• Published 15th Sep 2021
  • 2,932 Views, 31 Comments

A Mentally Unstable and Powerful Changeling...Yeah - Taken-By-Insanity

Y’all know the deal of these kinds of stories. Transported into Equestria, new body, etc. But, this is a Changeling with more power than anyone should have... Well, might as well have some fun with it. Let us hope there are no repercussions for this.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Control is Difficult

Shade didn't know what was going on. All that she could see was red. She was hit with something and she was already angry after hearing the false Cadance’s laugh and voice. Now she was feeling close to...furious.

Before Twilight could attack Cadance, a wall of fire separated the two. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Shade chillingly said. She walked away from the dent in the wall that she made as her horn glowed red with small bubbles of green.

Before anything could happen, Cadance casted a spell on Shade. It was a simple calming spell, but it was enough to stop the wall of flames and to make Shade stop channeling magic. She rubbed her skull as she groaned. “Why do I feel like I just ate something spicy? And what is with this headache?”

“Sorry Shade. The headache is a side effect of the spell. But, it usually isn’t felt until the spell wears off.” Cadence explained, regret obvious in her voice. It was this that gave Twilight pause. The Cadance she had been dealing with didn't act anything like this Cadance, who was making sure that Shade felt okay.

“Cadance? Is that actually you?” Now no longer blinded by rage, Twilight actually took in Cadance’s appearance.

“Yeah. Yeah, it’s me Twilight.”

Twilight took a moment of silence before trying something. Something that the imposter didn't know. “Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake...”

Cadence, realizing what Twilight was doing, continued the phrase they made along with her. “Clap your hooves and do a little shake!”

“It’s really you!” Twilight and Cadence quickly brought each other into an embrace. Such a heartwarming scene, if the only one watching didn't have a headache that slightly annoyed her.

“Come on mares, we got a wedding to save.” Shade stated, turning toward the direction they were planning on going before walking. The other two finished their hug before following along.

“So, who are you?” Twilight questioned. It made sense that she had no clue who this other unicorn was. Why would she be down here with Cadance?

“The name’s Shade. I'm a unicorn not from around here and am, unfortunately, homeless.” Shade started, intending on giving a brief summary that would explain who she was while adding some small new details. “My talent is drawing art and using a unique type of magic with it and I am twenty years old with no living family to speak of.”

Cadence and Twilight took a few moments to process what Shade said. Most of it Cadence already had known due to their earlier chats but the lack of family and her age were new. “Can you explain the magic that you use for me?” Twilight asked. “I’ve never heard of someone using magic with art at all.”

“Hmm,” Shade weighed her options with this question. She could say yes and just spout what the character can do, without knowing how to do it herself, or she could choose to not answer and suffer from the silence. “I…suppose I could go into more detail on that.”

“So, to put it simply. The magic I use can bring art to life.” Shade began, pulling what information about this original character she could remember. “I can make pieces of art move or bring them into reality as three-dimensional objects. Of course, I can't bring living things into reality.” As the explanation was being given, Shade felt...something in her head. It felt close to a headache but it wasn't at all painful, it was more to a dull drumbeat. “Anything living would become colored sculptures if I bring them to reality. The last use of this magic that I know of is being able to put others into an art piece and back out. They’re the only livings things I could bring to reality.”

“Wow...” Twilight was starry-eyed after hearing about such magic. This must be a new type! Obviously, it would classify under reality-warping, something rarely touched upon due to its inability to be used by most but still, it was a new type of magic!

“Wow. That's a pretty impressive talent there. I'm sure you must’ve gotten a lot of bits from your business before your home burned down because of that, ” Cadence commented, not nearly excited by the fact that it was an undiscovered magic as Twilight was.

“Yeah, that would be why I haven't been in serious need of housing for a while. It's too bad I also lost my sketchbook in that fire,” Shade sighed, remembering the original character’s trusty sketchbook. “If I just had that, I wouldn't even need to look for any employment. I’d be set to living comfortably in no time.”

“So, wait. Does this magic work on anything at all?” Twilight asked, wishing for more details.

“I...guess? All it really requires is a piece of art. A painting, a sketch on paper, anything like that could work, ” Shade responded. She knew she was now in for a heap of questions.

“What about things like sculptures? Or poetry?”

“Well...I can't work with sculptures. I could place it into a picture and take it out but I can't animate it. And poetry is just words, so I can't work with it.”

Twilight had a paper and quill in hand as she quickly jotted down notes.

“Oh look, a minecart, ” Shade pointed out, not wanting to answer any more questions before they started going bizarre. “Maybe this will lead us out of here.” Twilight used telekinesis to take the rocks inside of the cart and place them to the side. Twilight and Cadence hopped in before Shade gave it a push, jumping in before it would start to gain momentum.

The episode made it seem like a short ride, but it was a really, really long one instead.

“-take one down, pass it around. 19 bottles of cider on the wall - Oh, look. The track’s about to end.”

Cadence and Twilight gave a “Huh?” after hearing the interruption of Shade’s singing before looking ahead of the cart’s tracks. Sure enough, the ending of the track was in sight. Above a gorge.

“Do either of you have an idea on how to survive this? I'm sure you could fly, Princess Cadence but I don't know any spells that could help me here and unless Twilight knows one, we’re kinda screwed.” Shade was not looking on dying or, if she did somehow survive, experience such a fall. It would definitely be a painful one.

“I got it!” Twilight took out the paper and quill she wrote notes on before flipping it to its blank side and giving it to Shade. “Quick, draw a continuation of the track and bring it to life!”

“What?!” Shade was not prepared for that response. She doesn't even know the spells she was talking about before! But she needed to if she wanted to live past the hour. “Okay, okay.” The end of the track was fast approaching as Shade quickly did her best to draw it continuing. She could see the other side so that helped immensely. She just needed to continue it from the broken end and make it go to the other side.

“Done!” She finished surprisingly quickly, but now she had to cast the needed spell. Why did she have to tell them about those spells when she couldn’t cast any?! Or know the spell?!

“What are you waiting for? Cast the spell!”

“I know, I know!” Shade channeled her magic, desperately trying to imagine the image coming to life with her eyes closed. Surprisingly, she casted a spell. Magic seeped into the page before flying out to the broken track. The image on the paper was erased and, after a flash of light, a new track was made for the minecart to follow.

“Yes!” Twilight jumped for joy, Shade soon joining in after opening her eyes and seeing the result of her spell. Although, Shade didn't think of making the new track so that the cart would lose its momentum. Or a spot where it would park. This mistake resulted in the cart falling forward once the track ended, launching the trio out and into the ground. It's a miracle that none of them were injured from sliding along the rough stone.

“The hurt.” Shade nonchalantly said as they got up.

“Gee, I wonder why,” Twilight replied sarcastically.

“Whatever. We’re alive and that's what matters.” Cadence said. “And look, there's an exit!”

It was at this time that Shade realized something. ‘Where are those bridesmaids that were here to stop these two?’ She brought up the paper and quill once again and quickly drew a bouquet of roses, remembering that distracting them within the show. It turned out to be unneeded though, for none of them were there. Strange.

The plan was going perfectly. Chrysalis had replaced the Princess of Love with no suspicion besides that one unicorn. And all the flaws in her acting was chalked up as stress by anyone who noticed! And now, the wedding ceremony was happening. Soon, her hive will break through Shining Armor’s shield and will decimate the city. She wasn't too confident in fighting off Celestia, but the love that Shining supplied was enough to make her feel confident enough to do so.

Everyone was in position. All that needed to be done now is the ceremony.

Celestia, in her usual golden regalia, walked up to the podium and began her speech. “Welcome everyone, to the wedding of my niece, Princess Cadence, and her soon-to-be-husband, Shining Armor. I’d like to thank you all for coming to attend and-” A thump against the door at the end of the hall sounded suddenly, interrupting Celestia’s little speech.

Everyone turned to the door, surprise and confusion plaguing the attendees’ faces. Another thump was sounded against the door, shaking it and notably the room. “Chrysalis!” A voice sounded from beyond the door, accompanied by another thump afterward.

The mentioning of her true name unnerved Chrysalis as she was in her disguise. Who could possibly know her name? Whispers of confusion came across the crowd after that. “Who’s Chrysalis?” None of the attendants have heard that name before.

More thumps occurred, shaking the room and door more and more as the door’s hinges groaned in complaint. “I! Will make you! Pay for putting me in those caves!” An unfamiliar unicorn was on the other side of the door as she broke down the door, burn marks on them as they fell to the floor. She had a grey coat and black mane and tail. She had red eyes and was noticeably giving off smoke.

The stranger took a moment to look around the room before her glare intensified on ‘Cadence.’ “Damn you, Chrysalis!” A ball of flames above the unicorn’s horn before she launched it toward the disguised Chrysalis.

A golden barrier stopped the ball of fire before it could make its mark. A gasp went through the crowd, shocking everyone that someone would attack Cadence. Especially on her wedding day. Princess Celestia stepped around the podium she stood at, a frown marring her elegant face. “What is the meaning of this?”

Why should I tell you, huh?! You wouldn't believe me if I told my reasons for attacking that imposter! Just get out of my way!” Another ball of fire was thrown, this one blue instead of orange.

Another barrier met her assault. “I’m sure we can talk this out, my little pony.”

Please, like you would listen. Stop protecting that fake!

Before the stranger could throw another fireball, Twilight Sparkle ran into the hall. “Wait!” She pointed at ‘Cadence.’ “That’s not the real Cadence!” At this, everyone on the stage rolled their eyes. She's at it again.

“And what makes you think that?” Rainbow Dash yelled from the other side.

“Because.” Cadence walked into view of the doorway, dramatically revealing herself. This, understandably, caused everyone to gasp in surprise. “That is a changeling, a creature that takes on your appearance and feeds off of love!”

Now let me kill her!” Another ball of fire was at the ready. Shade could barely contain her rage. She was mad at everyone within the room. She was mad at the real Cadence and Twilight, the nobles filling the room, the Sun Princess. She felt rage toward everything she saw. ”What is wrong with me?” She didn't understand why she was like this. Being mad at Chrysalis made sense, but everything else? It made absolutely no sense.

‘Cadence’ sighed with a roll of her eyes. “I was hoping that you wouldn't ever find your way out. No matter, I can work with this.”