• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 2,188 Views, 84 Comments

Altered Perspectives: Adapting to Change - CapNTilfy

The students and staff of Crystal Prep Academy continue to struggle to come to terms with what happened at the Friendship Games.

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Lemon Zest slowly opened her eyes, and a smile spread across her face. She all but jumped out of bed, knowing almost immediately which song she wanted to hear. She turned on her musical device and found the tune.

Lemon nodded her head to the beat. The guitar and organ kicked in, and she strutted over to her dresser as she took her pajamas off. She grinned widely and began dancing as the horn and turntables started up, then lip-synced along with the rapper. She swayed her hips, swinging her arms as she grabbed a bra and put it on with speed and flexibility that would make a seasoned stripper do a double-take.

Lemon giggled, impressed with herself. Seems those lessons with Foot Steps were paying off in spades! She reached for her panties, then froze up as memories of yesterday's events caught up with her. Slowly returning to reality, she grabbed them, then put them on.

Lemon sat down on the floor in her underwear as the song finished, and she stared at her wall with a sigh. She then laid on her floor and stared up at her bedroom ceiling, feeling her long hair from the top of her back all the way down to her bottom.

For reasons Lemon couldn't explain, this position had made her feel more secure. She decided to stay that way.

Cadance woke up to an incredibly painful headache. She grit her teeth, then muttered under her breath as she slowly got out of bed. The moment her foot touched the floor, the world started spinning.

"Oh, f-f-fu..."

Cadance toppled to the floor with a yelp. She made a sputtering noise as she put a hand to her head. She knew drinking was going to be a bad idea, but did she listen to herself? Noooo... Ugh, maybe she should just fall asleep here. Did she even fall asleep at all last night?

Cadance slowly shook her head, and the room spun again.

"D... Dammit..."

Cadance wasn't going to take any chances. She stumbled her way to the bathroom, then lifted both the toilet lid and seat and just sat on the floor, staring at a transparent reflection of a woman who's had a rough go of things.

Within minutes, Cadance's stomach violently protested.

Indigo laid in her bed, completely under the covers. She had been up for a few hours already, and she decided she'd be much safer there. Curled up, enveloped in warmth while occasionally lifting her comforter for fresh air, making a noise every now and then to signify her contentment.

Indigo had heard shuffling from downstairs for the past half-hour, a clear indication that her parents were awake and active. Now doubt within minutes the scent of breakfast would reach her nose and coax her downstairs.

Indigo wasn't going to kid herself. Despite her hesitation to get out of bed due to the magical insanity from yesterday, she knew nothing was going to keep her from food. Nothing. Not even...

Indigo shuddered at the memory of Twilight's monstrous form. The plant monsters... the portals... the scent of bacon caused her to shoot out of her bed and fly out the door.


Sunny Flare woke up and hurried to her computer. She logged onto MyStable immediately, hoping she received a response.


Sunny sighed. She shouldn't have gotten so worked up over a response, even if it alleviated her guilt. Flash would answer when he was good and ready, and Sunny wouldn't glue herself to her computer waiting for an unknowable amount of time. She had her own life to live, after all.

Sunny logged off of MyStable and cracked her neck. This little snag aside, her optimism form yesterday hadn't wavered in the slightest. Hell, she survived certain death!

A chill ran down Sunny's spine. She... she really did survive. That was mortal danger she was in!

Sunny felt lightheaded as she got up off of her desk chair. Her breathing became uneven, and she closed her eyes.

Calm down, Sunny... calm down...

Sunny could've been hit by one of those magical rays. She could have fallen through the portals...

Sunny Flare whimpered as the gravity of yesterday finally hit her full force...

....then everything went black.

Sour Sweet grunted as she slowly rose from the hard floor, then cracked her neck with a yelp. "Needed that more than I thought I did!"

"I sure as hell felt that!"

Did it hurt?

"It didn't hurt you, so it didn't hurt me."

Sweet shrugged.

"So... what do you wanna do today?"

Oh, I think I have an idea... Sweet took her phone out of her pocket, then reached her contacts. Smiling, she dialed up a friend...

Sugarcoat slowly woke up to the familiar sound of Neon's snoring. She felt his hand on the small of her back, and she sighed blissfully as she closed her eyes. She was in a moment she wouldn't trade anything for, hearing his heartbeat with her head resting on his chest.

This was pure heaven, and Sugarcoat reveled in it.

In a matter of minutes, Neon stopped snoring, then stirred and opened his eyes.

Sugarcoat laughed softly, then reached out and took Neon's hand and laced her fingers with his. "Morning, hot stuff," she whispered.

"Hey, Sugar." Neon gently ran his thumb up and down the small of Sugarcoat's back, and she shivered with a giggle. "How're you feeling?"

"My everything is sore as fuck."

Neon barked a laugh. "Same here, hon... same here."

"Can you even move?"

Neon smiled warmly. "I think the better question is 'do I even want to?'"

Sugarcoat sighed happily and nuzzled Neon's chest, finishing with a quick peck. "I know I don't."

Neon slowly traced his finger up Sugarcoat's spine, eliciting another giggle and shiver. "Listen to the both of us, smooth-talking each other," he said with a grin.

"Yeah... if my body wasn't so wrecked right now..." Sugarcoat trailed off, gazing alluringly at Neon.

"You're not too worn out for a kiss or two, are you?"

Sugarcoat scooted up to Neon's face. "Not even five," she whispered, then planted her lips on his.

Neon opened his mouth and sighed upon tasting Sugarcoat's tongue as he ran a hand through her hair.

Sugarcoat broke the kiss, then gently caressed Neon's cheek with her thumb. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Neon and Sugarcoat wrapped their arms around each other and kissed again. Then again. Then again.

Neon winced and let out a grunt.

"You okay, hot stuff?"

"Yeah," Neon said in a strained tone. "Just a... small muscle cramp..." He put his arm on his left shoulder. "Hurts right here."

Sugarcoat gently massaged Neon's shoulder, and he sighed. "Thanks..."

"Of course, hon," Sugarcoat said as she got off of Neon.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to start a shower," Sugarcoat said as she walked into her bathroom. "A nice hot one where we can massage and soothe each other."

Neon smiled. "Ooh, I like the sound of that." He got off of Sugarcoat's bed and followed her into the bathroom.

Abacus woke up for what felt like the hundredth time since she went to bed. That damnable nightmare had persisted, and there seemed to be nothing she could do about it! She growled. She couldn't very well go about her day and not be of sound mind if she could help it. Perhaps some tea with her breakfast should be in order.

Abacus' thoughts drifted to what her father, Sombra, would have done. She scoffed almost immediately. He had dementia, there was nothing that he could have done!

Abacus got out of bed and recalled all that she had planned for the future: Find an heir to take over Crystal Prep, get help for her constant nightmares, get the outcome of the Friendship Games to be reversed, exact revenge on those who mocked her, and find a way to that alternate world!

There was so much for Abacus to do, but she had the whole day ahead of herself.

As did everyone else.