• Published 23rd Feb 2020
  • 1,296 Views, 37 Comments

Pleasant Company - Lingo

Sunset Shimmer is back from the human world and touring around Equestria via train. Hoping for fun times and new memories, she's going to find more than she'd ever hoped at her next stop.

  • ...


There was no place in Equestria Sunset would rather be. Her head was wedged snugly under Shining Armor’s chin, her legs wrapped firmly around his barrel. Each breath flooded her nostrils with his smell, a mix of musk and shampoo that was simply divine. His own forelegs were draped protectively over her, and their chests were pressed close enough that she could feel the slow thump of his heartbeat.

Sometimes it seemed to beat in sync with the one in the chest that was flush to her back.

Cadence spooned her from behind, her legs working in tandem with her husband’s to cradle the smaller mare. And the best part was the blanket of downy soft feathers that enclosed the whole trio, sealing in the warmth better than any comforter in the world.

Sunset had already been coaxed back to sleep three times since originally waking early that morning. The first time, she was unable to resist the call of sleep form reclaiming her. The second time when she awoke and attempted to move, Shining had tightened his hold and nuzzled the top of her head. The third time it was Cadence who tempted her back to sleep, softly stroking her side with her wings and nuzzling the side of her neck. She was powerless against such an assault.

But all good things have to come to an end sometime. Her bladder was shouting for the restroom, and it wasn’t up for discussion. With extreme reluctance, Sunset disentangled herself from the pair and made for the adjoining bathroom to the royal suite. She spared a glance at the couch as she passed, and the teenage filly passed out on it with a blanket haphazardly laid atop her.

The bathroom tiles were shockingly cold underhoof, jolting her more awake as she did her business. There’d be no returning to sleep now. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t get a few more blissful minutes of cuddling before getting on with the day.

After the emotional moment the previous morning, she had spent the rest of the day with the royal family. They talked and laughed and had an amazing time. Sunset could not remember ever meshing this well with the girls. Nothing against the humans, they were her best friends. But this was different. Special.

Sunset would gladly lose Shining if he had a family as amazing as this one. She could never bring herself to try and change this. Sure, she’d be sad after all was said and done. But it would be worth it to know he was happy.

And then there was Cadence. She had grown up from the timid little princess that Sunset had once known. She was strong and confident and drop-dead beautiful. Her insides reflected her outsides as she was a shining beacon of goodwill and love. Had they met again without Shining and hashed things out? Sunset would have definitely asked her out to dinner and a play, stammering like a smitten schoolfilly.

She re-entered the bedroom, taking a moment to tuck the blanket over young Flurry, petting her mane affectionately.

As she proceeded toward the bed, she caught the eye of the now awake alicorn. It twinkled and shined as her mouth formed a small grin. A wing unfolded to allow the unicorn re-entry to the cuddle. An offer Sunset was more than happy to accept.

Once she was comfy back in her spot, Cadence leaned down to kiss her cheek.

“You two get along really well.”

“She’s a cute kid. Adorable, even. And she’s as sweet as a cherry pie.”

“I was talking about you and my husband.” Her tone as so casual, conversational even.

Sunset’s body tensed despite herself, a knee-jerk reaction to the near-accusation. Soft feathers stroked her side, doing much to calm her.

“Shh, none of that. You told us how you felt, as did he. Once Shining is awake, we need to talk about it.”

“Talk about what?” chimed in the deeper voice in the bed.

“Good morning, sweetie.”

“Good morning, honey.”

Sunset could feel and hear the small kiss the couple shared above her head.

“And good morning to you too, gorgeous.” Shining spoke in her ear, bending his neck to kiss her on the cheek.

She blushed bright red, managing to squeak out a reply, “G-good morning.”

Cadence giggled, nuzzling behind her ear. “Now who’s the adorable one?”

Sunset discovered last night that when she blushes hard enough, even her ears get tinted red. Cadence made it a point to make it happen as much as she could before Shining negotiated some mercy for the poor mare.

Her ears were undoubtedly glowing right now.

“So,” Cadence shifted so that Sunset could lay on her back between the two, “now that we’re all awake, we can discuss what’s going to happen.”

“First,” Shining interjected, “we should ask her what she wants.”

“That is a fantastic idea. Sunset?”

She turned her head to face her.

“What do you want to happen? Don’t think about what anypony else would want or say, just tell us what your heart is saying.”

Sunset was silent for a minute as she gathered her thoughts, then she threw them out and listened to what her heart was telling her.

“I want... “ She hesitated, then pressed onward, “...I want to be happy.”

Cadence nodded, urging her to continue.

“I want Shining. He makes me happy, makes me feel so… light. Like I could fly without wings. I’ve never felt this way about anypony.”

He patted her shoulder comfortingly.

“And… I’m scared. Scared of trying something. Scared of not trying something. Scared of the results of whatever I choose. But… I feel determined. I’m done settling, done rolling with the hits. I wanna hit back, live on my terms.”

Even if that means walking away.

She met Cadence’s eyes. “Does that make sense?”

She smiled warmly, and Sunset almost melted at the sight.

“Perfect sense. Honey?”

“I understood, and I think I’ve come to an decision.”

“Decision?” Sunset inquired while looking between the two, perplexed.

“What decision is that, husband of mine?” Cadence said coyly.

“Do you remember when you mentioned being interested in a kind of open marriage?”

“You mean when I considered bringing in a third pony? I remember you being against it, since we are more than enough for each other.”

“Yes but I humored you as a good spouse should. We considered Sunburst and Starlight, remember?”

“Of course I remember. Why do you ask?”

“Well I think I have the perfect pony in mind. One I would be one-hundred percent on board with bringing into our relationship.”

“Really?” Cadence giggled, playing along. “Do tell.”

“Well she’s beautiful and smart and driven, no stranger to adversity or change. I could go on for hours about all of her good qualities.”

“Sounds like quite the mare. Color me interested. What’s this mystery mare’s name?”

Sunset could scarcely believe what she was hearing, eyes wide as dinner plates. This couldn’t be happening. It just was not possible. She must still be dreaming, she had to be. There was no way in Tartarus that...

“Her name is Sunset Shimmer.”

“Oh I know her! She’s a very good friend of mine, one of the best! Why don’t we invite her to the palace for dinner tonight? Say.. six-o-clock?”

They both looked down at her expectantly, question hanging in the air. Their eyes showed affection and hopefulness.

They were serious about this. Holy horse apples they were actually serious about this. Sunset prayed to whomever she could that she could summon the courage, the strength to say…

“I’d love to.”


Author's Note:

That was my intended ending to this fic. Great, right?

I really enjoyed writing this fic. It was a real challenge for me to work with two very different characters (that aren't Rarity or Twilight) in a close space. Trying to build a meaningful connection between two characters who meet on a train ride was particularly difficult.

And the moment with Cadence was especially new and challenging for me, trying to write with emotional depth.

I think I pulled it all off pretty well, but be sure to tell me what you think in the comments!

Thank's for reading!

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