• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 2,188 Views, 84 Comments

Altered Perspectives: Adapting to Change - CapNTilfy

The students and staff of Crystal Prep Academy continue to struggle to come to terms with what happened at the Friendship Games.

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Hanging Over

Cadance opened the door to let Radiant Hope in, and received a great big hug.

Cadance returned the hug with a long sigh, feeling Hope’s love, friendship and warmth. After everything she’d been through recently, this was a more than welcome feeling! She wanted it to last for as long as possible… even though she knew she’d have to let go eventually. She mustered up some willpower, then broke the hug.

Hope closed the door, then took a good look at Cadance, eyeing her up and down. “Feeling any better?”

Cadence made a sputtering noise. “Marginally.”

“Well, that’s better than nothing.”

Cadance nodded, then gestured Hope forth. “Can I get you something to drink?”

Hope shook her head. “Not right now, maybe later.”

“To the living room, then.”

Cadance sat in a loveseat while Hope sat across from her on a sofa.

“So,” Hope said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Magic. Strange creatures emerging from portals. Students transform-”

“I know what happened,” Cadance said wearily as she put a hand to her forehead. “I was there, and I don’t want to relive it more times than I have to.”

“It was a lot to take in.”

Cadance barked a mirthless laugh. “It was.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if Crystal, myself, and all the other guidance counselors got inundated with students on Monday.”

“Yeah… if there’s anything I can do to help lighten the load, just let me know.”

Hope smiled with a nod. “Of course.”

Cadance’s head began to pound, and she grit her teeth as she put her hands on her head.

“Are you okay?”

“Just a headache, Hope… I’ll be right back.” Cadance stood up, then headed to the nearest bathroom. A sudden wave of dizziness washed over her, and she stumbled slightly. She stopped for a moment to get her bearings back, then pressed forward. Hopefully this damned hangover would pass before the weekend ended… there was no way she would be able to focus like this!

Upon reaching the bathroom, Cadance looked at her reflection. Despite having just had a shower and getting dressed, there was no hiding the sadness in her eyes. She truly regretted drinking herself to oblivion, and not just because of the hangover. No. It was because she took the easy way out. A simple fix that she knew would only make things harder for her.

Cadance sighed heavily as she shook her head slowly. She was disappointed in herself, letting temptation get the better of her. Yet, despite everything that had befell her over the last twenty-four hours, she was eager to share what little good news she had.

Cadance filled up a cup of water, then paused for a moment. Why was she doing this? She already took some before she jumped into the shower! Rolling her eyes, she grunted in frustration as she walked back to her living room with her water.

“So,” Cadance said as she returned to the living room. “I have a bit of a silver lining for you.”

Hope raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Do tell!”

“Well…” Cadance trailed off as she felt heat rise to her face. “The night before the Friendship Games… I dreamt that Shining Armor and I were in a sauna together.”

Hope’s other eyebrow rose. “What happened?”

“We realized we had mutual feelings for each other.”

Hope’s eyes sparkled with joy as she got off of the sofa. “It finally happened, didn’t it, Cadenza,” she whispered excitedly.

Cadance nodded. “I didn’t know I felt that way about him until I woke up.”

Hope let out a little squeal as she rushed over to Cadance and hugged her. “I’m so happy for you!”

“Don’t be happy for me just yet,” Cadance said as she returned the hug. “I don’t know how Shining feels about me… but I hope to the Universe that he loves me too.” She shivered as she remembered the steamy, passionate lovemaking. His gentle yet firm touch. The taste of his tongue. The heat and weight of his body. The sound of his moaning.

Cadance smiled dreamily, and a chortle from Hope brought her back to reality.

“Goodness, you must’ve been hit hard!”

Cadance laughed softly. “It sure feels like it… I-I don’t know if I’ve ever felt this way about anyone before.”

Hope put a hand on Cadance’s shoulder. “It feels good, though, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah. It really does.” Cadance wanted to hold onto this feeling. It was borderline intoxicating, and she could only imagine how much stronger it would get should her love be reciprocated! The very thought made her heart flutter.

“That really is good news, Cadance,” Hope said as she took her hand off of her friend’s shoulder. “But I think we should get back to business.”

Cadance frowned slightly, and she forced herself to let go of the emotional high she was on. “Yeah,” she said resignedly. “You’re right.”

“So,” Hope said softly. “The calls must’ve been pretty bad for you last night, huh?”

Cadance sighed. “That’s putting it mildly… very mildly. I honestly don’t want to talk about that.” Angry calls. Scared calls. Confused calls. So many calls! She was getting overwhelmed just thinking about them! Her head pounded again, and she wondered when the damned medicine was going to kick in.

“Fair enough.” Hope folded her arms. “I have to say, though, as much as I trust Luna’s word, I’m having a hard time believing everything.”

“You wouldn’t be the first… I didn’t believe Luna when she told me about their Fall Formal or their Musical Showcase, so I sent Benefactor to record as much as they could.” Cadance looked away. “But I should’ve thought about the danger first.”

“How’s Benefactor doing? Even they must’ve been shaken up quite a bit.”

“They were. They said they were going to step back for a bit.” Cadance made a mental note to herself to check in with Neighsay tomorrow. She imagined he’d still need some time to himself to regroup.

Cadance’s phone rang, and she picked it up.

Now Calling: Twilight Sparkle

Cadance accepted the call. “Yes, Twilight?”

“Dean Cadance?” The voice on the other end wasn’t Twilight’s, but it was somehow familiar to Cadance…

Cadance’s eyes narrowed. "Who is this?"

"My name is Sunset Shimmer, and I just got word that your Headmistress somehow found her way into Equestria."