• Published 30th Jan 2020
  • 840 Views, 25 Comments

BBLO (Blackout) - Norwegian boy

A Pegasus from Equestria by the name of Blaze Fury get transported to the world of Remnant

  • ...

First Day at School

It was new day in the world of Remnant and the sun was shining, right in Blakes face who was sleeping peacefully in her bed. “Stupide sun.” She tried to cover her face with her duvet, but it didn’t work very well. “I guess I have to get up.” She mumble to herself. She sat up in her bed and tried to rube the fatigue out of her eyes

Once she could see again, she could see that she was in her dorm. “I guess I’m still at Beacon.” She look to her left and saw that Opal was still sleeping and Luna, well she was using the entire bed and part of her duvet was on the floor while the rest was covering one of her legs, Blake couldn’t help but giggle of the sight.

She the look over to Blaze’s bed and saw that it was empty. ‘I guess he’s up already, probably in the bathroom.’ As on cue, the door to the bathroom opened and Blaze walk out. When Blake saw his upper body, she couldn’t help but blush. He had a six pack and muscles on his body, she was also glad that he was wearing pants, she couldn’t help think he was sexy. “G… good morning.” She managed to say.

“Morning.” Blaze answered her as he walk to his bed to get dress.

“Do you know what time it?” She ask him.

“No, but if I had to guess it’s almost eight. I usually up at seven.”

Blaze grabbed her scroll which was lying under her pillow to check the clock, it was 7:30 am. “You’re not wrong about the clock, it's 7:30 am.” She told him. Blaze didn’t answer her he just started to get dress. Blake decided to get up and take a shower, she gathered her stuff and went to the bathroom.

As soon as Blake closed the door, Opal started to stir in her bed. she opened her eyes sat up. “What time is it?” She ask no one in particular while rubbing her eyes.

“7:30 am.” Answered Blaze.

Opal flop back on her pillow. “It’s too early.” She said in a tired voice.

“Maybe, but classes starts at 9 am so maybe you should get up.” Blaze told her.

Opal didn’t want to admit it, but he was right. “Fine.” She sat up and got her body out of the bed, she then stretch her body. “When did you get up?” She ask Blaze.

“Around 7.”

Opal almost fell back to her bed when she heard that. “That early? How and why?” Blaze couldn’t help but smirk of her reaction.

Blaze put on his uniform. “I was a guard before coming here, so I am used to it.” He answered her.

“You know what, I actually believe you.”

Then their fourth member started to wake up. “Would you two shut up, I’m trying to sleep.” Said Luna while curling up into a ball, she then notice something was missing. “Where’s my duvet?” She opened her eyes and saw that part of it was on the floor, Luna couldn’t help but groan. “Not again.” She grabbed it and pulled it over herself.

Opal couldn’t help but giggle of what she saw while Blaze just rolled his eyes. “Get up Luna, school starts today.” Blaze told her.

“I don’t want to.” She mumble.

“You know what got yourself into when enlisted into the school, if you don’t want to be here then leave.” Before anyone of them could answer, Blaze had already left the room.

Luna look up at the door. “What’s his problem?”

“I guess he’s still mad about yesterday, we were a little hard on him.”

Luna ears dropped. “You have point, we were a little hard on him.”

After Blake was done in the shower and had chance into her school uniform, it was Opal’s turn. When she was done taking a shower she just stood there looking into the mirror and her panda ears, reflecting her life as a Faunus. When she was little she didn’t care that she had a pair of extra ears and she was too naïve to understand that the humans threat the Faunus differently, but that all changed when she was twelve years old.

One day Opal’s mother allowed her to travel to Mantel to visit her father, Opal couldn’t be happier. She had never been allowed to travel alone before or visit her father in Mantle, she was the happies girl alive at that time. The journey was ok, she didn’t have any trouble on the ship that was taking her to Mantle. Her father meet her on the platform where the ship was landing, she gave her father a hug and she was happy, that didn’t last long. On their way to her father’s apartment she got separated from him, she couldn’t hold on to his arm and before she knew, she was alone.

Opal wonder the street of Mantel she didn’t know how long or where she was, the only time she had been to Mantel was when she was six years old and she don’t remember anything from that time. She thought about asking someone for directions, but fate had different plans. Before Opal could as anyone, three humans appeared out of nowhere, blocking her path. They wanted to know what a filthy Faunus was doing all long, she wanted to tell them to leave her along, but she was to afraid.

Then one of them decided to kick her, he kick her in the stomach. Opal feel on the cold payment clutching her stomach while the three humans just laugh at her, then they decided to place a foot on her head and all Opal could do was cry while they laugh. Lucky for her it didn’t last long, her father showed up and the three humans decided to run. Her father was police in Mantel, protecting the residents there.

After that incident, Opal understood that the humans was bad, her father told her that not all humans are like the three humans that assault her, but she didn’t listen to him. When she was back on Menagerie she decided to join the White Fang to get revenge over the humans that hurt her, that never happened. As the time went on she went on mission for the White Fang helping them breaking into placed that sold dust, especially Schnee. But when they started to kill humans, she had enough.

She look into the mirror and at her panda ears, she then look at the bun covers she had in her hand which she just to cover up her ears. She just them so others didn’t find out she was a Faunus, her mother told before she left that shouldn’t hide who she is. She then crushed them in her hand. ‘I’m not going to hid who I am, I am a Faunus and I am proud of it.’ She then tossed in the trash can.

“How long is she going to take?” Said Luan while sitting on her bed with her arms crossed.

“It has only been ten minutes.” Blake told her, who was sitting by the desk writing something on a paper. “Have patience.”

Luna let out a sighed. “I know, alright. I just want to be late for our first day at Beacon.”

“School doesn’t started until 9:00 am, we still have time.”

When that was said, Opal came out from bathroom in her uniform. “Who designed these?” She said while pulling on her skirt. “I prefer dress not skirt.” She then saw her team meats staring at her. “What? Why are you looking at me?”

“Where are your bun covers?” Luna ask her.

“I threw them away, I’m not going to hide who I am, I’m a Faunus and that’s final.” She then walk to the door. “I’m going to get some breakfast, see you two in class.”

Both girls just started at the door. “Well, I didn’t see that one.” Said Luna, she then got of her bed. “I’m taking that shower.” She went in.

Sitting alone in the room was Blake with the words Opal said; I’m not going to hide who I am. She took off her bow that she used to hide her cat ears and she couldn’t help but wonder who she was fooling, herself or other. Like Opal she used the bow to cover up that she was a Faunus but most because she used to be in the White fang but people her at Beacon didn’t know that, should she do as Opal or not? One thing ran through her mind, how would they react when they found out? Would they accept her? Would she run away as she usually does?

“I’m not as strong as Opal.” She tied a bow on her head to cover up her ears.

After Luna was done in the bathroom and dressed, both girls went to get some breakfast. When they arrived in the dining hall, they could see Opal there but not Blaze, they guessed that he had already eaten.

When they finally arrived at their first class of the years, all three girls saw that Blaze already had taken a seat up high and back of the classroom. They took a seat beside him.

Luna sat beside him. “Hey Blaze.” He look over to her. “I’m sorry about how I acted last night.”

He just shrugged it off. “Don’t worry about it, I had worst thing said to me.” Luna gave him a small smile when she heard that he wasn’t mad at her. “I’m glad to see that one of you aren’t hiding who you are anymore.” Those words were direct at Blake and Opal, Opal didn’t mind what he said but Blake took offence of what he said.

Luna meanwhile was looking around the room to see who had arrived. She could see team Tornado but only three of them, Rainbow Dash was missing. When it came to team Excalibur, it was the same, Ruby was missing. Yang was sitting in between Ebony and Weiss who was given each other looks, she could feel the tension between them. She couldn’t see team Juniper or Cardinal she didn’t care that much about Cardinal. She took out her scroll to check the time, it was about thirty minutes to class started, she decided to get some rest until it started. She placed her arms on the table and rested her head in them.

“Luna, wake up.” She was awaken by someone shaking in her shoulder, she opened her eyes and saw that it was Blaze. “Class is about to start.” Luna rubbed her eyes to see better.

Luna watch as an elderly man who she guess was their teacher, entered the room. He was wearing a double breasted burgundy suit with gold piping and buttons he was also wearing brown pants with olive boots, then Luna saw his moustache and couldn’t help but giggle at it.

The man walk to a desk. “Good morning every one, my name is Professor Peter Port and I am your teacher when it comes to Grimm.” He then look around the room, he eyes landed at Tyr’s team. “Mr. Laraan, where is your last member?” Peter asked him.

“According to Applejack and Rarity here, she isn’t morning bird, we tried to wake her, but it didn’t work.” He answered the professor.

Peter nodded. “I see.” He then took out a pocket watch. “Miss Dash has about two minutes to get here on time, so does miss Rose and team Juniper.”

Ebony snorted. “Typical, it had to be Ruby who is one who is late.” She look over to Yang. “Does your sister take anything seriously?” She ask her team mate.

“Hey, Ruby is just a kid.” Yang answered her.

“We are all kids.” Ebony snap at her.

At Tyr. “Does Rainbow Dash do this every morning?” He asked the two girls.

“Unfortunately, yes.” Rarity answered.

Tyr slide a hand through his hair. “Great, we are getting into trouble just because she like to sleep in the morning.”

As soon as those words left Tyr’s mouth, they heard moments outside the classroom. Then the doors opened with a bang and Rainbow Dash step in, breathing heavily. “I made it.” before she could take one step, someone crash into her from behind, it was Ruby. Then team Juniper arrived, they trip on Dash and Ruby landing on top of them. Dash was crushed by them all.

“I’m glad that you all could join us and just on time.” Said Peter while putting away his pocket watch. “Now, I would like to get started so would everyone take their seat.”

Juniper and Ruby got off Dash and took a seat. Dash sat down with her team. “Why didn’t you wake me?” She asked in whispered while taking a seat next to Applejack.

“We tired but you are impossible to wake up in the morning” Applejack answered her, Dash just rolled her eyes.

Ruby, meanwhile, was getting an angry look by Ebony. “Nice for you to join us.” Ebony said while Ruby sat between her and Yang, while trying to be as small as she could be. Yang patted her sister on the back while Weiss just shook her head.

“Now that we are all here, let’s us begging.” He started to walk. “Monster! Demons… Prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names. But, I merely refer to them as prey. Hu-hah! Haha.”

Blaze raised an eye brown when the professor laugh, he didn’t understand what was so funny neither did the rest of the students, the room was quite.

Peter “Uhh, and you shell too, upon graduating from this prestigious school. Now as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces.”

When Blaze heard that he was glad that the Grimm wasn’t in Equestria, the ponies would probably die, if not Celestia could protect them.

“And that’s where we come in. Huntsman! Huntresses…” He then click his tongue and it looked like was winking at Yang? Who was embarrassed. “individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves. From what you ask? Why… The very world!”

Then another student raised his arm and said. “Eyyy-yeah!” Blaze couldn’t help but question that person enthusiasm.

Peter just ignored the student and counited. “That is what you are training to become. But first, a story. A tale of a young, handsome, man. Me. When I was a boy…”

Blaze couldn’t help but think that this professor was unique in his own way, he was this school expert on Grimm and probably knew more about them an any other human. Blaze’s gaze then wander around the room, he saw that girls was listing to the professor, so was team Juniper. Tyr team was a little different, all expect Dash listen to the professor and the same went for Ebony’s team, Ruby wasn’t listing. Blaze couldn’t see what she was doing considering she was sitting with her back to him, but he was pretty sure she was drawing something.

“In the end the Beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity.” Peter then raised his left arm to the side. “And I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high. Celebrated, as a hero.” He then bowed. Nobody clap for him. “The moral of this story? A true huntsman must be honourable.” While the professor was talking. “A true huntsman must be dependable.” Weiss was getting more and more angry by Ruby and the way she was behaving. “A true huntsman must be strategic...” That she didn’t listen to the professor and that she was goofy around. “Well educated and wise!” She had enough of her.

“So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?”

Then Weiss raised her hand. “I do sir.” Now all eyes were on her.

“Well then, let’s find out. Why don’t you go and chance and then you can face your opponent.” He said while looking at a cage that probably contained a Grimm.

Weiss walk out of the classroom while the rest waited.

“Is the safe to have a Grimm here in the school?” Blaze asked the girls.

“The cage look safe enough and I am pretty sure wouldn’t have one here if they couldn’t contain it.” Opal told him. Blaze had to admit it, it made sense. They would probably not let a Grimm run free and but the students in danger, they aren’t that stupide.

Meanwhile where team Tornado was sitting.

“I’m surprised that you didn’t raised your hand when the professor asked for a volunteer.” Applejack told Dash.

Dash just subbed her face with both hands. “Too tired.” She said in a groggy voice.

“We told you not to stay up late playing video games, but you didn’t listen.” Rarity scolded her.

Dash laid her hands on the desk and rest her head in them. “Whatever.” Tyr just watch the whole thing and couldn’t help think that these four years would be interesting.

Eventually Weiss entered the classroom in her white dress and her Myrtenaster strap to her hip, she walk over to the cage and got ready to fight the Grimm.

Yang. “Gooo Weiss.”

Ruby. “Yeah, represent teeeeeam Excalibur.” Ebony didn’t cheer for Weiss, but she wonder who made Ruby the leader for the team.

“Ruby, I’m trying to focus.” Weiss told her with annoyance in her voice.

“Oh, sorry.”

Blaze could see that Weiss had some issues with Ruby, he couldn’t help but wonder what.

Peter. “Alright. Let the match begin.”

Peter used an axe to destroy the lock to the cage and out came a Grimm that look like a boar. Blaze didn’t think it look that tough, but looks can be deceiving.

The boar Grimm charged at Weiss who strike it on the side as she jump to the side, it didn’t look like the attack hurt the Grimm at all, the Grimm stopped and turned around ready to attack again.

Peter. “Haha, wasn’t expecting that were you.”

Ruby. “Hang in there Weiss.” Ruby might cheer for her, but Ebony thought it was funny that the princess didn’t managed to hurt the Grimm.

The Grimm and Weiss charge each other, when Weiss attack she managed to get her weapon stuck between the Grimm’s tusks.

“Bold, new approach. I like it.” Said Peter while Weiss was struggling to get her weapon free.

Then Ruby decide to cheer again. “Come on Weiss, show it who’s boss.” That mead Weiss to lose focus for a second and she managed to lose the grip of her Myrtenaster, the Grimm threw it away.

Ebony then leaned over to Ruby. “Would you shut up I don’t think Weiss want’s your help.”

“But I…” Ebony gave her a look that made her shut up.

Then the Grimm knock her away. “Oho, now what will you do without your weapon?” Peter asked her.

Team Blackout was watching the fight with eager eyes. “I wonder what Weiss will do now, since she lost her weapon.” Said Luna.

“I wonder if there’s a way she can defeat that Grimm didn’t take any damage when she attack it.” Said Opal.

Then Blaze spoke. “Trust me, this Grimm has a weakness.” All girls look at him with curiosity as he leaned forward. “Let’s just hope that Weiss can figured it out before it’s too late.”

The Grimm charge towards Weiss so she had to jump to the side not to get hit, she then ran to her weapon while the Grimm crashed. Weiss then slide on the ground picking up her weapon.

Then Ruby decided to speak again. “Weiss, go for its…” that was all she could say until Ebony smack her on the head.

“I told you to shut up, let the princess find out on her own.” Ebony told her with irritation in her voice.

“But, I just wanted to help her.” Said while rubbing her head.

“She doesn’t want your help she want to it alone.”

While Ruby and Ebony was arguing, the Grimm had recover and was ready to attack Weiss. The Grimm jump into the air and started to spin very fast, then it started to roll towards Weiss. As the Grimm was about to hit her, Weiss trusted her weapon towards it and a blue glyphs appeared, the Grimm flew backwards a little and landed on its back. Weiss then took a backflip into the air and then another glyphs appeared rocking her towards the Grimm, she then stab it in the stomach killing it.

When it was over, Weiss was breathing heavily. “Bravo! Braa-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress in training. I’m afraid that’s all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned reading and, stay vigilant. Class dismissed.” Said Peter. Then Weiss walk out of the room with angry look in her face.

Opal and the girls was about to leave too when they notice Blaze just sitting there, staring at where the battle had taken.

Opal then placed hand on his shoulder. “Blaze, are you ok?”

“What was those things that appeared in front of the Grimm and under Weiss feet?” He ask them.

“Those were glyphs, it’s here semblance.” Blake told her.

Luna tilted her head to the side. “How do you know that?” She asked Blake.

“It's common knowledge, almost everyone in Remnant knows that the Schnee family’s semblance is glyphs.”

Blaze look at her. “Wait, they are hereditary?” He ask her.

“I wouldn’t say that, but I know for a fact that Weiss and her sister semblance are glyphs, they use them with dust.”

Blaze put a hand on his chin. “So, Weiss has a sister. Is she cute?” The girls didn’t expect that question, that’s for sure.

While Blaze and the girls were talking Ruby and the rest of the team was running after Weiss, Ruby and her sister was running while Ebony was walking.

“Weiss, will you stop for a moment and talk to us.”

Weiss stop and turned around to face her team. “You want to talk? How about you almost got me killed in class.” Weiss shout at her.

Yang placed herself between them. “Take it easy Weiss, Ruby just wanted to help.”

“I don’t want her help I can do this on my own and Ruby’s shouting almost got me killed, how’s that helping me?” Yang tried to say something, but nothing came out. “I thought so, you three can stay the out of my way, I don’t need your help.”

Then Ebony decided to say something. “What is your problem? Is having team mates that bad?” She asked Weiss.

“Team mates only gets in my way.”

“I see, I never thought you were like your sister, Winter.”

Weiss eyes widen when she heard that. “Don’t you compare me to my sister.”

Ebony crossed her arms. “Why not? A few seconds ago, you said that you want to work alone and that’s just what your sister does. If you want to be an Ace Operatives then you should have stayed in Atlas.”

Weiss wanted to say something, but Ebony was right even she would never admit it, she sounded like her sister. Weiss had always admired Winter who distant herself from the Schnee name and she wanted to do the same, that’s why she came to Beacon.

Then Ruby raised a hand. “What’s Ace Operatives?” She didn’t know.

“I have the same question.” Said Yang.

“Ace Operatives, or Ace Ops, they are Atlas top Huntsmen and Huntresses, Weiss’s sister isn’t technically an Ace Ops but she likes to do things alone so she could be one.” Ebony told them. The sister’s answered with an ooo.

Then silence came until a new voice spoke. “So, how was your first day here at this school?” All four girls hearts almost jump into the throat by the one who spoke, it was Ozpin who was standing behind Weiss.

“Professor Ozpin, where did you come from?” Weiss asked him.

“From my office?” He answered her in a calm voice.

Weiss felt embarrassed of his answered, she should have known that. Ruby and her sister couldn’t help but giggle while Ebony just smirk.

“Right, I want to ask you; did you do the right thing to put me on this team? I think I would do it best on my own.”

Ozpin took a sip from the cup he was holding in his hand. “On your own you say? Wouldn’t you have more success in slaying Grimm with a team? Other’s to help you in your battle?” Weiss opened her mouth to answer but nothing came out. “Listen miss Schnee, I’ve have made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planted. But at this moment I don’t think making you four a team one of them.” He placed a hand on Weiss shoulder. “You have been on this team one day, try and get to know them before making a decision.” He then turned around and walk away leaving them alone in the hallway.

“Ok, that was just weird.” Said Ebony.

After class, Blaze decided to head to the library to read a little about this world he was in, there was one thing that intrigued him more than anything and that was semblance. He has seen Luna create light from her hands, Opal can ‘control’ thing, Blake can create doubles of herself and Weiss can use dust, he wanted to know more about them.

After he managed to find a book about semblance, Blaze sat down by one of the tables and started to read. “Let’s see here. Semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual…”

He looked up from the book. “I understand that part..”

After a couple of seconds, he went back to the book and continued to read. "Apparently you can unlock your semblance if you managed to unlock your aura.”

Blaze frowned after seeing this. Mainly, because one thing in the passage he just read confused him. “What the hell is aura?”

Lucky for him, the explanation he needed was in the same book. “Aura is the manifestation of one’s soul and an ability that all those with a soul can use. For some, it can act like a shield around once body while others can use their aura's to enhance their semblance.”

After reading this, Blaze looked up from the book and to his hand. “I wonder if I have aura.” He first looked back to the book, seeing if there was a passage about how one could channel their aura. However, the only thing that the book told him was that it required training and willpower.

Then, Blaze looked back to his hand. "Okay... here it goes."

He tried to focus his concentration on his hand. To activate it by continent to his soul, then saw his hand shine red. “Ok, that’s cool.” He went back to the book but didn’t get to read anything.

“There you are.” Blaze look over the edge of the book and saw his team walking towards him. “We tried to find you after class, but you just disappeared.” Said Luna.

Blaze placed book on the table. “I just wanted to read about this world.”

The girls sat down on the other side of the table. “Did you just say, ‘this world’?” Opal asked him.

He nodded. “That’s right.”

The girls just gave each other a confusing look. “Just where are you from?” Luna asked him.

Maybe it was time he told him. “I will tell you where I am from one condition, that you will keep an opened mind, deal?” All three girls nodded. “All right.”

He then started to tell them about his world, the three races that lived there, the ruler that raised the sun and moon, he didn’t say her name. he told them that earth ponies had a strong connection to the earth, pegasus could fly and walk on clouds and even control the weather, unicorn who could use magic. And that there was more female then male in his world. After he was done the girls just gave him a blank stare, he knew that they wouldn’t believe him.

Luna couldn’t help but frown. “Do you expect us to believe what you just told us?”

“Believe what you want, it’s the truth.” He told her in a clam voice.

“It sounds like one of the fantasy books I read when I was little.” Said Blake.

“I believe you.” Said Opal which surprised the others.

Luna look at her team mates with her eye brown raised. “Are you serious Opal?” Luna asked her.

“Yes, I am. I don’t think that Blaze is the one to lie to us.”

Luna then looked over to Blake. “Don’t tell you believe him to?”

Blake tubbed her arm. “To be honest, I want to believe but it sound a little made up. No offence.” Blaze just waved it off.

Blaze leaned back in his chair. “Look Luna, I understand that you don’t believe me, I also would be sceptic in your position, but I am telling you the truth. What would I lei about this?”

He was right, he had no reason to lei about all this. “Let’s say that I believe you, how did end up here?”

“A fair question, I was the personal guard for Equestria ruler, and I had been it for about two years. Then another kingdom declared war against mine, after two months of battling me and the princess was fighting some of the enemies. We fought with every solider, but the enemy had twice the number and in the end it was just me and the princess. Then a shaman appeared and threw a magic bottle at the princess, I leap in front her to protect her, the bottle the hit me and the next thing I know I feel face first on the payment in Vale.”

Blaze study there faces after telling his story, Luna had a look that said he was crazy, Opal had stars in her eyes so that means she believe him, Blake was somewhere in between.

Blaze eventually got up. “Alright, I have told you three about my world and how I got here. I’m heading back.” He grabbed the book and placed it back where he found it, he then left the library.

Once he as gone, Luna decided to speak. “You two don’t actually believe him, do you?” She ask her team mates.

Opal. “I do, magic unicorn and all that stuff, it’s sounds so cool.” She said with a smile on her face.

Luna just rolled her eyes of how Opal was behaving she then look at Blake. “What about you Blake.”

“Well, I don’t say that I believe him but maybe it’s true, I’m not sure.”

“You two can believe whatever you want because I think he’s crazy.” She stop up. “A magical land with ponies that walks on two legs and can use magic, give me a break.” She then head towards the exit.

Once she was back at their dorm, she opened the door and saw Blaze sitting on his bed with his scroll. She just look at him and he look so normal, it was weird not to think about he just told her. she wanted to believe him, but it just sounded so crazy.

“You still don’t believe me?”

Said Blaze which scared her. “Yeah, look I’m sorry I want to believe but it just sounds so…” She had trouble finding the right word.

“I think the word your looking for I crazy.” He said without looking up from his scroll.

“Wouldn’t use that word but yes.” She let out a sighed. “Look, it’s not you it’s me.” That made Blaze stop what he was doing to look at her. “I have lived my entire life on Menagerie, and this is the first time I have been outside of the island. I’m still getting used this ‘new world’, it’s all so new for me.”

“I understand, it’s all new for me too. Tell you what, let’s no mention where I am from for now and just try and get along these four years.”

Blaze offered Luna a hand, hoping she would accepted it, she gave him a smile. “I can live with that.” She shook his hand.

Author's Note:

I would like to thank FrostTheWolf, he help me with Aura part.