• Published 30th Jan 2020
  • 840 Views, 25 Comments

BBLO (Blackout) - Norwegian boy

A Pegasus from Equestria by the name of Blaze Fury get transported to the world of Remnant

  • ...

Second Day

It was the second day at Beacon, and it was time to test how well the students was to fight. The best part with this was that students could wear normal clothes, not the school uniform. Blaze was looking forward to his but that all disappeared when he saw who the teacher was. They were all gather in a room where the centre was shaped like a fighting arene and the students was sitting on benches like in Professor Peter Port class.

“Good day and welcome to battle training, my name is professor Glynda Goodwitch and I’m your instructor. Now, I’m sure that you all are eager to show off how well you all fight, since this is the first class I will pick the combatants.” That got student to talk among themselves. “The first match is between Pyrrha Nikos,” Pyrrha was a little surprised as she got up from her seat.

Blaze, who was sitting with his team up high and back of the room, he heard other student call her the pride of Mistral. He wonder why.

“and Blaze Fury.” Blaze wasn’t surprised at all when he heard his name.

He got up, grabbed his weapon and walk down the stairs, the students started to whisper.

There was only one thing that caught his ears. “There’s no way he is going to beat Pyrrha, she have never lost a fight, she’s called the invincible girl.” As Blaze enter the arena, he couldn’t help but wonder if she was really that good.

“It’s an honour to meet you.” Said Pyrrha as she took a bow.

“Yeah.” Blaze didn’t sound to enthusiastic it wasn’t because he got to fight it was because he didn’t have a choice.

Glynda took out her scroll. “Both of you, get ready.” Pyrrha grabbed her sword and shield from her back, she then got into a fighting stand. Blaze placed his spear on his right shoulder, he then bent his knees a little and stretched his left arm a little.


Both combatants didn’t move a muscle as the stood in the arena. Something which confused the rest of the students that were watching. Many of them thought that both of them would attack each other right away. Then, Blaze did something that took Pyrrha off guard. He motion his hand for her to attack. Something that also surprised many that were watching.

Was he so confident in his own skill… or was he testing Pyrrha somehow?

Whatever it was, she wasn’t going to disappoint him. Immediately, Pyrrha dashed towards him with incredible speed as she swung the spear she called Miló, towards Blaze. Her opponent was quick to act as he managed to dodge the attack easily.

However, he did not have the chance to counterattack just yet as Pyrrha continued her furry of attacks. Each one coming faster and faster with each swing. Yet, much to the surprise of everyone watching. Blaze just kept in dodging each one of her attack like it was nothing. Effortlessly avoiding each strike that Pyrrha tried to land on him.

Fighting like this wasn’t going to work so he leaped back and switch Miló from spear to rifle as she fired off two shots. However, Pyrrha’s attacks hit nothing but air as she realized that her opponent was gone. Everyone in the room that was watching was thrown off guard by what just happened. Her opponent was there one moment but disappeared in the blink of an eye. Even Pyrrha was thrown off by what just happened as she looked around the room. Despite seeing him only mere seconds ago, her opponent was nowhere to be seen.

“My turn.”

The moment she heard that, Pyrrha quickly turned around and barely managed to block Blaze’s attack with her shield on the left side of her body. Yet, it didn’t stop there. He kept swinging his spear from side to side and attacking from different angles while Pyrrha tried to black them. However, doing so wasn’t easy. Given how fast and strong her opponent was, the speed of his attacks and the amount of stamina she already used, Pyrrha would end up getting tired before she have the chance to counter.

Yet, despite her circumstances, Pyrrha had to something to turn the tide. Yet, before she could do anything, she was thrown off guard again as she was struck in the face by Blaze’s foot. He had managed to find an opening to catch Pyrrha off guard by executing an unexpected roundhouse kick when he stopped his spears attacks for a moment.

As she got back up, Pyrrha tried to regain her composure and ready herself. Yet, before she could go forward with a plan of attack, Pyrrha was forced to defend herself from another barrage off attacks from her opponent. Even with her trying to switch tactics and use her semblance to improve her defence, she was unprepared for how fast her opponent was and before she knew it, her aura was in the red.

As Blaze walked towards her, that was when the two of them heard Glynda speak up. “That’s enough, the winner of this match is Blaze Fury. An impressive bout miss Nikos, you can go back to your seat.” Pyrrha bowed and walk out of the arena, Blaze was about to leave but didn’t get far. “Not you Mr. Fury.” That took him of guard. “Yang Xiao Long, you’re up next.” Yang was not prepare to hear that she didn’t want to fight Blaze after what he did to Pyrrha, Yang wanted to say something but Glynda gave her an ice cold look that told her to shut up, she nervously got up.

While Yang was walking down to the arena, Pyrrha sat back down with her team mates. “You ok Pyrrha?” Jaune asked her.

Pyrrha just smiled at him. “Yes Jaune, I’m fine.” She said with a forced smile. She wasn’t, Pyrrha had lost her first match ever and she don’t know how to feel.

Once she came out to the arena she could see that Blaze felt bad for her. “Sorry about this blondie.” He told her as he got in fighting position.

Yang cocked her Ember Celica. “Yeah, me too.” She also got in fighting position.


Yang went first and she tried to fire of some shots from her Ember Celica, which Blaze quickly deflected with his spear. Yet, before Blaze had the chance to do anything else, his opponent threw her arm back to get some momentum to push herself forward. Closing the gap between them as she started to attack the Faunus with a flurry of punches.

Yet, much to Yang's surprise, Blaze just dodged them. She tried to hit him a left jab, a right jab, a right hook and a left uppercut to finish the combo. However, Blaze was somehow able to dodge them all.

Trying to approach the fight from a different angle, she used her legs and attacked her foe with a low sweeping kick. This was in an attempt to make him lose his balance so she could follow up with another strike while he was still trying to get up. However, her plan was foiled when Blaze fell into a backward somersault and got back up on his feet.

Once he landed, the Faunus proceeded to go on the offensive as he lunged his spear towards Yang’s head. It was an attack that she managed to dodge, but just barely as he continued to swing his spear. His attacks were happening so quickly that Yang had trouble protecting herself. It wasn't because of her semblance, since it allowed for her to take damage and redirect it back at who she was facing. Yet, the problem that she faced was that any potential opportunity that she had in order to counter or attack her opponent was quickly being denied by Blaze's assault of consecutive strikes. He was not giving her an opportunity to turn this fight around.

Yang had the same problem as Pyrrha, she didn’t know what to do. But that didn't stop her from trying to fight back. Yet, when she tried to get herself some distance to attack from range, the Faunus she was facing quickly closed the gap as Yang was kicked in the face and knocked down to the floor.

She just her hands to flip up again and went on the offensive again, trying to punch laze again but as before he managed to doge each of them. Then she got the other end of the spear in her stomach and that made her staggered backwards, when she managed to get her breath she said something she thought she would never say. “I forfeit.” That surprised everyone, even Glynda taken off guard. “I can’t win, he’s too god.”

Glynda wasn’t happy when she heard that “Very well, go back to your seat miss Long, stay where you are Mr. Furry.”

Blaze threw his hands up in frustration. “Oh, come on, give me a break.”

Glynda just ignored him and was about to call out a new name when a new voice spoke up. “That’s enough Glynda,” It was Ozpin, he stood in the back leaning on his staff. “let someone ells fight and let Blaze rest.”

Glynda wanted to protest but Ozpin gave her a look that said don’t, she frowned. “Fine, take a seat Mr. Furry.” Blaze wanted to give her the finger but decided not to, he walk off.

Yang sat down beside her sister. “Yang, you ok?” Ruby asked her.

Yang nodded. “I’m fine Ruby, but let me tell you, Blaze in another league. I didn’t managed to hit him once.” The rest of her team became a little worry when they heard that.

Blaze sat down by the rest of his team who started at him with widen eyes. “What?” He asked them.

“How did you do that?” Luna asked him.

“Do what?”

“You just disappeared into thin air when Pyrrha shot at you and then you just appeared right beside her, how did you do that?”

Blaze placed a hand on his face. “Would you believe that I used magic to disappear like that?” The girls gave him a sceptical look. “Thought so.” He let out a sighed. “Look, can we talk about this later?” The girls nodded.

Back to Glynda. “Does anyone wants to challenge someone?”

None stop up at first, then Rarity did. “I want to challenge someone professor Goodwitch.” Every one look at her and her teams mates was a little surprised.

“And who do you want to challenge miss Belle?” Glynda ask her.

Rarity look over to them team Excalibur. “Weiss Schnee.” Now all eyes were on Weiss who had a shocked expression.

She recover fast. “No thanks, I don’t want to fight a Faunus.” She said while sitting back in her seat and crossing her arms.

Rarity then smirked. “What’s the matter? Are you afraid that a filthy Faunus are going to beat you?” That made everyone in the room say ‘oho’. They were sitting on the same road and Rarity could see that Weiss was getting a little angry, that was the plan.

Weiss then stood up faced Rarity. “Alright, if you want to fight then let’s fight.” Rarity couldn’t help but smile.

Once they were down in the arena, Weiss got ready her Myrtenaster while Rarity took out her whip.

Weiss then saw Rarity take out a vial of dust and put into the handle on her whip. “Let me guess, you stool that from my father.”

Rarity look at with and raised eye brown. “Excuse me? Do you think I stole this dust just because I am a Faunus?” Rarity then got angry. “I’ll tell you where I got this dust from, my father. My father is the only one that sells dust on Menagerie and probably the only one who your father hasn’t ruined.” She unlashed her whip on the floor. “And don’t get me started how your family threats the Faunus.” Weiss was taken back when she heard that, she head heard rumours about that, but she don’t know if it’s true or not.

Blaze look over to his team. “What does Rarity mean by that last part?” He ask them.

“They have been controversial labour forces and questionable business partners and some questionable use of Faunus workers.” Blake answered him.

Blaze look back at the arena. “That’s not very nice.” The agreed with him on that.

Rarity was prepared to face her opponent, while Weiss was just about ready as she took up a fighting stance. Both fighters with weapons at the ready, waiting to hear Glynda as the teacher looked at both fighters.


Rarity was the first one to make a move as she swung her whip towards Weiss. She was hoping to get it wrapped around her opponent's weapon in an attempt to disarm her, but Weiss was able to avoid the attack. With a swift movement of her fingers, the chamber on her Myrtenaster turned as three spears of ice appeared behind her. Pointing her free hand towards her opponent, Weiss began to focus as she hurled them towards Rarity. Though, must to the surprise of the Schnee, her opponent just swatted them away using her whip.

“You want to play with ice then,” Rarity asked, pressing a button on the handle of her weapon. In a matter of seconds, the entire whip was cover in a sheet of ice as she started to approach Weiss. "Fine by me." Swinging her whip in an attempt to try and strike her and throw her off balance.

Because of this unforeseen tactic, Weiss originally had some trouble avoiding Rarity’s attacks. In an attempt to separate herself from her foe, she leaped back a little and spun the chamber again as a thin coat of red appeared on the blade of the rapier. With a swing of her blade, Weiss fired off a series of fireballs towards her opponent and hoping that it would at least melt the frozen coat on her weapon.

However, once more, Rarity just swatted them away. An action that Weiss wasn’t happy with. This Faunus managed to block her attacks not just once, but twice. Conjuring another glyph at the end of Myrtenaster as she fired off another fire ball.

It was an action that had Rarity roll her eyes as she swatted away the fire ball before it could even get closer to her. “Did you really think that fire would help you?”

In a move that confused Weiss, Rarity pressed the button on the handle of her whip again and ejected the dust vial. “You have showed you semblance,” She then opened the lid on the vial and then moved her right arm as ice dust emerge from it. A chill running through the area as she looked back to her opponent. "it would only be right for me to show you mine."

Back with the rest of her team, Tyr was stunned. Not just by the fact that Rarity was holding her own, but because of what had just transpired, “What’s going on?” He asked his teammates.

“That’s Rarity’s semblance, sugarcube,” Applejack told him. "She can control ice dust." Tyr was impressed when he heard that.

Weiss, on the other hand, wasn’t impressed. She stabbed the ground underneath her with her weapon as a white glyph emerged under her. If attacking from a distance was not going to work, then she needed to get within striking range. In a matter of seconds, the glyph launched her towards Rarity, poised to strike.

However, Rarity just smiled. Just as Weiss was about to hit her, a frozen wall of ice appeared emerged from the ground in front of her. A move that not only blocked Weiss' attack, but also sent her tumbling backwards a little.

It took a few moments for her to try and refocus herself after colliding with the wall of ice. Though, when she looked up, all she could see was ice spears hovering behind Rarity. Not like the icicles that she could conjure, but frozen weaponry that was aimed directly at her. “Let’s see how you like this.” Rarity proclaimed as she pushed her hand towards Weiss. The motion was enough to hurl the ice spears towards her as Weiss tried to think. She couldn't be able to dodge them all, but it did not mean that she was going to give up.

With the last of her strength, she conjured a glyph that formed directly in front of her. One that acted as a barrier to protect her from attacks. Even though it was enough to block the first few spears, there was one thing that Weiss did not anticipate. With a flick of her wrist, Rarity was able to directly control several of the spears that she sent towards Weiss. Having them go around the barrier that she had in front of her and strike her from her sides.

It was a move that ultimately would lead to her defeat. The more that the ice spears keep hitting Weiss, the harder it was for her to defend herself and keep the protective barrier up. Eventually, her aura was almost gone as her only protection faded and the Schnee was on the floor.

“That’s enough, Rarity is the winner.”

Rarity stopped her attack and she directed the dust back to the vial she then walk to the exit leaving Weiss on the floor breathing heavily. She had lost, she was a Schnee and she had lost to a Faunus, she couldn’t let her family hear about this.

Glynda look at the students. “That’s all the time we have for today, remember to practice when you have the time.” The students left the room.

In the hallway. “That was awesome Rarity, you really gave Weiss lesson she will never forget.” Said Dash to her friend.

“I just wanted to teach her not to threat Faunus like slaves, we are living beings to.”

“I don’t you think you went a little too far out there.” Said Tyr.

All of them look at him. “What do you mean darling?”

“I understand that you want to teach her a lesson, but you didn’t have to humiliate like that.”

“Maybe I went a little overboard, but I just wanted to teach her a lesson.”

Tyr walk over to Rarity and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I get that but remember, it’s her father that is running the SDC not Weiss.” He then left them.

Later that night in the library was Blaze sitting by one of the computers, he wanted to find out more about Pyrrha and makes her so special.

“I’m impressed that you have learn to use a computer already.”

Blaze look up from the screen to see Ozpin standing not far from him with a cup in his hand. “I always been a fast learner.” He said while going back to the screen.

“I can see that.” Ozpin grabbed a chair so he could sit next to the Faunus. “What are you looking for?” He asked him.

“I am trying to find out what’s so special with Pyrrha Nikos. Just listen to this, started to fight when she was twelve years old, I was weak pegasus at the age. She has never lost a match and that gave her the name invincible girl, well until I fought her that is. I think her winning streak is because of her semblance, she can control magnetism for pete’s sake.”

“And yet you managed to beat her.”

“I guess I was just better than her.” Blaze said with shrugged.

“Which leads me here, how did you managed to do that? I have never seen some one so fast.” Ozpin was about to drink from his cup when he realized that it was gone, Blaze had it.

Blaze took a sip from it. “This coffee is bitter.” He said while making a face, he then gave the cup back to Ozpin. “To answer your question, I’m just fast.”

“Might telling how you become so fast? Something tells me it’s not your semblance.”

Blaze turned off the computer. “Are you sure? There’s a chance you won’t believe me.” He said while facing Ozpin.

Ozpin nodded. “I’m sure.”

Blaze let out sighed. “Alright, I just have to tell you about my world first. Equestria is filled with magic, unirons use magic thanks to their horns, earth ponies has good connection with earth and pegasus can walk on clothes and control the weather. When I was young, I wasn’t the fastest or the strongest pegasus in Equestria but that all chance when I saw my parents died right in front of me.” He look at Ozpin and saw that he a normal face, he didn’t show any emotions at all.

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Yeah, there’s nothing I can do with that now.”

“That’s one way to look at it.”

Blaze nodded. “Anyway, after that event I decided to get stronger and faster so that would never happened again. I started to train but no matter how hard I tried I felt like it was never enough, I wasn’t fast enough. So, I decided to see if I could find the answer in books and I did. I discovered that pegasus ponies from old times managed to use the magic in Equestria to move faster than normal so I decided to try their methods and that was meditation.”

“Did you managed to find their secret?”

Blaze shook his head. “Not at first, I’m not sure how long I meditate but after a while I gave up. I was so frustrated that I didn’t do it, so I decided to end my own life.” Ozpin raised an eye brown when he heard that. “I know not my smartest decision, but it WAS my smartest decision after all. One day I just stood on the edge of a cloud ready to jump and end it all, I closed my eyes and jump of it and then it happened. As I was falling it felt like took forever to reach the ground, so I decided to open my eyes and I happened to see two birds flying beside me and here’s was the fun part, they were moving very slowly.”

“At first I didn’t understand what was going in but when I saw a fish hoping very slow over in the water, it was then I understood that I had manged to use magic to move faster, it took me a while before I managed to master it, but it was worth it.”

“Then you became a guard.” Said Ozpin while taking a sip of coffee.

“That was probably the worst decision I had ever made.”

This intrigued Ozpin. “Really? Do tell.”

Blaze let out a sighed. “Equestria isn’t perfect even princess Celestia think so, there are more female than male and that means that female superior to male.” Ozpin knew what he meant, considering how the Faunus are treated. “I had to work my ass of to become a guard. If it wasn’t for my speed, I’m not sure if could.” He let out a sighed.

“And after a while you became her personal guard.”

Blaze nodded. “Yeap and let me tell you, the other female guard wasn’t happy about that.” He then started to rub his eyes. “I think will head back to my room and relax before I go to bed.” He stood up. “See you around Ozpin.” Blaze then left the library leaving Ozpin alone.

Ozpin took another sip of his coffee. “Interesting.”

Author's Note:

I would like to thank FrostTheWolf, he help me with the three fight scenes. I wrote them he made them better.