• Published 17th Nov 2019
  • 1,394 Views, 109 Comments

Luster Dawn Friendship Successor - SamSwordsman123

Twilight takes in a new student to wield the magic of friendship in the hopes of passing the torch someday. Meanwhile, an ancient villain thought to be long gone sets in motion plans to conquer Equestria. Reposted.

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Chapter 20: New Beginnings

Luster, River Song, and Georgia spent their first night in the Treehouse of Harmony. They woke up as Princess Twilight raised the sun in Canterlot.

“Good morning girls!” River Song said. “Let’s make ourselves some breakfast!”

Luster yawned and got to her hooves, wanting to do much the same. But she quickly remembered something.

“We don’t have any food here!”

“Oh, right! Ah well, go into town than!” River Song said.

“We really should have thought about that before we came here,” Georgia said.
“Race you guys there!” River Song said. “With Gallop not around I bet I could beat both of you!”

Georgia smirked. “Alright, but he’d never be able to keep up with me if I used my wings!”

The griffon and Kirin took off, racing each other on hooves and claws. Luster chased after them, not nearly as fast. She was probably the least athletic of all her friends.

“Wait!” she called.

But they continued on without her. Luster ran after them, eventually getting to Ponyville. She panted hard as she saw them in the middle of town.

“What took you so long, Luster?” River Song asked as the scholarly pink pony came up to them.

“Not… used… to running… long…distances!” Luster said through deep breaths.

“Oh, dear. You must be thirsty after running so much. Come on, lets grab something to eat,” Georgia said. “We’ll do some shopping and get some food to take to the Treehouse too.”

Luster nodded slowly, she caught sight of the Castle of Friendship in the distance. She never thought she’d be in a situation like this, where she wanted to go home but was unable to do so. They headed to The Pony Pancake House for breakfast, where Luster saw her parents in a table nearby. Starlight looked at her daughter, for a split second their eyes met, then Starlight pulled away, gazing down at the table. Luster shook, seeing her mother look away from her tore a hole in her heart. She’d spent all her life trying to measure up to both Starlight and Sunburst. Her father looked back and saw her, he gave a nervous look like he wanted to say something but turned around in his seat.

Luster sighed. They were her parents, and she loved them so much. Every love filled instinct urged her to go over there and say hello, but they had forbidden her from doing so. Starlight was afraid that if Queen Chrysalis ever found out Luster was her daughter that she would come after her. Looking around at the ponies and a few other creatures that were inside, Luster wondered if there was a chance Chrysalis could actually be here in the Pancake House, waiting to attack her mother.

No, she thought. There was no chance of that. Chrysalis wouldn’t be fool enough to come to Ponyville, she’d spent a long time in hiding after Luster’s mother had turned her hive against her. Not striking until she became more powerful and had allies in Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow. But then, somepony had freed all of them. There was some unknown fourth player at least, or worse it might have been a group of evil doers working together.

Luster could only hope that this matter would be settled quickly. Princess Twilight would have those villains tracked down and deal with them somehow. She might even call upon Luster to help her, and Luster would help in any way she could. If Chrysalis came near her mother, Luster would not stand by and leave Starlight to fend for herself. This would all be over someday, and Luster would be able to be her family again, but for now she had to be strong.

Taking a deep breath, Luster took a seat with Georgia and River Song at a table on the other side of the Pancake House. They got their breakfast and then headed over to the market for food to take back to the Treehouse. Luster and River Song levitated grocery bags with their horns while Georgia flew carrying some in her claws. They dropped off the groceries in the Treehouse than headed back to town, knocking on the door to Gallops house. Swifty Sandwich, Gallop’s mother, answered the door.

“Oh, Georgia, River Song!” Swifty Sandwich said to the two ones she was familiar with before looking at Luster. “Who’s this?”

Luster offered a small smile. “Luster Dawn, Mrs. Sandwich. We met when I was a filly.”

The older mare gasped. “You’re Headmare Starlight’s daughter!”

Luster cringed. That was yet another reminder of who she was, and what she could not go back to until this crisis was over.

“Um… you might want to avoid mentioning Headmare Starlight or Vice Headmare Sunburst,” Georgia said in Swifty’s ear. “Luster was… sort of sent away from her family.”

“What?” Swifty asked. “Headmare Starlight sent her daughter away? What kind of mother would do that?”

“It was for her own safety,” Georgia said.

“Queen Chrysalis has returned! That’s bad right? Yes, very bad! And to make it worse, Headmare Starlight thinks if Chrysalis finds out Luster is her daughter she will come after her!” River Song said.

“Oh, that’s terrible!” Swifty said. “Are you alright, dear?”

Luster sighed. “I don’t know. It hurts, I just saw my parents in the Pancake house, but I couldn’t go and even say hello to them! Now I have to live in the Treehouse of Harmony!”

“We’re living there with to keep her company and protect her in case Chrysalis happens to come after her or something. Actually, we came to ask Gallop if he wanted to come and move in with us.”

“Oh, come in then. Gallop should be upstairs in his room,” Swifty said.

She led them inside the house and up the stairs to where Gallop was doing some sit-ups. Luster looked into his room and saw he had a picture of Rainbow Dash and her current generation of Wonderbolts.

“Gallop, you have some visitors!” Swifty said.

Gallop looked up and saw Luster and the others.

“Oh, hey guys. Or… girls I should say!” Gallop said. “What are you three doing here?”

“We wanted to invite you to come stay with us!” River Song told the Earth Pony in her usual enthusiasm.

“Stay with you?” Gallop repeated.

“Yeah! We moved into the Treehouse of Harmony with Luster to protect her!” River Song said. “The big bad trio are back! Headmare Starlight thinks Chrysalis might come after Luster so she sent Luster away from home. We’re keeping her company there! You wanna join us?”

Gallop hesitated. “I’m… not sure. I kind of need to stay here. My dad’s gone and Mom needs extra support with the hayburger business. I already had to pull of the School of Friendship.”

“Gallop, you can still work the Hayburger wagon. I’ll be fine,” Swifty said. “Your friend might be in danger, and she needs support more than I do now. I’ll be fine, go with your friend.”

Gallop looked at Luster.

“Okay, I’ll come. If it means protecting a friend. I would never abandon anypony or creature.”

“Yay, yay!” River Song jumped. “Now, let’s go get Yelena!”

Yelena’s Yak family lived next door. When the Yak heard what was going on, she nodded.

“You can count on me Luster! If Chrysalis tries to take you, she’s gonna feel some Yak strength!”

Luster managed a smile. All her friends were going to be with her at the Treehouse of Harmony. That would make it easier, but she still hoped that Princess Twilight would catch the villains soon. Word would come out of their escape, Ponyville and other places could have time to prepare. Unlike last time they had been warned at the very last minute by Discord after he’d been drained of his power. Tirek and Cozy Glow’s escape from Tartarus had been kept quiet, as had Tirek’s solo escape. Cereberus hadn’t been smart enough to tell ponies when a monster escaped. He was just a dog after all, and only guarded the prison.

Sure enough, when Luster looked in a newspaper, she saw the headline, Enemies of Equestria Return! A picture of the three villains in their stone was shown on the front cover.

“Well, the word’s out!” Luster said.

“Hope they catch those baddies soon!” River Song said. “There’s no way Tirek or Cozy Glow is gonna be able to sneak around now with that picture in the newspaper.”

“But Chrysalis can take any form!” Luster reminded them, that was when she remembered something her mother had said. “So, we better make sure we have a way to know that we’re all ourselves. My mom suggested a codeword.”

“Ooh! Maybe we each say our favorite things to do!” River Song suggested. “Swim!”

“Run!” Gallop said.

“Smash!” Yelena said, banging her hooves on the ground.

“Read!” Luster said.

“Fly!” Georgia flapped her wings.

“Okay, anyone who gets their part of the code wrong, friends smash!” Yelena said. “That friend is Chrysalis in disguise.”

“I really doubt that its going to come to that though,” Luster said. “No way Chrysalis knows about me.”

“Well let’s hope not,” Georgia said. “Come on, we’ll show you guys the tree house.”

In Canterlot, Twilight and her Council waited in the throne room. Soon Gallus entered the room.

“Your majesty, Councilors, the newspapers across Equestria have spread the word!” he said.

“Good,” Twilight said. “We won’t let them have time to prepare their attack this time.”

“And with the Bewitching Bell in my realm safely, there’s no way they’ll all become as powerful as they were before!” Discord said. “I’ll sense whenever Tirek steals magic from a creature and then go get them.”

“You sure they ain’t gonna go into that lair you used while posing as Grogar?” Applejack asked the Draconequess.

Discord scoffed. “Pfft! Please, they would not be stupid enough to use a place we already know about. Look!”

A crystal ball appeared in his paw. He showed them the inside of the lair he had used during that time. It looked empty.

“Well, wherever they are, they can’t hide from us! We’ll kick their flanks just like last time!” Rainbow Dash said.

Spike looked at Twilight. “Do you think… maybe Luster should help?”

Twilight shook her head. “Going up against Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow would probably be too much to ask of her right now. She’s only just begun her journey down friendship. I’ll give her a mission less dangerous when I can. Besides, Starlight would kill me if I sent her daughter to Chrysalis.”

Spike nodded, understanding. Twilight hoped to make Luster her Successor someday, but she couldn’t send Luster on an assignment too difficult. Luster was skilled with magic, but she hadn’t learned to unleash friendship yet. It would take some time before she was able to produce a rainbow laser.
In Grogar’s lair, the villains were gathered around Grogar’s table.
“Are you certain that staying here is wise?” Chrysalis asked. “Discord used this lair when he posed as you. Once he gets word of our escape, he could come looking for us.”

Grogar scoffed. “He thinks that this is the last place you three would hide! I’ve placed a spell on concealment here. If he or anypony else were to come here or even scry they would see this place as empty.”

“Golly! That’s amazing,” Cozy Glow said. "So I could do this and they wouldn't see!"

She stuck her tongue out at some imaginary spy. Grogar frowned. He may have turned her into an adult but she was still a filly, a demented psychopathic filly to be sure.

“So, when are we going to attack?” Tirek asked. “I want to crush Twilight Sparkle!”

“And I want to see Starlight Glimmer cry after I take her daughter!” Chrysalis said.

Sombra scoffed. “Forget about your petty desires for revenge! When will I have my empire back?”

Grogar grunted. “Patience, all of you! You will have your chance to get everything you desire! The first phase of my plan is already underway. Soon the Crystal Empire will fall.”

Author's Note:

So, Luster’s friends are moving in with her, and Grogar is about to begin the first stage of his plan. Well, hope you guys are liking this story. I’ve updated Passing On Together once more, and am pleased to say that has story gotten over 500 referrals on Youtube! Some by me as I spread the word, but others are definitely doing it more than me, thank you to the ones that are! I’m proud to have given a lot of my fellow fans hope that Twilight will not outlive her friends with this story universe.

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