• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,556 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Date Night

Fluttershy rooted through the very depths of the fridge, searching for a snack of some kind. The fridge was much larger and deeper than it looked from the outside, and she had dove in deep to inventory the contents and look for something to nibble on.

Discord was away for the day, off on his monthly visit with Celestia. She had spent a few hours in the morning working in the sanctuary, but once the volunteers got into their groove, she headed back home to enjoy a relaxing day off. She had enjoyed the lunch of sub sandwiches Discord had left behind for her, but after a few hours reading Saddlemon manga and knitting, she was starting to feel peckish again.

After a little searching, she found a pile of pink apples that seemed untouched and forgotten. She munched on one of them, enjoying the sweet taste and crispness it had. These would make for a good snack...though a drink wouldn't hurt, as well. She found a shelf in the back that was packed with plenty of bottles and cartons, and began to scan it for anything good.

As her hoof skimmed the shelf, it tapped against a bottle of wine. I didn't think we had any wine, she thought. Curious, she grabbed the bottle by the neck and pulled it out to inspect it.

Reading the label, she saw it wasn't wine, but a bottle of Sweet Apple Acres Cider. She remembered now...one year, Rarity had convinced Applejack to sell some cider in specially-shaped bottles, perfect for romantic evenings. While the sales had been good, Applejack had decided they weren't worth the extra trouble of ordering the special bottles...though she still gifted all her friends a bottle or two.

That was quite a few years ago, Fluttershy realized, peering at the bottle. She doubted it had gone bad, since almost nothing in their fridge ever did. But it began making her think. When was the last time she and Discord had enjoyed a romantic evening dinner date together, without him terrorizing some rude customer or overreacting and overworking himself?

For that matter...when was the last time she had set up a date for them, aside from brewing a kettle of tea every now and then?

She took a deep breath before her thoughts spiraled away. She and Discord loved spending time together, whether it was conventionally romantic or not. Discord loved even the simple tea parties she had set up, and the picnic lunches...not having a romantic dinner every so often was nothing to worry about!

Still...now that she had found the bottle, it would be a shame not to use it. And besides...Discord would probably love it if she surprised him with a romantic dinner just for the two of them. Smiling, she set the bottle back into the fridge, tossed away the pink apple core, and began to plan.

Well...she had found plenty of vegetables and lettuce in the fridge. A fancy salad was good for a romantic dinner, wasn't it? Perhaps with an unusual topping on Discord's, for a little bit of chaos...she began to gather up lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and feta cheese. She could glaze the carrots and chop the tomatoes thinly, with the cheese sprinkled on top...oh, and she could place plenty of condiments on the table, even the ones that didn't normally go on a salad!

She grabbed a saucepan, cutting board, and knife. Might as well start with glazing the carrots, since she could prepare the other things while they were on the stove...she placed one of the carrots on the cutting board and got to work.

After about half an hour of chopping, glazing, and careful ingredient layering, she had made two tasty-looking salads. They seemed fancy, but were just a little too messy to be considered properly "gourmet". Still, them being a little messy was a bit chaotic, and probably more interesting to Discord than perfectly arranged layers of vegetables.

She had made the salads on two nice plates with trims of curling lines—one a powder blue, trimmed with gold, the other a sky blue trimmed with silver. In her search for plates, she also found two silver dish covers, both covered with etchings of vines, leaves, and flowers...and hopefully airtight enough to keep the salads nice and fresh.

But before she covered them and set them on the table, Discord's salad still needed a little extra...something. Frowning in thought, she searched through the cupboards, considering and rejecting several fruits, vegetables, and snacks...until her eyes landed on a large bag of gummy bears.

It seemed perfect—something colorful, sweet, and a bit out of place was exactly what Discord would enjoy. And so, she grabbed a hoofful of the sweet gummies and sprinkled them carefully over one of the salads, making sure to cover the entire dish. Once she was satisfied with the number of gummies, she put the bag away and carried the salads over to the table, quickly covering them once they were set in place.

After the dishes were set, she placed a fork next to them both, along with crystal-clear wine glasses. What else does a romantic dinner table need? she thought. Setting the bottle of cider out sounded good, so they could top off their glasses...maybe in a bucket of ice to keep it nice and cold. Oh, and some good lighting and music would help set the mood!

She tapped her hooves together, grinning and flying out of the room. After searching several rooms, she found two tall, slender candles that were checkered pink and purple, and glass candle holders for both of them. She carried them back to the kitchen and set them up in the center of the table, then searched the kitchen for a bucket.

After finding a golden one at the back of the cupboards, she filled it with plenty of ice, then set the cider bottle inside before putting it all in the fridge. She would move that to the table just before dinner.

She flew into the living room, grabbing their record player and lifting it up. It was heavy and bulky, and tricky to carry, but she still managed to move it into the kitchen and set it on a far corner of the kitchen counter. Panting, she wiped sweat off of her brow and flew back into the living room to pour over their record collection.

She eventually narrowed it down to two that seemed appropriate, which she carried into the kitchen and set next to the record player. With that done, she smiled and went back to the table, landing and looking over everything.

Well, the table setting looked nice, and they would be able to easily hear the romantic music. She nudged one of the forks so that it didn't line up with the plate so well. She'd light the candles once he was here, pour them glasses of cider, and reveal the meal once they were both seated. Everything seemed perfect...she just had to wait until he arrived.

She glanced over at the clock. There were still several hours until dinner...and that was assuming Discord wasn't pulled into some scheme or prank war by Celestia and ended up running a little late. She fidgeted slightly, tapping a hoof against the ground. If she spent the whole time just waiting, she would probably start to get anxious and fuss over everything she had set up, even though she knew it was all good...

Maybe she shouldn't just wait, then, she decided. What was a good romantic dinner without a dessert to share? Already grinning at her idea, she grabbed one of their cookbooks from a drawer and found a recipe for a red velvet cake that promised to be delicious.

She started to gather up the ingredients. Baking would kill a lot of time, and cleaning up after that would kill even more...hopefully she wouldn't have to wait too much longer once she was finally ready.

Fluttershy laid on the couch in the living room, crossing and uncrossing her back hooves as she read a Saddlemon manga. Everything was ready for their romantic dinner date—the table laid out with their meal and condiments, a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting waiting for them on the counter, a record playing soft jazz music. Even the ice bucket with cider was set out and ready.

She looked down at herself. After taking a quick bath to clean the flour out of her coat, she had dove into her wardrobe in search of a nice outfit. She had finally settled on a light blue and green one, each alternating color in the form of a wavy line that made the dress seem to flow across and down her body like liquid. It was comfortable and soft, and she had tucked a forget-me-not behind her ear to compliment it...she hoped that Discord would like it.

A flash of light appeared next to the door, and she quickly snapped her manga shut and sat up as Discord teleported in. "Fluttershy, I'm home!" he declared happily, scooping her into his arms and twirling her around before placing a big kiss on her cheek. She laughed, hugging his neck and pecking his cheek.

"How was your visit with Celestia?" she asked.

"Oh, wonderful," he said. "I was a little closer to beating her at chess this time, I swear! And we pulled a couple of pranks on some of the ponies lounging on the beach, and..." His voice trailed off as his gaze scanned up and down her body. His ears perked up and twisted around, picking up the sound of soft jazz.

"...I didn't forget an important date or anniversary, did I?" he asked with a nervous whisper into her ear.

"Oh, no!" she assured. "No, you didn't forget anything. I just...thought it might be nice to have a romantic evening together." She smiled shyly up at him.

He blinked...and then smiled. "Well, that does sound fun," he said, setting her carefully back on her hooves. "Though I feel a little underdressed at the moment, I can fix that in a snap!" He raised his claws above his head and snapped, and was enveloped in a flash of light.

Once it had faded, she saw he was now wearing an orange tuxedo covered with red spots, with a crooked red bowtie around his neck and a yellow chrysanthemum on his lapel. He reached into his suit and pulled out a small bouquet of tulips. "For you," he said with a smile, bending on one knee to offer them to her.

"Thank you," she said, taking them into her hooves. "Let me just put these in a vase..." He snapped his fingers and created a thin crystal vase, already filled with water, which he also offered to her.

She smiled and carefully slipped the flowers inside, holding the vase with her wing. "Shall we?" she said, offering her hoof to Discord.

"We shall," he said, taking her hoof. Holding his paw in her hoof and the vase in her wing, she escorted him into the kitchen.

The room was dim, since she had closed the curtains and blocked out most of the light. "One moment," she said, letting go of Discord's paw to head to the table. She set the vase next to the ice bucket, a good distance away from the candles, then grabbed the box of matches she had set out earlier in preparation.

She quickly lit both of the candles, blowing out the match when she finished. The room was now filled with a soft, warm light that felt...calm. Inviting, perhaps. She smiled in satisfaction and discarded the match, turning back to Discord and offering him her hoof again.

"Wow," he said, eyes scanning the table and pausing on the candles, covered dishes...and finally landing on her and staying there. "You really want all out on this, didn't you?"

She blushed as she took his paw, escorting him to his seat. "Well...I hope that you like all of it."

"I do!" he insisted. "You look wonderful, and this looks wonderful, and I know anything you make will be delicious..." He raised his muzzle and sniffed at the air. "And is that...dessert I smell?"

She smiled and nodded. "A red velvet cake," she said. "I know my desserts aren't as mouth-watering as Pinkie's, but I think it turned out pretty good."

"Well, if it tastes as good as it smells, it'll be amazing," he said, taking a seat and adjusting his suit, popping up half of the collar. She smiled and walked over, using her wing to lift the silver cover off of his plate.

He rubbed his hands together, licking his lips. "Ooh, fresh salad with tasty toppings...you're really spoiling me tonight, Flutterbuddy!"

She giggled, blushing a little as she headed for the ice bucket. "Well, I tried to make something nice," she said. "I hope that it's filling enough...and I have one last surprise!"

She grabbed the bottle by its neck and pulled it out, turning it so that Discord could read the label. He blinked, lifting up a pair of opera glasses and squinting at the writing. "...Sweet Apple Acres Cider?" he said, sounding a little impressed. "I forgot we had that bottle."

"So did I, until I found it in the back of the fridge," she said, moving over and tugging at the cork. Oof, that was stuck tight. "It seemed a shame not to enjoy it...and it only seemed right to make a romantic dinner along with it."

He clasped his hands together and leaned his elbows on the table, smirking. "And how...romantic will this dinner be?" he purred, his tail swishing back and forth. With a snap of his tail feathers, the cork loosened and was easily pulled out with her next tug.

She blushed, pouring him a generous amount of cider. "Well...h-how romantic do you want it to be?" she said, trying to match his wide smile.

His smirk grew, close to stretching impossibly beyond his muzzle. "As romantic as it can be," he said, leaning forward to kiss her on the lips. She smiled and closed her eyes, returning the kiss.

After a few minutes, they pulled away from each other, their lips making a click sound as they separated. Discord smiled softly at her, his pupils shaped like hearts. She smiled back, tapping her nose against his for a moment.

With a flick of his claw, the bottle of cider levitated out of her grip. She blinked in surprise and watched as it floated to her side of the table, where it poured its contents into her glass. "Now," Discord said with a grin, rubbing his hands together. "As much as I'd love to distract you and kiss you all night long—" She blushed. "—it seems a shame to just sit here and let all this delicious cooking of yours go to waste."

He tapped her nose, making her giggle and stick her tongue out at him. She headed over to her seat as the cider bottle recorked itself and settled back into the ice bucket. Once she had taken her seat, she uncovered her own salad dish, though her gaze flicked upwards to watch Discord before she started eating.

He grabbed his fork and stabbed deep into the salad, skewering several cubes of cheese, carrots, pieces of lettuce, and gummy bears all at once and quickly shoving it all into his mouth. "Mmm," he said, smiling as he chewed and swallowed it.

"Is it good?" she said, pouring a little ranch on her salad before taking a bite. It tasted pretty good to her, and she licked a little bit of ranch off of her lips.

"Very," he said, licking his lips and reaching for a bottle of balsamic vinegar. "The gummy bears are a nice touch." He sprinkled on the vinegar, plus a bit of raspberry vinaigrette, before taking another large bite and humming appreciatively.

"I figured that you would like them," she said, a little proudly. He nodded and continued to chew, already mixing the salad around with his fork.

Soon, after devouring a good portion of his salad, he picked up his glass of cider. Before taking a drink, he paused, his gaze flicking towards her. "How about a toast?" he said.

She swallowed her bite before responding. "Sure. What sort of toast were you thinking?"

He grinned widely, his arm stretching across the table and holding his glass just in front of her. "How about...here's to us," he said.

She smiled and raised her own, tapping it against his. "To us."

His arm shot back to its usual size, and he quickly gulped down a little more than half of the cider. She just smiled at him and took a small sip, savoring the taste.

They continued munching on their salads, the cider bottle occasionally floating over to them to top off their glasses. Discord alternated between complimenting her thoughtfulness and cooking skills and telling her about the adventures he had gone on that day, while she listened attentively, laughing at certain parts of his tale until she couldn't breathe. Discord knew how to weave a good story.

After several minutes, though, she took her last bite of salad and swallowed. She felt comfortably full, with just enough room for dessert. Discord stretched his arms all the way up to the ceiling, then lowered them to pat his stomach.

"That was truly delicious, Fluttershy. I can't think of a pony who could make a better salad," he said, using his tongue to work gummy bears out from between his teeth. "Now, before we dig into that delectable-smelling cake..." He snapped his fingers and teleported right beside her, holding out his paw. "...care for a dance?"

She didn't even need long to think. She nodded and placed her hoof in his paw, and found herself whisked out of her seat and into his arms. He twirled away from the table, the kitchen expanding outward to create a wide dance floor for the two of them.

While he started to sway back and forth, turning in a slow circle, she moved one of her forehooves to his shoulder, the other wrapping around his torso. Discord placed his claw on her shoulder and his paw under her hind legs, supporting her. She smiled and laid her head on his chest, swaying a little bit and forth in his arms in synchrony with his own movements.

Between songs on the record, Discord spoke up. "Thank you, Fluttershy."

She lifted her head. "Oh...it was no trouble, really!" she said. "And I've had a great time tonight, too."

He smiled softly at her, bending his neck to tap his nose against hers. "I know. You really have a terrible poker face," he said with a chuckle. "But, when you do things like this, it makes me feel...special."

After a few moments, he coughed and looked away. "I mean...even more special than I obviously already am!" he declared. She giggled. "Still...I want to make you feel special, too."

Her ears perked up. "...got any plans?" she asked. She had to admit she was curious about what he was thinking.

"Well, first I'm going to dance until we can't dance anymore," he said. "Then I'm going to eat as much cake as I can stomach, and compliment you on every bite."

She grinned, and he leaned close and started to whisper into her ear. "Then...I'm going to kiss you and say silly sweet things until you're a blushing mess," he said. "After that? ...we'll just see."

A light blush was already on her face, which made him chuckle. She couldn't help but giggle at herself, too. After swaying back and forth for a bit, she planted her hoof firmly against his shoulder, hoisted herself up, and pressed her lips against his.

Discord froze in place, stunned for a moment. Then, his body relaxed, and he returned the pressure of the kiss. She felt his tail slide underneath her to hold her up as his hands began to caress her back and stroke through her mane.

She smiled, only pulling away when she needed to breathe, and noting how Discord's breath seemed a little heavier, too, his cheeks rosier. She grinned and nuzzled his neck, giving him a loose hug. All in all...she'd consider this date to be a success. And he probably did, too, she thought with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her and continued to dance.

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