• Published 27th Nov 2019
  • 4,556 Views, 416 Comments

Domestic Drabbles of Discord's Dimension - GeekCat

The domestic life of Fluttershy and Discord...who knows what could happen?

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Beat the Heat

Equestria was suffering from the worst heatwave they had experienced in decades. Twilight had explained that it had something to do with the sun, and how it corresponded with the pegasi weather schedule...which had now been changed to bring more rain in a few weeks.

Ponies everywhere were seeking relief from the heat...and while Chaosville wasn't affected in the slightest, Fluttershy felt a little guilty that all of their friends were dealing with this heat.

Discord didn't really want to admit it, but he was worried, too. So he had eagerly offered to take heat away from a few very specific locations. Though that wasn't as easy as she had first thought.

He had explained that snapping away heat wasn't as simple as just...snapping away heat. The way he put it, even if he got rid of it, more heat would pour back in...so he needed to set up some sort of spell that constantly took the heat away.

And that, of course, meant the heat needed to go somewhere. And naturally, the only place that wasn't already experiencing the heatwave...was Chaosville.

They had both agreed that a little bit of suffering was worth it if they could ease things for their friends. And so Discord had put his magic to work, moving heat from Equestria to Chaosville. Fluttershy stood on their front lawn, watching him work (wearing protective sunglasses, of course).

A small sun burned brightly overhead, pulsing heat down onto her. She panted and fanned herself with a wing as sweat dripped down her forehead. She tried to focus on where Discord was, working some sort of magic around the sun...while completely coated in sunscreen (she had refused to let him fly up without some sort of protection).

After much flitting about, the sun looked a bit bigger and brighter, but was also in some sort of reddish bubble, and had been pushed further away from their house. Discord floated back down to her, reapplying the sunscreen to replace what was dripping off of him.

"Everything's taken care of now," he said, dabbing sweat off of his brow. "And I've taken steps to ensure that things won't blow up in our faces."

"That's...good," she said, wiping sweat off of her forehead.

"Here," he said, holding a blue popsicle out to her. She accepted it and quickly bit down on the end, sighing in relief as the cold treat hit her tongue.

"This is...going to be a long week," he said, plopping down into a lawn chair next to her. He munched on a popsicle of his own, one that had pink and black swirls. "I mean, I could make things cooler here...but that heat would have to go somewhere. Probably somewhere in Equestria."

"So...we have to deal with this," she said, glancing up at the sun.

"Yep," he said. "Unless you want me to cut this off and let the heat build back up in the sanctuary, Applejack's farm, Canterlot, Sugarcube Corner, the Wonderbolts' training grounds..."

"No," she said, shaking her head. "A little heat...isn't too bad. Besides, everyone else in Equestria is dealing with this heatwave, too." She sucked on her popsicle.

"So," she said after a few moments of silence. "How are you planning on dealing with this heat?"

"Well..." He held up a list on purple paper. "First, I'm going to work on my tan. Then, lounging in a wading pool full of ice. Next, eat an entire carton of ice cream. After that?" He shrugged and tossed the list aside. "No clue. And if you have any ideas, they'll go to the top of the list."

"Really?" she asked. "I mean, if you want to do all those things, you don't need to put them off..."

He shook his head. "I'm just taking advantage of...being able to experience a heatwave that I can't just get rid of when I'm bored of it," he said. "It's...novel, I suppose you could say."

"I think I understand..." she said. "It's been a while since I've dealt with a heatwave like this, too. I think I was a filly, the last time I remember it being this hot."

"What did you do then?" he asked, swirling his popsicle in his mouth.

"Hmm. Well, my family and I went to the pool...we had some ice cream...oh, and I remember us eating a lot of watermelons." She glanced over and saw Discord scribbling on his list. "Which doesn't sound that much different than your ideas."

"I didn't think of the watermelon!" he said, waving his peacock feather quill at her. "Pool versus a wading pool of ice...which should be first?"

"Um..." She fanned herself with a wing as some sweat dripped down her neck. "Maybe...we could have a pool with ice in it? In the water, in the pool?"

"Perfect!" he declared. He shot into the air, wobbling a bit as he floated, and raised his fingers into a snapping position.

With a snap, a rubber bridge appeared, hanging off the edge of their floating island. It flicked upward, pulling up a smaller island with a large swimming pool (complete with a diving board and water slides), and settled into place.

Discord shot towards the pool, and she quickly rushed across the bouncy rubber bridge. He dropped from the sky into the water, alongside several chunks of ice cubes that appeared beside him.

She jumped in just behind him...and froze for a few seconds. Going from intense heat to extreme cold shocked her. She squeaked and splashed to the edge, pulling herself out as she shivered, her heart racing.

"Too much?" Discord said, paddling close to her. "Pony bodies don't like sudden shocks, do they..."

Shaking her head, she flapped her wings a bit. The heat pulsing down on them had already snapped her out of the cold shock. "Maybe if I take it slowly," she said.

With this idea, she dipped her back hooves into the water. A shiver traveled up her spine. That felt so good.

She sighed and slowly sank the rest of the way into the water. She flinched and shivered a little as the cold hit her skin...but she also let her head fall back with a sigh, the feeling of heat giving way to cold indescribably satisfying.

"So goooooood," Discord moaned beside her. "This is like eating the most delicious ice cream while in a volcano..."

"Yeah," she sighed in agreement. "...have you done that before?"

"Once or twice," he said, twirling a claw in the air. At this gesture, large glasses of lemonade smoothies appeared beside both of them, each with bright neon twisty straws.

She slowly sipped at her smoothie, while Discord loudly slurped on his. She glanced at the ice cubes floating on top of the pool...then blinked, lowered her sunglasses, and looked again. "The ice is already melting."


"The ice cubes are melting already," she said, pointing to them. Indeed, they were already slowly starting to drip into liquid.

Discord lifted his sunglasses and frowned. "Well...I'll be barbequed," he said. He snapped his fingers, and a wheelbarrow appeared, dumping another load of ice cubes into the pool. "That should buy us a few more seconds."

"Good..." she said, relaxing in the icy water.

They floated in silence for some time. The only sound was Discord snapping his fingers every so often, creating loads of ice...and after a few minutes, tubs of ice cream.

"We can have some watermelon after this," he said, sliding a tub of mint ice cream over to her. "Or whenever, really." He stuck a spoon into his own tub and took a large bite of some kind of purple ice cream.

"Maybe a bit later," she said. "After this, and the popsicle and smoothies, I think I'll be pretty full." She quickly ate several bites of her ice cream before it could melt away.

"Sounds like a plan," he said, draping an arm around her shoulders. She leaned against him as she ate, glancing up every so often at the sun. Discord occasionally flicked his claw to make light and colors dance around its surface, shapes appearing and vanishing to tell a story that only he could understand.

Eventually, their spoons were scraping the bottom of their tubs, with only a few puddles of ice cream at the bottom. With a snap of his fingers, Discord attached the two together into some sort of false clamshell. It (or they) began snapping open and shut, quickly diving into the water and out of sight.

Discord yawned, stretching his arms. "Well...I think that's my cue to start suntanning slash napping," he said. "Care to join me? We can be right next to the pool, to cool off if we get too hot..."

"Isn't sleeping while suntanning...unsafe?" she said.

"It can be," he said, clambering out of the pool. Two bottles appeared in his hands, and a timer with a sun pattern on the dial appeared in his tail. "But we'll wear sunscreen and lotion to keep ourselves safe, and this timer will make sure we don't doze off for more than fifteen minutes."

"Sounds smart..." she said. "But...is there any point to tanning? Wouldn't our fur just cover it?"

"When have I done things for the point of them?" he asked, balancing the two bottles on his horns. "Besides, tanning can give your skin a nice glow, one that will shine even through our fabulous coats. Besides...it'll be just like a sauna. Sitting and relaxing, letting the heat seat into your skin and soothing your muscles..."

"That...does sound kind of nice," she said. "Maybe I will join you."

He beamed, and with a snap of his fingers, two lawn chairs appeared—one neon purple and orange, and long enough for him to fit, and one teal and just the right size for her.

As she climbed out of the water (she swore she could feel the water evaporating off of her), Discord popped open the bottles of sunscreen and lotion and poured a generous amount of each into the palm of his lion paw.

He began to rub it onto his reptilian leg, using his tail to pass her the bottles. "Thank you," she said, squirting a bit of sunscreen into her hoof and rubbing into onto her skin.

In just a few minutes, the two of them were covered head-to-toe in the protective lotions—though Discord rubbed a bit more onto her back and wings, while she dabbed a bit of extra sunscreen along his face and ears.

"And with that," he said, smearing residue sunscreen onto the pads of his lion paw, "we are prepared and protected." He picked up the timer and twisted the dial. "Every fifteen minutes, we can take a big drink of water, or dive in the pool, or just roll over."

"Sounds good," she said with a nod, laying down in her lawn chair. "And...you mentioned water?"

He snapped his fingers, and two large glasses appeared next to their chairs. They were filled to the brim with water and ice, and a slice of orange was on the rim of each...along with a tiny paper umbrella.

"Cheers," he said, lying in his chair and holding his glass out to her. She smiled and picked up her glass to tap against his. The two of them took a sip, adjusting until they felt comfortable.

She laid on her stomach, resting her chin on her forelegs. A glance over to her side told her that Discord was lying on his back, holding some sort of reflective screen in his hands that made even more sunlight shine on his face. She also spotted his tail swatting at the timer to start it.

Feeling safe, and actually quite comfortable with the heat sinking into her, she closed her eyes and relaxed.

They spent the rest of the afternoon sunbathing, though their 'breaks' ranged in length. Most times, they both took just enough time to drink their water, reapply sunscreen, and roll over. Other times, they dove into the pool and swam around together.

Their longest break was when Discord had started splashing her. She countered with a splash of her own, and the next thing she knew, Discord had created hoofheld water cannons for the both of them.

That was a fun break, even if they had gotten absolutely soaking wet and she had insisted that they completely reapply their sunscreen and lotion, just to be safe.

But during one break, when they were simply floating next to each other in the pool, Fluttershy's stomach gurgled. Discord lifted up his sunglasses, then looked at the watch that was suddenly on his wrist.

"It is rather late, believe it or not," he said, leaning over to show her the time—which was past when they normally ate dinner. Her eyes widened, and she couldn't help but quickly glance at the sun, still high in the sky.

"I think we've had enough sunbathing for one day," he said, climbing out of the water and shaking himself off like a dog. "The question is, what should we have for dinner? Ice cream, popsicles, chunks of ice..."

"What about watermelon?" she suggested as she climbed out. He offered her a soft towel, which she took and began to dry herself off with.

"Hmm," he said. "You did mention that earlier...and it does still sound like a good idea." He nodded. "Very well. Watermelon it is."

With a flick of his tail to get rid of a few droplets, he started to head towards their house. She followed right behind him, wrapping the towel around her wet mane.

In the kitchen, Discord snapped up two large watermelons. Another snap, and the fruits split apart into cut slices, falling into a very large bowl on the table. "Ladies first," he said, pulling her seat out for her.

She smiled as she sat down, carefully selecting a slice. He sat across from her, quickly grabbing a random slice and taking several quick, messy bites out of it.

Watermelon juice dripped down his chin, dribbling off of his beard. "Is this suppose to help cool us?" he said, swallowing and taking another large, spray-filled bite. "Because I think the ice cream was working faster."

"I'm...not sure," she said, nibbling on her own slice. "It just became a tradition with my family because...it's a fruit that quenches some of your thirst. And it's healthier than eating tubs of ice cream all day."

"Ahhh," he said in understanding. He swallowed the last bite of his slice, and began swirling his tongue around in his mouth. After a few moments, he spat a seed out at her.

She laughed. "Is that how you're going to play this?" she said.

"Absolutely," he said, spitting another seed. It stuck onto her foreleg.

She grinned, then took a large bite of watermelon. She chewed slowly for a bit, using her tongue to separate the seeds from the pulp, and then finally swallowed. She had gotten three seeds...which she spat at him right away.

One missed, but two stuck into his fur. "Oh, now it's on," he said. He snatched up the next slice from the bowl and took a quick bite. She also took another bite, chewing as quickly as she could.

They both spat seeds at each other at the same time. What followed next was an absolute food fight. Discord tried to hoard the bowl for himself, spitting seeds to distract her, but she ignored the attack and grabbed several more slices before he could take all of the ammo.

Red pulp and juice sprayed everywhere as they took large bites. Black seeds flew through the air, occasionally sticking into their fur, more often falling to the ground or getting stuck to the walls or furniture. The two of them ran, flew, and dodged, trying to catch the other off-guard without being caught themselves.

In what felt like mere minutes, the watermelon was all gone. Fluttershy looked around to see what the damage was. Rinds had been scattered with wild abandon, several puddles of watermelon juice had spawned, and there were seeds everywhere...including the many that were stuck in her fur.

Discord approached her, waving a white flag. She noticed with some pride that there were many seeds stuck in his thick brown fur. "Truce?" he said, holding out his paw.

"Truce," she said, shaking it. "That was...kind of fun, actually! Though..." She glanced around at the mess they had made.

"Don't worry," he said, snapping his fingers. Sponges with wings appeared and began to scrub at some of the largest puddles. "When we come in here for breakfast—or a midnight snack—this place will be spotless!" He glanced up. "...but could we leave the seeds on the ceiling for a while? I think it's a chaotic touch."

She giggled. "Maybe just for a few days," she said. "Or until they fall..."

"Thank you!" he said cheerfully, kissing her cheek. "Now, what should we have for dessert? Ice cream, frozen yogurt, impossibly cold s'mores..."

She shook her head, patting her stomach. "Maybe tomorrow," she said. "I'm pretty full."

"Suit yourself," he said, a frost-covered s'more appearing in his paw. He took a bite, marshmallow smearing over his muzzle. "What would you like to do, then?"

Before she could think about it for very long, she yawned. "Goodness..." she said. "I know I spent a good part of the afternoon relaxing, but...taking a cold shower and going to bed sounds nice."

"It is fairly late in the day..." he said, chocolate smearing onto his fingers. "Perhaps we could take turns with showering? I'd suggest going together, but..." He held up his sticky claws, summoning another s'more.

She smiled. "That's fine," she said. "I'm not sure a cold shower together would be as fun as a hot shower together, anyway..." She glanced away, feeling a bit of heat rise to her face.

"Oh, is that a challenge?" he said, snapping his fingers and teleporting them to their room. "Because you know I'll take you up on that..."

Her blush grew a little hotter. "M-maybe tomorrow!" she said. A grin spread on his face. "Anyways, for now..."

She stepped into the bathroom, leaving him to his s'mores (the next of which he seemed to be topping with ice cream). After closing the door behind her, she twisted the shower knob, holding out her hoof to test the water.

Once it was just right—cold, but not freezing—she stepped into the shower. She sighed in relief as the water cooled her skin, watching sweat and lotion pour from her coat and down the drain. She moved slowly, savoring the cold as she scrubbed her mane, coat, and hooves.

Soon, though, the cold became less relaxing and more uncomfortable. She turned off the shower and stepped out, drying herself with one of the towels hanging down from the ceiling.

After drying her coat and giving her mane a quick brush, she went back into the bedroom. She saw Discord hanging from the ceiling by his tail, somehow having managed to smear marshmallow, chocolate, and Graham cracker crumbs completely over the lower half of his face. She giggled a bit at the sight, and he smiled back.

"My turn, then?" he said, floating past her and into the bathroom. She nodded, leaning over to place a small kiss behind his ear (which was s'more-free). He smiled, his ears wriggling as he closed the door behind him.

With another yawn, she headed towards bed...though paused, glancing at the window. Bright sunlight streamed through it...

She headed over to it, first, closing the curtains and blocking most, though not all, of the light. With that taken care of, and with another yawn, she crawled under her covers, leaning against her pillows and grabbing the book that waited on her nightstand.

Just a few minutes later, Discord emerged from the bathroom, polishing his horns with a washcloth. "That cold shower felt nice," he said. "...I'm pretty sure I could have made it fun for us."

She blushed as she closed her book, making him chuckle a bit. He snapped his fingers, creating two tall glasses of water, one in each of his hands. "Ready for bed?" he asked.

"Are you sure you don't want to add or take away anything else in the room?" she asked as he set down the glasses. "I mean, the sun..." She gestured to their window, where some light was still streaming in through the curtains...along with a bit of heat.

"Only a little bit of the light is coming in," he said, lifting the sheets and joining her. He placed a light kiss on her lips. "Plus, we're inside. It can't be that hot in here, with so little of the light."

Their sheets were strewn on the floor. The two of them were sprawled out on the bed, sweating and panting. Fluttershy suspected their mattress was now doubling as a sponge of sweat, but they were still lying in a puddle of it.

"Why is it hot everywhere?" Discord moaned. "How are we supposed to sleep when it's like this?"

"Can't you...move the sun?" she asked. Her hoof groped towards the nightstand, gripping onto a tall glass of water with a slice of cucumber.

"Too tired. Too hot," he complained. "Maybe in the morning..."

She groaned and took a large drink of the water. "I have...a few ideas to cool things down," she said.

Immediately, Discord pounced on her, spilling her water on her and the sheets. "Tell!" he insisted. She saw a droplet of sweat travel down his muzzle, plopping onto her forehead.

"Thicker curtains," she said. "To block out the light...and fans," she said.

He snapped his fingers, and the windows disappeared completely. A fan appeared in its place and began rapidly spinning in circles, sending cool air towards them. Another snap, and several more fans appeared and added to the cool air.

"Good?" he asked, rolling off of her and handing her a new glass of water (this time with a slice of lime).

"Better," she said, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of cool air rushing through her fur. She took a long, slow sip of her water. The sensation was so relaxing, she could swear she was already falling asleep...

A snore from beside her jolted her out of her thoughts. She peeled her eyes open and glanced over. Discord was curled up like a cat, snoring loudly as his fur was ruffled and sweat dribbled down his body. She smiled and reached over to rub his head. A smile curled onto his lips.

"You really are tired, huh..." she murmured. "Maybe tomorrow...I'll do some things to help us beat the heat." He snuffled in his sleep. "Hush, you're tired...let me take care of you tomorrow, okay?"

She set her glass of water back on the nightstand, then laid on her side. She pressed her nose against his forehead for a few moments, staying close to him for a few seconds...then moved back a few inches, so her body heat wouldn't bother him.

Still, she rested her hoof on his paw...and drifted off to sleep to the sound of whirring fans, thinking of all the things she could do for him in the morning.

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