• Published 30th Jan 2020
  • 839 Views, 25 Comments

BBLO (Blackout) - Norwegian boy

A Pegasus from Equestria by the name of Blaze Fury get transported to the world of Remnant

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Welcome to Vale

It’s was quiet night in the city of Vale, most people was inside enjoying a night inside but not all look like it should. In one of the back alley something was about to happened, a bubble appeared out of nowhere and human body with wings on its back, a tail and ears on its head fell out of it, the human landed on pavement face first. “Fuck, that hurt.” It was male. “What the hell happened?” He look around. “Celestia? Where are you?” He didn’t see her only buildings. “The big question is, where am I?” He got up to see if he recognized where I was, no luck. “Ok, I am not in Equestria anymore, that’s for sure. Where the hell did that zebra send me?”

He took a deep breath. “Ok Blaze, think. You were fighting a battle with the princess and you were badly hurt.” He took a look at his body and saw that he was fine. “That’s weird, I had a broken arm and my right wing was hurt, why I am fine?” He then look at his hands. “What the hell? Where is my fur.” He hands was not red anymore, the were pink. He then felt his face. “Where did my fur go?” He then felt something on his back. “At least I have my wings.” He then touched his head. “My ears.” He then look at his butt. “And my tail, but not my fur.” He rubbed his head in frustration. “What the buck happened to me?” He had no idea. “I better see if anypony can tell me where I am.” He started to walk.

As Blaze walk thought the street of the town he ended up in, he was meet by disgust, fear and hate by the creatures that look like him. He had no idea why he was treated like that he hadn’t done anything wrong. “Not a friendly town that’s for sure.” He mutter to himself. They called him a Faunus, whatever that was. Blaze then arrived at a shop that was called From ‘Dust Till Dawn’, he had never heard that name before. “Ok, I am definitely not in Equestria anymore.” He then happened to look unto the one windows of the shop and it look like it was begging robe by creatures he had seen while walking through town. “What the…?” Then everything went into slow motion as two of the creatures was heading towards the window he was looking through, he step aside as the two creatures came out the window, one was wearing a black suit with a hat, the last one was wearing a black outfit with a red cape. When they landed outside, the one with red cape pulled out a giant red and black scythe from her back while standing up. Blaze could tell she was female.

Ruby rose up with her Crescent Rose on her left shoulder, she then look at the those who were robbing the store with a smile. “Excuse me.” Ruby and the robbers look at the new voice and saw a Faunus with wings, ears and a tail. The Faunus had red hair, was wearing a black pants, he his shirt was red so and his jacket black. He also had a pair of black boots. “Is this normal around here?” He asked them.

The one with a white jacket look at his gang. “What are you guys standing around for? Get them.” Then creatures that was wearing black suits ran out of the shop, they all has swords in their hands.one of them went for Blaze while the rest went after the female.

Blaze but up both his hands. “Hey, I don’t want any trouble, I was just passing by.” He told the creature.

“Sorry Faunus, it nothing personal.” He then swung his sword but the only thing he hit was air. “What the…? Where did you go.” He then felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around as fast as he could, but he got a fist to the face, he hit ground unconscious.

Blaze just look at the unconscious male, he sounded like male. “I told you I didn’t want any trouble.” He look at the female and saw that she had no trouble handling those who was after her, then Blaze saw a something small passing by his head, he saw more a black suits holding something in his hand that Blaze had no idea was. Then it made some noise and Blaze saw more small things heading towards him, he managed to avoid every one of the.

The guy how was firing just watch as every bullets miss it target and before he could blink, the Faunus was right in front of him taking his machine gun. “What’s this? Some advance bow and arrow?” The thug didn’t answer, he tried to punch the Faunus, but he got a fist in the face before he could, he fell on the ground. “Take a nap jack.” Blaze told him as he threw away the machine gun.

Blaze then heard one of the creatures started to talk, this one was wearing a white jacket with a bowler hat, he was also smoking a cigarette. “Well, Red, I think we can say it’s been an eventful evening,” he then threw the cigarette on the ground and stump on it with his cane. “and as much as I’d love to stick around.” He gave Blaze and angry eye he then pointed the cane at the female. “I’m afraid this is where we part ways.” He then fired something from the cane.

Blaze react by flying towards the female and scoping her up in his arms, he then carried her to safety from whatever he fired from his cane, it explode when it hit the ground.

Ruby jump out his arms. “Hey, I didn’t need to be saved, I had that.” She told the Faunus.

“I did just save your life, and this is thanks I get? He could have killed you.” Blaze told her while pointing where the male was, but he was gone. “Where did he go?” They both look around and saw the he was climbing up a ladder that was hanging on a building. “How did he get up there so fast?” Blaze ask no one in particular.

Ruby ran after him. “Hey, get back here.”

Blaze watch her go. “Wait.” He watch as the female use her scythe to jump up the building and landing on the roof. “How did she do that?” He ask himself. Blaze watch as the stallion stop at the edge of the roof and then a giant metal bird appeared. “What’s that?” He then saw the stallion jump into the metal bird and the he threw something, but Blaze couldn’t see what. Then out of nowhere, another creature appeared stopping an explosion with some purple glyph.

The stallion was trying to escape, and Blaze wasn’t going to let that happened, he took to the sky and flew up to the metal bird. Once there he saw the stallion was controlling it. “What does this Faunus want?” Roman ask himself.

Then a black sky appeared out of nowhere right over them, then ice fall down of the sky, Blaze managed to doge the ice. He then saw fire coming out from the bird, then the roof explode, then the new female used the explosion and send it back as a giant arrow. Blaze couldn’t help but marvel of what he saw, the only one he knew who could do such things was Celestia, but it wasn’t her. Then some kind of fire wall knock Blaze back and he lost concentration, he fell towards the ground and hit hard enough to knock him out.

When Blaze finally awoke, he had a terrible headache. “So, this is what I for trying to right thing, pain in my head.” He said while getting up.

When Blaze opened his eyes, he saw a bunch of stallions pointing that look like a black L shape thing towards him. “Freeze, get your hands up Faunus.” Said one of them.

Now, Blaze could easily take them out, but they look like soldiers and he didn’t want to get into more trouble. “Fine.” He raised his arms. “Take me to your leader.” The stallions just gave each other a confusion look, then one of the took out a pair of handcuffs as he started to walk towards him. Blaze couldn’t help but wonder what would happened next.

“Man, you try to do something good and one gets arrested.” He crossed his arms. “Life sucks.” After Blaze got arrested he was brought down to the police station for questing, they had left him a room where he had to wait, he didn’t even know why he was arrested. They called him Faunus scum he still didn’t know what Faunus was or why they hated him, he hadn’t done anything wrong.

Blaze look around the room, there was nothing special about it, a table, two chair and a mirror. He decided to have a look at himself in the mirror, considering he forgot about it, Blaze got up from the chair he was sitting in and walk over to the mirror.

Once he look into the mirror, it was like he look into the eyes of a complete stranger. Instead of fur had pink skin, the only fur he had was on his head and it was it was same as before, orange and bright orange. “Well, at last my hair is normal, that’s something. I look like a monkey without hair.” His clothes had change too, instead of his armour he was wearing a black jacket, his pants was back too and red shirt. He had his ears, tail and wings. “Maybe I am this ‘Faunus’ they are talking about.” He let out a frustrated sigh. “What I am going to do?” He was about to walk to the chair when the door opened.

Blaze look in the direction of the door and saw something that look like him walk in except that he didn’t have any animal part. The new one had silver hair, he was wearing black suit, some green around his neck. “Hello there.” He said with a smile. Then Blaze saw a plate with some sandwich on it, he also had a glass of milk. The not Faunus walk over to the table and place the glass and plate on it. “I thought you were hungry.” His smile never let his face. Blaze didn’t answer him, there was something about him that told Blaze not to trust him, like he was hiding something. “My name is Ozpin, who are you?”

Blaze thought he better answer. “Blaze Fury.”

Ozpin just smile. “Nice to meet you Mr. Fury.”

Blaze didn’t like that. “If you want us to have a normal conversation Ozpin, don’t call me Mr. Fury. Blaze is ok.”

Ozpin nodded. “Alright, let’s sitting down and let’s have talk Blaze.” Ozpin sat down in one of the chair, Blaze just look at him. Every bone in his body said not to trust this Ozpin, he didn’t know why. Blaze eventually sat down in the other chair. Ozpin bushed the plate over to him. “I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you some sandwich.”

Blaze studied them. “Is there meat on them?” He wasn’t about to eat that.

Ozpin shook his head. “No, only peanut butter.” Blaze could eat that, he took on and started to eat, it was good. “So, tell me Blaze, what are a Faunus like you doing in Vale at this time of day?”

So, he was a Faunus, whatever that was. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” He said while chewing.

“Try me, I might surprise you.”

If Blaze was to tell him anything, he first needed answers. “Tell you what Ozpin, you tell me what I want to know, and I will tell you everything you want to, deal?”

Ozpin just started at him, he eventually nodded. “Alright Blaze, ask away.”

Blaze was happy by that. “Ok, first question, what are you?”

Ozpin was surprised by the question, that’s for sure. “Have you never seen a human before.” Blaze just shook his head. “Interesting, well, I just told that I am a human or homo sapiens if you want to get technical. I think I know your next question is, a Faunus is like a human with traits of animals.”

“Yeah, I kind of figured out that part when you said you were human.” Ozpin couldn’t help but smile. “Alright, next question, where am I exactly?”

“You are in the city of Vale, it’s lies on the western coast of the kingdom of Vale and it’s the…”

“Hold on a minute, this town is called Vale and lies in the kingdom of Vale, did they run out of name or something?” Blaze joked.

Ozpin smiled again. “I guess it sounds a little weird when you’re not from around here.”

Blaze wasn’t surprised that Ozpin already knew that he wasn’t from this place. “And what are the names of the other places?”

“Well, there are Mistral to the east, Vale and Vacuo that lies in the central and then we have Atlas that lies on the northern continent of Solitas. There are also…”

Blaze cut him off. “That’s enough for now, I don’t think my brain can handle any more information right now.” Blaze rubbed his face with both hands. “I guess it’s your turn to ask.”

“Yes.” Ozpin placed bot hand on the table and folded his hands. “Might telling me where you are from? I don’t think you’re from anywhere in Remnant.” Blaze gave him a confusion look when he mentioned Remnant. “Sorry, this landed is called Remnant, I forgot to mention that.”

Blaze nodded. “Well, you already know my name. I was born as pegasus pony in the city of Cloudsdale in the country of Equestria, I lived there most of my life until I turned eighteen when I became solar guard to our ruler princess Celestia.”

Ozpin tilted his head to the side. “Princess? Why not queen Celestia?”

Blaze just shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t know, I never ask her, not even when I became her personal body guard.”

Ozpin was impressed by that. “Her personal body guard, I guess you already have training then.”

“You can say that, at first I thought it was a waste of time considering Equestria had never been at war for over six hundred years, but that all chance when the zebra kingdom invaded.”

“I am guessing that something happened in that war that you ended up in Vale.”

Blaze nodded. “Yeah, a zebra shaman threw some sort of potion at Celestia, I dove in front of her to proacted her, the potion hit me and the next thing I knew I landed first face first in an ally in Vale. All the damage I had received in a battle was gone and my entire wardrobe has change.” He look down on his clothes. “Instead of my armour I am now wearing these clothes, my fur is gone, I’m just glad that I have my wings.” He spread his wings so Ozpin could see them.

“I’m guessing you were red pony before you came here.”

“Yes, how did you know that? I didn’t tell you that.” Ozpin pointed at his wings, Blaze look at them and boy was he shocked. “Holy crap, they are red, cool.” Blaze couldn’t help but smile of that.

Ozpin couldn’t help but chuckle. “I also know that you are pretty fast.”

Blaze lowered his wings. “Let me guess, you talk to the mare with the red hood before you came here.”

Ozpin nodded. “Yes, we don’t call them mare, they are called female and I what you can call a male.” Blaze nodded in understanding. “So, Blaze. What are you going to do now?”

Blaze leaned back in his chair and too another sandwich, he started to eat it. “It looks like have to go to jail for something I didn’t do, they think that I help that ‘man’ in robbing that shop, which I didn’t.”

“I know, miss Rose told me that you help her and save her life.”

Blaze snorted. “I saved her life? It didn’t sound like that before, she said she didn’t need help.”

Ozpin leaned back in his chair. “What would you say if I knew of a way that don’t end with you going to jail.”

That got Blaze attention. “And what would that be?” He ask while leaning forward.

“Join my academy and become a huntsman.”

Blaze raised an eye brown of that. “Become a what…?”

“A huntsman.” Blaze had no idea what a huntsman was, and Ozpin could see that. “A huntsmen or a huntresses are dedicated to slaying the creatures if Grimm and protect this world from them.”

Blaze nodded. “So basically, I have knife to my throat. Either go to jail and probably spend the rest of my life there or become a huntsman and die by these Grimm,” He crossed his arms. “dosen’t sound like I have choice here.”

“You always have a choice.”

Blaze couldn’t help but snort. “Dosen’t sound like it.” Blaze thought about it and he really didn’t want to go to jail but he didn’t know what a Grimm was, if they were anything like the animal that lived in the Everfree forest then this world wasn’t that much in danger. Then it was the whole protecting others, he swore that he wouldn’t let anypony die again, he didn’t care that he swore to protect the princess, he joined the solar guard to protect the ponies of Equestria but that never happened. “Alright Ozpin, I’ll join your academy to become a huntsman.”

Ozpin smiled. “Great, I will go and let the captain know that you have accepted my offer just one question, what kind of weapon did you use as a guard?”

“I was good with a spear, why do you ask?”

“A huntsman needs a weapon but leave that to me, I think I have something for you.” Ozpin stood up. “I better tell the captain and before I forget, you have to spend one night in jail I hope that’s ok with you.” Blaze just waved it off, he could handle one night.

Ozpin then started to walk towards the door. “Hey Ozpin.” He stood and turned around to face Blaze. “I don’t know what kind of game you are paying but when it blows up in your face, don’t expect me to hold your hand.” Ozpin said nothing, he just walk out the door leaving Blaze alone.

Blaze leaned his head back to look at the ceiling. “What have I gotten myself into?”

Author's Note:

Well, there you all have it, the first chapter to my RWBY story, I hope you all liked it.

As usually, I know that my writing is bad. I think it's difficult to find someone that will help me.

Blaze is my own OC.