boomed.

At the end of her rope, Mystic turned around with a deadpan look to face four unicorn workers.

“Yeah, I did that you stuck up toads,” she said.


“Oh, yeah,” Mystic rolled her eyes before eyeing some barrels nearby, “Repeat the insults I called you and bound up against me. It’s standard for ponies like you.”

The first unicorn growled as Mystic examined her bandages. They still stung but she knows she’ll have to throw some punches.

“And before you know it, I’ll be punished worse than you could ever punish me.”

“Oh, we’ll teach you a lesson peasant!”

Mystic sighed tired of this already. The first unicorn stepped forward, and despite her stinging forelegs she threw it out and *SMACK!* Punched the worker straight to the ground! She heard some gasps but wasn’t intimidated and eyed the three remaining ponies.

“You want a taste?!” she growled.

One of them charged but she avoided him, grabbed a barrel and slammed it right onto the unicorn! He groaned as he laid down in pain. In a fighting stance, she turned to face the other unicorns but he looked at her with a look of fear and took off.

“Good riddance,” she spat.

Whatever might come next doesn’t matter. She’s leaving! The schedule has her and several others being transferred to the farms, she’ll make her escape there!

“You want a taste? Seriously?!” she berated herself.

Stomping down the road did make her feel a little better. This injustice has to end! Two years of Tartarus! What kind of mistress is Fate?!

Suddenly she felt a sharp pain shoot up her left foreleg. She nearly collapsed as she let out a hiss. The unicorn looked down to see the bandages have come loose a bit and began to bleed.

“Shoot...” she grumbled.

The unicorn began to sit down.

“Psst,” came a voice.

She paused.

“Over here.”

Turning to her right to face an alleyway, Mystic gasped as she spotted the cloaked figure emerging from the shadows and immediately recognized the purple and blue mane within the cloak.

“Don’t speak a word,” she said in a neutral tone. Mystic immediately shut her mouth.

“I know things are hard,” the figure said, “But don’t give up and continue to go after the one you truly care about.”

She stopped next to her and held out a glass filled with some liquid, “Drink this. It tastes awful, but it will help keep your strength up.”

The figure shoved it right up to her lips and Mystic obliged with drinking it. When she finished, she gagged as the figure stood up.

“I can’t stay much longer,” she said, “Things are changing around here.” She reached into her cloak gave Mystic a container with blue liquid, “Drip this onto your forelegs. It’ll help with the pain.”

She began to leave. Mystic shifted a bit to look where she’s going.

“Who are you?” she asked in a scratchy tone.

“Me?” the figure replied, slinking back into the shadows, “I’m just a bird.”

“Wait!” Mystic cried. To her amazement, she began to feel her strength recovering. She went after the figure but she is no longer there.

Confused, Mystic processed at what happened and sat down to fully recover. She took the cork off the container and gently dripped the contents onto both of her forelegs and some on her hindlegs.

Suddenly, she heard something crinkle underneath her hooves that caused her to look at her hindlegs.

There’s a small piece of paper.

She levitated it up, unrolled it and began reading.

I noticed you try to fight off those soldiers and the hole you’d dug up to escape. You look like a pony who is capable of standing up for herself.
I have very personal matters to discuss with you, Mystic.

Mystic gasped. That pony knew her name?! With trepidation, she continued to read.

Yes. I know your name, little pony. But I am offering you an opportunity. Do you want to deal with those who did you wrong? Do you want to get sweet justice to this crumbling city and reform it the way it should be? Then accept this invitation.
Please, by all means, when you finish your work at the farms, meet me at 7pm near the edge of downtown by a café with a green roof and I will explain everything. DO NOT BE LATE! There’s a map attached to the note. DO NOT SHOW IT TO ANYPONY!

Sincerely, the Liberators

Mystic gasped again. The Liberators?! The group Hong and the city are trying to capture?! They’re criminals!

... Aren’t they?

The mare gazed to the unconscious ponies in the distance. She would’ve been toast if it weren’t for that pony. Maybe...they’re not so bad?

Then again, she doesn’t have too much to lose. Only...don’t let them hurt Sunshine.

Gazing back to the note, she noticed a small bit on the bottom she’d missed.

P.S. Oh, and don’t worry about your little friend. She’s in no danger from us. The question is, Mystic, will you be willing to stand up and bring justice to Imperial City? If not the city, do it for yourself and her.

Oh, but if she goes she might not be able to act on her plan. However, the fire in her chest began rising again. She grit her teeth and snorted at the thought of what’s been done to her. To Sunshine.

But then again, they could simply run away and never return. Sunshine did tell her to save the innocent, but could this group be the way to save more ponies that need help? Are she and Sunshine not the only two? The thought of standing up against the General seems interesting.

“Mystic!” came a voice, “It’s time for your last jobs for the day!”


She’ll need more time to process this.

Of course, I have to go find out about this, she thought, walking towards the edge where the suburbs began.

She saw several ponies talking and some eating at various restaurants. Mystic looked over her shoulder to ensure she wasn’t being followed. A clock on a street post told her that it’s about 6:59pm. Continuing further into the suburbs she spotted a building with a green roof that read “Café” on the front.

Making her way over, she glanced around for her target.

By the café, huh? She thought looking around warily.

The unicorn didn’t spot anypony of any interest. Wasn’t she going to already be here? With a sigh, she leaned up against the wall.

“Psst,” came a voice. “Young mare.”

Mystic perked up.

“Yes, over here to the left and behind you.”

She turned around and came face to face with the same cloaked figure she’d-

A hoof placed itself on her lips and dragged her into the shadowy alley.

With a yelp, the figure sat her down on the ground.

“Keep quiet!” the figure hushed as she took in her surroundings.

“Nopony followed you, right?” she asked.

“Uhm...no?” Mystic answered with trepidation.

The figure sighed. “Good.” She removed her hood revealing herself to be a purple earth pony with bluish eyes. She looked to be in her mid-20s and with a sparkle in her eye that told Mystic she meant business. The younger mare involuntary gulped.

“You’re Mystic,” she said. “My name is Cierra. I am the ringleader of the Liberators.”

A purple hoof reached out to Mystic, causing her to blink several times. Her gaze went back and forth between the hoof and Cierra’s face before shakily grabbing a hold of it.

The ringleader’s grip was nice and firm as she shook hooves.

“I assume you have questions,” said Cierra as she pulled her hoof away.

Mystic nodded, still processing the mare in front of her.

“There will be plenty of time to answer them,” said Cierra, “But do you know anything of the Liberators?”

Mystic shook her head.

“Come on, you should’ve heard somepony blether about us.” Her look hardened.

What did she hear? What did she-

“You’re...some kind of group, right?” Mystic guessed.

Cierra nodded. “And?”

“Th-that you’re some kind of reclusive, hard to find?”

Another nod.

“And that you’re criminals?”

“No!” Cierra scolded, causing Mystic to jump. “We are NOT criminals!”

“Then why-”

“Because we simply don’t play by their rules!”

Mystic trailed off as she shuddered and her heart pounded.

“The Liberators thrive of fair and just treatment to everypony. We all desire peace and prosperity!” she glared at Mystic, “Have you failed to realize just how important that is?”

Mystic didn’t answer as sweat began pouring down her face.

“Speak, Mystic! Speak!”

“I...haven’t...” Mystic replied weakly. Why is this happening? Why can’t I speak like I want?!

Cierra snorted, “I don’t know why I even considered having you meet me.”

Mystic nervously looked into her eyes, “Looks like you’re just not capable of standing up for anypony or yourself for that matter.”

Mystic grit her teeth as she began to feel a burning instinct rise within her chest.

“I don’t know why I bothered wasting my time here,” Cierra stood up, “Good day, Mystic.”

The earth pony put her cloak back on and began to leave.

No! I won’t be denied this! Mystic thought.

“Listen to me!” she growled as she stood up. Cierra turned around.

“I have been bullied, whipped, abused by that so-called uncle, kept from seeing my friend as much as I should and my work has gotten a LOT worse since the first leader perished!” Mystic snarled baring her teeth, “So you tell me why the hay I would even consider that they deserve what’s coming to them!”

As soon as the words left her lips, her heart began to race again. A sense of foolishness entered her and felt like she’d done something she shouldn’t have as the mare stood there staring at her.

Cierra smirked and slowly clapped her hooves.

“Now that’s what I wanted to hear,” she said, “You’re an independent pony and knows there can be something better for yourself.”

“Wait...” Mystic realized, “Were you intentionally getting me riled up?”

“I never said I was or wasn’t.”

Mystic plopped back down on the ground and rubbed her temples. She heard the older mare sit back down and remove her cloak’s hood.

“So, Mystic,” said Cierra. The younger mare’s eyes met hers, “I want you to know that there’s nothing to be scared of and that I won’t do anything to hurt you or your little friend.” She gently grabbed Mystic’s bandaged hoof in both of her own, “I swear to you.” She gave a smile.

At this, Mystic began to relax some. The mare seemed welcoming and understanding. For what reason, Mystic knew she had to find out.

“How many Liberators are there?” she asked.

Cierra giggled, “A lot. I need to check the list again.”

Mystic cleared her throat, “And...are they spread out throughout the whole city?”

Cierra shook her head, “It’s...complicated. We do have other Liberator gangs out there that aren’t the...friendliest.”

Mystic slightly perked up, “Other Liberators?”

“There will be time to answer that later,” Cierra smiled again, “But first, I want to know more about you.”

Mystic tensed and she knew Cierra saw that she did. How was she going to tell a second pony? Telling Sunshine was easy after a while, but telling somepony she’d just met?

“You can trust me, little one,” Cierra said softly, brushing Mystic’s cheek, “I’m all ears.”

Mystic almost collapsed at the warm hoof touching her cheek. Suddenly, it felt as if this mare was making her feel safe, warm and that she can trust her. Mystic closed her eyes and pondered.

“Are you...sure?” she asked, “It’s...not your usual story.”

“For a filly like yourself looking as battered as you, I believe anything could be possible.”

Mystic sighed, “Do you promise not to scoff or make fun of me?”

“I promise.”

Mystic opened her eyes. “And you promise to listen with an open mind?”

“Sure. None of this will leave this conversation. Even to other Liberators.”

Without anything to lose, Mystic told Cierra everything from waking up at ten years old and not having any memory of herself, to the vicious Hong, to the bright Sunshine and this current year. When she’d arrived at this year, Mystic could tell that the mare suspected she was omitting some details. She was thankful that she didn’t question it.

“-—and that leads me to about the time the first leader died and meeting you,” Mystic concluded.

Cierra’s eyes were wide and her jaw slightly agape having taken every word in. The seconds that ticked by seemed to go on forever.

“My gosh, Mystic,” the older mare marveled, “You have been more than enough what any filly should be going through...”

“I know...” Mystic whimpered, tears beginning to form.

“I don’t mean to be cynical but normally fillies or colts your age wouldn’t be going on like this...they would either perish, not want to live anymore, and be completely hopeless...”

Mystic sniffed, “I guess so...”

“And would’ve just given up completely.”

Mystic blinked away her tears and did her best to compose herself, “Your point?”

“I mean, you haven’t backed down from standing up for yourself at times. You’re still holding on no matter what.” Cierra’s eyes widened with amazement, “Mystic...you...you’re a strong-willed pony. I don’t know if anypony else could stand up after going through so much...”

“I did get close to hurting myself or worse...” Mystic cringed.

“Yet you didn’t,” Cierra leaned forward, “You know why I think that is?”


“Because you’re a fighter.”

Mystic paused. “I...guess?”

“Look at what you’ve been through and all you managed to conjure for yourself. A friend and have more rights than some of the other ponies,” Cierra smirked. “I see the potential within you, Mystic. I’ve watched you in your struggles.”

“You watched me?” Mystic asked wide-eyed.

“I know it was probably not the best way but I needed to know more about you and see if you were trustworthy to our group,” she smiled, “And I believe you would be an interesting new addition.”

Mystic’s eyes widened in fascination and awe. Is this happening?!

“If you can stand up for yourself and withstand all of your pain and problems imagine what you could do if you were a fighter. A pony who wouldn’t ever give up no matter what.” She whispered into Mystic’s ear, “A Liberator.”

“A Liberator?” Mystic’s eyes lit up.


“But why me?”

“Because,” Cierra smirked, “I like to think I see things in ponies.” She patted Mystic’s head, “I believe I see something in you.”

“But...” Mystic frowned. She remembered something important and how much she wanted to go there.

“Sunshine mentioned this stallion that’ll be coming to take us to a land called Equestria.”

“Oh?” Cierra tilted her head.

“Yeah, she thinks this city is too far gone and we need to preserve the good and innocent,” Mystic sighed, “I just don’t want to let her down and think I’ve left her behind when she’s done so much for me.”

Mystic just sat there, remembering how excited the filly was and how much she’d love for both of them to be happy. The need for happiness is greatly desired.

“I see,” Cierra looked cold, “You seem connected to your friend and seem to want to do what she wants instead of thinking for yourself.”

Mystic blinked, “Wait, it’s not like that.”

“I didn’t say it was but let me ask you something,” she leaned forward, the atmosphere becoming colder, “Do you just want to sit idly by and not do something about what’s been done to you?”

Mystic rose her hoof to answer but paused.

“Why don’t you just want to do something about all the injustice that’s tearing this city apart?” Cierra asked, “That’s what the Liberators are for. We don’t want others to suffer. We are trying to reform this society to a kinder, truer, and better way. So, if you want to pack up and leave instead of doing something about the injustice here, then I won’t stop you.”

She looked away, “It just...seems kind of selfish and foolish to stand idly by and not lift the suffering from these poor civilians.”

Mystic began to feel tugs at her heartstrings and began to feel guilty about the thought of doing such a thing.

“I don’t mean to be selfish...” she said.

“Then,” Cierra looked at her, “I know you want to be thankful towards your friend but have you considered this to be a way to repay her?”

“Well, no...”

“She deserves all that’s good in life, Mystic. How can you be an effective duo of friends if you can’t protect and repay her?”

Cierra stood up, making Mystic heart skip a beat.

“I won’t force you to do anything. But just think about it,” she finished.

“Give me a second...” Mystic muttered.

“I won’t rush you.”

The idea of bringing justice to the city sounds like a fantastic idea but it sounds as if it’ll be a lot of work, planning, and consequences. She can live with that. However, Sunshine’s plans for them both would be ruined and to get away from this place. It would probably hurt her feelings and how she hated to see her cheerful friend sad.

But Cierra did have a point how could they just not do anything about this? Can’t Sunshine be in a safer location while she fights for both of them? That could work. Her anger boiled against Hong and the city.

How sick she is of everything going wrong for her! Yet, what about her friend? Sunshine is a wonderful soul and has brought her out of her darkest moments but she’s not flawless. Both can be safe and bring justice!

With a determined look, she nodded at Cierra. However, before she could respond they heard distant voices getting closer. Both ponies looked over like two deer caught in the headlights.

“Oh no...” Mystic whispered as a beam of light came into view, “They’re coming for me!”

“I’ve got to get out of here,” Cierra whispered.

Oh, she won’t leave before she gets her affirmation into the group!

“I accept!” Mystic whispered as the lights got closer. “I accept membership!”

“Good!” replied Cierra putting on her hood, “We have plans we’ve laid out and we’ll get you and your friend to our base tonight! You have our word!” The mare bolted off into the shadows as the lights hit Mystic.

Mucking out the livestock’s gunk isn’t too fun. She wasn’t getting much to eat tonight due to her staying out longer than what she should have. She pushed through and got back to her room.

She laid back on the lumpy mattress and pulled up the mothball pillow to rest. As she rested, she recalled Cierra’s words about getting her tonight.

Will they be able to get her and Sunshine to safety? There is a bunch of security to her room and around the Palace, too. She hopes Sunshine would be reached first. That filly deserves safety above all else. Even if they never arrived and left her to her fate! She’ll take Hong’s wrath as long as Sunshine was safe and alive!

Gazing out to the moon behind the parting clouds she began to feel a little relaxed with looking at the night sky again. How much is truly out there? That question keeps her wondering about the world and beyond. It’s truly-

*knock* *knock*

Great. Now what?

With a loud groan Mystic called, “Look, I took care of your stupid chores and what do you want me to do? Shove myself until my bones break?!”

*knock* *knock*


She got up and opened the door to reveal a black hooded figure accompanied by two others.

“Are you Mystic?” the first asked urgently.

Mystic’s stomach knitted, “Y-Yes?”

“Excellent,” said the figure removing her hood revealing herself to be a black earth pony with a blue mane, “I am Meng sent by Cierra.”

“Cierra?” Mystic almost gasped. She came through?!

“Yes,” Meng gave her an identical hooded robe, “Put this on. You’re going to need it when we get started.”

“Started?” Mystic took the clothing.

“Just get dressed now.”

The unicorn slipped it on and Meng ensured it was put on properly. She nodded at Mystic.

“We’re going to need you to move quickly. No questions asked, understand?”


“Say yes ma’am!”

“Y-Yes ma’am!”

“Now move!”

She began to follow her rescuer out of the dingy dorms and noticed several unconscious soldiers. Her eyes widened.

“Sedatives,” said Meng, “Keep moving.”

“Yes ma’am!”

She was escorted out of the dorms and they emerged into one of the Palace’s wide, open hallways. Her rescuer took one glance out there to see several troops walking around.

“Soldiers,” she said. She shut the door and looked at Mystic, “When they give the signal, we’ll head down the halls and out one of the entrances to the Palace’s west side towards the wall where we’ll meet our pickup.”

“Got it, ma’am. What about Sunshine?” Mystic asked nervously.

“My only concern is getting you out. There’s another team en-route to her now.”

“Okay then...” Mystic’s heart raced. They’re about to make a run for it. Why is she feeling a sense of excitement? The adrenaline? The anticipation of escape?

Suddenly, outside the Palace walls, loud trumpets echoed that sent the soldiers in the hallway running off in a frenzy. Mystic knew what that meant!

“A prison escape?!” she cried.

“Yes! It’s our distraction while we meet the others!” said Meng. She nodded to the others, “Now, move Mystic!”

Without a moment to waste she and her escorts bolted down the hall and stopped at a corner to see the rest of the soldiers moving in the direction of the trumpets to seize the prisoners. Meng directed their attention down a smaller hallway.

“Go! Go!” she ordered.

They bolted again. Turning to and fro in the long hallways. Mystic saw that Meng had her eyes wide open and looking for danger. The unicorn glanced around and saw they were passing by all kinds of artifacts, weapons, and decorations. She needs a weapon! Another turn into a hallway and time they passed by the armor. Mystic slowed down levitated a sword from one of the knights.

“Put that down!” Meng hissed, “We need to be quick and not fool around!”

Mystic put it down and uttered an apology as they continued. Suddenly, Meng came to a stop, causing Mystic’s heart to almost leap out of her chest. All of them hid behind a large suit of armor as a train of soldiers charged down the hall, the trumpets still sounding off.

Mystic’s heart fluttered, she felt tingly and alive! This is an amazing plan!

“Move!” Meng ordered pulling out a crossbow, “We’re probably going to fight our way out in the courtyard!”

“Sweet weapon!” Mystic commented as they bolted again.

With one more hallway down, they arrived at a door that Meng kicked down and ushered Mystic through it.

When Mystic was outside, she heard the sounds of soldiers shouting orders and prisoners trying to escape. Looking at the wall she saw the ponies up top are scanning the area with giant floodlights!

“Avoid the light!” Meng warned, “We don’t need any more ponies to deal with!”

Heart racing, sweat coming down her face and adrenaline pulsing through her system, the mare continued as fast as she could. However, such feelings began to feel wonderful! She’s never been so excited before! She began breaking out into a smile as she picked up speed. Nervousness, excitement, and anticipation all swirled through Mystic’s emotions as the Palace wall got closer and closer.

“Oh my gosh...” she marveled, “I feel...good!”

The noises began to fade as the wall came closer.

“Look out!” Meng cried.

A floodlight swept right towards them and hit Mystic catching her right in it!

A trumpet sounded off!

“Crap!” Meng cried.

They heard soldiers coming closer! No! Not now!

“MOVE!” Meng ordered.

The party picked up speed but instead of feeling scared determination rose in Mystic on top of her excitement! She glanced to her right and spotted several barrels. She bolted off in their direction.

“Mystic! Where are you going?!” Meng cried.

“Just taking care of business!” Mystic called back. She noticed several soldiers almost upon her rescuers.

“I’m NOT going back, Hong!” she cried as she levitated the barrels and charged right at them.

With a loud bellow, she chucked them right at the soldiers!


Mystic laughed as they cried out in pain. She rejoined the others.


Something went right by them!

“Arrows!” one of the escorts shouted.

Mystic looked up and saw several ponies on the top of the wall shooting arrows at them. That won’t stop her from getting out of here! She grabbed another barrel and placed it in front of and above them. With loud clunks, the arrows hit the barrel and failed to pierce through!

“We’re almost there!” Meng cried.

Mystic watched as she leaped out, placing a clip of glowing bolts into the weapon! She aimed for the top of the wall and shot a glowing blue bolt that soared fast right into a target! He cried out in immense pain before plummeting off the wall!

The shouting got louder around them as the wall neared. Mystic heard Meng firing more bolts as she continued forward!


An explosion ripped a hole into the wall’s foundation!

“Perfect timing!” Meng cried happily.

“Get them!” a very familiar voice barked, “They’ve got Mystic! BRING HER TO ME!”

“Not on my watch!” Meng cried, “I’ve not failed a heist yet!”

Mystic looked back as Meng pulled out a large potion and with a shout, threw it right at the soldiers behind them. It exploded with a huge puff of electric smoke! The soldiers cried out in pain as the daunting figure of Hong emerged with a sword and a shield in his magical grasp!

“MYSTIC!!” he roared, “This crosses the line! BIG TIME!!”

“I am NOT going back!” she cried, fear impacting her like a bullet.

Hong shot a beam of his magic right at her! Mystic yelped as she barely dodged it! Meng growled, turned, and fired three bolts at the General but he deflected them with his sword!

“Mystic! RUN!” Meng ordered.

Without hesitation, Mystic began making a beeline towards the hole in the wall!

“NO!!” Hong roared.

An explosion cut Mystic off and that blew her backward!

“Not on my WATCH!” Meng roared.

Dazed, Mystic began to pull herself up, only for somepony to grab her!

Fortunately, it was one of her escorts and both made a run for it! Mystic heard Meng screaming and blades clashing as another bolt fired from her crossbow!

Soon, Mystic arrived at the wall, but she stopped. She looked back at Meng fighting her adoptive uncle. The mare seemed to be struggling against him!

“We need to go!” the escort shouted.

Mystic didn’t move but watched with wide eyes at Meng skillfully fighting, but Hong has magic and she doesn’t!

“Look out!” the escort shouted.

Mystic turned and gasped when a soldier leaped at her with a machete! Mystic ducked as the soldier sailed overhead! Picking herself up, she lunged at the soldier and pinned him! He growled in anger and tried to push Mystic off him, but the mare’s strength kept him down! Mystic spotted the machete and immediately levitated it to her side! She lifted it to strike him down but he pushed her off him!

Dazed, Mystic tried to pull herself up but several ponies tackled the soldier!

“Run Mystic! Get to safety!” another escort ordered.

More arrows sailed through the air as Mystic looked over at Meng continuing to fight Hong. She fired more bolts but he managed to deflect those too!

Her burning anger returned and with a loud bellow, she charged right at him!

He was turned around and Meng nearly froze when she saw Mystic! The unicorn lifted her machete high and sliced into Hong’s back and neck!

“AAAAAGGHHHH!!” Hong roared, he nearly toppled over but kept his hoofing! Unfortunately, his armor kept the machete from damaging him even further!

Meng punched him in the face and kicked his sword away and Mystic swiped her machete and cut him across his left foreleg!

Meng grabbed Mystic by the hoof and took off with her. The younger mare felt incredible! She saw enemy bleeding from his upper back and neck!

When Hong saw her, she saw a look of complete hatred and anger behind those crazed eyes.

“MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYSSSSSSSSTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCC!!!!” he howled louder than she’d ever heard before!

Meng escorted her to the newly made hole and they emerged onto the other side! More Liberators joined their side, forming a protective circle around their target and Meng.

“Get into the catacombs! That’s our only way out of here!” Meng cried.

Keeping the machete close, Mystic took one final look back and noticed the soldiers beginning to come after them.

Meng took the lead of the escort and after sticking to the shadows and alleyways, they managed to avoid being spotted by the soldiers.

A while later they came to a stop along the city’s edge and Meng bent down and removed a stone slab to reveal a secret passageway to below the surface.

She motioned everypony to go through. Mystic entered first and waited at the bottom of the stairs until everypony rejoined her and Meng slid the slab back into place.

“Is everypony okay?” she asked, coming down the stairs.

Everypony gave their responses that they’re okay. Satisfied, Meng approached Mystic.

“And you’re okay I hope?” she asked.

Mystic giggled.

“What’s so funny?”

“Sorry sorry,” she giggled, glancing at her new machete, “I just...” She let out a laugh, “That was awesome! I hadn’t gotten a rush like that before!”

Meng sighed and smirked, “You did well. No wonder Cierra thinks you can be an interesting addition to our group.”

“You could’ve not gotten spotted,” said a Liberator.

Mystic slightly wilted and Meng glared at him.

“Sorry about that,” she lightly blushed.

“Okay,” said Meng, “Cierra is going to meet us at a checkpoint before we get to the Base. Let’s get to her.”

With a nod, everypony got on their way.

Mystic told Meng a little about herself as the catacombs got longer and wider. She wanted to gloat about how she hurt Hong but Meng wanted to keep everything quiet until they got to safety.

They’re surrounded by skulls of ponies and water beginning to show its face on the floor. The unicorn looked at the skulls and shuddered.

“Gosh...” she whispered.

“Don’t look at them too much,” said Meng. “We’re not held up in the catacombs.”

Mystic went silent for the rest of the journey and soon a flash of purple hair caught her eye.

“Cierra?” she called.

The mare in question stepped out and brightly smiled at her.

“Oh, you’re here!” she said walking forward, “I told you we’d follow through, didn’t I?”

“Hay yeah you did!” Mystic smiled, taking a glance at a belt around her sister’s waist that held a concealed weapon.

Cierra approached and wrapped a foreleg around her, “Welcome to the Liberators, my sister.”

Mystic awkwardly chuckled and patted Cierra’s back in return.

“What about Sunshine?” she asked.

“She should be at the Base,” replied Cierra pulling back, “Let’s get there and when we do, we’ll be swearing you in as a Liberator.” She glanced at Mystic’s machete but didn’t comment.

“I’m looking forward to it,” said Mystic.

Despite her excitement, she wondered how Sunshine would be taking this development and how she’d feel about her plans being ruined.

Nonsense! This is the best way! She knows it is!

“And that’s why I never want to be around fashionable ponies again,” said Mystic, trying to keep her mind off the catacombs.

“Pfft!” Cierra snorted, “Good reason not to!”

“Oh, you wouldn’t believe it!” Mystic groaned. She perked up, “Oh! And you won’t believe what I did on the battlefield!”

“Mystic,” said Meng, “I told you to wait until we got back and give a report.”

Mystic bit her tongue, inwardly cursing the mare for not wanting her to tell her everything.

A circular room came into view, four pillars supported the bones and concrete above. Mystic shuddered becoming timid once again. She began watching where she was going from now on.

“You okay newbie?” Meng asked.

“I-I’m fine,” Mystic stuttered, glancing at her.


“I’m just trying not to step on bones,” said Mystic as the ground clattered and crunched.

“You just stepped on some,” said Meng.

“EEWWW!” Mystic practically fell backward before being caught by Cierra.

“Relax, Mystic,” she said, “I’ll-”


A puff of smoke and electrical charge suddenly spread through the room narrowly missing the party!

“What the?!” Mystic yiped as Cierra and her gang got into fighting positions.

“What was that?!” a Liberator cried.

PAF! Another puff of smoke and electricity!

“Ambush!” Cierra shouted. “Get behind cover!”

Everypony was quick to duck behind a post that held up the bones in the form of a ceiling.

“Cierra! You’ve crossed us yet again!” came a voice.

Mystic felt her stomach twist into a knot as her eyes bulged to see the shadows of several ponies.

Meng aimed at them and fired off her crossbow. She ducked behind the pole again, reloaded and quickly shot another.

“You two! Find a way around them!” Cierra ordered.

“Right away ma’am!” the two Liberators answered.

“Everypony else, follow my lead!” Cierra pulled out dual blades that began to glow red. Mystic’s eyes bulged even more.

More ponies began to pour in as her companions began to make their way towards them! What is going on?! Did Hong’s soldiers...no!

These ponies aren’t dressed like soldiers! They looked like regular ponies coming in!

Mystic almost hid further behind the pillar but began to feel the need to fight and stand up for her leader!


Mystic jumped as some of the Liberators were partially blinded! She glanced at her leader and saw she was ready to pounce.

“Meng! Get Mystic to safety!” Cierra ordered.

“I can help!” Mystic cried.

“Not right now, Mystic! We need you safe! Meng! Take her!” Cierra leaped out onto the battlefield and began swiping her blades at the opposing ponies. A couple were hit by them that knocked them aside. A pony came charging, but Cierra did a side flip and landed firmly on her hooves before she bucked him right in the face!

Mystic gasped in amazement but she wasn’t finished! Cierra threw a blade right at a couple more ponies, they managed to dodge but Cierra slid along the ground, kicked them down and did an uppercut punch upon a third!


Smoke and electrical charges began to fill the catacombs as Meng grabbed Mystic and took her away. As she looked back in amazement and horror, the cries from the Liberators and orders from Cierra faded.

After traveling for a few minutes, Meng ducked behind a slab of concrete and took a position to aim her crossbow in the direction they’d come from.

“What in the world was that about?!” Mystic cried.

“SHH!” Meng smacked the back of Mystic’s head, “Keep quiet!”

Despite her stinging head, Mystic asked, “Who were those ponies?”

Meng groaned, “They were other Liberators, okay?”

“What?” Mystic gasped. “But why were they attacking?”

“Cierra might not have mentioned this,” Meng shifted a bit into a firmer aiming position. “Even though there are other groups of Liberators, we all have our different territories, ideals, and codes. They’re blinded by their own judgments. It’s practically a war beneath the real war with the government.”

“But...” Mystic frowned, “That’s not fair...”

Meng sighed, “Life isn’t fair, Mystic. You must know that, right?”

Mystic inwardly cringed as she nodded. This is awful! This changes almost everything!


“Hush,” Meng shushed her, “Somepony’s coming.”

Her mouth immediately closed as she began to hear hoofsteps making their way over. She squinted her eyes down the darkened catacombs as several lights approached, casting several shadows along the walls.

“Justice for all!” Cierra’s voice called.

Meng visibly relaxed and put her crossbow down. Relief came to Mystic as Cierra and her party reunited with them.

“Sorry about the hold-up,” said Cierra, “They put up a little fight.”

Meng nodded, “Good thing you’re still in one piece.”

“Cierra,” Mystic smiled, “Thank goodness!”

Cierra patted her on the head, “I’m sorry you had to find out about them like that. I would’ve told you sooner.”

Did she know? Are she and Meng really that close? A smirk grew on the mare’s face and she gave a nod.

I guess that confirms it. She thought.

“Come on,” Cierra moved forward, “We need to take a different route so we’re not followed directly to the Base.”

“Will Sunshine be there?” Mystic followed, her concerns growing, “What if...”

“She’ll be fine, Mystic,” Cierra assured her. “Please, let’s get to the Base.”

With a nod, the party continued down the long pathway of the catacombs.

The pathway almost seemed like a labyrinth. Soon, the catacombs turned into an area with solid concrete walls and floors. Cierra mentioned that they’re almost there.

The party came to a stop at a seemingly dead-end but Meng pulled a hidden lever within the stone a secret door opened. Mystic’s eyes widened in amazement as Cierra nudged her forward. Mystic walked down a flight of stairs and came upon an archway that led directly into a settling.

“We’re here,” said Cierra.

The moment she said that Mystic’s eyes were met with colors of all kinds. Makeshift houses were lined up with one another and there are some tents with ponies in them as well as a stage in the middle of it all with a pulpit decorated with gold trimmings. It seemed to stretch on in the huge underground town. Above the town are stalactites. They’re in a cave?! Mystic gawked at her surroundings. It looks amazing down here!

“There are more than what it seems like here,” said Cierra. Mystic looked at her, “There are smaller houses and more tents behind these here. We’re growing every day with supporters and to be Liberators.”

“How do you find enough room for ponies down here?” Mystic marveled.

“We have to make room,” said Cierra, “We’ve been working down here for years and its slowly growing until we reach the hilltops.”


“Yeah, I know,” Cierra smiled. “You’ll be staying in a house that belongs to me. Which is the biggest one just over there.” She pointed and Mystic spotted a somewhat larger makeshift house that looked five feet taller than the others.

“Cool,” she said. Then she shook her head, “Wait, where’s Sunshine?”

“Ah, here comes the two that were...” Cierra paused. Mystic looked over and saw two nervous-looking ponies.

“Where is the target?” Cierra asked in a dark tone. The two ponies shuddered.

A feeling of dread and panic settled into Mystic “Where is my friend?!”

“Yeah,” Cierra growled. “Where. Is. She?”

The two ponies gulped as sweat poured down their faces.

“Did. You. Not. Retrieve her?!”

“We tried to get her!” one cried.

Mystic’s heart sank. They didn’t get Sunshine?! How could they not?! As she dropped her machete, a wave of burning anger began building as she felt a couple of tears roll down her face.

“WHAT?!” Cierra barked.

“We had to retreat! Honest!”

“You mean you idiots didn’t get her friend out of the orphanage?!” Cierra cried.

“There were too many ponies! We couldn’t get to her!”

“That doesn’t MATTER!!” Cierra roared. Her troops took some steps back, “When I give orders, you’re to ALWAYS obey them no matter how long it takes!” She stomped hard on the ground, “Especially when they come to the innocent and the helpless and you FAILED to fulfill my orders!”

“W-We’re sorry ma’am!”

“Please forgive us!”

“Forgive you?!” Cierra grabbed both of them by the collars and brought them within a few inches of her face, “I won’t be doing ANY forgiving until you imbeciles get your sorry flanks back out there and BRING her friend back here!” she motioned to Mystic, “And because of you two she is WORRIED SICK!”

She threw the scared ponies to the ground, “Get out there and retrieve her! I don’t care how long it takes!! Bring more ponies with you!!”

The sounds around seemed to fade into mumbling nonsense as she gazed towards the ground. Her legs gave out as she plopped down next to her new machete and she buried her distraught face in her hooves from her new colleagues.

Present day – Year 17 – Day 1

The boulder was alit in a blue aura. It slightly moved to the side revealing the orange unicorn wrapped in a cloak. The blue eyes gazed up to the darkening clouds as the rain continued to pelt the forest around her. It feels like it’s been an eternity since she’s seen the sun. How much she misses its rays soaking into her coat giving her great pleasure whenever she has a few moments before she moves on to her next destination.

Her first step met cold mud that caused her to shiver. The rain won’t be slowing down. It’s now or never. She stepped out of her hut, gently brought out a bouquet of sunflowers wrapped around with plastic, and rolled the boulder back into place.

Amid the wind shaking the branches and swaying the tops of the trees, the forest around her seemed devoid of any life almost as if she’s the only one around.

It’s perfect...

Her forelegs began to move and soon she was on her way. She can practically find it in her sleep by now.

Suddenly, a large gust of wind began to blow through the forest.

With a loud yelp, Mystic saw that her the plastic rattling against the bouquet and it’s about to blow out of her aura.

“No!” she cried.

Thinking quick, Mystic brought the bouquet to her and shielded it with her cloak as she laid on the ground to protect it! She growled and looked up at the wind blowing the trees like strands of straw in the grass.

“Not today!” she hissed, “Not ever!”

The wind continued to howl.

Meanwhile, in her headmare’s office, Twilight Sparkle finished writing in a journal with a peculiar sun on it.

“Hee hee!” she giggled, “I’m so looking forward to the Gala next week!”

As she stood up from her desk, she began thinking about what is going on in nine days. The Grand Galloping Gala, Equestria biggest event is set to start once again for the nation to enjoy. This year, she’d arranged with Celestia for more than one extra guest to go. Now three guests can accompany the ticket buyer. Many ponies are going to attend and Twilight’s friends decided to chip in to make it a more exciting year for everypony.

“Twilight! Twilight!” a voice called. Twilight looked at her office entrance and the doors opened, revealing a small purple dragon with green scales on his head.

“Spike?” Twilight asked, setting the journal aside, “What’s wrong?”

“The sinks in the bathroom burst!” Spike cried, flying up to the desk.

“Again?!” Twilight facehoofed, “That’s the second time this week!”

“I know! I thought we’d gotten those handled!”

Twilight sighed, “I’ll call the plumbers.”

Being a princess has its perks, but she hates spending bits on plumbing issues at the school. Even though the incidents have been small and mostly contained, she can’t help but be concerned for her students’ safety.

Reasons such as this are why she’s been focused on thinking positively and trying to teach friendship.

Author's Note:

Hey everypony! I've constructed a timeline for Mystic that'll be continually updated as the story goes on for a refresher in case you need it! :pinkiehappy:

The timeline

In addition, I also created a summary of what Twilight is going through so you can be sure you understand. :twilightsmile:

Twilight's story

Fun fact; this was originally part of the previous chapter but since there was that scene in the previous chapter, I thought it would be a more effective way to end it there. :twilightsmile:

Well, Mystic has officially escaped from Hong and into a new group! But what will become of Sunshine?! Stay tuned!

P.S Well this got long! The next two chapters (and possibly the one after that) might take a little longer in order to tell them efficiently and effectively the way I want them to, so I just wanted to give you a little heads up. :twilightsmile: