• Published 19th Nov 2019
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Wherever the Light Shines - MLPSolarDash1907

Awoken at ten years old, Mystic doesn't remember anything about herself other than her name. She will see how her choices, the ponies around her, and the world could make her into the pony she will become.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - The Liberators

Present day – Year 17: Day 1

She’s been walking for an hour. The rain, not wanting to slow down, kept pelting at her cloak. She didn’t bother putting on her fighting attire because it’s just finished drying.

Normally, birds would be chirping, frogs would croak, and animals moving around. Today didn’t match that picture. It felt gloomy. Grey. Devoid of any kind of light that the creatures enjoyed.

The mare kept walking, trying to keep herself peaceful as she tried to clear her mind. She had one thing on her mind. It’s the hardest thing she does after arriving but she’s practically embraced the pain that came with it. Stepping to the edge of the woods, a clearing came into view which told her she’s getting close to her destination.

Images of her past came to her mind. She shuddered and dared not to go back to that city or anywhere close to it. She’s been safe for years and plans to keep it that way.

The edge of the field soon came into view and her gaze landed on a rock made to be a gravestone.

With her heart slightly thudding and every step feeling as if a dead stallion were on her back a brief choke escaped her throat her composure was maintained. When she stopped in front of the stone her eyes shut and she softly counted to five. After a few seconds, she opened them, carefully placed the sunflowers in front of the stone and settled down in front of it.

The unicorn placed a tender hoof on it and solemnly bowed her head.

Flashback – Year 12 – Day 25

Every second, every minute, felt like it’d slowed to a crawl. Gazing down at the mattress she’s sitting on, Mystic’s thoughts wandered.

Sunshine, that filly cannot defend herself as she could. What if Hong has done something to her? Hurt her? Killed her? She’ll never forgive herself! She didn’t want to cry in front of Cierra or the Liberators. It wouldn’t make her look good! Would it? Doesn’t Cierra expect things from her?

The unicorn choked, feeling the conflict within her continuing to eat her away.

The door creaked.

Mystic immediately perked up only to wilt at Cierra’s sympathetic face.

“I brought you some food,” she said holding some apples, “You haven’t eaten in over twelve hours.”

“Hours? Might as well be days,” said Mystic, crossing her forelegs over her chest.

“You need to eat something,” Cierra asserted in a commanding tone, causing Mystic to flinch, “Keep your strength up.”

Annoyed, Mystic levitated the apples over and took a chomp out of one and chewed it hard.

“Happy?” she asked in between bites.

“Not until you get your friend back,” replied Cierra as she shut the door and sat down next to Mystic.

Despite feeling unnerved, seeing Cierra giving her a reassuring look made her feel better. The earth pony’s presence gave a sense of security and that things would be okay.

But since she’s a leader shouldn’t she be a little more- no- a lot more intimidating than she is being now? Isn’t that what leaders in charge of gangs are like?

“Mystic...” said Cierra, “Are you...scared of me?”

Mystic’s eyes widened. It was as if she had read her mind. No reply came from the unicorn as she slightly turned away.

She felt a hoof lightly stroke her shoulder.

“There’s nothing to be scared of here,” said Cierra, “You’re my sister. And you will be to all of them.”

Another tug to her heart. She felt lonesome and as if the world were a bit less bright as her nerves pulsed through her body.

“I assure you; we are doing everything we can to bring her back to you,” she heard Cierra say, “You need to believe that and remain strong.”

“If she doesn’t get to safety...” Mystic trailed off, blinking the tears away, “I won’t ever forgive myself if anything happened to her...”

“Nothing is going to happen to her. Those foolish soldiers would be heartless if they laid one hoof on her. They don’t harm kids her age.”

Sure, they don’t. Might as well be harsh to infants at this point. Mystic cringed but dared not to speak it.

“And if they did, we will walk up to that Palace, tear it down to Tartarus and go straight down after them until we retrieve her!”

Mystic almost smiled as a sense of delight rose within her. Imagine seeing Hong pay for his crimes. It was a picture she longed for.

“But for now, we need to wait for those idiots to get back and bring her alive because if they don’t-” Cierra “humphed.”

Mystic looked at her. She’s never had somepony talk about helping her no matter what even if it meant going into danger. Could she be a role model? She’s already saved her life and giving her a new outlook on life like a very familiar filly.

A small grateful smile formed on her muzzle.

“Stay strong, Mystic,” said Cierra, “Stay with me.”

Before Mystic could respond the door flew open. Both ponies turned their attention to it.

“Mystic?!” cried a familiar voice.

As if a boulder had rolled off her shoulders, her heart soared as she shot up from the mattress and saw the familiar gold mane emerge from the shadows.

“Sunshine!” Mystic cried happily.

Sunshine ran up to and tackled Mystic into a hug. Both hugged each other tightly as the older unicorn let out some light cries. She has her best friend back and everything in the world feels as if it’s much brighter and that everything is going to be okay!

“Oh, Sunshine!” cried Mystic, “I’m so thankful you’re safe!”

“I’m so glad to see you too!” Sunshine pulled back with a bewildered (yet relieved look) “What in the world is going on?! Who are all these ponies?!”

“They saved us!” Mystic laughed. “We’re going to be okay, Sunshine!”

“I know they saved us and how can you be sure we will be?”

“It’s a long story!” Mystic sat up and beamed down at her.

“A long story it is,” said Cierra. Mystic looked up at her. She lightly froze and blushed at her childish excitement.

“Who are you, fine mare?” Sunshine asked curiously.

“Fine mare?” Cierra smiled. “That’s a first.” She cleared her throat, “I’m the one in charge of the gang that had you and Mystic retrieved.”

“Really?” Sunshine marveled, “Cool!”

“Yes, it is.”

Cierra helped Mystic up to her hooves, “There will be plenty of time for details later but for now we need to get your friend sworn in.”

Sunshine tilted her head, “Sworn in?”

Cierra’s smile grew.

“Do you, Mystic, swear to stand with all of us as we liberate the city from the corrupt officials?” Cierra asked.

“I do,” Mystic nodded.

“Do you swear to work hard, fight, help those in need, and to never give up on ponies that matter to us?”

“I do.”

“Then, I hereby appoint you, our new sister, Mystic-” Cierra turned her around as they faced the crowd of one hundred ponies below, “To the Liberators!”

Everypony broke out into cheers chanting Mystic’s name and embracing her as a true sister. This is so awesome! She was once alone but now she has a whole family of ponies! Mystic waved to everypony and it caused them to cheer louder. With a quick glance over at Sunshine, the filly had a look of surprise and amazement of what’s going on.

“Also!” Meng stepped onto the stage. Everypony stopped cheering and turned their attention towards her, “Doesn’t our Cierra have anything else to announce?”

Cierra broke out into a large smile.

“Mystic, our new sister,” she began placing her hooves onto Mystic’s shoulders, “Has saved our second in command, Meng!”

The cheers broke out once again when they did Mystic remembered what she had done in their escape from the Palace. Her heart began to soar.

“And not only that!” Cierra spoke happily, “She saved her from Hong!”

Everypony gasped in amazement.

“How did she and Meng get away?” a Liberator asked.

“She not only got Meng to safety-” Cierra paused. Mystic saw the eager crowd had leaned forward to hear what their leader had to say.

“She injured the General!”

At this announcement, everypony gasped again before they erupted into cheers again!

“She’s truly a sister all of you!” Cierra announced, “And we will have a party in her name!”

The cheers got louder, as they did, Mystic looked at Sunshine whose jaw was agape at what she’d done.

“This is for you, my friend!” Mystic proclaimed before she was led off the stage into the crowd of ponies below.

Mystic sat in a chair, having been overwhelmed by speaking to everypony, their love, hugs, and congratulations.

Speaking to everypony that came her way was exhausting but rewarding. Mystic looked out onto the square that contained a crowd of ponies. It was as if the whole clan of Liberators has attended. Musicians performed, ponies played various games, drank, and danced.

Seeing them dance caused Mystic to cringe and remember how she tried dancing but kept tripping over her hooves and bumping into somepony or something.

Despite that, Mystic couldn’t shake off feeling on cloud nine and her eternal gratitude for this group. What had she been missing all along this must be it! Everypony here loves her!

Tears formed again but she didn’t bother brushing them away. She felt alive and like her heart was about to explode!

Suddenly, a glimpse of purple and blue caught Mystic’s eye. Immediately, she turned to see Cierra speaking with several ponies.

This mare, if she hadn’t gotten her and Sunshine out and found her when she did...who knows what would have happened? This is a pony that could be trusted and she will be loyal to her! Nothing will cause her to let her sister down!

Suddenly, she realized something and almost smacked herself.

“I must thank her!” she told herself.

Mystic got up and began trotting forward with confidence. However, she began to feel somewhat nervous. How was she going to approach this? What will she say? But her legs kept moving her forward as she got closer to her target. Her heart pounded as she saw Cierra finish speaking with the others, she turned around and locked eyes with Mystic.

“Oh, hey, my sister!” she said, “How’re you-oomph!”

Mystic practically threw herself onto the mare with forelegs wrapped around her.

“Goodness!” Cierra laughed, “You’re becoming a party animal!”

Mystic pulled back, tears still flowing, “Oh, Cierra! Thank you so much!” She choked as she smiled, “I’ve never...I’ve...” She hugged her sister and gently wept onto her shoulder. At that moment, Mystic felt awkward and silly but she couldn’t stop the tears from flowing.

Nice one, Mystic! Nice one! she inwardly scolded herself.

She felt the earth pony awkwardly pat her back, “Hey, it’s okay. I understand.” Cierra pulled back from Mystic with a gentle smile, “You’re feeling something you have missed your entire life. This is where you belong now, and mark my words, you will prosper into a better life.”

Mystic grinned from ear to ear, “I am counting on it!”

Cierra nodded and pulled back, “Get back to partying. We’ll take tomorrow to begin your training.”

“Right away, sister!”

Cierra chuckled as she turned around to leave.

As she took her step to leave, Mystic saw Meng standing at the opposite end of the square looking at Cierra. It was obvious that the purple pony had seen her. The former waved her foreleg for her leader to come over with a disappointed stare on her face.

Mystic raised a curious eyebrow at this until, out of the corner of her eye, spotted a familiar yellow filly. She turned to see Sunshine sitting in a chair with a glass of water in her hooves. A smile broke onto Mystic’s face before she trotted over and sat down next to her.

“Hey Sunshine!” she greeted, “You enjoying yourself?”

Sunshine took a sip from her glass, “Sure? I guess?”

“You guess?” Mystic asked curiously.

“Yeah, I don’t really know how to hit it up like you I suppose...” Sunshine took another sip.

“Sunshine, what’s wrong?”

Sunshine looked at her, disappointed, “I don’t know, I guess we just were to set out and venture to Equestria like we said we would and now we’re staying here,” another sip.

Mystic sighed, she knew this was going to come up.

“Look Sunshine, I was making plans to get us out but there came this opportunity to rise up and deliver justice into our enemies’ hooves.”

“We both agreed on going to Equestria!” Sunshine cried putting her glass aside.

“I know! I know! But how could we just not do anything about what’s been done to us?”

“It’s terrible! But I’m not so sure if we should be fighting back against a powerful government!”

“We’ll figure out how to handle them!”

“You attacked Hong! You escaped from him! He’ll be after you!” Sunshine grasped Mystic’s foreleg with a concerned look on her face.

“Our sisters helped me and you both escape from captivity, Sunshine,” Mystic asserted, “Without them, I don’t think I would’ve been able to do what I did. I would’ve been locked up tonight if I had been caught!”

“You’re a clever mare, Mystic. You would have-”

“What if I’d gotten caught on my way to the orphanage? It would’ve been the end for me! And you too!”

“We can leave now! Convince them to lead us to Equestria! You can make that choice!”

Mystic sighed, she hates going back and forth like this. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, “Sunshine,” she gently stroked the filly’s mane, “I love you so much and without you, I wouldn’t have persevered in the awful lifestyle I’d been thrust into. I find it only fair that justice should be delivered and that we have a happier life together.”

“What if things get worse for you? I don’t want you to get hurt,” Sunshine spoke softly, her gaze becoming downcast.

“It won’t,” Mystic assured her confidently, “Please Sunshine, I know this is a huge change for us, but I promise it will be a good change.”

Sunshine didn’t reply. Mystic frowned and continued stroking the filly’s mane.

“I’m glad you’re happy,” a soft voice replied, “And I’m willing to support you...I just...”

Mystic gently made Sunshine look up at her, “Look if things don’t go well for the first few weeks of us staying here, we’ll leave for Equestria.”

Sunshine’s eyes slightly lit up.


Mystic nodded, “And once we defeat Hong and all of his reinforcements, maybe I can convince Cierra for us to begin a life there.” She smiled a little and outstretched her hoof, “Deal?”

Sunshine broke into a small smile, “Deal.” They hoofbumped.

The unicorn gazed at the filly, still seeing the worry and hurt behind her eyes. She needs a plan right now.

Without much thinking, she stood up and pulled Sunshine to her hooves, “Come on, there are a bunch of sweets and games that we haven’t played together before.”

Sunshine’s smile grew a little bit, “Okay.”

A loud trumpet caused Mystic to jerk awake.

“Gah!” she cried, covering her ears. “Keep it down!”

The trumpet blew again.

Mystic groaned, got up from her mothball mattress and began rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She heard a light groan and spotted a sleepy-eyed Sunshine just getting up.

“Can you please tell them to quit blowing that thing?” she asked. A yawn escaped from her before she laid back down.

Mystic approached her bedroom door and opened it, only to meet Cierra’s eyes.

“Ah!” she yelped.

“Oh, look! You’re finally awake!”

“What do you mean?” Mystic grumbled, trying to wake up.

Cierra giggled, “Oh, you don’t know do you?”

“I know I’m supposed to do some training today, right?”

“Oh, you mean two days ago?”

Almost as if she’d been slapped, Mystic’s eyes shot wide open.

“I...what?!” She cried.

“Maybe you had a little too much to drink, sister,” Cierra chuckled, “Are you sure you’re up for it?”

“I am totally up for it!” Mystic frantically cried, “Oh my gosh! I’m sorry, Cierra!”

The older mare held up a hoof, “Don’t worry, Mystic. I’ll let you off for now.”

Mystic relaxed a little bit, but she kept her guard up.

“But from now on, I expect you to be up when the wake-up call goes off, you hear?”

“Yes ma’am!”

“Don’t call me ma’am, Mystic. I’m your sister. And you’re to address me as Cierra, understood?” Cierra smiled.

Mystic nodded, “Yes ma’am! I mean, ma’am! I mean! Ugh!” She facehoofed.

Cierra giggled, “Come on, let’s get you some breakfast and then we’ll train.”

“Yes ma’am!”

Cierra rolled her eyes.

Sometime later, Mystic trotted down the street to a wooden building with a couple of open windows and a bamboo roof. She spotted Meng standing outside with her hard look. Mystic stopped in front of her.

“Have a good meal?” Meng asked.

“Yes, I did,” replied Mystic, her taste buds still tingling from the tasty custard and pancakes she had.

“Good,” Meng nodded, “Because now, you’re going to need all of your energy to begin your training!”

“I’m ready!” Mystic trotted in place a bit, “I’m eager to get out there and kick some flank!”

Meng nodded and opened the door, “Good. Now, please follow me.”

As Meng entered the building, Mystic followed and the sight of some weights and punching bags.

“Welcome to the training hall,” Meng began with a disinterested tone, “We’ll begin your training here in this section with the weights and punching bags to build your muscles up and then we’ll move onto the more advanced training when you become more accustomed.”

“Of course,” replied Mystic.

Meng continued to speak and motioned to a running track and a pull-up bar. Mystic continued to nod as Meng’s words kind of faded into the background. The unicorn saw that she didn’t seem enthusiastic about having her. Did she damage her pride when she saved her life?

“And now we’re moving into the room where we’ll have your more advanced training,” Meng’s voice came again.

Mystic snapped out of her thoughts and focused on her guide. Another door flew open and Mystic’s eyes widened.

The first thing she saw were other Liberators sparring against one another. Some were using swords and cleavers to practice their skills, and behind them is a massive area with various obstacles she tried not to focus on. A little peer pressure? Probably. She couldn’t escape from getting a look as fire shot up in the back of the room.

Her eye twitched.

“We’ll be training you, and training you hard,” said Meng, “We’ll be building your agility, skill, strength, and stamina as you can probably tell.” She looked Mystic in the eye, “As you can probably tell.”


“Don’t you ever ‘maybe’ me, Mystic!” Meng scolded.


Meng sighed, “Anyway, this might seem a little daunting to you, but I will assure you that we’ll put our best trainers to help you with whatever you need to improve upon.”

Meng turned her attention to the sparring ponies. “Song! Juan! Over here now!”

The two ponies quit sparring and began trotting over. One was a navy-blue earth pony with icy blue eyes wearing a bandana around her head that held a long black mane. The other was brown and had a blonde mane that matched her eyes.

“You called?” they stopped and stood straight.

“I’m sure the two of you are aware of the new trainee arriving,” Meng stepped aside, presenting Mystic, “This is Mystic. She’s to be trained by the two of you.”

Mystic smiled sheepishly and tenderly waved at them. The brown earth pony seemed to have a small look of disgust.

“This is Song,” Meng pointed to the navy-blue pony, “And this is Juan,” she pointed to the brown pony, “They’re majors in our line of work, but they also train those who need it most.”

“Nice to meet you two,” Mystic outreached a hoof.

Song grinned and grasped Mystic’s hoof, “Nice to meet you too, trainee!”

Mystic inwardly yiped at the sheer strength of the hoofshake.

“So, you’re the unicorn, huh?” Juan spoke with slight disgust.

“Juan, please be nice,” Song gave her a warning look.

“Look, I am loyal to our fair leader but this has got to be a joke,” Juan sighed.

Mystic slightly slumped, feeling this is similar to being mistreated as a unicorn without a cutie mark.

“You two,” Meng spoke up, gaining their attention, “You’ve gotten Cierra’s orders. So, I expect the best from both of you.”

“Oh, come on,” Juan rolled her eyes, “How is this unicorn capable of doing something we cannot?”

“Juan! Enough of that!” Song scolded, “Remember the cabbage incident?!”

“How come I am always called the fool and the idiot whenever I suggest something or get in trouble?!” Juan complained.

“Silence!” Meng barked, causing them to shut up. “You two are to train her and train her hard. Cierra apparently sees potential within this unicorn.” She leaned forward, “Do your best. Get me?”

“Yes ma’am!” the two trainees beat their chests and outstretched a hoof to her.

“Now, if you excuse me,” Meng began walking away, “I need to go recon with some of our other sisters.”

Mystic looked up at her trainers and they both gave her devious smiles.

“You better bring your A-game little pony! You’re in our house now!” Song declared.

Despite Juan’s apparent dislike of her, excitement and nervousness tingled up Mystic’s spine.

“Let’s do it!” she cried.

“Then move to the weights to build those muscles! Go! Go! Go!”

Mystic bolted off to the other room with her trainers right behind her.

Mystic pulled her head out of the water barrel, flinging water from her soaked mane.

“Whew!” she cried, her heart racing as her muscles ached. It had been a tough day of training but she came to enjoy it. Song and Juan were very precise and good coaches on what she needed to do. They seemed okay, but maybe they could be better friends outside of the rigorous procedures.

Mystic sat down on the floor, stretching her forelegs, relieved for them to be free of the bandages she had for so long. They had some scrapes on but that doesn't matter. She gazed out a window to see the black sky with twinkling stars.

“Did we train until midnight or something?” she asked herself with a small laugh.

“Maybe you did,” said a new voice.

Mystic jumped and whirled around to see Cierra holding a few books in her hooves.

“Gee, do you always creep upon your new trainees?” she asked.

“I get that a lot,” replied Cierra and took a seat next to Mystic. “How was your first day of training?”

“Tiresome...” Mystic let out a huff, “But...” She smiled, “I’m looking forward to what’s next.”

“That’s excellent to hear,” Cierra lightly patted Mystic’s back.

Mystic suddenly remembered something, or rather, somepony.

“How is Sunshine?” she asked, “I know she wasn’t completely happy when we came here and I want this to work out for both of us.”

“Sunshine is doing just fine,” replied Cierra, placing the books into her lap, “We had her hang out with the foals in a neighboring village and she looked as if she were having fun.”

“I think I need to check on her every night or hang out with her to keep her happy.”

Cierra smiled, “I admire that about you, Mystic. You sound like somepony who would be committed to make those closest to her happy and to carry out what needs to be done.”

Mystic lightly blushed, “Thanks. But it just feels like common sense to do such things.”

“Well, regardless, I still admire you for that,” said Cierra and she hoofed the books over to Mystic.

“What’re these for?” Mystic asked curiously, the books looked worn down and without any title to figure out what they are.

“These are spellbooks some of our spotters found,” Cierra explained.

Mystic gasped, “Really?!”

Cierra nodded, “Yes. For unicorns such as yourself. You and I could figure out how to help you cast stronger magic and assist in our plans against the government.” She slightly shifted, “Consider it a small gift from me to you.”

Mystic grinned from ear to ear, “I love it. But I’ve gotten the best gift of you rescuing me and my friend.” She placed a hoof on Cierra’s shoulder, “I promise that I’ll be loyal and faithful to your causes!”

“That’s great to hear, Mystic!” Cierra beamed.

Before she could say anymore, Mystic hugged her once again. Mystic felt her slightly tense before she awkwardly patted her back.

Mystic has gotten used to her aching muscles as she walked through the labyrinth of tents and weathered buildings. She sighed, looking for the neighboring village’s entrance.

“I really need a map for this place,” she muttered.

She gazed around seeing a four-way street. It’s completely empty that gave her a bit of an eerie feeling. The training just had to last to where everypony was in bed.

She continued and found some barracks and an armory. Where is this place?

About five minutes later, she spotted an arrow that pointed to the right. Curious, she looked at it and it read ‘To the neighboring village.’ She perked up and turned to the right and saw a tunnel leading to what looked like more tents. A grin broke out on her features.

The place wasn’t as large as the area she’s staying in, but it still required some walking around. She had asked for directions and he told her exactly where she needed to go.

She reached the center of the village and spotted a yellow brick building with poorly painted rainbows, flowers, and a sun.

That must be it, she thought. She made her way over and entered.

“Can I help you?” came a hushed voice.

Mystic turned to find a middle-aged mare sitting in a chair.

“Uh, yes,” she said, “My friend Sunshine Smiles is here I believe?”

“Oh, right, the sleepless one,” said the mare, “You must be Mystic.”


“Go on in. Down the hall and to the left.”


Mystic began walking down the hall and spotted several foals sleeping in various makeshift sleeping bags. A small smile broke out on her features. When she reached the end of the hall, she turned left and saw a room right in front of her and saw a familiar golden mane.

Mystic tip-hoofed down the hallway to keep herself from waking up her friend, a small part of her regretted not being here earlier.

Her heart slightly soared when she got closer to her sleeping friend. She gently sat down next to her and tenderly stroked her mane.

“Hello,” she gently whispered, “I’m sorry I couldn’t be here sooner, but...” She chuckled, “Training was hectic but a lot of fun.”

She heard a small yawn, causing her to tense.

“I was hoping you’d show up,” came a small voice. Sunshine sat up, causing Mystic’s eyes to widen, not expecting her to still be awake.

“Golly, Sunshine,” she said. “I didn’t expect you...”

“I wanted to hang out but you never showed so I kept hoping you would.”

Mystic shook off her shock and questions that lingered in her mind.

“I’m here now,” she said and gently stroked her friend’s mane. “Are you doing okay?”

“Better,” replied Sunshine as she sat up, “I got to play with a lot of foals and make some new friends.”

“Great,” Mystic smiled.

“I also showed them how to hopscotch and make noodle crafts.”

“That’s wonderful, Sunshine. I’m glad you’re doing well.”

“But...” Sunshine frowned, “I really missed being with you. I miss when we hung out like we used to.”

“Oh, I know,” replied Mystic, “But Cierra will help me get stronger and we’ll be able to hang out how much we want to when everything’s done and over with.”

“You sound so confident...I’m not so sure...I’m worried about you, my friend.”

“I promise that I won’t let myself get hurt or worse,” Mystic said in an assuring tone, “I won’t let anypony stop me from getting justice on those who wronged both of us.”

Sunshine sighed and just continued looking at her friend with her concerned eyes. They caused Mystic to feel a jab at her chest and frown a bit. Then an idea came to her.

“I promise we’ll hang out every night or whenever we can, my friend,” she assured her. “I love you, my little friend. Thanks for showing me a better way in life.”

Sunshine smiled, “And thank you for being a wonderful friend. I’m glad you’re happier now, Mystic.”

Mystic smiled and they embraced.

Year 12 – Day 30

“Now where was Cierra’s headquarters again?” Mystic asked herself.

The makeshift houses and tents that contained everypony were almost like a labyrinth. Certainly, she’s bound to get used to this place. She didn’t feel as if asking for somepony’s directions, that sounded silly!

However, most ponies she had into contact with she either got a smile or a wave that made her feel connected to them as a sisterhood. So, it wasn’t all frustrating!

Soon, she eventually found where she believes Cierra’s headquarters are. The building had polished wood and was substantially larger than any other place she's seen. The unicorn looked at the wooden door’s arch she saw it read “Captain’s headquarters.” With a sigh of relief, Mystic opened the door.

She entered a den and saw a table with a presumed map of the city unrolled on it. The place is made of plaster walls and ceilings with a door leading into a room with a couch and various books.

Before she could begin her way to the next room, she began to hear voices. Curious, Mystic walked forward and leaned up against the wall to listen.

“The search for us has been amped up,” came Meng’s voice, “It’s not been like this before.”

“She’s a unicorn. She can be very beneficial to our cause,” came Cierra’s voice, “She just needs the right training and strategic planning like we do.”

“Have you lost your mind, Cierra?” Meng asked, “She was in the Palace! I warned you against it! This-”

“Meng! Enough!” Cierra shouted, “You’ve been doubting me and you know how much I hate that! Have some faith, already!”

“I do! I’m just worried!”

“Quit worrying and look on the bright side of things!”

Meng went quiet and Cierra sighed.

“Look, Meng, you and I have been through thick and thin, but we’ve always made it through. So please, try and calm down and relax with a bottle of whiskey or something.”

“I...okay, Cierra...” replied Meng, “I hope you have it all under control.”

“We have it under control, Meng. We do.”

She heard some hoofsteps depart and a door open and close. Mystic perked up when she heard hoofsteps beginning to approach. Before she could move, Cierra came around the corner.

“Yah!” “Yah!” both ponies yelped.

“Mystic?!” Cierra cried.

“Cierra! Fancy running into you here!” Mystic hastily answered.

Cierra calmed down and took in a deep breath, “What did you want?” She knelt and whispered, “How much did you hear?”

Mystic sighed, seeing no point of lying.

“I was coming to give you a status report from one of the scouts but I didn’t interrupt,” she said. “I guess I shouldn’t have listened in...I’m sorry.”

Cierra rubbed Mystic’s mane, “It’s okay.” She sat down. “Don’t worry about Meng. She’s just a little on edge with things being different.”

“How so?”

“It’s a long story, but I’ll tell you sometime later. Now, the status report?”

“Oh,” Mystic remembered what she needed to say, “The scouting party says the Palace walls are reinforced and there’s no easy way of getting in or out. But they’re working on it.”

Cierra nodded, “Good. Tell the captain that we’re to avoid that area indefinitely until I say we go there.”

“Right away.”

Mystic stood up and left. She tried to forget about the little conversation she’d heard but the words kept bouncing around in her mind.

Year 12 – Day 54

Having to clean the weapons wasn’t the most fun thing in the world, but somepony had to do it.

Mystic laid a towel aside and sat down on a stool.

“All morning doing this...” she muttered, looking around at the armory, “Couldn’t those rival gangs just leave us alone?!”

She recalled that the rival liberator gangs have been targeting smaller base camps to draw Cierra and most of the gang out, but fortunately they had been pushed back. But not without a lot of weapons that needed cleaning.

Mystic stood up and gazed at the various swords, spears, and shields aligned along the wall.

“Mystic?” came a small tone.

Mystic’s blood turned to ice. Shoot!

“Hey Sunshine,” she said, turning to face her frowning friend.

“Hello,” she said and walked up to Mystic. Her eyes seemed to shimmer along with her disappointed look.

“You promised you’d come to breakfast this morning but you never showed.”

Mystic facehoofed as she lit up her horn, “I was coming to meet you but Meng told me to clean these weapons so they’d be in pristine condition.”

“I understand, but...” Sunshine sighed, “I don’t mean to make you feel bad, Mystic.”

Mystic sighed, “I know.”

She turned and placed some recently cleaned spears in their place. She did promise to hang out with Sunshine every night but lately, things have gotten hectic and going on an escort mission a few days ago didn’t make things easier. Because of the developments she had missed her hangouts.

“So, are things getting better for you and the others?” Sunshine asked.

Mystic turned to face her and sat down in the stool again.

“They seem like it. Cierra believes we’re getting back on track despite some setbacks,” she said.

“Good,” said Sunshine. She smiled a bit, “I always want you safe.”

“And I want you safe,” Mystic smiled back.

Sunshine jumped up and sat in Mystic’s lap, causing the older unicorn to slightly tense.

“What? Can’t handle a little filly coming up close and personal?” Sunshine teased.

“Maybe I’m claustrophobic,” Mystic slightly teased.

“Oh, no you’re not! Just try and be a little snuggly!” Sunshine nestled herself a little more into Mystic’s lap.

“Gah,” Mystic groaned.

“Anywho, Mr. Reegle and Mr. Bone conquered the castle ground and are moving up to the throne!”

Mystic blinked a couple of times.

Oh yeah, she thought, remembering Sunshine roleplaying with some friends.

“Oh, did they?” Mystic asked, playing along, “Did they slay the dragon that is being mind-controlled by the king?”

“No, the dragon was the one who guided them to the kingdom to slay the wyvern being controlled by the king!” Sunshine laughed.

“I could’ve sworn it was the dragon that needed to be slain.”

“No, but Mr. Fluffle will be freed by his allies to save the kingdom from the tyranny of the evil king!” Sunshine pumped her hoof into the air.

Mystic laughed, “And a good looking twelve-year-old could jump in and save the day!” She gave Sunshine a knowing look.

“Oh, cool! We’ll use that idea!” Sunshine giggled.

Mystic paused and blinked.

“Yeah, sure,” she deadpanned.

Mystic gazed at her friend and suddenly something came to her mind.

“Were some of the foals bullying you?” she asked. “I heard Cierra saw some of them shoving you around and calling you names.”

“No, no, we were just playing around,” Sunshine assured her and smiled at her.

But Mystic noticed it looked a little sad.

How could she have not been there sooner? Been there for her friend? She didn’t want to say it but she almost felt like weeping for her irresponsibility.

“Sunshine,” she said with a sigh, “I am so sorry...” She hugged the little filly, “I promise we’ll hang out later today and tonight. How about that?”

Her eyes lit up. She always loved that and seeing her smile.

“I look forward to it,” she said.

Mystic patted Sunshine’s head and held her closer.

“Oh, so now you’re becoming snuggly?” she heard teasingly.

“Shut up, please,” Mystic awkwardly spoke.

“Oh, Mystic.”

“Ponies could creep up on you, you know,” came a new voice.

“Gah!” Mystic jumped and shot to her hooves, levitating Sunshine beside her as she came face to face with Meng’s deadpan look.

“I think you just crept upon us,” said Sunshine as Mystic gently put her down.

“I know. I was making a point.”

“Anything I need to worry about, ma’am?” Mystic asked, trying to save some embarrassment.

“Not really. But I do have a little mission for you.”

“Really?” Mystic smiled, “I’ve been eager to kick some flank!”

“There will be plenty of time for that.”

“Oh...” Mystic slightly slumped, “But what do you have for me?”

“I have a box that needs to be delivered on this map,” Meng unrolled a map of the southern part of the city with an ‘X’ on the Eastern wall, “There is food, paper, clothing, and resources to keep up the fight.”

“Really?” Mystic took the map from Meng. “Who is this for?”

“You have a lot to learn,” said Meng. “We have connections to ponies indirectly and some directly.”

“How so?”

“We have peaceful protests against the government and ponies get anonymous tips and knowledge of the corruption going around. Some ponies are messengers, work as double agents in plain sight and warn us if we need to move out of a certain area. We’re smart in our planning.”

“Wow,” Mystic marveled. They’re more organized than she’d expected!

“I’ll tell you more once we get to the box,” Meng began walking forward, “It needs to be delivered quick but discreetly.” She looked at Mystic, “Can you handle that?”

Mystic chuckled, “Yes. I went on missions before, remember?”

“I know, I’m just seeing if you’re paying attention.”

She looked down at Sunshine and immediately thought about something.

“How long do you think this will take?” she asked.

“Why? Do you have a train to catch?”

“No, it’s just I promised Sunshine we would hang out and I wanted to...”

“Bring her with you,” said Meng.

Mystic shook her head, “What?”

“It’ll take about an hour to get there on hoof. And if we are quiet, we’ll be able to get there with no issues.”

“But what about the government? Rival gangs?” Mystic asked, full of concern.

“The government is busy handling the situation with the rival gangs to the north and we managed to drive them back,” Meng explained, “Plus we take these supplies out weekly and we haven’t had any problems yet.”

Mystic looked at Sunshine, “What do you think?”

Sunshine shrugged, “I’d love hanging out with you, Mystic.”

The unicorn sighed and began thinking. They’re already in a significant amount of danger due to being busted out of the Palace. But Cierra and Meng are experts in their fields of work. Maybe one trip wouldn’t be so bad, plus they would be showing Sunshine what their work does for ponies.

“Okay,” she said. She looked at Sunshine, “But if things begin going bad, we’re heading back.”

“I agree,” said Sunshine.

“We might make a Liberator out of her sometime in the future,” said Meng.

Mystic looked at her, “Really?”

“That depends on her.”

“I think I’ll stick to role-playing with Mr. Fluffle until then,” Sunshine awkwardly spoke.

Meng raised an eyebrow as Mystic facehoofed.

“Let’s get going,” she said.

About an hour later, Mystic’s gaze landed upon a modest village with worn-down buildings, tin roofs. Within 500 feet of the town’s edge is the tall, foreboding Wall. Mystic saw ponies that were covered in dirt, their manes were ragged and hooves were bandaged. It reminded her of when she’d awoken.

Her legs moved forward as she pulled the wagon forward, taking a glance at Meng.

“It feels good to be outside,” came Sunshine’s voice. Mystic sighed and looked up at the ever-gloomy sky. When was the last time she’d seen the sun?

“Hey! The supplies are here!” came a voice.

Suddenly, cheers erupted from the village and a crowd of earth ponies began stampeding towards them.

Mystic cringed as they got closer but out of the corner of her eye, she saw Meng hold up a hoof. They immediately stopped running but maintained their excitement.

“Ponies please give one of our newest members some space! You’ll get your supplies momentarily!”

“A new member?!” somepony cried.

Everypony began exciting clamoring about Mystic. Some colts and fillies emerged from the crowd. They looked dirty and hungry. Mystic immediately frowned and felt her heart sink for them.

“Wow,” she heard Sunshine’s voice, “I’ve not seen anything like this.”

As Mystic gazed at everypony. None of them looked angry or malicious. They looked desperate and worn down. Mystic’s heart sank again.

All of these ponies in these conditions. Had she been blind to what was around her before she joined the Liberators? Memories of looters and cruel ponies she’d encountered flashed through her mind. She had assumed all of them were like that!

Mystic felt liquid beginning to roll down her cheeks for them.

A hoof touched her shoulders.

Oh, snap! She thought. She wiped her face and tried to look strong for Meng.

What she saw wasn’t what she expected.

Meng had a look of sympathy and with the softest look she’d ever seen so far.

“Let’s get these ponies their supplies,” she said.

Mystic nodded as she felt more tears threatening to build up.

Soon, everypony was eating and had gotten all of the supplies they needed. Mystic watched as Meng comforted ponies and spent time with the foals. Not too many ponies came to see her but that didn’t matter.

The Liberators are doing exactly what Cierra had said. Mystic grit her teeth and clenched her jaw. These ponies’ lives have been ruined by Hong and his evil ways. They’ve lost everything!

Mystic saw Sunshine talking with some of the foals and they were being friendly to her. She seems to have made some new friends.

Her eyes widened when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Meng hug a couple of foals. Her attention turned to the sight and she was handing out letters. A smile has broken out on her face. This isn’t the pony she’d grown used to seeing her entire time being here. But now saw a compassionate pony with a good heart.

Mystic couldn’t help but smile in admiration of the mare.

“Hey Mystic!” came Sunshine’s voice. Mystic turned to see her walking up with about ten or so foals.

“Goodness!” Mystic chuckled. “Did you make friends with everypony?”

“Practically!” Sunshine slightly boasted, “But they all wanted to see you!”

Mystic looked down at the dirty, yet adorable looking fillies and colts looking up with eyes of admiration.

“You’re a unicorn!” one of them cried.

“We haven’t seen a unicorn Liberator before!” another cried.

Mystic smirked, “Well, you have now. I’m honored to be the first.”

“Will there be pegasi and more unicorns?” a third spoke up.


They all got closer, causing the older mare to feel uncomfortable but she did her best to keep a strong look on her face.

“We’d love to hear how you’re liking the Liberators!”

“Tell us some awesome magic stories!”

“Play with us!”

They all began speaking at once and Mystic awkwardly stepped back.


She heard Sunshine giggle. Darn, that filly.

“Hey kids!” Meng called.

All of their heads snapped to her attention.

“Free ice cream is being offered in the square! Why don’t you go get some?”

“Yay!” they all cheered.

Mystic watched as they all took off down the street. She breathed a sigh of relief.

“Thanks, Meng,” she said, “I didn’t know what to do.”

“They just want to feed their curiosity,” replied Meng. “They’ve not seen a unicorn before.”

“They haven’t?” Sunshine asked, her eyes wide.

“Not many have,” Meng clarified. “That’s why they seemed to really like you too, Sunshine.”

Sunshine giggled, “I noticed.”

“Meng,” said Mystic, “I couldn’t help but notice a new demeanor for you.” She smiled.

Instead of growling or huffing as Mystic expected, Meng actually smiled back.

“There’s always a time to put up your mean, assertive act and a time to lower it, Mystic,” she said. “I always save this for the last part of the day.” She paused and looked onto the village, “It’s all worth our efforts to know we’re helping the neediest ponies to survive or rise up against the corruption.”

“Wow,” Mystic marveled, “Are all of these ponies going to rise up?”

“Some will. But some will stay behind to take care of their little ones,” Meng paused and gently grasped her chest.

“We’re constantly fighting. Not just through heists and missions, we’re a group to reform society.”

Now the mission to be a part of this group is more important than ever! Mystic thought as she saw Sunshine’s amazed look. I knew I made the right choice in staying to fight!

“Oh, excuse me,” Meng spoke up. “Somepony needs my help.”

“Oh, that’s okay,” replied Mystic as Meng walked to a nearby hut.

Mystic stood there, thanking herself and fate for bringing her here. The citizens need her! The real down to earth citizens, not these stuck up corrupting supporters!

She felt it was time to mention why she’d come to the Liberators.

“Sunshine,” she said.

“Yes?” Sunshine looked up with curious eyes.

“This is why I’ve joined the Liberators.”

“You did?” Sunshine tilted her head.

“I’m simply just trying to save the innocent and those I can save,” Mystic explained, “You taught me that.”

Sunshine shook her head in astonishment, “I what?”

“You told me to promise you that I was in the name of all things holy to save those who were suffering and to protect and preserve what is good.”

Mystic smiled and knelt to Sunshine’s height, “I believe you can see that now, right?”

Sunshine blinked owlishly at Mystic. The older mare sensed that she’s processing what she’s been told.

“I...” Sunshine trailed off.

Mystic brought her in for a hug, “Don’t worry. How about we go play some ball like we always do?”

“Uh...okay?” Sunshine replied, uncertainly.

Mystic frowned and looked her in the eye, “What’s wrong? Can I make it up to you?”

“No, no, it’s not that,” Sunshine furrowed her brows.

“What is it?” Mystic eagerly tuned in to listen.

“I’m wondering about something...”

“You’re wondering what?”

“I mean, if they’re all here, why not just escort them out of here to have a better life?” Sunshine asked curiously.


Both ponies jumped and whirled around to see an astonished looking Meng, having accidentally dropped several metal buckets. She stood wide-eyed and unblinking. She didn’t respond to the mess she had made.

“Meng?” Mystic asked warily.

Meng’s jaw flapped uselessly as she tried to form a response.

“Are you okay?” Sunshine asked.

“I...” Meng tried to reply, “I need...” She looked around, “Sorry, I had something else to help somepony with! Gotta go!”

Meng trotted off while Mystic and Sunshine watched, totally confused at her actions.

Author's Note:

Hey, everypony it's-a-me again! :pinkiehappy: Things are definitely better than what they were before for our two favorite fillies. I apologize for the late upload, things were a little hectic earlier this month and I got sidelined by a video game (again).

I know I could have shown the training sequence, but I wanted this whole sequence with Mystic's past to be more character-focused. Escaping from Hong was a huge part of her arc.

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