• Published 17th Nov 2019
  • 1,394 Views, 109 Comments

Luster Dawn Friendship Successor - SamSwordsman123

Twilight takes in a new student to wield the magic of friendship in the hopes of passing the torch someday. Meanwhile, an ancient villain thought to be long gone sets in motion plans to conquer Equestria. Reposted.

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Chapter 37: Battle of the Castle of Two Sisters

Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow all eyed Twilight through the unicorn shield protecting the Castle of the Two Sisters. The ponies from Ponyville were trapped, and their reinforcements had either been eliminated or delayed. This was their chance to finally crush their enemies!

“You two ready?” Chrysalis asked.

“I am!” Cozy said with a psychotic grin. “Let’s show these goody-goodies the power of our fiendship!”

“You don’t think we’re capable of producing a dark rainbow laser-like Grogar might have been able to do?” Tirek wondered aloud.

The idea intrigued Chrysalis, but she quickly brushed it aside. “Let’s not waste time with what-ifs! Let’s do the same thing as last time! Unison beam!”

The trio lit their horns together in preparation for their ultimate attack. Countless times their enemies had escaped their wrath, but no more.

“Brace yourselves!” Starlight ordered.

The unicorns lit up their horns to strengthen the shield, but many were tired and suffering from severe migraines from the excessive use of magic. Fluttershy whimpered in fear and held Discord tightly. Applejack and Rainbow Dash walked up to stand beside Twilight and Starlight, ready to fight for their lives. The trio cast a beam that struck the unicorn shield. It cracked… and within moments it would shatter.

“No!” Twilight screamed in determination, her horn lighting up.

The unicorn shield broke… but was instantly replaced with another. A large lavender one that Twilight conjured up herself. Her alicorn magic, enhanced by both the Magic of Friendship and the powers of the sun and moon, kept the trio’s beam at bay. The villains soon couldn’t hold their beams for long and were left looking at Twilight through the shield.

“Well, you can certainly put up a strong shield,” Chrysalis admitted. “Of course, it’s not as large as your brother’s, is it? His spell could cover all of Canterlot! Not that it helped in the end when I disguised myself as his fiancé, drained his love for her, and turned him and your friends against you!”

She transformed into Cadence. Anger stirred in Twilight as that form brought back some of her saddest memories. She remembered the green fire surrounding her as ‘Cadence’ had walked up to her. How she had been sent down to the caves beneath Canterlot where Chrysalis had trapped the real Cadence, and Twilight had attacked her. Now, the same urge was filling her. She wanted to leap out at ‘Cadence’…. no Chrysalis… she wanted to pound that changeling to the ground for that, and everything else she could think of.

“Did you miss me, Twilight? Oh, I’m sorry to have dumped my precious little Flurry on you ever since Grogar used that monster to assassinate me!”

Twilight froze. Grogar had been behind the Rhino monster that had claimed the lives of her brother and sister-in-law? The urge to attack increased greatly and she shook with anger. Every fiber of her being wanted to let down her shield and shoot Chrysalis - even if that meant letting the monsters inside!

“What’s the matter, Twilight?” ‘Cadence’ asked. “Don’t you remember what I did to you?”

“Or what I did?” Tirek asked.

“And I?” Cozy grinned.

All of the things that not only Chrysalis but also Tirek and Cozy Glow had done welled up inside her. She remembered her friends walking away from her at the wedding rehearsal even as she reached out to them. The Golden Oaks Library burning, Cozy’s words tearing a hole in her heart as she said Friendship was Power. Shining Armor kicking her out of the wedding, Discord betraying them to Tirek, the Princesses screaming as Cozy used the bell to drain their magic.

Twilight seethed. Drawing the attention of those close to her.

“Whoa, nelly!” Applejack said.

“Twilight, calm down!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Darling, don’t let them provoke you!” Rarity said.

“What are you guys scared of?” Rainbow Dash asked. “We’ve got twenty more years of experience now! We could probably take these lame monsters down.”

“I’d like to see you try!” Tirek said.

“Come and get us!” Chrysalis taunted.

She changed forms again, now turning into Shining Armor. He looked at Twilight. “You shouldn’t have taken Cadence out of the caves! Chrysalis and I could still be ruling over the hive!”

Twilight could resist no longer. She fired a beam at Chrysalis, who in return shot her own at Twilight. Chrysalis put in all her strength, the love she’d drained from Luster, the extra power Grogar had bestowed upon her… thinking it would be enough as she was even stronger than she had been when attacking Canterlot. But to her surprise, her beam was pushed back, Chrysalis was thrown off her holed hooves. She hit a tree outside and returned to her true terrible form, much to Twilight’s satisfaction. However, Twilight’s victory was short-lived, as her shield around the castle went down.

The monsters charged in.


Starlight was glad she had moved Luster, her friends, and the CMCs into the Treehouse of Harmony after they removed Grogar’s spell from her. She had known the Treehouse had developed defenses that would vaporize monsters that tried to enter it. Luster and the others would be safe here, at least Starlight hoped that was the case. They laid on their beds, unable to even stand now.

As soon as the monsters began moving through the door or even flying in from above, Starlight began shooting magic. Sunburst, Trixie, Rarity, and all the unicorns did the same. Rainbow Dash, her generation of Wonderbolts, and many other Pegasi flew up to meet the Bearbugs and other flying monsters that came down upon them. Applejack and Big Macintosh began to pound the monsters with Earth Pony strength while Pinkie Pie threw rocks at them.

“I prefer cupcakes, but rocks are harder! My family at the Rock Farm would be proud of me!” Pinkie shouted as she flailed her hooves rapidly. “Let's rock!”

Discord snapped his fingers, trying to stop the monsters by putting them in cages. But they quickly got out once they saw the cages were only half made with two sides missing. As a chimera charged at Discord with its three heads roaring, Fluttershy found a burst of courage and flapped her wings. She looked the monster dead in the face with her meanest stare.

“Don’t you dare hurt my husband!” she screamed in its face.

The chimera stopped and whimpered.

“Get them!” Fluttershy commanded. Fluttershy hated having to put her animals in danger, but there wasn’t any choice. They all had to fight to defend themselves. “Fight for your lives!”

Her many animals, deer, squirrels, and rabbits, even a bear or wolf, charged into the fray. Angel Bunny pointed his carrot like a commander raising a sword for the troops to charge forward.

The deer struck with their antlers or headbutted the monsters. Squirrels and rabbits climbed up and began nibbling the legs. The bear and wolves hurt much more in that regard - their bites caused the monsters to howl. Fluttershy’s look of determination turned to sadness as she knew there were some she might not see alive again.

All of Ponyville threw everything they had at the monsters. They managed to hold them at bay for a while, but within just a few blasts of magic, many of the unicorns could not fire anymore - their magic exhausted from maintaining the shield. Rarity tried to fire another spell, but her horn ached. She screamed as a Roc took her in its talons.

“Rarity!” Starlight yelled as she tried to fire a spell, only to be grabbed by another monster from behind.

All around her, the monsters were pinning down the unicorns. The earth ponies were thrown to the ground. The pegasi were tossed from the air.

Twilight battled an immense Ursa Major tearing the ruins apart. Her magic shot at the large bear-like creature, causing it to roar in pain before it swatted at her. She fell to the floor of the ruins. It looked like it was all over! Starlight closed her eyes as the monster holding her raised her up to its open mouth - this was probably the end!


Chrysalis watched the battle from atop a ruined tower with Cozy Glow and Tirek.

“At last, victory is ours!” she stated. “I love having an army again!”

“I love manipulating creatures to do as I want!” Cozy agreed.

“You didn’t manipulate any monster!” Tirek reminded her. “They were ordered by Grogar to conquer Equestria!”

“No matter. Nothing can stop us now!” Chrysalis said.

For a moment they stood there with evil grins, looking down on their overwhelmed enemies. Then Cozy looked ahead.

“Nothing except maybe that!”

Looking in the direction the filly pointed, Chrysalis and Tirek saw two armies coming their way. Dragons and changelings flew toward the castle's ruins. Spike, Thorax, and Ember led the charge. The immense form of the former Dragon Lord Torch shadowed over the monsters.

They soon reached the castle and swooped down on the monsters, pulling them off the ponies. Torch took hold of the Ursa Major, flying off with it to get the largest threat to the ponies away. The changelings mimicked the monsters, copying their abilities while dragons breathed fire upon them, mindful of the endangered ponies.

“Great... another army!” Tirek said.

Chrysalis growled. “We can’t be stopped again! We have worked too hard for this! Come on, we have to finish them quickly!”

“And how do we do that?” Cozy asked.

“Take out Twilight,” Chrysalis said. “Before she defeats us with a rainbow laser again!”

Chrysalis flew down, landing near Twilight, who managed to get up. The alicorn frowned at the changeling who charged at her. Twilight charged as well; she and Chrysalis butted heads, their horns crossing as they glared at each other. This reminded Chrysalis of the same incident with Celestia at the Royal Wedding.

“It’s over, Chrysalis!” Twilight said.

“Yes, for you!” the changeling yelled.

She flew up and back, her horn lighting up as though she were about to unleash a spell. Twilight’s horn lit up as well and she fired. Chrysalis however… didn’t… she was slow to learn from her mistakes, but she did learn. Instead of trying to overpower her foe when she knew she couldn’t… the former queen dodged the beam in midair then flew at Twilight. The princess was knocked back as she had done to Chrysalis earlier. Chrysalis landed on her hooves as her comrades came beside her. Tirek then made to stomp on Twilight with his massive hooves and crush her. However, Twilight fired a beam of magic straight into his face, his seemingly only weak spot. The centaur was knocked down as he had been in the battle for the bell. Cozy tried a beam of her own, which was deflected back at her, and she fell out of the sky.

Twilight rose to her hooves, focusing on Chrysalis. The changeling had been charging up her magic ever since she’d landed. She unleashed the same type of attack which had sent Spike and Rarity flying. Twilight tried to counter with her usual beam, but even with all the magic power she had obtained in the last twenty years, she was overwhelmed. She hadn’t had time to gather the energy needed to counter a charged attack. Chrysalis’s attack sent her rolling across the floor of the castle. She lay still, her horn burned slightly much like her mentor once had.

“Twilight!” Applejack yelled.

The rest of the Mane 5 looked down toward their fallen friend. But the monsters they were locked in combat with prevented them from rushing to her side.

Chrysalis grinned as she walked toward Twilight’s still form. She had probably done significant damage, but she had to make sure.

Twilight surprised Chrysalis with a beam of her magic. Her acquired chest armor cracked and split, Chrysalis screamed. Then Twilight was on her hooves and rammed into Chrysalis, knocking her to the ground. Chrysalis looked up, dazed. She felt almost as weak as when Tirek had taken her magic. The changeling didn’t have time to recover as Twilight advanced on her with a look of pure hatred that was uncharacteristic of her.

“Say goodbye, Chrysalis!” Twilight said, her horn lighting up in a color Chrysalis hadn’t seen before on the pony. It was bright red, with a bit of black lightning sparkling on it.

Chrysalis shivered, her defiance melting away in the face of death. She knew then that she could not win; Twilight had twenty more years of experience. But more, there was something inside her making her more powerful and aggressive.

“Twilight! What are ya doing?” Applejack asked. She’d managed to defeat her monster and ran up beside her friend.

“I’m going to end this once and for all!” Twilight screamed.

“Twilight, you’re not going to… kill them, are you?” Fluttershy asked as she flew over.

Around them, ponies, dragons, and changelings were fighting against the monsters. Spike had gotten Rarity out of the Roc’s talons and flew down with her. The dragons surrounded the ruins with fire. It looked like the tide had shifted in their favor. But things were not so well inside of Twilight.

Twilight snarled. “They are too dangerous to keep alive! We imprisoned them in stone and they came back. They always come back! We can’t let them terrorize Equestria anymore!”

“Twi- I know you hate each and every one of them!” Rainbow Dash said. “But this isn’t like you!” She looked at Twilight’s horn. “What’s up with your magic?”

“Darling, you absorbed the darkness out of Luster!” Rarity said. “Now it’s making you more aggressive!”

Twilight’s glare lessened. She looked at her enemies, who lay defeated. Tirek and Cozy had regained consciousness and looked at the alicorn in fear as they saw all her friends had come by her side. They hadn’t been able to take on Twilight even in a three on one fight.

Pinkie Pie came forward now. “These three are super baddies, Twilight! But if you destroy them after they are already beaten... then you’d be no better!”

The party pony’s words pierced Twilight’s anger, reminding her of the wild way she had accused ‘Cadence’ back at the wedding rehearsal. If she had handled the situation better it might have worked out differently. Slowly, Twilight sheathed her magic - it went out with a hiss. She needed to make sure these three were at least detained until they dealt with the rest of the monsters.

“We better just weaken their magic, at least for now,” Twilight said. “Then we’ll decide what to do with them.”

Chrysalis growled. “You know, you should really just finish us off, or we will keep returning!”

Twilight was about to say something in return. But then the wind suddenly seemed to pick up; she could feel it hitting her flowing mane. Then a deep voice came from above.

“It seems you are not even capable of defeating Twilight with even the three of you together! I thought perhaps it would be at least a decent show.”

Looking up, Twilight saw Grogar’s face in the clouds. He looked different; his previously white beard had turned black as though he’d grown younger. The ram frowned down at his pawns.

“Grogar?” Cozy exclaimed. “You’re still alive?”

“But… but I poisoned the magic in the bell!” Chrysalis stuttered.

Grogar chuckled. “I was prepared to counter your poison. Soon you shall pay for that! But first, I shall have to deal with Twilight Sparkle and her friends myself!”

A lightning bolt shot down upon the Mane 6, who all vanished. Out of all of them, only Spike was left behind. He looked upon the area around him.

“Twilight? Rarity? Applejack? Where’d you guys go?” he asked in fear.

“I have taken them to someplace where I can deal with them myself!” Grogar said. “Now… my children… destroy every creature there is in that ruined old castle! Pony, changeling, and centaur!”

Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek all looked around with wide eyes as the monsters that had previously been working for them now eyed them like snacks. There were so many of them, and Grogar had enhanced their strength. All around them, ponies were fighting the monsters; several lay injured or dead.

“That blasted ram! He calculated every move, even one that nearly got us killed without meaning too!” Tirek said, punching a piece of the castle.

Chrysalis hesitated; even the ruthless de-facto leader of the terrible trio was uncertain which direction to take.

“There has to be some way we can come out of this on top!” she said.

“I think we should worry about staying alive right now!” Cozy Glow said.

The monsters began bearing down on them.


Starlight was busy fighting an enhanced Timberwolf whose wooden body emanated magic like their eyes with Sunburst and Trixie. She shot magic at it. If it were ordinary, she would have blasted it to pieces, but thanks to Grogar’s meddling, her attack seemed to do little against the wooden monster other than slow it down. Then a dragon came flying by with a breath full of fire. The wolf whined as the dragon landed beside Starlight and then changed shape into a familiar changeling.

“Thorax!” Starlight greeted in relief.

“Whew, that was a great and powerful transformation there!” Trixie said. “You really saved us!”

Starlight smiled. But as she looked around, she saw many ponies were being driven back while others lay in pools of blood. She would have shed tears if not for the need to focus right now. More and more ponies were falling, bleeding, screaming. This terrible war was the worst thing she had ever seen. The only event she could think of in living memory was the invasion of Canterlot during the Royal Wedding, and there hadn’t been any casualties then as the changelings were after love rather than lives.

“There’s too many of them!” Starlight said. “We need Twilight! She could drive all the monsters away!”

“Except Grogar took her and Fluttershy away!” Discord said as he snapped his fingers. But nothing happened that Starlight could see. “Drat! I can’t summon them all the way back here with only half of my chaos magic!”

“Really, how can half of your enormous chaos magic be so useless?” Trixie asked. “Surely, with just half your magic you could get rid of all these monsters?”

“With half cages and sending half of them someplace else? What good is that? I’m not used to operating at half power like this. Having half my chaos magic is strange to me!” Discord shouted. “Oh, I wish my other half of magic would come back!”

As if on cue, a popping sound occurred and suddenly, another Discord appeared. It was the knight Discord that had rode out to defend ponies when the monsters attacked.

“Your wish is my command!” the second Discord said.

“You’re back?” Discord exclaimed. “But how?”

“No time to explain!” knight Discord said. “We need to reconnect!”

He held out his claw. Discord took hold of his own claw, white light shined between both hims and with a flash, there was only one Discord left. His chaos powers had returned! With a joyous smile, he snapped his fingers like he had last time to test his returned abilities. An evil pineapple materialized out of thin air and opened its mouth.

“Now I can save the day!”

He snapped his fingers, and the trees around the ruins suddenly began to fight as well. Their branches wrapped around the monsters, crushing them. Discord kept snapping, and another group of trees came to life. They grabbed more and more monsters, immobilizing them so that the allied forces of Equestria could blast them or otherwise deal with them. The monsters were zapped with magic or bashed with hooves. Others got dragged away into the woods while some retreated. Discord snapped again, sending them on top of the Treehouse of Harmony, causing them to be vaporized upon contact. Finally, the monsters were gone, running off with their tails between their legs. Starlight stood there with a smile as all seemed well. But there was still one last problem.

Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow glared at the other side consisting of Starlight, her family, the Young Six, Thorax and other changelings, Ember, Spike, and the other dragons. They were heavily outnumbered, but many ponies were down from fighting with the monsters. It would have been unclear of who would win if not for a certain somecreature.

“Give it up!” Starlight ordered. “You can’t win against all of us. Your army is gone! Discord has his powers back.”

Chrysalis bared her teeth. She would not give up. She couldn’t give up. Everything, she had to have everything! She was a Queen. It was her destiny to rule! But now, her very life was in the hands of the Spirit of Chaos.

Tirek and Cozy Glow looked uncertain.

“Maybe we should give up,” Cozy Glow said.

“We can’t!” Chrysalis said. “If we give up, they’ll send us all to Tartarus!”

“Well, at least we’d be alive!” Cozy Glow said. “Maybe they’ll release me at some point. I’m still a filly after all!”

“That didn’t stop them from turning you to stone for twenty years like us!” Tirek reminded her.

“Which was rather unfair!” Cozy said.

“It doesn’t have to be that way!” a voice said.

A changeling stepped forward out of the crowd. It was Thorax’s wife, Cricilinas. She looked at Chrysalis with pleading eyes.

“Chrysalis, please, listen to me. A fellow changeling.”

Chrysalis frowned, “Why should I listen to you?”

“Because I want you in the hive again!”

The words of her former subject stunned her.

“I know that you always craved power above all else,” Cricilinas said. “But I also know that you also cared about the hive! You provided for us, nurtured us when we were hatchlings, fed us love! We were always hungry, starving! But everything you did, you did to keep us alive, and for that, many of us were grateful. But now, we don’t have to take love! We can share it with other changelings, and with each other! We’d even being willing to share some with you, if you just let us in!”

Chrysalis hesitated, the words of the changeling affecting her dark heart.

Starlight Glimmer suddenly came forward. She frowned at Chrysalis,

“I once made you an offer to be a ruler your subjects deserved. You refused. Where did it get you? Defeat and being trapped in stone for twenty years! You could have had your hive, but instead, you turned your back on it. I… I might never be able to forgive you for kidnapping Luster… but I offer you one last chance for redemption! That goes for you two as well!” she said, pointing to Tirek and Cozy. “It might take some time, but after serving some time you could return to your hive if they are willing to take you, Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis made an expression like the one that she had when Starlight first offered. Then Cricilinis walked forward, offering a hoof.

Ending A: Redemption

Chrysalis looked at the hoof, the words of Cricilinis and Starlight seeming to cut deeper than any blade. If she had accepted Starlight’s offer back then, she could have remained the leader of the changelings as they went through a new age. She had instead turned her back on it, just as she had accused Thorax of doing so. It had felt awful, being alone and without the hive she had done everything for. She had wanted power, and she had lost everything in her pursuit of it. She’d wanted to be Queen of the Changelings, to control all other creatures. But was the last part really necessary? Without her hive, she had just felt so incomplete… Tirek and Cozy had filled in the void even if they got on her nerves every so often. If she could just have her hive back, maybe… that would be enough?

Chrysalis then felt an urge. She clutched her teeth then-

Closing her eyes, she took a breath, letting go of the evil urge, and looked at Cricilinis’s hoof. Then slowly… she reached out… Starlight Glimmer also clutched her teeth nervously. Then… Chrysalis took it with tears starting to form in her eyes.

“I… I missed the hive!” Chrysalis said.

And with those few words, Chrysalis shared love. Her body glowed as she took on a new form. The armor around her body broke, her black skin turning white. Her eye color remained the same but seemed to shine brighter with a love to share with others rather than the usually greedy or sinister look.

“Wow, you look beautiful, Chrysalis,” Cricilinas said. “Or should I say… mother?”

Chrysalis looked at her. Technically she’d been the mother of all the changelings, like a colony of ants. Many of the changelings had feared her, and as such, not viewed her as a mother figure.

“I don’t deserve to be called that,” she said. “Not by any changeling. I… I don’t want to even be Queen anymore.”

She looked up at the tiara on her head, then slowly levitated it off and smashed it into pieces. Every creature looked at her in astonishment. Then Chrysalis turned to her former comrades.

“Well, Lord Tirek? Cozy Glow?” Chrysalis asked. “What will you do?”

“I’m done!” Cozy Glow said. “I’m helpless against the Magic of Friendship! I wanted to use it so I wouldn’t feel helpless like I was against my parents!”

Starlight remembered Cozy Glow’s story with a sad expression. She had been abused by her parents and sent to the School of Friendship in the hopes it would help her recover through making friends. But in the end, her dark past had affected her too deeply. The world could be a cruel place.

Cozy sobbed slightly. “There’s no point in fighting a lost battle!”

“Agreed,” Tirek said. “We’ve tried time and time again to win against the Magic of Friendship, but it's proven futile! I wanted all the power for myself so that I could prove to my father I was not some useless runt!”

“Aha! I was right!” Discord said.

Tirek shot him a look of disdain but sighed. He then let out a long breath releasing the magic he had taken from the ponies and other creatures the day they’d taken Luster. He even released the magic Grogar had given him, shrinking back to his weakest form so that he could be escorted back to Tartarus to serve his sentence.

In the Treehouse of Harmony, Luster Dawn and her friends and the others smiled as they felt their strength return.

Cozy Glow looked at her horn. She wasn’t sure how to get rid of it. But Discord simply snapped his fingers and it was gone. She was a filly again, a filly that was going to spend the rest of her childhood and likely teen years in Tartarus or some dungeon.

“Well… I’m glad you three decided this,” Starlight said. “I will have to wait until Twilight gets back to hear her decision, but for now… take them to Tartarus.”

Escort parties took the villains to prison… but one day… they would be free and hopefully start a new life.

Now, there was only one last problem. Starlight looked up at the sky where Grogar’s face had been. Right now, he was probably battling Twilight and the others somewhere.

“Please be alright, you guys,” Starlight said as she, Sunburst, Spike, and Discord looked into the sky… hoping for the best.

Ending B: Self Defense

Chrysalis looked at the hoof, the words of Cricilinis and Starlight seeming to cut deeper than any blade. If she had accepted Starlight’s offer back then, she could have remained the leader of the changelings as they went through a new age. She had instead turned her back on it, just as she had accused Thorax of doing so. It had felt awful, being alone and without the hive she had done everything for. She had wanted power, and she had lost everything in her pursuit of it. She’d wanted to be Queen of the Changelings, to control all other creatures. But was the last part really necessary? Without her hive, she had just felt so incomplete… Tirek and Cozy had filled in the void even if they got on her nerves every so often. If she could just have her hive back, maybe… that would be enough?

Chrysalis then felt an urge. She clutched her teeth then-

She swatted Cricilnis’s hoof away as she had Starlight’s long ago.

“Never! I’ll never settle for anything less than ruling over everything!” Chrysalis shouted.

She flew back and looked at the pony who had taken everything from her. This was it… if it was the last thing Chrysalis did… she would get her revenge on Starlight Glimmer. Glaring with pure hatred, Chrysalis charged up her magic to prepare a fatal attack. She unleashed it as Starlight shot her own spell to counter. Starlight’s spell quickly began to get pushed back, and she let out a look of fear. Then Thorax added his own magic, then Sunburst and Trixie joined as well. The combined strength of three unicorns and a changeling was enough to completely overpower Chrysalis even in her enhanced form. She didn’t have time to stop it like she had against the combination of Spike and Rarity. The spells hit her, knocking her to the ground.

With a growl, she got back up again. No matter what… she would never give up.

Starlight looked at her archenemy with a sad frown.

“You leave me no choice!” she said as her horn glowed a darker blue than usual.

Her spell hit Chrysalis directly above the heart, the changeling froze, her mouth falling open. Then she fell to the side and lay still.

“So ends the Queen,” Thorax said sadly as he gazed upon the lifeless body black as its heart.

“No!” Tirek screamed.

Overcome with rage for the loss of his comrade, he roared and prepared to charge an attack of his own. Discord flinched and instinctively snapped his fingers. Tirek vanished in a flash. For a second, everyone wondered where he’d gone. Then a loud scream sounded from above as a massive form plummeted toward the ground. Tirek had been sent a mile into the sky… and the force he hit the ground with was enough to cause a small earthquake.

“Tirek!” Cozy screamed.

Her comrades were defeated. She knew she had no chance… the villainous filly bowed her head, sobbing. Discord snapped his fingers again. Her horn vanished.

Starlight looked at Cozy Glow. “Take her away!”

As Occellus and Silverstream took hold of her with the rest of the Young 6 staying close by, Cozy Glow shot them a look of pure hatred. It was clear to Starlight they were never going to redeem this filly now. She could only watch as the psychotic child was escorted away.

Now, there was only one last problem. Starlight looked up at the sky where Grogar’s face had been. Right now, he was probably battling Twilight and the others somewhere.

“Please be alright, you guys,” Starlight said as she, Sunburst, Spike, and Discord looked into the sky… hoping for the best.

Author's Note:

Well, whichever ending you prefer. It’s up to you, reader! I like the idea of these three being redeemed, which I think could have happened if Grogar had been the real deal in the finale. There were hints that they had goodness in them as Tirek did express regret over taking power from ponies after they retrieved the Bewitching Bell. I had thought of having Tirek die in the second ending as well, but he and Cozy seemed to be in about the same boat while Chrysalis just refused to give up.  It might have been a ruse on the writers' part as they had planned on Discord posing as Grogar the whole time, but it was still there.

Edit: I've made it so that Cozy is taken in by the young six as of 12/2/22.

Now, only Grogar remains. If you read my old version of this story in Passing On Together you will likely see familiar parts of it in the last three chapters coming up. 

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