• Published 15th Sep 2021
  • 2,926 Views, 31 Comments

A Mentally Unstable and Powerful Changeling...Yeah - Taken-By-Insanity

Y’all know the deal of these kinds of stories. Transported into Equestria, new body, etc. But, this is a Changeling with more power than anyone should have... Well, might as well have some fun with it. Let us hope there are no repercussions for this.

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Chapter 12: Crystal Empire Showed Up Quick

The morning after last night was…interesting. Shade was late for work and Snowflake had come to find her. Snowflake eventually found Shade tied up and hidden in the closet.

“What in the hay were you doing in there?” Snowflake asked as she untied Shade, already having taken off the gag keeping her quiet.

“I don’t know!” Shade responded. “I remember getting ready for the concert we were going to and bam! I’m suddenly in my closet, tied up and gagged.”

This made Snowflake momentarily stop untying Shade. “Wait, you weren’t at the concert with us?”

“No, I was here the whole time.”

“Oh sweet Celestia.” Snowflake finished untying Shade and stood up with a panicked expression. “We gotta tell one of the Princesses! There’s changelings still in the city!”

“Are you sure?” Shade questioned. “What, was I at the concert with you?”

“Yes! Apparently Melody, one of the ponies that were performing, knew you and then you panicked and ran away! If you were here the whole time, then the only explanation I can think of is that a changeling impersonated you last night!”

“Melody?” Shade feigned ignorance. “I don’t know anyone named Melody.”

“Whatever, we still need to tell one of the Princesses!” Snowflake grabbed Shade’s hand and pulled her along in a sprint.

“I can move my legs, you know.” Shade deadpanned. “It’s not like I was hit with enough force to damage my walking ability.”

Weirdly enough, they happened upon Princess Luna, who had just passed the entrance into the break room. Snowflake gasped before calling out. “Princess Luna, Princess Luna!”

Princess Luna turned to the calling of her name and raised a brow as Snowflake gave a hasty bow. Shade was let go while Snowflake bowed, prompting her to dust herself before also bowing. “What is it, my little ponies?” Princess Luna asked.

“Princess,” Snowflake stood. “There are changelings still in the city. I was on an outing with some coworkers,” she motioned a hoof toward Shade, “and I just found one of them tied up in her closet. It turns out she wasn’t even with us last night!”

“This is…concerning news.” Princess Luna nodded. “Thank you for informing me. I shall inform my sister and make sure that the guards are on high alert.”

“Thank you, Princess.” Snowflake gave another bow before Princess Luna resumed her walk, presumably toward the royal dining room.

”Step one, convince that we were impersonated.” Shade’s eyes were momentarily black as this thought came through her mind before returning to their blank white. “Now, if you excuse me, Snowflake. I’m going to get ready for work. We’ve got a busy day today, don’t we?”

Snowflake gasped. “You’re right! The newly wedded couple is back!~” Her mood flipped like a dime, back to being chipper. “Quickly now, quickly! We gotta get those two up!”

“How the heck are you from terrified to chipper?”

“The princesses can handle it, I’m sure.”

Shade looked at Snowflake incredulously for a few moments before shaking her head. ”Ponies depend on their princesses too much if they’re no longer worried after bringing something up with them.”

Shade and Snowflake entered Princess Cadence’s tower and knocked on the bedroom door. “Come in,” a stallion replied from inside.

The two entered and found the couple already awake. Shining Armor was standing next to the bed, finishing with getting dressed and Princess Cadence was sitting up, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes. “Bye Caddie.” Shining gave Princess Cadence a kiss on the cheek.

“Bye Shining,” Princess Cadence mumbled. Shining Armor gave Shade and Snowflake a brief wave as he passed them through the door.

The two maids returned the sentiment before taking to Cadence. “Shade, could you start up the shower?” Shade gave a silent nod and moved to the bathroom while Snowflake helped the Princess out of bed. “Come on Princess, we’ve got things to do today.”

When Princess Cadance eventually got into the shower, Shade and Snowflake prepared her clothes and makeup. It was rather boring, with the only excitement coming from Snowflakes’s constant questioning of what happened during Cadence’s honeymoon.

“You gotta tell me everything that happened!” Snowflake exclaimed. “Where did you go, what did you do? What’s it like now that you’re married?” Things like this were asked as makeup was applied, having gotten help with Shade while getting dressed.

Shade didn’t really listen for whatever the answers were. She was more lost in her head, thinking about the future she remembers seeing from the show. ”I wonder, how did they even set up their base in the Empire when they were sent there? When did that happen anyway? Can’t for the life of me remember when it happened. What season was it?”

“Hello~ Shade?” Snowflake was suddenly next to Shade, who jumped in surprise. “Finally! You were staring into space since I finished with the makeup. Now come on, we gotta fix up the place. Then we can catch up with Princess Cadence.”

“Right, right. Sorry.” Shade went to fix the sheets while Snowflake went to pick up any clothes that were discarded when the couple changed.

Once those were finished, the two went to deposit the clothing in the laundry room for another servant to do before heading to where Princess Cadence was working.

”This is as boring as watching paint dry.” Shade thought to herself. Princess Cadence was sitting at a desk covered in paperwork, mindlessly looking through them and either signing or writing a big X on them. There was another desk nearby, which also held lots of paperwork that needed to be looked through. ”Princess Luna will be there by lunch,” Shade thought to herself, looking back on what Snowflake filled her in on.

“So,” Shade whispered to Snowflake, who was sharing a small sofa with her. “Do we just watch Cadence and Princess Luna do paperwork after we finish all our chores?”

“Yep,” Snowflake cheerfully whispered back. “If either of them need anything, we get them what they need. For the most part though, we kinda just sit here in silence unless Cadence decides to take a break.”

A knock came from the door. “Come in.” Cadence said with a yawn. The door opened and Shining Armor came in. “Oh, hi Shiny.”

“Hi Cady.” Shining smiled before returning to a neutral expression. His voice was professional as he spoke. “Princess Celestia has asked for your presence in the throne room.”

“Alright.” Cadence got out of her seat. “Lead the way.” She gave a brief kiss to Shining’s cheek before leaving the room.

“Do we follow them or…?” Shade asked, now in a normal volume.

Snowflake stood up and walked after them. “Yeah. Unless we’re asked not to, we kinda follow Cadence around like lost puppies.”

“Ah, gotcha.” Shade left her seat and also followed. She and Snowflake stayed a bit back from Cadence and Shining Armor. Although, they looked to be in work mode, as they were not being all affectionate and stuff like most newly wedded couples are said to do. ”These two either have a great work ethic or are just not as affectionate as stereotypes would say. Probably a bit of both.” Shade thought to herself.

”Aw, they’re so cute together.”

Shade stopped, looking around for a moment as she tried to discern the source of a sound she swore she heard. After looking for a moment and finding nothing, she shook her head and continued following the group down the castle halls.

Eventually, the throne room entrance came into view. Once at the entrance, Shining Armor turned to Shade and Snowflake. “Apologies, but you two must stay out here for the time being.”

“Of course, sir.” The two replied. Shining Armor opened the doors and allowed Cadence through before following and closing them behind him.

Shade sighed. “Now what, we just wait out here until we’re either allowed in or until Cadence is done talking with Princess Celestia?”

Snowflake shrugged. “Either or. I wonder what the meeting is about?”

“Who knows?” Shade shrugged. “Could be anything.”

Within the throne room, the princesses and guard captain talked. “Cadence, Captain Armor.” Shining Armor bowed to Princess Celestia and Cadence gave a nod.

“What’s up?” Cadence asked.

“I have grave news, I’m afraid.” Celestia sighed. “I’ve just been informed of something I’ve been dreading to hear of. I’m sure you’re both aware of what the Frozen North is like.” At the two’s nods she continued. “An old enemy has returned and is hiding there. King Sombra, of the Crystal Empire. I need you to go and help the residents of the Empire.”

“Wait, why us and not Twilight and her friends?” Cadence questioned. “Wouldn’t they be able to help?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, not alone, at least. I have sent a letter to Twilight, already informing her to come here with her friends. While they are being debriefed on the situation, I need the both of you to start heading to the Empire. Without the two of you, the ponies living there will sooner perish from the cold than be saved.”

With this in mind, Cadence and Shining Armor gave a determined nod. “When are we leaving?” Shining asked.

“Hopefully within the next hour.” Celestia replied. “I already have a train getting ready to leave. Pack what you need. I know that this is sudden, considering you both just came back from your honeymoon, but there’s no time to waste.”

“Of course, Aunty. I understand.” Cadence looked at Shining and gave a nod. “We’d best get to packing then.” Shining nodded in reply and the two went for the door.

“We won’t let you down, Princess.” Shining called as he opened the doors.

“I know you won’t.”

Shining Armor closed the door behind him, seeing that Cadence already went to talk with Shade and Snowflake.

“Shade, Snowflake. Shining and I have to get packing for something, could you help out?”

“Of course, it’s in the job.” Shade replied, Snowflake nodding in agreement.

“Great. Let’s head to my room first and then we’ll go to Shining’s office.”

“The Crystal Empire?” Shade questioned as she set down one of the boxes in the storage car. “It’s back?”

“Yep!” Cadence responded. “Celestia has tasked me and Shining to go and help, as it was in pretty bad shape before it disappeared.”

“And we’ll be getting assistance from Twilight and her friends,” Shining Armor added as he set one of the last boxes on board.

“Say, what if I came along?” Shade offered. “I don’t look it, but I can fight if there’s any danger.”

“I appreciate it, Shade. But I don’t want you to get hurt or anything,” Cadence shot down.

“Please?~” Shade begged. “If you don’t want me to assist, I can stay out of the way. After last night, I feel like a break from Canterlot would be great for me.”

“What happened last night?”

“Oh, uh…a changeling might have locked me up in my closet and impersonated me?”

“What?!” Shining yelled. “I thought security was up more than usual since what happened.” He sighed. “The guard’s going to need to up their training by a lot. This can’t keep happening.” He waved it off. “Whatever, I’ll deal with it once we’re done with the Crystal Empire.”

Cadence sighed. “Fine, you can come. Just…be careful, okay?”

“Yes ma’am!” Shade gave a salute. “I’ll go get some clothes for the trip.” Shade lit their horn and disappeared in a flash of light.

“Since when could she teleport?” Shining could only shrug at Cadence’s question. “I could’ve sworn she said she couldn’t.”

Within a few minutes, Shade teleported back to the train with a pair of saddlebags equipped. “Done!”

“Are you sure you don’t need anything else?”

“I’m sure.” Shade nodded. “I’m a man of simple needs.”

“You mean mare?”

“That’s what I said.” Shade went into the passenger car, followed by the royal couple. In a separate car, there were already a large group of guards ready to help when needed. The train gave a whistle before it started to slowly chug along, gaining speed as it started to head down Canterlot’s mountain.

”Why am I throwing myself into this?” Shade suddenly wondered in her thoughts. ”I know how dangerous this is and I can’t even fight! The times I looked to have fought are times I can’t remember a lick of.” Ah well, too late now for Shade to back out. She’ll just have to hope that luck’s on her side during this trip.

Author's Note:

Hm. I’m unhappy with the chapter. Something feels off about it. It could simply be because of the fact that the Crystal Empire is already back, but I kinda wanna chug along to where my inspiration is, otherwise this will just die in the water before I make it to the finish line.