• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 4,805 Views, 121 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: The Day After - CapNTilfy

The day after the Anon-A-Miss incident, life goes on as usual... except for a select few people.

  • ...

That Evening

Sweetie Belle flopped onto her bed. Despite her improved mood, her current headache made her question the worth of watching all those videos. Oh, she took a break to eat dinner with her parents, but then she immediately went back to the videos afterward.

Sweetie Belle sighed as she grabbed her phone. What'd be the harm in watching just one more video? One look at the time and she realized there would be harm! It was almost time for bed! She swiftly changed into her pajamas, then turned out the lights.

Sweetie Belle knew it would take herself a few minutes to go to sleep, so she closed her eyes and let her mind wander until finally, sleep came to her…


Ever since Scootaloo returned to her room after dinner, she started exercising. She needed to keep her mind off of the Anon-A-Miss incident, even though she and the other Crusaders had nothing to do with it in the end… they really dodged a bullet not going through with it!


Dammit, Scootaloo told herself she’d stop thinking about Anon-A-Miss! Unfortunately, that was something easier said (or thought) than done.


For the first time in a while, Scootaloo thought about the future. It wasn't something she did often, as she was more of a 'go with the flow' kind of girl.


Scootaloo wasn't just thinking about tomorrow, but what might happen to Canterlot High next! With all the craziness that had happened lately, she was positive something else was just around the corner!


Scootaloo knew not to worry about that stuff too much, though, because she knew that no matter what…


…Rainbow Dash and her friends would be there for her and the rest of Canterlot High the next time some serious shit went down!

Scootaloo stood up, then wiped sweat off of her brow. That round of push ups really wore her out! Oh well, at least her muscles weren’t sore. She went into her bathroom and took a quick drink of water, then got into her pajamas. Without wasting any time, she went straight into bed and turned out the lights.

Apple Bloom wearily shut her bedroom door behind herself. After dinner, all she did was help with chores. She had wanted to keep her mind occupied, but also to make herself useful. Washing the dishes, taking out the garbage, cleaning off the table…

Apple Bloom sighed. It felt good getting all that housework done, but boy, was she plum tuckered out! Good thing she was, though, because it was time to get some sleep!

As Apple Bloom changed into her pajamas, she hoped to the stars above she wouldn’t have another nightmare like last night. She needed that like a kick in the head!

She crawled into bed and turned her light off. As she felt herself drifting off to sleep, she wondered…

…How were Wallflower Blush and Trixie Lulamoon doing?

Trixie heaved a long sigh. Never in her life had she ever felt so small.

"It took me some time, but I managed to forgive myself. The guilt I felt... the guilt that haunted me for months on end, slowly disappeared."

Trixie shuddered. She still couldn’t believe she’d have to deal with these feelings for so long! Her hands balled into fists as another wave of anger and self-loathing hit her. Why couldn’t she have fucked up this badly as an adult instead of her goddamn teenage hormones making things even worse for her?!

Sunset’s chilling scream echoed in her mind, and she grabbed the nearest pillow she could find. She took a deep breath, then screamed into it. She screamed again and again, fighting every urge to pound her fists on the floor.

A couple of minutes later, Trixie lifted her head off of the pillow. The emptiness had returned.

All day long she’d been cycling through emotions: anger, frustration, sadness, emptiness, self-loathing. Again and again and again and again. It was driving her insane, and she was powerless to do anything about it.

The next time Trixie saw Sunset, she’d ask her how the hell she managed all of these intense feelings!

Completely dejected, Trixie slowly changed into her pajamas. As she got into bed, she wondered if she would get any sleep tonight. And if she did, how bad would her dreams get?

As Trixie closed her eyes, she wondered which she’d prefer. The waking world, or her inevitable nightmares…

Ordinarily, Wallflower Blush was a clean and tidy woman. Even when she was planning with Trixie, everything in her room was neat and organized. But now?

Her mirror was covered up, as she couldn’t stand to look at herself. Clothes were scattered around the floor, as she took them out of her drawers and threw them around in one of her fits of rage. Her bedroom window was closed and the blinds were drawn shut, as she wanted to close herself off from the world. Her bed was unkempt, as she rolled around in it while squirming with guilt.

A messy, disorganized room to reflect her unfortunate, yet sadly deserved mental state.

God, Wallflower was such a fucking dumpster fire of a mess.

Wallflower buried her head in her hands. How could she have sunk so low? Why on earth did she hold onto her anger for so long?

Wallflower’s hands slowly balled into fists as she grit her teeth. Her heart thundered as all of the negative feelings she had experienced came back. Her breathing quickened as adrenaline flowed through her.

Unable to handle herself for much longer, Wallflower pounded on her mattress. She hit it again. And again. And again. Tears streamed down her eyes as she focused every other erg of her energy into keeping herself from screaming. She’d done more than enough of that today, and she knew she’d do it again tomorrow.

Wallflower pounded harder. Harder. Harder still, until her arms and hands felt numb. Her urge to shriek subsided, and she hunched over with a sniffle. She remained motionless, knowing that if she fell asleep, she would most definitely have nightmares. If she remained awake, she’d still have to deal with all of this self-loathing.

Wallflower never really understood the adage ‘damned if you and damned if you don’t’ until now. She laughed softly but mirthlessly, as she already was damned anyway.

Resigned to her fate, Wallflower mechanically changed into her pajamas and slowly crawled into bed.

Let the nightmares come, Wallflower thought as she turned out her light. Suffering through them would serve as her penance. As if her immense guilt wasn’t enough already…

The party at Sunset’s had lasted from the afternoon all the way to the evening, and everyone was outright exhausted. Even Pinkie looked a little worn out, much to everyone’s surprise!

Sunset yawned, completely drained. “All right guys, I’m going to bed.”

“Are you going to be okay,” Rainbow asked worriedly.

“We’ll see, Rainbow. We’ll see.” Sunset started to walk towards the staircase leading to her loft, then stopped. “Actually, you know what?”

“What,” a half-asleep Applejack inquired.

“I’m going to sleep down here with all of you.” Sunset walked over to her closet, then pulled out her sleeping bag and set it down on the floor.

“If you think that’s best,” Twilight said with a smile.

“I do.”

Sunset shut the lights off, then walked back over to her sleeping bag as Pinkie immediately started snoring.

“Sunset,” Fluttershy said as Sunset got into her sleeping bag.


“We’ll be right here if you need us.”

Sunset laughed softly. “I know,” she said as she put a hand atop Fluttershy’s. “And I greatly appreciate it.”

Fluttershy smiled, then put her other hand on Sunset’s as a sign of support before withdrawing both slowly.

Sunset Shimmer gradually fell asleep and began to dream…