• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,571 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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I'm Not Fluffy Again!

Discord sighed, leaning back against the edge of the tub and breathing the steam in deeply. He poured some more shampoo into his paw, lathering it into his mane and fur.

"Discord?" His ears perked up at the sound of Fluttershy's voice. "Are you still in the bath?"

"Yes," he said. "Can you blame me, though? This shampoo Rarity gave us is so nice!" He raised his paw to his nose and breathed deeply, taking in the scent of rose petals and lilac. It invoked memories of him burying his muzzle into Fluttershy's mane, inhaling the smell of spring she always seemed to carry naturally on her.

"It was a rather nice gift," Fluttershy said. "But please don't use it all up. I'd like to try some of it, too."

"Of course, of course," he answered, swirling the bottle in his paw and gauging how much he had used. Enough that I should probably stop, he thought. "I'll be out in a second!" He lathered the rest of the shampoo in his paw across his body, took in the scent a few more times, before letting a wave of bathwater rush over him and onto the floor, spilling suds everywhere.

After another minute of enjoying the heat of the bath and the lingering smell of shampoo, he groaned and rolled over the side of the tub, falling onto the rug underneath with a wet splat. He crawled onto his legs and arms and shook himself like a dog, drenching what wasn't already wet in the room.

Cracking his neck with the sound of a breaking window, he pulled the plug out of the bathtub. The water began to drain with a gurgling sound, a small vortex pulling in the water on the floor, walls, and ceiling. He snapped his fingers, and a fluffy neon yellow towel appeared, draped over his arm.

He began to rub himself dry, leaning over towards the sink and opening his mouth. A toothbrush, toothpaste, and brush appeared with a flash of light and began to clean his mouth, toothpaste dribbling from his jaw into the sink. After a minute of this, he spat it all out and pulled away, drying off his legs.

"I'm almost done!" he called to Fluttershy, drying off his wings with the towel. He shook himself one last time, tossing the towel to the side. He smiled and took a step towards the bathroom door.


He froze in place at the sound, then slowly tilted his head downwards to look at himself. His entire coat, even the fur on his lion arm, had suddenly poofed up to several times its normal size. "Augh!" He whipped towards the mirror on the wall. Even the grey fur of his head had poofed up! "AUGH!"

From the bedroom, he heard the sound of a book being tossed aside. "Discord, what's wrong!?" Fluttershy shouted. He heard her hoofsteps quickly approaching.

Discord gasped and rushed over to the bathroom door, pressing himself against it and grabbing onto the doorknob to hold it shut. “Nothing’s wrong!” he said. “Just...give me a minute!”

“What happened?” she asked again. She pushed on the door, but he pushed back. “Discord...I know that something’s wrong if you won’t let me in.”

He flinched. “Gah…” He bit his lip, glancing around the room for anything that could help him. The comb, the hair gel, a razor...none of it would be enough to fix this in the next few seconds.

“Discord...you know you can tell me anything, right?”

His ears perked up, and his eyes widened at that statement. He lowered his head and let his hand slip off of the doorknob. He sighed. “I know,” he said. “It’s just...sometimes, I don’t want you to see something about me. Remember when Rainbow and Pinkie used one of Zecora’s potions on me?”

“The one that puffed up your fur?” she said. “Of course I remember. You were so fluffy…” She giggled.

A light blush appeared on his face, and he coughed. “Yeah, well…about that...” He carefully nudged the door open, stepping onto the threshold between bathroom and bedroom.

There were a few moments of silence, where Discord was twiddling his thumbs behind his back, watching her expression carefully. Slowly, a grin spread on her face, her eyes lighting up. As her grin widened, his blush deepened.

“Oh my Celestia,” she said. “You’re fluffy again! How did this happen?” She flew up, glancing up at him questioning, hooves reached towards him. He rolled his eyes, face still red, and opened his arms. She flew forward and buried herself in his chest fluff, wrapping her forehooves around him.

“I have no idea how this happened,” he grunted, wrapping his arms around her. “Maybe Rarity played a trick on me. Put something in that shampoo.”

“No, Rarity’s not a prankster,” Fluttershy mumbled, lifting her head out of his fluff. “And besides, she gifted the shampoo to both of us, not just to you.”

“Hmm, true,” he said, pulling at his beard. “It’s not like her, and while I could understand her wanting some sort of revenge on me, I imagine she would do her best to make sure you were not caught in any sort of crossfire.”

A lightbulb appeared above his head. He slid backwards into the bathroom with a screeching sound, stopping right next to the bathtub and wrapping his tail around the shampoo bottle. He brought it up to his chest, twisting it so he and Fluttershy could read it. “Perhaps there’s some warning label: ‘Do not use if you are a draconequus’,” he said. “Or maybe Rarity just got it mixed up with some weird potion. It wouldn’t be the first time.”

She giggled, shifting in his grip so that she had one forehoof wrapped around him, the other free to grasp and point at the bottle. He adjusted his hold so that his lion paw was underneath her, his eagle talon cradling her against him. He held the bottle a little closer to her.

She placed a hoof on the bottle as she read the printed words. “Nom de Fantaisie Shampoo: Rose and Lilac Bliss,” she said. “Extra—” She paused, then turned to hide her face in his chest, shaking.

“Fluttershy? What’s—” he narrowed his eyes, squinting at where her hoof was pointing. “Extra volume.” He looked down at her. “What’s so funny about that?”

She chuckled, then looked up at him. “I’m not so sure it refers to how much is in the bottle…” she said with a giggle.

“...but to how it affects your mane,” he said. He groaned, smacking himself in the face with a talon that sprouted out of his shoulder. “Rarity even said this brand is good for ‘extra lift’! She was trying to pull a trick on me!” He snapped his fingers, cameras appearing in the air and flashing pictures of them. "Oh, I'm sure she'll get a laugh out of this!"

“Discord, I’m sure Rarity didn’t know this would happen,” she said. “How much of this shampoo did you use?”

“Well…” he said, sloshing the liquid that was left in the bottle. It had been full before his bath, and now about a quarter of it was gone. “Quite a bit, I’d say.”

“Hmm,” she said, grabbing the bottle and twisting it so that they could both see the back. “Nom de Fantaisie Shampoo works with potion makers to make your mane magically fabulous,” she read.

“Wait, what?” He placed a pair of reading glasses on his muzzle, leaning down to see where she was looking. Bold words on the back, in a bold box, caught his eye. He mumbled under his breath as he read the same thing she did, until he caught up.

“Due to this, be advised that using more than two teaspoons of Nom de Fantaisie Shampoo can lead to extreme effects. Please be advised and wash responsibly.” He groaned, then tossed his reading glasses to the side. “So it’s a potion again,” he grumbled, rubbing at the bridge of his nose.

“Is it, though?” Fluttershy asked. “I mean, Zecora’s potion worked on you right away, but this shampoo didn’t affect you until you got out of the bath. And only a little of Zecora’s potion made your fur like this.” She snuggled further into his chest.

“Hmm. That’s a good point,” he said. He ran a talon through his fur, then brought it up to his muzzle, his tongue quickly shooting out and licking it. “Mmm. Mmm?” he mumbled, swishing the taste around in his mouth.

“There’s a little magic...definitly potion-based magic,” he said. “But it’s very, very faint. Probably weak enough that my magic could get rid of it through brute force.” He smiled. “I don’t have to look ridiculously fluffy!”

“Oh,” Fluttershy said. “That’s good. Can you just...wait a few more seconds?” She snuggled even closer to his chest, burying her face and hooves in his fur.

He dropped the bottle of shampoo next to the bathtub and looked down at her. Even through his thick fluff, he could see that she was smiling. He gently wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to him.

“Well, I suppose a night like this wouldn’t hurt anything,” he said. “There’s no one else here, after all, and since you’re enjoying this so much…”

She giggled, and he could see a light blush on her face. “J-just a little bit,” she said. “Sorry, you’re just so...cozy and cute.” He chuckled and kicked off of the ground, floating back into the bedroom.

“N-not that you aren’t cozy and cute normally!” she quickly said, pulling away to look up at him. “I just meant...even more than usual.”

He chuckled again as he pulled back the sheets and laid down. “I know, sweet Fluttershy.” He kissed her forehead. “I think you’re cozy and cute, too.”

She buried her face back into his fur, this time to hide the bright red blush on her face. “Goodnight, my dear. I love you,” he said, pulled the blankets back over them and fluffing her pillow with his magic.

“I love you too,” she said with a yawn, ignoring her fluffed pillow and using him instead. He chuckled lightly, adjusting his grip on her. He closed his eyes and relaxed, focusing on Fluttershy’s warm breath caressing his chest and flowing through his fur.

By the time they woke up in the morning, Discord's fur had flattened. It was still frizzier than normal, but it wasn't as fluffy as it had been initially. After a long time brushing it down after breakfast, his fur had flattened down to its normal state. And a little bit of magic was enough to make sure it would stay that way.

The morning passed uneventfully for the most part. Fluttershy was kept busy at the sanctuary all day with major, though not urgent, projects and tasks, while Discord roamed around Equestria, herding small rogue storms away from cities, and popping in to make sure Fluttershy wasn't overworking herself.

But while he presented her with a picnic lunch that he had made for them, Rarity entered the sanctuary, holding a white envelope in her magic. "D-Discord?" she said. "You sent me this late last night, and..." She placed a hoof to her mouth, shaking as she placed the envelope in his paw.

"I don't remember mailing something," he said as he opened it and grabbed the contents. He pulled out several photographs and fanned them out—and saw that they were different angles of him, Fluttershy, and his ridiculously fluffy fur. "Oh..." He blushed and looked at Rarity over the photos.

Suddenly, she burst out laughing, tears streaming down her face. "W-why in the world were you so fluffy?" she asked between gasps for breath, slowly bending over as she continued to laugh.

Discord blushed. "I...that shampoo did this," he mumbled. "And I thought you were playing a trick on me to laugh at me, so I..." His blush turned a deeper red, and he fluffed up his chest and scrunched his neck to hide in his fur. "I sent you photos so you could laugh at my expense," he grumbled.

Rarity continued to laugh, Fluttershy giggling a little before flying over and hugging him. "You didn't think it through much, did you?" she said teasingly.

"No..." he mumbled, sinking further into his fur. She giggled again, rubbing a hoof through his mane.

Rarity laughed for the next few minutes, kneeling on the ground and gasping for breath in between laughs. Eventually, her laughter died down, and she wiped tears out of her eyes. "Ah ha ha," she gasped. "Thank you for that, Discord. I really needed a laugh."

"And that was thanks to that shampoo, you say?" she asked. Fluttershy nodded since Discord was still busy hiding his face in his fur. "Hmmm. Fluffy coats might be an interesting new style for the season...I suppose I also have to thank you for the inspiration."

"Well, I won't keep you any longer, darling," she said. "I must get back to work. I truly do appreciate the joy you've given me in this busy time. I just wanted to return those photographs to you. Have a lovely day!" She walked back towards Ponyville, still giggling to herself a little.

"Oh, I know what to do with these," Discord said, snapping a lighter into his paw and flicking it on. But before he could bring the flame to the photographs, Fluttershy snatched them out of his hands.

"For me?" she said. "For the memory museum?"

He frowned, mouth curving into twisting lines. "Alright, fine," he said, snapping his fingers. A portal opened up in front of them, showing glass cases that displayed items, images playing on the panes. He stretched his arm like rubber to grab a scrapbook, reeling it back over to them and flinging it open to an empty page. "Plop 'em in."

She smiled and put them in, and he carefully floated the book back through the portal to its original spot. He zipped the portal closed and turned to Fluttershy. "Now, I think we've put lunch off long enough!"

At the end of the day, they were both quite tired, so they decided to go to bed right after dinner. Discord was currently curled under the sheets, holding a book upside down, and glancing every so often and the closed bathroom door. "You haven't fallen asleep in the tub, have you?" he called.

"No, Discord," Fluttershy said. "I'll be out in...just a minute." She yawned. "I just need to get this mud out..."

He grunted and turned his attention back to his book. He still kept one ear up, listening as she splashed around in the tub. If it goes quiet in there, I'm barging in, he thought. She seemed exhausted...

The bathroom did not go silent. There were a few more small splashes, then one large one, then the sound of wet hooves padding on the tile floor. He snapped his fingers, creating a fluffy towel in front of where he guessed she was.

"Eep!" she cried. "O-oh, thank you, Discord." Some shuffling, probably as she dried herself off. Discord lowered his ear and set his book on the nightstand and laid his head on the pillow, tail wagging as he waited for her to emerge.

After about three more minutes, the door finally opened, releasing a puff of steam and a lovely pegasus. She smiled and him and approached, climbing onto the bed. She leaned forward and pecked him on the lips. "You didn't have to wait," she said. "I know you're tired, too."

"And let you fall asleep in the tub again?" he huffed, kissing the top of her head and laying his chin there. "No, I'd rather stay up an extra minute or so to make sure you're safe."

"That only happened once," she said. "And I'm not nearly as tired today as I was then. Besides, how many times have you slept in the tub?"

"Oh please, that's different. I have my magic to keep me safe!" He said, pulling his muzzle reluctantly away. His nose twitched as a caught a waft of rose petals and lilac. "I see you used that shampoo," he said. "Even after everything that I went through because of it."

She smiled, looking down as she started to crawl under the blankets. "Well, you did say it was nice...aside from your side effect. And I didn't use as much as you did, so I don't think my coat will puff up like that."

"A bold statement," he said, rubbing his hands together quickly, static snapping between them. He quickly reached out with his claw, buzzing with static, and lightly tapped the top of Fluttershy's head.


Fluttershy suddenly disappeared under a ball of yellow fur, its top and back accented with stripes of pink. The ball shifted, and two wide, teal eyes stared at him. He grinned, and the eyes narrowed.

"Very funny, Discord," she said dryly.

"Yes, it is," he said, snickering. "C'mon, dear. I've gone through this twice, and you've enjoyed it both times. Let me have a little fun." He made a camera in his paws and snapped a photo of her, sending it to the memory museum with a flick of his wrist.

She sighed, but smiled softly. "I guess you're right," she said, shifting a little closer to him.

He scooped her up into his arms, pressing her against his chest and nuzzling his cheek against the top of her head. "So soft..." he sighed, chuckling a little under his breath. He lifted his head and looked her in the eyes, clasping his hands over her cheeks. "And so cute!"

He could faintly see a tiny blush on her cheeks, and she giggled a little. The giggles soon gave way to a yawn, and her eyelids began to droop.

"Ah...you're exhausted!" he said. "Forgive me for keeping you up, dearest. I should let you sleep." He pulled back her blankets and tucked her in, laying her head gently down on a pillow.

"No...it's fine," she said quietly. "And it was kind of funny..." Another yawn. "We can cuddle, if you want..."

"I'd love that," he said, wrapping his arms around her and burying himself in her fur. It almost completely enveloped him, since he had puffed it up to such a ridiculous volume. He took a deep breath, smelling the shampoo, as well as a hint of other spring scents that his Fluttershy carried naturally. "Good night, Flutters. I love you."

"Night. Love you too," she mumbled. She quickly fell asleep, which he could hear in her breathing and heartbeat. He snuggled closer to her, allowing his eyes to drift closed as he felt her soft fur brushing against his face, arms, and chest. With a large yawn, he soon followed her in unconsciousness.

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