• Published 23rd Feb 2020
  • 1,296 Views, 37 Comments

Pleasant Company - Lingo

Sunset Shimmer is back from the human world and touring around Equestria via train. Hoping for fun times and new memories, she's going to find more than she'd ever hoped at her next stop.

  • ...

Alternate Epilogue (Just Friends-ilogue)

There was no place in Equestria Sunset would rather be.

Her head was nestled on the comfiest pillows in the Empire, the blankets were unbelievably snug. And when she opened her eyes, she could just see the sun rising over the breathtaking crystal city. A view unlike any other in the world.

After the emotional moment the previous morning, she had spent the rest of the day with the royal family. They talked and laughed and had an amazing time. Sunset could not remember ever meshing this well with the girls. Nothing against the humans, they were her best friends. But this was different. Special.

Sunset would gladly lose Shining if he had a family as amazing as this one. She could never bring herself to try and change this. Sure, she’d be sad after all was said and done. But it would be worth it to know he was happy.

And then there was Cadence. She had grown up from the timid little princess that Sunset had once known. She was strong and confident and drop-dead beautiful. Her insides reflected her outsides as she was a shining beacon of goodwill and love. Had they met again without Shining and hashed things out? Sunset would have definitely asked her out to dinner and a play, stammering like a smitten schoolfilly.

Both of them were amazing ponies, as was their daughter. Knowing of the boundless love shared by the family made her own heart ache less.

Sunset considered her future plans. She had the next part of her journey, trekking out of Equestria to the ocean and beyond. A week here would suffice, rather than the measly few days she spent elsewhere. With company like the royal family, it might even stretch to two weeks. But no farther.

She couldn’t bring herself to try and inject herself with them, or to burden them with her residency. They had lives to live like everypony else, lives with each other.

That didn’t mean she would not visit at every given opportunity, though.

With great reluctance did she free herself from the bed’s heavenly embrace, trotting out quietly from her room. The couple had given her the guest room attached to the royal suite, usually reserved for visiting family members.

The door to her left was open a crack, granting her a peek into the young princess’s room. She was still asleep, twisted in a knot with her blanket like some kind of contortionist. Adorable.

Across the room directly ahead of her was the couple’s room. The door was fully open and the bed was already made. Early risers, she guessed, part of ruling an empire.

Just as she was getting comfortable on the couch in the living space, the door to the rest of the palace swung open and Shining came trotting in. Two cups of divinely smelling brew were held aloft in his magic.

“Good morning!”

One levitated over into her eager hooves and she wasted no time in taking a long swig.

It was delightful, the royal family certainly had great taste in coffee.

“Thank you, and good morning.”

He sat down across from her in a large armchair, nursing his own cup.

“How did you sleep last night?” He asked.

“Wonderfully. I don’t think I’ve felt this rested in years. What’s the secret? Is it in the bedding? Magical mood crystals in the walls?”

He chuckled, “Nothing like that, just good friends and full hearts.”

She looked at him incredulously, “Yeah sure, right. But like really what’s the secret?”

“Well if you must know, it’s the Crystal Heart.”

“The artifact that makes this entire place possible and gives the citizens their shiny look?”

“Exactly. With a little love, it’s amazing what can happen.”

“Fine. But I’ll be looking into this in the archives later, just in case you’re feeding me a line.”

“Fair enough. Cadence will be back shortly, by the way. Some royal business, it shouldn't take long.”

“She can take her time, I’m in no hurry to go anywhere. I am still pretty exhausted after yesterday.”

“I don’t doubt that, a lot happened.”

“I’m thankful for every second of it. I feel like a whole new mare.”

“You look like one too.” he said teasingly, referring to her gleaming appearance.

“Yeeaaahhh.. How long does this take to wear off?”

“As long as you’re in the empire with love in your heart and high spirits? Never.”

A beat of silence.

“Just kidding, It should wear off in a day or so. When you’ve been here long enough, you’ll learn how to switch it on and off.” His coat turned to crystal for a few seconds before turning back.

“I think it’s a good look on me. Too bad I can’t take it with me when I leave.”

“Yeah...” He said, his tone lost its casual joviality.

But before she could question it, the doors opened again to admit the crystal princess. She levitated off her regalia with grace and poise, then unceremoniously flopped into the chair next to his.

“Hi honey, how was work?”

“Awful. They had no coffee or snacks and everypony wanted to talk to me afterward. I just wanted to run away back to snuggle with you.”

“I know, dear. Here, you can have the rest of my cup.”

She took the mostly full cup with reverence and awe, uttering a short but heartfelt, “I love you,” before downing the rest in a single go.

Sunset giggled behind her cup, enjoying the couple’s dynamic.

That got the pink royal’s attention.

“Well good morning Sunset!”

“Good morning, your highness.”

She made a gagging noise. “None of that, Sunset. You are to address me as Cadence, Cady, or gorgeous.”

“Is that a royal decree, dear?” Shining asked.

“It is now!”

Sunset giggled some more, “As you command, my Cadence.” then ducked to avoid a flying pillow.

“Rude. Honestly, what do I do to deserve this.”

“Take hour long showers.”

“They’d only be half hour long if you didn’t choose to join me!”

Both of the mares ‘oooohh!’ed at him as he shook his head. “Mares.”

Once the commotion died down some, Sunset spoke up.

“So I think I have my plan all figured out.”

That got their attention.

“I think I’ll spend a week or two here, seeing the sights and perusing the library, before I head out. My next destination is Seaquestria, then the shores of Gryphonia. Who knows how long I’ll be there before I can arrange passage back. Then I’ll probably return to Ponyville to bum around the friendship school for a while until I figure out what I’m going to do with my life.”

The couple shared a look, a wordless conversation passing between them. They nod in unison and look back to the perplexed unicorn.

“We were thinking of something a little different.” Cadence began.


Shining this time. “Yes, different. We’ve talked about it, and we were hoping you would stick around for longer.”

Sunset raised a brow, “How long is longer? A month?”


Cadence picked it up, “We were thinking you could stay here.. permanently.”

Sunset’s mouth gaped. “Come again?”

The couple sat on either side of her. “Let’s put it this way. We love having you here. Flurry loves having you here. In a short time, you’ve made an impression on all of us. And we’ve decided that we want you to stay here with us.”

Sunset swallowed a mouthful of saliva, struggling to make sense of it all.


Cadence’s wing draped across her back, she held Sunset’s hoof in her own.

“Like a member of the family.”

“F-f-f-f…” Her eyes were wide, words failed to come.

“Celestia is my aunt. She’s already written letters to me about your reunion. You’re her daughter, my cousin. We’re already family. But we would love it very much if you would choose to stay here with us. Twilight will say the same, you need to be around ponies who love you and care about you.”

“You won’t find any better place in the world for that than right here.” Shining held her other hoof. “We can get you your own suite in the palace, or an apartment in the city. If you want to find work, we can help with that too.”

“We want you to be happy.”

“So, will you stay with us?”

Sunset was still speechless. She never would have imagined in her wildest dreams that the couple would offer such a thing. That they would want her there.

She should take a few days to consider it. This shouldn’t be something that is made in the spur of the moment.

But she really didn’t need a few days to decide. She knew her answer as soon as they finished asking.

“I’d love to.”


Author's Note:

That was the alternate, just friends, ending to this fic. Great, right?

I really enjoyed writing this fic. It was a real challenge for me to work with two very different characters (that aren't Rarity or Twilight) in a close space. Trying to build a meaningful connection between two characters who meet on a train ride was particularly difficult.

It was also a big of a challenge to resolve it without it being romantic.

And the moment with Cadence was especially new and challenging for me, trying to write with emotional depth.

I think I pulled it all off pretty well, but be sure to tell me what you think in the comments!

Thank's for reading!

Like what you read? Want to read more sorta like it from probably better authors? Check out the rest of the fics written for this event thing HERE!

Comments ( 20 )

Ok so yeah, him being vague about it is intentional, but not for either of the reasons you are thinking of. Yes normal treatment is nice for somepony in the public eye as much as Shining Armor, and yes honesty is important especially when it's about how he's married and who the princess is.

But Shining was likely a guard trainee during Sunset's original education under Celestia. So he undoubtedly knew who she was once he remembered. But more importantly, he knew about the rift between Sunset and Cadence, both from witnessing it himself and probably talking about it with his wife. So he would understand the need for some... discretion.

Is it underhanded to practically lure Sunset to the palace so her and Cadence can work things out? Yes. But can you blame him for trying?

Good job with this story! Sunset and Shining's connection developed in a realistic way, and there was a lot of good dialogue. Of the two endings, I prefer the poly end, since it better pays off what was being set up and pony cuddling is good, but there were nice moments unique to the friendship end.

The story could have used an editing pass, however (now mostly fixed), and some aspects of the story felt off. First there's the entire thing with Shining Armor hiding Cadance's name in an unnatural way, which Sunset never picked up on. Then there's Sunset not realizing Shining Armor and Cadance were married and Cadance was ruling the Crystal Empire, despite being friends with Flurry Heart. Shining tricking Sunset into meeting Cadance also didn't seem right; I would have preferred Sunset having some choice in the matter. Shining talking Sunset into meeting with Cadance also would have helped emphasize their relationship, which largely got downplayed in the third chapter.

Despite these flaws, I think you did a great job making this relationship work.

I actually quite enjoyed both epilogues... Epilogi? Epilogia? Epilogae? Annnywho, both were really nice.
Sunset, adorable cuddle-floof to the royal family, or Sunset, adorable aunt to Flurry and general nerd.
What a decision. I like cuddle-floofs, personally, but both work really well.
Sooo... should you just *happen* to get some free time...
Pleasepleaseplease write more of this O Glorious Bug of Literature. plz. Do it for the feels!

(In all seriousness, great job with this. Your author bio, much like the Cake, is a lie.)

I am so happy you liked it, I really enjoyed writing it! And I would be lying if I said there weren't any other plans for this, the idea has been cooking for a long while. This writing event was just the perfect opportunity to write it out.

It was originally a subplot in an adventure long-fic I want to write someday. The outline for it is pretty much done, but writing it out is a whole other monster. And I have two projects in progress already, and I really should devote more time to them. That doesn't mean I won't write a quick one-shot continuation of this some day, but it's not high on my to-do list as of the moment.

However, that could change if enough people express interest in it. I am more motivated to write something when I'm not the only one who's excited about it.

I know Cadance's backstory. All I'm saying is the story isn't being consistent with hers here.

It seems consistent enough to me.

I fixed it shortly after posting, after it was mentioned by a few people.

Ah. Then ignore my recent comment. Nice to see the fix.

Thanks for clearing that up. Even without lewdness waking up to see your parents snuggling with an extra member would probably quite the shock

That's a fair point. Probably one more event on the long list of embarrassing things Flurry has seen her parents do.

If I ever write a followup/sequel, Flurry's reaction would likely be included.

Haha nice
Also that could be fun, see how the Empire reacts to the royal couple having a girlfriend lol

I enjoyed this story. Good job!

Poly ending was cute but honestly the wholesomeness of the just friendsilogue is incredible. So the union of the two endings has filled me with fuzzy feelings and gratefulness that you wrote this. Excellent words <3

Thanks you!

I would love to see a sequel of this! I could imagine thinking Sunset would be uncomfortable at first, due to being in human world so long, humans are usually monogamous, but ponies (least my head-cannon) polyamory is semi-common. :) Wonder if Flurry would refer to Sunset still as Auntie or mommy, she'd be so excited, its clear she really cares about her. Sunset in her head wondering how she'll explain it, but the parents just go with the flow, and Flurry loves the idea.

This was really cute! I really enjoyed the dynamics between everyone but it didn't quite gel for me for similar reasons that other commenters have said.

The fact Sunset never cottoned onto things felt off, the speed with which things were wrapped up felt kinda rushed. The fact she knew Flurry but not her parentage or Shining.

Still a cute story but I would've definitely liked a bit more time to breathe in between the beats.

Yeah I get it, and I agree! Honestly, I made the mistake of using an idea that I had too much content planned for, then trimmed out way too much in order to meet the deadline.

The train ride was supposed to be much longer, allowing more time for the relationship to really develope. The arrival at the palace was going to be longer, more time for Sunset to put together the pieces about his role there, as well as expanding on her and Flurry's adorable friendship.

And how rushed this was kinda killed my enthusiasm for a sequel. I'd want to remake this first, the right way, before moving on in-universe.

I can definitely understand that. I do think it's still a solid fic, and if you ever rewrite it, I'd love to read it n_n

Thankya muchly! Which ending did you like more?

Oh man, I gotta go with the polyship. Friendship is nice but I love me some polyamoury (irl and with technicolour equines) n_n Plus I've always kinda headcanoned that Shining and Cadence would be open like that so this just slotted in so neatly hahaha.

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