• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 4,805 Views, 121 Comments

Anon-A-Miss Aftermath: The Day After - CapNTilfy

The day after the Anon-A-Miss incident, life goes on as usual... except for a select few people.

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The Day After

Scootaloo’s alarm clock went off, snapping her awake from her sleep. She slowly got out of bed, bleary-eyed as she stumbled forward. Upon finally reaching it, she rubbed her eyes.

Having her alarm clock a few feet away from her bed had to have been both one the best and worst ideas Scootaloo had had! Good because it forced her to get out of bed and move around, but bad because she had nearly injured herself a few times before.

Scootaloo yawned, then shook her head rapidly and slapped her cheeks a couple of times before doing a quick set of jumping jacks.

Now that she had gotten a little bit of physical activity, she felt wide awake. She checked the time, then hurriedly took a shower.

As she dried herself off, Scootaloo sighed. No matter how short or long, showers were always refreshing to her!

Sunset’s scream from the day before reverberated through Scootaloo’s head, and she frowned. Okay, so she still had that to deal with.

Scootaloo sighed again, but her frown changed into a soft smile. She knew she'd get better over time, as would Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Sunset. Maybe even Trixie and Wallflower!

With that positive thought, she got dressed, then left her room.

Apple Bloom opened her eyes, then rubbed them with a yawn. She sat up slowly, then cracked her neck. Despite everything that had happened to her and her friends the last couple of days, she had a good night’s sleep and a decent dream to go with it!

She got out of bed, then stretched as she yawned again. As she changed clothes, she thought to herself that maybe things going back to normal at Canterlot High so suddenly wasn’t such a bad thing after all. She should have counted her blessings that yesterday wasn’t anywhere near as intense as the day before!

Apple Bloom put her bow on, and she left her room feeling optimistic for the first time in days.

Upon waking up, Sweetie Belle’s first thought was that she was grateful to be rid of that headache. She was glad that it didn’t keep her awake at night, that would have been terrible! Lack of sleep was the last thing she needed on top of everything else that’d happened lately.

She got out of bed, then ran a hand through her hair as she approached her mirror. She nearly gasped as she saw her reflection.

Sleep was in her eyes, she looked half-awake, and her hair was a mess!

Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but snort. She looked ridiculous! Imagine the looks on everybody’s face if she showed up looking like this! The very thought made her giggle. As funny as the thought was, however, she wouldn’t dare. For many reasons.

She walked into the bathroom, then straightened herself up. Upon another self-inspection, she gave herself a nod of satisfaction.

Sweetie Belle got dressed, then left her room with a smile. She looked forward to what the day would bring.

Last night, Trixie wondered whether she preferred staying awake and hating herself or being asleep and stuck in a hellish, endless nightmare. Unfortunately for her, she had gotten the worst of both worlds.

She had had a terrible nightmare. The kind of terrible nightmare that made her bolt awake, sweating as she looked around herself. She was fearful that she’d see Sunset’s demonic form just out of the corner of her eye. Waiting to strike.

Once she realized she was truly awake, her fear gave way to frustration. Sadness. Anger. It didn’t help that she knew that that was but the second of many nights she’d have to suffer.

Eventually, Trixie would end up falling asleep again only to suffer the same nightmare. Only to wake up with the same feeling of dread. Only to feel her frustration return.

It was a vicious cycle.

Trixie heaved a long sigh as she buried her head in her hands. She had a long and rough road ahead of her…

She raised her head, then shook it slowly as she got out of bed. Whether she liked it or not, she would have to face the day… and she hated it.

Wallflower Blush sat up, hunched over. She had been motionless for the past hour, save for her breathing. She swore under her breath for perhaps the hundredth time since she went to bed, angry at herself for tempting fate just before she fell asleep. She just had to have another reason to hate herself.

She knew the nightmares were going to be awful, but they turned out to be far worse than she could have imagined. Far, far worse. Just thinking about them made her shudder!

Over the course of the night, Wallflower woke up screaming bloody murder several times. Her parents barged into her room the first two times, then after the third took turns watching over her, then consoling her.

It’d been an hour since she gave up on sleep, which was also when she asked her parents to leave her room. An hour that felt like a fucking eternity.

The lack of sufficient sleep had begun to take its toll on Wallflower, and she felt herself getting sleepy. She rapidly shook her head as a tear of terror fell from her eye. She was in the midst of a war of attrition, and she knew it. It would only be a matter of time before hell came back to her...

Sunset slowly opened her eyes to daylight with a wince. Her neck hurt a little, likely because last night was the first time in a while since she slept on a hard surface. She sat herself up, and her eyes widened to see that her friends had slept in the formation of a circle around her.

She put a hand to her chest with a soft laugh as that blessed, loving warmth spread through her core.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie's eyes shot wide open. She sat up quickly with a wide grin.


Rainbow, Rarity, Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy all yelped, startled awake by Pinkie. One by one, they gradually regained their bearings.

"Did you sleep well, darling," Rarity asked sleepily.

Sunset beamed. "Oh man, you guys aren't going to believe the dream I had..."

She told her friends every last detail of her dream, from beginning to end, then grabbed them into a group hug.

"I'm so, so lucky to have you guys," Sunset said as she broke the hug.

"And we're lucky to have you," Twilight said softly.

"So what's the plan for today, then," Rainbow asked.

"I say we keep it simple," Sunset said. "We should just relax. I mean, we've all had enough stress to last a lifetime lately!"

Everyone murmured in agreement.

Sunset sighed happily. Though she wasn't wasn't fully absolved of her guilt for now, she felt free for the very first time in her life.

She wouldn't have it any other way.

Author's Note:

It's not over just yet! Stay tuned for the final part of the saga, which takes place alongside Not Just Any Old Weekend!

Anon-A-Miss: Epilogue

Comments ( 5 )

Having her alarm clock a few feet away from her bed had to have been both one the best and worst ideas Scootaloo had had! Good because it forced her to get out of bed and move around, but bad because she had nearly injured herself a few times before.

one of the best and worst*

Having her alarm clock a few feet away from her bed had to have been both one the best and worst ideas Scootaloo had had! Good because it forced her to get out of bed and move around, but bad because she had nearly injured herself a few times before.

Oof. :fluttershyouch:

Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but snort. She looked ridiculous! Imagine the looks on everybody’s face if she showed up looking like this! The very thought made her giggle. As funny as the thought was, however, she wouldn’t dare. For many reasons.

Rarity would also be pissed seeing her sister in such a state. :applejackunsure:

While this story is over, I'm looking forward to the epilogue. The suspense will definitely return once it arrives, but for now I got more important stuff I'd rather focus and think about with Christmas coming. :twilightsmile:

It's not over just yet! Stay tuned for the final part of the saga

OH FOR FUCKS SAKE! :flutterrage:

I just want closure at this point. I could rant about this story and the saga in general but I guess I still need to deal with the Epilogue for fairness. I'll say, my opinion of it has only gone down.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

I apologize for the harshness. It's still your story and you should be proud of it. Making a saga is no easy task and you've delivered a lot.

I appreciate and accept the apology, and I am proud of my story.

To be fair, though, I do understand your frustration. You've been waiting for a long time, and I apologize for that. You won't have to wait for much longer. :twilightsmile:

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