• Published 15th Sep 2021
  • 2,933 Views, 31 Comments

A Mentally Unstable and Powerful Changeling...Yeah - Taken-By-Insanity

Y’all know the deal of these kinds of stories. Transported into Equestria, new body, etc. But, this is a Changeling with more power than anyone should have... Well, might as well have some fun with it. Let us hope there are no repercussions for this.

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Chapter 17: You’re Not Allowed Here

Princess Luna entered the Dream Realm with one goal in mind. After briefly checking and dealing with nightmares, the princess locked in on one specific pony. ”Here we are.” The princess walks up to a door. It held the appearance of a great hall's double doors. The doors were made of a dark oak and had a mix of silver and gold making up swirls that connected to its hinges. The princess grabbed one of the door’s crystalline handles and opened the door.

Once past the door, the princess began to look around. She was in a large hall, reminiscent of something familiar. ”The architecture is very similar to our old castle.” The princess idly thought to herself as she started to walk, her shoes making no sound as she walked on the carpet that covered the floor.

The princess heard something loud down the hall after walking for a few moments. ”A dreamer.” She faded from view before a unicorn came around the corner.

It was Fury, with his skull eyepatch and jagged marks under the eyes. “Leave me the fuck alone!” He yelled behind him, walking at a brisk pace. His steps could be felt by the princess, through the carpet and stone floor.

Depression, the one with the unique wings and skull pupil, followed Fury at a distance. He still had that mark of fur under his eye, making it look like he’s been crying. He walked in a more relaxed pace. “Can’t, dad’s orders were to watch you.”

”There's the two I first saw here. My senses still tell me they’re dreamers.” The princess watched as the two walked past here. ”But there are still more.”

Depression suddenly stopped. He looked behind, in the direction that the princess was in. The princess dared not even breathe as the pegasus stared.

“The fuck are you looking at?” Fury yelled from the end of the hall.

Depression shrugged and turned away. “I thought I sensed something. Guilt and sadness. I guess I was imagining things.”

“Yeah, and I sensed anger, because everyone here is a fucking prick!” Fury continued his angry stride as he rounded another corner. Depression lagged behind.

Princess Luna sighed in relief once they were out of sight. “That was close.” She continued in the opposite direction of the two, hoping to find what she was looking for.

After rounding the corner the two came from, the princess found herself in a completely different environment. The stone floor was replaced with white tiles and the carpet was gone. A hall full of doors greeted her, fluorescent light illuminating the hallway. Princess Luna tried to open the first door she saw to her left. She turned the handle, but it gave resistance. Leaving the door alone, she tried another and was given the same results.

She kept trying doors until one eventually opened. She walked into a dark hospital room, the only light illuminating the bed. Sitting on a chair next to the bed was a monochrome unicorn stallion. He wore a suit and tie and was watching the one on the bed.

The mare on the bed was a pegasus that was mostly made up of shades of pink. Her pale coat of fur was paler than the normal ponies would be. Her pink mane was set in a way to cover one of her eyes and was tied in a bow. On her flank was the faded mark of a heart with a blanket.

The unicorn sighed. “Why is this happening? Why did I have to lose you and Mania?” His black eyes were teary and he was taking deep, shaky breaths. He put his face into his hooves as he visibly tried to not break down. “We were supposed to grow old and see our kids become adults. I can’t do this alone. I’m barely home as it is, trying to keep the business running.”

Princess Luna watched the heartfelt scene with a realization. ”That’s Love, Paranoia’s wife.” She looked at the unicorn. ”This must be a memory.”

“I already have to deal with how Disgust can never leave the hospital, and that was already a big toll on my heart. Now this…” He took a much deeper, shakier breath. “I’ll try to stay strong. I’ll spend more time at home for you. I pray that Banshee takes good care of you and Mania.”

The room faded away and Princess Luna found herself in a much different room. She was in a large stone box. Dotted on the walls were thrones jutting out of the wall. Each one had a different mark on them. ”One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…nine and ten.” The princess paused at the sight of the only two thrones that were occupied.

On a golden throne, a figure was covered in glowing chains. The figure struggled and Princess Luna could feel the bloodlust coming off of them in waves. She paid special attention to the mark above the throne. ”A cracked golden scale…It can’t be.”

The princess whipped her head to the other throne. It was black with holes dotted around it. The bound figure was obscured by the darkness of the chains, sucking the very light shining on them. Above the throne was a black crown with purple beads at the end of the curved spires jutting out of it, but it was not a mark on the throne, it was an actual object floating above the figure.

“This crown…it reminds me of the changeling queen’s, based on the images of her in recent nightmares.” She approached the darkened figure.

She suddenly froze, unable to move. “I see we have an intruder.” Princess Luna turned toward the voice and was surprised at what she saw.

In front of her was a colt. He had a pale coat, almost obscured by his purple hoodie and the shadow of his hood. He waved a hoof with a smile. “Ah ah ah, it’s rude to snoop in someone’s mind. Or did you never get told that because of your stature?”

He waved his hoof in a direction and Princess Luna was launched in that same direction. The thrones disappeared before she hit the wall, falling to the floor with a grunt. “How am I being overpowered by a mere child?” The princess muttered to herself as she stood up.

“Being dead gives you a good power boost.” The child answered. He gave a small wave. “Hello, my name is Fear. My special talent is scaring others and, as of my death, making nightmares. I’ve got almost the same power you do in this realm, Luna. Maybe even more, since I’m not a hundred percent alone.”

“What do you mean ‘I’m not alone’? As far as I’m aware, I’m the only creature able to enter and manipulate the Dream Realm.”

“Oh, sorry. Did you think I was talking about someone in the real world? I’m talking about the nightmares.” His purple eyes shined with mirth as Luna looked at him, appalled.

“You employ the help of nightmares?!”

“But of course. I am one, after all.” The kid put a hoof to his head and he fell to his knees. He was shaking and tears were falling down his face. He looked terrified. And, just as quickly as he switched, he went back to being confident. “At least, that’s how the kid sees it. Suits me just fine, as it makes dealing with nightmares go swimmingly.”

Princess Luna scowled. She charged magic into her horn and fired at the disgusting being. The colt took a step to the side and dodged the blast. “You’re in home territory, Luna. You’re at a huge disadvantage here.”

“I will free that child from you, monster!” Princess Luna screamed.

“Have fun trying. I doubt you’re much better than the doctors were.” Fear taunted. He dodged another blast from the Princess before being hit from behind, the Alicorn having teleported behind him while he was distracted. He launched a few feet before hitting the ground face first. “Ouch.” He got up and dusted himself off. “That hurt.” Chains erupted from the stone floor and wrapped around Princess Luna.

The princess fell over, the chains surprisingly able to handle her power. “It’s too bad we can’t keep you locked up here.” Fear idly said as he walked to the prone princess. “You’d be in a coma and that would cause too much panic. And that’s not even considering how crowded it already is here.” He crouched down and stared at the princess in the eye. “So we’ll just have to wipe your memory. Right after learning how to keep you out of here.”

With a growl, Princess Luna’s coat darkened to black as she made an explosion of magic, pushing the colt back. She then charged more magic and teleported to another place. The Princess was back in the hospital hallway.

“I need to learn more. That colt seems to have enough power to actually fight me here.” Luna said to herself as her fur returned to its normal color. She started to try more doors. “It would be best to avoid him for now.” After a few doors, she quickly found a new one that opened to her.

She was in a dark room with a spotlight shining onto another bed. The same monochrome unicorn was there, on his knees with tears streaming down his face. It didn’t take long for the princess to figure out why. ”She’s dead.”

A pale green pegasus with a brown mane and tail laid on the bed. There was no mark on her. The description was spot on for who the princess thought it was. ”This is Disgust, the sick daughter. This must be after she died.”

“Damn that nurse.” Paranoia muttered to himself. “Was incompetent enough to give too much of your medicine. First Mania and Love, n-now you.” He took a deep, shaky breath. “M-May Banshee watch over you fondly. And may Vie give you a chance of a b-better life if you ever come back.” He sniffled.

“I’ll let them take you away now. A-At least you won’t suffer anymore, right?” He clenched his teeth. “I-I hope not.”

A sudden crack resounded throughout the room and the princess flared her wings. “I’ve been found already.” She flew upward before the room shattered like glass, leaving her in a white void.

“Fucking bitch!” A ball of white fire whizzed past, the princess narrowly dodging it. Fury walked to her, each step creating a new space to fill up the void. With a stomp, a new environment came into existence. “Get the fuck out of our head!” The ground was charred black and covered in glowing red cracks, lava just underneath. In the distance, a smoking volcano appeared as the ground rumbled. The place was a volcanic wasteland.

“I do not wish to fight you, Fury!” The princess yelled back.

“I don’t care if you want to fight, you fucking asked for it by stepping foot in here!” Fury screamed, a ball of molten lava forming in his hoof before it launched toward the princess. Luna made a shield to block the shotgun of a blast. Dismissing it, she charged her magic for another teleport.

“You aren’t getting away that easily!” The ground rumbled before a hole opened up underneath the princess, lava erupting into the sky. In quick reflex, she changed her spell to make a bubble to shield her.

The lava was quick to exhaust and before another attack could launch, Luna teleported away again. She was back in a castle hall. She flew down the hall, furiously searching for more, anything that could help explain what was going on.

She quickly found a door covered in glowing chains. The door was made of some form of crystal, fading into different colors as she looked at it. She pulled at the door, but it wouldn’t budge. Next to it was another door made of some black material. She couldn’t tell what it was, but she tried it anyway.

The door opened. “Finally. Hopefully this door has-“ Chains suddenly wrapped around her muzzle, silencing her. The door then shut and new chains covered it.

“There you are.” Chains continued covering the princess until only her eyes were the only thing not covered. The chains turned her toward the voice and she was surprised to see who it was. Monochrome unicorn, suit and tie, and cold, calculating eyes.

”Paranoia. Owner of Paranoid Security and father of the Verstand family.”

“Hello, Princess.” The unicorn greeted her with a frown. “I don’t appreciate you looking into my memories, but I suppose I can’t argue. I would’ve done the same, just in case.” Behind him was the purple colt, giving a small smile of amusement.

“I’m sorry to do this, but you must understand our situation. If anyone were to find out, we may become targets. More than the host already is for who she is.” He held up a hoof, ready to cast whatever spell he had. His mark of a cracked stone heart glowed as he stared into the princess’ eyes.

“Goodbye.” Light blinded the princess as the spell was cast. She then knew no more as her consciousness faded. Chains left her as the ponies approached her body. “Throw her out, Fear. I can feel the protections she has in her own mind, we can’t get any information out of her.”

“With pleasure.” Dark purple covered the princess before her body floated to the same door she came in from. “Until next time.” The colt gleefully said before her unconscious body was thrown through the door and into the dreamscape.