• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 2,188 Views, 84 Comments

Altered Perspectives: Adapting to Change - CapNTilfy

The students and staff of Crystal Prep Academy continue to struggle to come to terms with what happened at the Friendship Games.

  • ...

Home from School

Lemon heaved a sigh as she left the bus. She was absolutely fucking drained, and she wanted nothing more than to take a shower and a quick nap... then figure out why the hell she thought of Rarity during that song.

Upon reaching the door, Lemon made a sputtering noise. Her head was so full of so many other things, she had forgotten that her parentals would want to know how the Friendship Games went!

"Son of a bitch," Lemon muttered under her breath as she slowly opened the door. Maybe her parents won't pry about it too much. Maybe.

Lemon closed the door behind herself. "I-I'm home," she said wearily.

Lemon's father, Citrus Splash, walked into the foyer with a smile, then gasped when he saw her. "Whoa, hon... you look like you had it rough today!"

Screw it, Lemon was going to tell her parents. Let them have her committed later. "That's a freaking understatement, Dad... can you get Mom in the living room? You're not going to believe what happened."

Within minutes, Florid Abundance had joined Citrus and Lemon in the living room.

Lemon took a deep breath, then sighed. "Okay. Before I start... you guys know that I can't lie to you."

Citrus and Florid nodded in acknowledgement.

"Good... because I wasn't bullshitting when I said you wouldn't believe it." Lemon then proceeded to tell her parents everything that happened during the Friendship Games in great detail, nearly breaking down twice. Once when she told them of Twilight's transformation opening portals, then again when she recounted Twilight's decision to transfer.

Once Lemon finished, Citrus and Florid sat still in shock, their mouths agape.

"Now if you'll excuse me," Lemon said, even more drained than earlier. "I'm going to wash myself off, then fall asleep until the end of time." She started to walk out of the living room, then paused. "Oh, and make sure you get my straight jacket size right, okay?" With that, she went upstairs to her room.

It took Citrus and Florid several moments to process all they had been told.

"Dear god," Florid whispered.

"Cadance couldn't possibly have known that was going to happen... right?"

"Only one way to find out."

Citrus took his phone out of his pocket. "Yeah..."

Sunny Flare's optimism had not faltered since she left the bus, but her energy was low. She had no doubt in her mind that her parents would not believe a single word of what happened at the Friendship Games, so should she even bother trying? She had been there for the whole thing, and she herself found it all hard to believe!

Sunny sighed. At least she was home now, and she felt a great deal safer. With a tired smile, she opened the front door. "Mother! Father! I'm back!"

"Welcome back," her parents said from the kitchen. Sunny walked in, then sat at the table.

"How'd it go," Shimmering Glaze, her mother, asked.

"You're smiling, so I can only assume it went well," her father, Stellar Tycoon said.

Sunny's smile faded. "Actually, about that..."

With as straight a face as she could muster, Sunny told her parents everything that she had experienced. Even her encounter with that Flash person, then finished.

"...So now here I am, questioning damn near everything I know." Sunny sighed and shook her head. "Is this supposed to be some kind of extra karma for my earlier behavior?"

Stellar and Glaze shook their heads.

"If it was only your karma," Stellar said, "then only you would have experienced it."

Glaze gave Stellar a meaningful look, then turned to Sunny. "Are you going to be okay if we leave you alone for a bit?"

Sunny's smile returned. "I would actually welcome some alone time. I could use a good rest, among other things."

"Take all the time you need."

Sunny nodded, then left the kitchen as Stellar took out his phone.

Sour Sweet entered her vast and empty house. It was one of those rare occasions where she was actually glad to be home.

"So... where do we go from here," Side asked.

Sweet sighed. I have no idea. Maybe we should just take it easy this weekend. Both physically and mentally.

"You're not suggesting staying inside the whole weekend, are you?"

Sweet shook her head. Of course not. We'll figure out stuff to do later. Right now, I want to rest.

"Fair enough."

Sweet laid down on the floor and closed her eyes.

"Home..." Indigo had repeated that word over and over ever since she boarded the bus home, much to the irritation and confusion of those sitting nearby her.

"Home..." Indigo saw her house just a few feet away, and she perked up.

"Home!" The bus stopped, and Indigo bolted out, running at full speed until she reached the door as a lump formed in her throat.

Indigo opened the door, then nearly slammed it shut. "Home..." her voice cracked as Azure Feather walked out of the living room.

"Hey, Zap-oof!"

Indigo held her father tightly as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Home..." she sniffled, then broke. "Home," she repeated between sobs.

Alarmed, Twinkle Trick hurried out of the living room upon hearing her daughter cry. Together, she and Azure consoled Indigo.

Several minutes later, Indigo had calmed down, but still kept her grip on Azure.

"What happened," Twinkle asked.

"No talk just snuggle," Indigo responded. "No talk... no talk..." She sighed in contentment, and Azure and Twinkle exchanged glances.

"I'll get to the bottom of this," Twinkle said, then headed to the kitchen as she took her phone out of her pocket.

Sugarcoat reached home with Neon, then opened the door. Crystal Clarity and Upfront Sizzle, her mother and father respectively, walked up to the two.

"So how did it go," Crystal asked.

Sugarcoat narrowed her eyes. "The magic is real, everyone almost died, Neon and I are going to rest now."

"...What," Sizzle said flatly.

Neon shrugged as he and Sugarcoat all but hurried upstairs. "Talk to Cadance," he said, then shut the door behind himself.

Sugarcoat leaned against one of her bedroom walls and sighed heavily. "Fucking hell, It's good to be back." She started to take off her clothes. "I don't want you to get the wrong idea, hon. I'm still exhausted and I have no energy for sex right now."

Neon followed suit. "Same." He paused for a moment. "Do you feel any better now?"

"You mean after losing my shit in front of Cadance then bursting into tears after?"

Neon nodded as he finished stripping, then laid on Sugarcoat's bed.

"Neon. Hot stuff," Sugarcoat said as she finished. "You can't blame me for it."

"And I don't."

"But I know I shouldn't have taken it out on her." Sugarcoat got into her bed, then wrapped her arms around Neon and nuzzled into his chest with a happy sigh.

Neon gently ran a hand through Sugarcoat's hair. "Yeah. Everyone's gonna be calling her, demanding answers."

Sugarcoat closed her eyes. "Can we not talk anymore? It feels like it's been forever since we've been like this together."

"Of course, Sugar," Neon said softly.

Sugarcoat scooted up to Neon's face, then gave him a long and passionate kiss. "I love you," she whispered, then rested her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too." Neon caressed her back.

Within minutes, they both fell asleep.