• Published 23rd Feb 2020
  • 1,297 Views, 37 Comments

Pleasant Company - Lingo

Sunset Shimmer is back from the human world and touring around Equestria via train. Hoping for fun times and new memories, she's going to find more than she'd ever hoped at her next stop.

  • ...

Manehattan Train Station

Shrugging off her saddlebags, Sunset Shimmer leaned back into the plush seat with a sigh. It was the end of her last day in Manehattan and she had just boarded the royal car of the Friendship Express. She didn’t usually use the royal pass she’d been given, but it had been a long day. Some peace and quiet sounded divine compared to the hustle and bustle of the city.

She had been touring around Equestria since her return at the end of her time in college back in the other world. Her friends had all gone their own ways, chosen their own paths. They’d still keep in touch, but she felt it was time to return home.

On Twilight's recommendation, she took this vacation of sorts to see the world. Since Twilight took over and ushered in her reign of friendship, the world has only gotten bigger. Manehattan was the last Equestrian city on her trip. The next stop was the far north, then going overseas to Gryphonia and beyond.

The whole trip was being paid for on the royal dime, a welcome back gift from her now-retired former teacher.

Memories from her recent visit to Silver Shoals flitter in and out of her head. It was by far her favorite stop so far, she’ll remember it fondly for a long time. Mainly thanks to Celestia, the mare who had basically been her mother growing up, and who had rekindled those bonds over the few days she was there.

Along with the retired royal, Sunset had accumulated a small hoof-full of new pen pals to keep up with as she started her life back in Equestria.

Her mind started to wander as the train departed the station.

Shining Armor stretched as he exited one of the train cars occupied by the Crystal Empire. A group of representatives, and a select few guards, had just boarded after wrapping up their Equestrian press tour. They had stopped in several cities over the past month, seeing the sights and answering questions about Empire-Equestrian trade and other topics he’d grown very tired of in the final portion of their journey.

Manehattan was the last on the list, and the next stop was home.

Feeling drained, he decided to occupy the royal car for once instead of bunking with the others in the entourage. Plush seats and delightfully quiet, he couldn’t think of a better way to spend the last leg of the trip.

The train lurched forward as it left the station, but Shining didn’t miss a beat in his gait. For security and privacy reasons, the royal car was right behind the locomotive. A luggage car separates it from the rest of the train.

To his astonishment, the royal car was already occupied. He wasn’t aware anypony else with access would be riding. The young mare looked just as surprised to see him too.

Neither one spoke at first. The room was tense. Sunset’s mind was racing with worry, wondering if there was an issue with her train pass or if she had done something wrong. If the muscular build was anything to go by, he was either a guard or a professional weightlifter.

Shining Armor, on the other hoof, was wondering if he caught one of the train staff on break or a passenger in the wrong car. Or worse, a gold-digger looking to take advantage of a wayward crystal prince. Whatever the circumstance, he would be polite and treat her with respect.

So he broke the silence.

“Good evening, miss.” Her ears perked at his gentle tone.

“Good evening.”

“I wasn’t expecting to see anypony else in the royal car.” He placed extra emphasis on the fact that this was not standard seating. But to his concern, she wasn’t fazed by it.

“Neither was I, but I’m fine with sharing it if you are Mr…” She inclined her head to him, her question hanging in the air.

Shining Armor was genuinely surprised. He had been making papers rather regularly for the past few years. From legitimate news sources to tabloid trash, everyone and their sister knew his face. But.. this mare didn’t? Did she not recognize him out of his armor or formal wear?

“Shining Armor, mind if I sit?” He said, coming closer and offering his hoof. She shook it with a smile.

“Sunset Shimmer, and by all means. I’m only riding on behalf of a princess.”

Shining laughed as he sat down a seat away from her, “You and me both.”

“Shining Armor… where do I recognize that name from…”

He prepared for the inevitable moment when she recognizes his status and proceeds to pester him.

“OH!” She clapped her hooves together excitedly. “You’re Twilight Sparkle’s brother, aren’t you?”

That was not what he expected at all. “I.. yes?”

“I knew it! Your colors looked familiar, but you seem a lot less... uptight than the last time I spoke to you.”

His brow creased in confusion. “Have… have we met before?”

She rubbed the back of her neck “Not quite. It’s.. eh.. Complicated. I’m not sure you’d believe me if I told you.”

It wasn’t even two seconds before he threw out, “You’re the one who went through the mirror, aren’t you?”

It wasn’t an accusation, he merely said it conversationally.

That didn’t stop Sunset from wincing and avoiding his gaze.

“Yeah, that’s me. Back now.”

“Then I do know you.”

“You do?”

“Well I was an aspiring guard recruit when you were still under Celestia’s tutelage. I saw quite a bit of you. I can’t say I was impressed.”

Still, there was no ill intention or malice in his words. And still it panged in her chest, to be reminded how she was most known.

“And then you changed, right? I’ve read the report and heard it personally from my sister.” He smiled earnestly. “She’s very proud of you.”

She blushed, keeping from meeting his eye for an entirely different reason now. “Yeah, I’m doing my best to deserve it.” He laid a comforting hoof on her shoulder. They traded honest smiles and some of the tension in the room faded.

They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Shining’s curiosity got the better of him.

“So I assume Twily is funding your ticket to the Empire?”

She brightened up at the mention of their destination.

“She is! Since I returned, I’ve been hearing a lot about it. City made out of crystals. Ponies made out of crystals. Magical artifact powered by love and friendship. Great views and delicious local cuisine. I made it my last stop for a reason.”

He tilted his head, “Last stop?”

Sunset nodded, “Last on this continent. I’ve been riding the rails to every major Equestrian city, seeing the sights. Really experiencing the world like I never did before. Twilight had the idea and Celestia helped set it up so I had all expenses paid with a royal pass. One heck of a welcome-home gift, don’t you think?”

“I’ll say, I never got this kind of treatment before going to the Empire.”

“So you live there now? In the Empire?”

“I was one of the first Equestrians inside the city after it returned. Things were pretty grim.” He leaned back in his seat, folding his hooves behind his head nonchalantly. “Ancient evil, dark magic. You know the deal.”

She giggled, “Oh do I. Sounds like every other school year back across the mirror. How’d you beat it?”

“Oh we were in pretty bad shape until Twilight and her friends arrived. Then everything just kind of…”

“Worked itself out magically?” She offered.

“Yeah. Found the crystal heart, purified the city, had a big party. It was a great time.”

It sounds like you got a good deal out of it too. You’re some kind of emissary now? A diplomat?”

“Close. Try nobility.”

“Wow! Fancy! So that’s why you have a royal key.”

“Something like that, yes. I work very closely with the crystal princess.”

“Well color me impressed. What’s that like?”

“Oh horrible. Sometimes I’m basically her personal maid or assistant. Shining do this. Shining do that. Shining can we skip the council meeting and go spy on young couples at the park?”

“Sounds like quite the mare, but I can tell you don’t think bad of her by how you’re smiling.” She teased. He made no effort to hide his large grin, which also displayed a bit of color rising in his cheeks.

“Honestly though? It’s the best job in the world. I wouldn’t trade where I am, what I have, for anything in the whole world.”

Seeing a stallion talk about his job and achievements so passionately was quite the experience for Sunset. They tended to be less emotional and less likely to speak openly like this. And there was no hint of boasting at any point in the conversation so far. Watching him stare fondly off into space, her heart beat a little harder in her chest. He was attractive in a whole different way than she was used to.

She fought against the heat creeping to her face, but with limited success.

“What about you?” He said, returning his attention to her. “What have you been up to since my sister got involved?”

“An awful lot has happened. Other than the magical evils and such popping up, I finished high school. Human high school. They’re much more science-oriented, since they have no magic there normally.”

He nodded his head, interested.

“I graduated with honors, fifth in the class actually.”

“I’m not surprised, being Celestia’s former student.”

“Say what you want about her teaching methods, the mare knows good study habits.”

“I heard there’s alternate versions of Twilight’s friends over there?”

“You heard right. I can’t say I’ve met many of them over here, but from what she said they are frightfully similar. The only differences are related to, you know, being from another world.”

“Can you tell me about them?”

Sunset gestured widely with her front legs, standing on her hind ones on the seat.

“So this big bearded guy waves his staff and shouts, ‘YOU DARE TO DEFY ME? I AM THE GREAT WIZARD OF AGRAFORR!’ and Pinkie yells, ‘Agraforr? I hardly know her!’ ”

She falls back onto the seat as they both dissolve into hysterics.

“Oh Pinkie Pie…” Shining wheezes after a minute. “That mare, it’s a wonder she didn’t get turned into a frog or something.”

“Exactly! Of all the times to taunt the big baddie and she chooses to do it right in the middle of his monologue!”

“Villains do hate it when you interrupt those.”

“Oh he was livid. We had to run away carrying Dash because she wouldn’t stop laughing. And that just made him angrier!”

“So I’m standing off to the side of court, you know, normal guard stuff. I gotta stare straight ahead and not move, as I was told time and time again by my superiors. This pudgy little stallion comes waddling in all pomp and circumstance, bows so far to the ground he could lick the floor, and proceeds to not come up until after the princess had heard his petition.”

“Sounds like a normal day in court.”

“Oh but it was worse, before he even presented his petition, he had to name every pony of interest from his loooong family tree.”

“Oh no…”

“Ohoho yes. Around five minutes in of him reciting names, I broke down. I looked around to the other guards to see how they were reacting to this, I was still pretty new at the time. They’re all stoic and unmoving as usual, until I look toward the throne. There’s Princess Celestia sitting on the throne with her hooves on her cheeks, blowing a silent raspberry at the fellow!”

Sunset gasped scandalously, “She didn’t!”

“She absolutely did! When she saw I was watching, she smiled mischievously and winked at me.”

“And the guy never noticed?”

“Never. A few weeks later the same kind of thing happened. Long droning family line, completely oblivious. I look toward the princess and this time she’s got her tongue out and her eyes facing opposite directions.”

Sunset guffawed.

“Again when I caught her eye, she smiled and gave me a conspiratorial little wink. After a while, I found out that this is nothing new for her. Whenever somepony puts themselves in that kind of position, she can’t help but make faces at them. When I became an officer, I made faces back at her whenever it happened. It sure helped make court considerably more bearable.”

Once her giggles had subsided, “I can’t believe it. Who knows how many ponies she’s...” Her eyes went wide. “She never did to me, did she?”


“Did she? Answer me, Shining Armor!” Her hoof jabs accusingly in his direction.

“I don’t think you want to know the answer to that.” He said, doing nothing to hide his grin. That handsome, coltish grin.

“You’re terrible.”

“No, paper is tearable. The word you’re looking for is hilarious.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Boo. That was so bad, it was almost a dad joke.”

“Almost? Darn, I’ll do better next time then.”

Magical thermodynamics? Really? The one book you wish had a human equivalent and you would choose Magical Thermodynamics?”

“Don’t judge me! They have regular thermodynamics, but nothing with the same oomph of complexity and awe as Magical Thermodynamics. It was like my bedside read when I was still a student here.”

“Sweet Celestia, you are a huge nerd.”

“Oh please. The way you described guard tactics and threat levels? I bet you played O&O a lot in high school.”


“Oh my gosh.. You still do, don’t you?”

“I..” He blushed and looked away, embarrassed.

“Well don’t you worry, Shiny, your secret is safe with me.”

“It’s not really a big secret…”

“Then you won’t mind if I join you then?”

“Join me?” His head snapped back around, eyes wide.

“To play O&O? A couple of the girls and I played something similar after band practice every week. It was called Dungeons and Dragons. D&D.”

“Huh… neat!”

“So in all we have Nightmare Moon, who was purified and became Princess Luna?”

“She was Luna originally but the Nightmare corrupted her, yes.”

“Then Discord, the goat statue thing in the palace garden, broke free and caused havoc until turned back into stone?”

“He didn’t really hurt anypony and a lot of his acts were meant to be comical, in a sadistic way. So he was let out a little while later to be reformed.”

“Right. So he’s good now?”


“And then there’s Queen Chrysalis, who is a changeling.”

“Changeling queen.”

“A changeling that exists and is not just a myth.”

“You bet. They first revealed themselves at the wedding of the mare who is now the Crystal Princess.”

“And then there was King Sombra, dark magic cloud dude, enslaving the Crystal Empire.”

“Hit by a blast of love magic.”

“And then a little filly?”

“Cozy Glow, still a statue right now, manipulative and incredibly, irredeemably evil.”

“Not everyone is as great at turning their life around as I am. Who am I missing?”

“Power hungry centaur, magic eater.”

“Tire-ick! Right?”

“Close enough.”

“And then bug lady, filly, and centaur teamed up and got trounced by Twilight again.”

“As the story goes.”

Sunset sat back in her seat, still a little stunned. Back through the mirror, they had dealt with more baddies, but they were all pretty harmless compared to what they faced here.

“Wow… I’m kinda glad I missed all of that.”

“With how Twilight has talked about you, I think we could have used you.”


“Absolutely. You’re capable, smart, skilled with your magic, and quick on your hooves.”

Her cheeks burned to match the streak in her mane.

“Thank you.”

The night sky was a masterpiece. A painting of cosmic proportions. Stars sparkled in brilliant patterns and shapes, with the moon as the shining centerpiece. Each night since returning, Sunset found herself staring up in awe at the nebulous canvas.

Earth’s night sky had nothing on this. Equestria’s night sky didn’t even look this good when she lived here. With Princess Luna holding the brush again, it looked like a completely different galaxy up there.

But for the first time on her trip, her eyes were drawn elsewhere. Back down to the surface, to the seat nearby where her new traveling companion snoozed gently. The moonlight played off his white coat, dazzling her senses as his short mane bounced slightly with the car.

Though the whole trip had been a blast, and she’d met so many new ponies she now called friends, it all paled in comparison to the time she had spent with him.

She stayed away from dating before her exile, and while in the human world. She had never even given it a thought the whole trip, despite a few ponies trying to make a move on her.

Right now, her heart tugged in her chest, urging her towards him.

As much as she knew it would probably be best if she quashed it now, she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

After everything she’s been through, she couldn’t cut something short before it even had the chance to grow into something more.

Sunset fell asleep wondering…

What if?

Author's Note:

First chapter done, nice job!

Is it good so far? Have a favorite line or moment? Please tell me what it is! I love feedback!

Keep reading till the end and I might give you a cookie.