• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 4,805 Views, 121 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: The Day After - CapNTilfy

The day after the Anon-A-Miss incident, life goes on as usual... except for a select few people.

  • ...

Third Period

Sunset and Rainbow sat next to each other as their P.E. teacher entered the gym. "All right, class," the teacher said, gesturing to the nets around the gym. "Today, we're doing tennis! I want you all to form groups of three. Two to play, and one to ref."

Rainbow grabbed Sunset by the arm. "Awesome! Now all we need is one more."

"I'll be your girl," a confident voice said from behind Rainbow and Sunset. The two turned around to see a light peach student with turquoise hair. Her turquoise eyes glimmered in anticipation.

Rainbow grinned widely. "Tennis Match... you're on!"

True to her name, Tennis Match was one of, if not the best tennis players in Canterlot High. She never failed to give Rainbow Dash a true challenge on the courts.

Match returned Rainbow's grin as she cracked her knuckles. "You better be ready for a workout, Dash!"

Rainbow chuckled. "I'm always ready for a workout. You should know that!"

Rainbow and Match walked over to a tennis net, with Sunset following closely behind.

Sunset wiped sweat off of her forehead. Rainbow and Match's game finished, and she had just finished hers against Rainbow.

Sunset was surprised and impressed with herself that she was still standing. Her legs were sore from trying to keep up with her friend... she really needed to get into shape.

"Let's talk," Tennis Match said as she took a tennis ball with her right hand.

Sunset blinked. "While we're playing?"

Match barked a laugh. "Oh, don't worry..." she bounced the ball and let go of her racket, then twirled with her arms outstretched and grabbed the racket with her right hand and the ball in her left. "...I'll go easy on you."

"Showoff," Rainbow said from the referee position.

"You're one to talk," Sunset said with a laugh.

"Just sayin'," Rainbow said as she rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"So... whaddaya say," Match asked as she bounced the tennis ball again.

Sunset paused for a moment, then shrugged. What did she have to lose? "Eh, why not?"

"Great!" Match bounced the ball, then hit it in Sunset's direction. "Remind me to hug you when this is over."

Sunset raised an eyebrow as she returned Match's serve. "Why?"

Match scoffed. "Do you really have to ask?" She sighed. "Your apocalypse-level meltdown!"

"Why didn't you just hug me when you saw me?" Sunset swung and missed the ball.

"I dunno, I thought you had a thing about personal space or something!"

"Fifteen love," Rainbow called out.

Sunset gave Match an incredulous look as she served. "What gave you that idea?!"

Match hit the ball back. "I figured you'd want some space after nearly getting mobbed to death."

"I guess you have a point, but no." Sunset's breathing became labored.

You're a monster.

Sunset grit her teeth. Dammit, not now! A sudden shout brought her back to reality, and she took a tennis ball to her forehead. She yelped in pain and put her hand on her injured spot.

"Oh, shit," Match said as she ran over to Sunset's side of the court.

"Are you okay," Rainbow asked as she ran over to Sunset.

"I... I think so," Sunset said, removing her hand from her forehead. She hesitated momentarily, afraid to look at it.

"At least you're not bleeding or anything."

Sunset looked at her hand, then heaved a sigh of relief to see nothing on it.

"Do you need to sit down," Match asked.

"I'm gonna ask ya one more time; are ya sure you're okay?"

Sunset quickly took a mental inventory of herself. She probably had a bruise on her forehead. She was still panting from playing tennis. Her legs were starting to feel sore, and she still had to get around school for the remainder of the day.

"I... I don't know. I mean, I feel... kinda fine, I guess?" Sunset sighed heavily. Maybe she did need to sit down. She needed to be honest with herself, and not push herself too far. "You know what? I-I think I should."

Rainbow nodded. "I'll go tell the teacher."

"You do that," Match said, then hugged Sunset. "I'm sorry."

Sunset returned the hug. "You don't have to apologize. I was just momentarily distracted."

"I don't like hurting people, Sunset. Least of all you, after what happened yesterday."

"Yeah... I've been having a rough go of it."

"That's putting it mildly," Match said, breaking the hug. She looked up at Sunset's forehead and frowned. "Wish I could do something about that mark I left."

Sunset gave Match a reassuring smile. "You don't have to worry about it. It was an accident."

Match made a sputtering noise. "I know it was, but I still can't help but feel responsible."

Sunset laughed. It was a small laugh. "Seriously, you're beating yourself up over nothing."

Match put a hand on Sunset's shoulder. "Are you beating yourself up, too?"

Sunset frowned.

"Guilt and regret are very powerful feelings, Sunset Shimmer. Of course, I don't have to tell you that."

"No... you don't," Sunset said as she looked away. "I've been reminded of those very things ever since... ever since that scream. Almost nonstop."

"I can only imagine what that feels like," Match said in awe.

Sunset smiled sadly. "Trust me, Tennis Match," she said quietly. "You don't want to."

"Change partners!"

"I guess that's my cue," Match said, then stood up. "Those asses aren't gonna kick themselves, after all!"

Sunset snorted.

"Good talk, Shimmer. Fight the good fight, will ya?"

"I will." Sunset waved as Match hurried off to find her next opponent.

"Hey, how're ya holding up," Rainbow asked as she approached with two bottles of water.

"Eh, I'm doing okay." She smiled as she watched Match begin to play, grateful for people like her.

Sunset heaved a sigh as she finished changing. The day wasn't even halfway over and she'd already been through so much! She slowly shook her head and headed for the locker room door and opened it.

The first thing Sunset saw as she entered the hallway was a light yellow-gray student. Her dark and light blue hair bounced as she nodded to the beat of her headphones, then stopped as she lowered her sunglasses, revealing her red eyes.

DJ PON-3 walked up to Sunset and took her headphones off. "Hey," she said. "Wanna walk with me?"