• Published 26th Mar 2020
  • 2,028 Views, 94 Comments

Diplomat at Large - Evilhumour

Following her adventures in the Packlands, Twilight and Spike set off around the world on an extended diplomatic visit, while their friends have their own adventures back home.

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Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven

“Princess Celestia?”

Celestia looked up from the desk in Pinkie’s house (the local Lady of Laughter having offered to host a sleepover for all of them when she’d realized Celestia didn’t have a place to stay for the night) where she was studying some of the lyrics to the different songs the Rainbooms had been performing since they first formed, and saw Sunset. “Hello, Sunset,” she said. “Is there something I can do for you?”

Sunset shook her head as she sat down. “Couldn’t sleep,” she said. “I just…” she sighed. “I’ve been trying to figure this out since it all started.”

“You too?” Celestia asked. “Well, if you have ideas, I’d be glad to hear them.” She gestured to the papers on the desk. “I’ve been reading everything here, but nothing really seems right, like it would be a perfect counter. Oh, I see themes of friendship, but none that really… pop, if you get what I mean.”

“Yeah.” Sunset sighed again. “And it doesn’t help that the girls keep arguing over the littlest things sometimes.”

“Such as?” Celestia asked, setting the papers aside.

“Well… Rainbow Dash keeps letting her ego get ahead of her because she decided to form this whole band in the first place, after someone suggested it to her,” Sunset said. “Rarity’s all focused on her costumes. Fluttershy keeps complaining because Rainbow Dash doesn’t want to use her songs and insists on doing her own. Applejack doesn’t seem to have any problems of her own, but she keeps grumbling about Rainbow Dash and Rarity being… well, like I said. And Pinkie is Pinkie.” She looked down. “And I feel like an outsider,” she admitted.

“Sunset…” Celestia put a hand on her shoulder. “You have to give them some time,” she said. “Friendship cannot be forced. I admit, I encouraged you, and Twilight as well, to make friends. But I wanted you to go out and meet ponies, and let these friendships develop naturally. Not to make them happen, or make them one-sided. Besides.” She smiled. “Nopony’s perfect. We all have our own little differences.”

“I have a hard time picturing you as anything but perfect, Princess,” Sunset said.

“You and far too many others,” Celestia said with a sigh. “The truth is, what I am is controlled. I have mastered the art of restraining myself and holding back, because I dare not do otherwise. Which is one of the reasons I let my sister take charge of the art of war. She is able to think strategically for the battlefield, and it was her plan that allowed us to deal with the Storm King’s army; I, on the other hoof, specialize in speaking in such a way as to prevent a need for warfare. And yet in over a hundred years, I was unable to keep another nation from attempting, repeatedly, to extradite the members of Prince Blueblood’s family.” She smiled proudly. “Twilight restored the bonds of friendship between our two nations and got them to agree to call off their claims against him less than a week after she met them.”

“She what?” Sunset shook her head. “And I thought what she did here was amazing.”

“It was, from all I have heard,” Celestia said. “It’s what she does.” Then she looked at the pages. “If Twilight were here, she could probably figure this out much easier than I can,” she said. “Heartsongs are one thing, but musical study is quite another.”

“Maybe… we could try it together?” Sunset asked, hopefully.

“I’d like that a lot, Sunset.” Celestia smiled at her. “So tell me, what do you think of this?” She began to read one set of lyrics aloud, and then listened as Sunset gave her her honest opinion.

A day later, Sunset stood off to the side as the girls and Celestia gathered in one spot on a hill overlooking the grounds below.

Things had not gone well for a while, with the girls breaking down and arguing during their semi-final performance and the Dazzlings continuing their scheming to the point where they’d roped another band - Trixie and the Illusions - into trapping the seven of them under the stage when the Dazzlings were performing. There, the human girls had kept up their arguing, unsuspecting that they were feeding their magic to the very beings they were trying to stop in doing so until Sunset had yelled out at them, pointing out what they were doing.

Now, they were ready to counteract the sirens’ spell, as the trio sang from the main stage, the students and staff enthralled by their words.

Ah-ha, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, Ah-ha, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!” the trio sang. Then, Adagio began her part.

Welcome to the show, We're here to let you know, Our time is now,” she sang, before the others joined in on “Your time is running out!

Sunset watched in dread as they continued.

Feel the wave of sound, as it crashes down. You can't turn away, we'll make you wanna sta-a-a-ay..”

Then, as they continued, they began to glow and rise into the air.

We will be adored,” the trio sang. “Tell us that you want us. We won't be ignored, it's time for our reward. Now you need us, come and heed us. Nothing can stop us no-o-o-ow!

And with the last word, the magic covering them shattered, exposing three still recognizably human girls, but with pony ears, long extended tail-like hair, and fin-like wings as they stayed hovering.

Sunset turned back to her friends. “Now!” she called.

Celestia nodded, and began to sing the words Fluttershy had written for them.

Oh-oh, oh-whoa-oh, I've got the music in me. Oh-oh, oh-whoa-oh…

And then she continued. “Don't need to hear a crowd cheering out my name. I didn't come here seeking infamy or fame.

Then together.

The one and only thing, that I am here to bring is music, is the music. Is the music in my soul. Gonna break out (Out!) Set myself free, yeah. Let it all go (Go!). Just let it be, yeah. Find the music in your heart, let the music make you start to set yourself apart!

And as they sang, the five girls behind them each sprouted their wings, ears and extended tails. Only Celestia did not, but as Sunset watched, there was a glowing light in her eyes.

Down below, she could hear Adagio saying something, but she wasn’t sure what, until they began to sing again.

What we have in store, all we want and more. We will break on through, now it's time to finish you!

And with that, the trio’s pendants glowed, releasing new forms that manifested above them.

The sirens, in their true seapony-esque forms, though with more angled muzzles, sharper teeth and normal (for a land-based pony) front hooves. The trio, in gold, purple and blue, shot over the crowd towards the Rainbooms.

This is not what I expected, Celestia reflected. The other girls were unleashing their own magic, weaponized through the sounds of their instruments and appearing as magical constructs resembling the Cutie Marks of their Equestrian counterparts. Yet her own body stayed as human as it had been since she crossed through the mirror.

Is this because I don’t have the magic of Harmony anymore? she wondered. Or because despite my best efforts, I can’t quite see them as Twilight did?

Then, she heard a voice.


“Who’s there?” she mouthed.

Celestia. The voice stopped. Then, she heard it again. Celestia… is this what you wish?

“I… I don’t know what you mean,” she whispered again.

Do you wish to truly harmonize with them, to be their friend? the voice came.

“Yes!” she said without hesitating. “Yes, I want that. I want to be their friend…” she stopped for a moment, then looked up. “Whoever you are… help me. Help us.”

So be it, the voice whispered. Once you held my Power. Now, I give you a taste again, for the bonds of friendship you have formed are true.

And then she felt the magic flowing through her, mixing with the Power she already held, and heard loud gasps as she felt the ears and tail sprouting, and the wings of pure white, multi-colored trails flowing through the extended tail.

Then she reached out a hand. “Sunset Shimmer, we need you too!”

“Me? But-” Suddenly, Sunset looked determined as she took Celestia’s hand, and accepted the microphone from her. Without a moment’s hesitation, she began to sing.

You're never gonna bring me down, you're never gonna break this part of me. My friends are here to bring me 'round, not singing just for popularity.

As she and Celestia grasped hands, they began to sing together, the others joining in. “We're here to let you know, that we won't let it go. Our music is a bomb and it's about to blow. And you can try to fight, but we have got the light of friendship on our side!

Celestia grinned as they kept going. “Got the music in our hearts, we're here to blow this thing apart. And together, we will never be afraid of the dark. Here to sing our song out loud, get you dancing with the crowd as the music of our friendship, survives, survives!

And as Sunset’s own eyes glowed, the tail and ears sprouting, the seven rose into the air just as the Dazzlings had, and a set of seven rainbow-colored lights were released from them, forming a sphere above them that began to sprout glowing white wings.

Got the music in our hearts, we're here to blow this thing apart. And together, we will never be afraid of the dark. Here to sing our song out loud, get you dancing with the crowd, as the music of our friendship, survives, survives, survives!

And then, the winged sphere opened the rest of the way, revealing a pure white alicorn. Releasing a stream of power, it shattered the siren constructs, and then continued on to blast the sirens themselves, their pendants and transformations crumbling away as they collapsed to the ground.

“Urrgh…” Adagio groaned as she tried to struggle to her feet. “Come on, you - keep singing!”

But the other two weren’t listening. Indeed, Sonata was just groaning and rubbing her head, while Aria was suddenly looking angrier than anyone in Canterlot High had ever seen her.

“You!” she yelled at Adagio. “What did you do to us‽”

Adagio tried to look innocent. “Me? What did I do? It’s what they-”

Don’t play with me!” Aria roared as she suddenly had her hands on Adagio’s shirt, lifting her off the ground. “We’re sirens, but you did something to us, some kind of foreign magic! Tell me what you did! Tell me!

Behind her, Sonata groaned again. “Can you keep it down?” she whined. “I’ve got such a headache, and…” Then she gasped. “Oh my aching fins, you’re right, Aria!”

Aria gave her a look. “What fins? We haven’t had proper fins since we got here!”

“I know, but…” Sonata pointed to Adagio. “That magic! That… what she did, what she put into our pendants! That wasn’t normal siren magic! She used us!”

“Well duh!” Adagio spat. “It’s kind of my Duty. I spread Hatred, I needed you two dolts to expand my powers!”

From where she was standing, Celestia, who’d felt that extra trace of Power leave her as her change faded, gasped. “So that’s what she was up to,” she realized.

Back on the stage, Adagio had broken free. “All that Hatred, all that magic it enhanced, it fed us! Better than any normal siren magic could do! It’s my whole Purpose, and you two were just the sirens I needed to help do it!”

Sonata scratched her head. “Um… magically-enhanced hatred is one thing, but we're sirens; we're supposed to feed on hatred. Why would you be making us doing what we were doing anyway?"

Aria glanced at her. “For once, the ditz has a point,” she said. “We have rules, Adagio - sirens never use their powers on one another. Imposing your will on us, that was way out of line.”

“Yeah!” Sonata agreed. “Who do you think you are?”

“Who do I think I am?” Adagio seemed to swell up. “I am Hatred!” she spat. “And a true Lady of Hatred doesn’t need to explain herself! Now, do as I say, and-”

“That’s enough.”

Princess Celestia had stepped forward, and towered over Adagio. “You,” she said, “have broken Rules this day. Not only the laws of your people, but the Rules of what we are.”

“Of what-” Adagio glared. “Who do you think you are, Day?” she spat. “You’re nothing compared to me, you’re-”

“I was once and have been again, however briefly, a chosen of Magic,” Celestia said firmly. “What is more, you have targeted the Powers of Harmony for this land. You know the Laws, Adagio Dazzle. Harmony stands over Hatred, and your actions are a violation of all that binds us to our Roles.” She gave the girl a stern look. “I may not be authorized to punish you, but another can.”

“Oh? Who?”

“That would be me,” another voice purred, and then its source stepped onto the stage in a yellow zoot suit and wide-brimmed hat, twirling a golden cane with a representation of Twilight’s head on it. “So this is where you’ve been hiding all these centuries, little Hatred.”

Adagio’s eyes widened as she saw the person standing before her. “No…”

“Oh, yes!” The man now standing there, cackling, gave her a wicked smile. “It’s me, little Hatred! Lord of Disharmony! Champion of Chaos! Authorized to reign in any and all Powers under Chaos’s authority short of the four Apocalypses themselves, and even then I have some pull when it comes to them.”

“You let HIM out‽” Adagio shrieked. “What on Equus were you thinking‽

Celestia folded her arms. “Excellent timing,” she said to Discord. “But how did you know what was going on?”

“My dear, I am the champion of Chaos,” Discord told her. “I sensed a massive surge in such magic on this side and felt compelled to investigate. It’s part of my Duties, after all.” He gestured to Adagio, who was doing her best to calm down. “And that little runt has overstepped her boundaries. Reapers are one thing, Death is allowed to take adjuncts. But not Hatred.” He suddenly loomed over Adagio. “You know the Laws.

“Hah!” Adagio sneered. “This land is so magically dry; how can your Power even function here?”

“Why, that’s simple! It’s not.” Discord’s face was in hers. “The magic here is subtle, but I can tap it even if there’s just a speck about, what with all the natural chaos around. So I can do anything I want.” Suddenly, he reached his hand into hers and withdrew a glowing sphere of light.

“No…” Adagio gasped as she sank to her knees. “You can’t, you don’t have that authority.”

“Normally, I don’t but you know how Death hates to be bothered,” Discord said. “Now, to find a new host for this…” He frowned. “Two in one year, that’s actually a little disturbing.”


Discord looked as Aria walked up to him. “Yes?”

“What are these… Duties you mentioned? That she was supposed to be doing?”

“Why, to monitor the spread of negative emotions,” Discord said. “To encourage them from time to time, help others to let them out when needed. To act as a balance to Love. Creating them where none had existed is not permitted, but when they have a hint that it is already there yet is not being suitably channeled, that is a whole other story. Channeling anger and righteous hate at a suitable target is a good way to help one grow a spine when there is none; at the same time, letting it control you is not.”

Aria nodded. “Then… give it to me,” she said. “I can do that.”

“Aria?” Sonata said nervously.

“Why do you think I keep yelling at you, you dolt? So you can learn to yell back at me and stand up for yourself!” Aria facepalmed. “Seriously, how have you not figured this out yet?”

Sonata shrugged.

Sighing, Aria turned back to Discord. “What do you say?”

“I say…” Discord pondered, then pulled out a monocle and peered directly at her from one angle, then another. Finally, he put it away. “Yes, you would be a suitable Hatred,” he said. “Very well, here you go.” He pressed the orb into her.

She glowed for a moment, then let out a gasp as the Power settled in her.

“Now, how do you feel?” Discord asked.

“I feel…” Aria whirled around and was in Sonata’s face. “Stand up for yourself!” she all but shrieked.

Sonata blinked, and Aria facepalmed again. “This is clearly going to take some work,” she muttered.

“Well, if you want to go back to the other side, maybe the two of you can have some time alone to work on it?” Discord suggested. “There is a Lady of Love who can help you out learning your new Duties and Powers. Plus Love-butt would love to be helpful.”

“That sounds like a plan.” Aria looked to Adagio, who was still laying on the ground in shock. “What do you want to do with her?”

“I think,” another Celestia said as she walked onto the stage, “That if you aren’t planning to take her with you when you go, I’ll be giving her detention for the rest of the year. Magically manipulating people’s minds may not technically be against school rules, but I am fairly certain that attempting to pedal illicit substances - which your hate-filled magic likely qualify as - is.”

She seemed completely unphased by the fact that another woman who looked almost exactly like her was on stage. “At any rate, I do believe that the Rainbooms have officially won this Battle of the Bands, even if it wasn’t precisely the most… normal of performances.”

The audience broke out cheering.

The next day, eight girls and one woman (Discord had already gone back) stood by the portal.

“I wish we could have more time together,” Sunset said as she looked to her former teacher. “I really, really liked being able to see you again.”

“And I feel the same way, Sunset,” Celestia said. “But you know, you can always write. And if you want, I can make another pair of journals, so you can write to Twilight too after she’s home again.”

“I think I’d like that,” Sunset said. “Princess… when you hear from her again, tell her…” She hesitated. “Tell her I miss her - that we all miss her - and we’d like to see her again sometime.”

“And, ask if she’d bring Spike with her again,” Fluttershy said. “He was so adorable…”

Celestia smiled. “I’ll tell them,” she said.

Then she looked to Aria and Sonata. “It’s time,” she said.

Nodding, the new Lady of Hatred and the girl she’d taken under her metaphorical wing stepped through the portal.

As Celestia was about to follow them, she paused, looking past the statue and across the street.

At her local counterpart, walking down the sidewalk, hand in hand with a man she recognized.

A man with grayish hair, orangish streaks in it, and, as he looked in her direction and winked, a sort of deepness to his eyes.

Celestia narrowed her own, before turning back and giving each of the girls a hug. “I’ll see you all again, when I can,” she said. “I promise.” And one other, she thought. I never did think to ask about that boy Queen Metamorphia mentioned, the one she said Twilight thought she had feelings for.

Then she stepped through the portal, and was gone.

Hours would pass before the Alpha emerged into his office, Celestia and the two sirens long moved on, and when he did, he found a scroll marked with Celestia’s seal on his desk. Unfurling it and reading it, he let out a chuckle, for it had only three lines.

To the Alpha of the Packlands,

You got some 'splainin' to do!

Yours, Princess Celestia

Taking up another piece of parchment, he began to write a reply.

To Princess Celestia,

What’s there to explain? I have a thing for your Other. We met on one of my excursions, went on a small outing, and have been going steady ever since.

Yours, the Alpha of the Packlands

Placing his seal on it and sending it off via his own magic, he smiled. “Her reaction should be amusing.”

Some time later, and many hundreds of miles away, Twilight emerged from the depths of the Yaket Range.

“He’s still down there?” Spike asked.

“He’s still down there,” Twilight confirmed. “Imprisoned behind more sealing spells than I can begin to count and trapped in the heart of a crystal at least a mile thick, and I did add a few more myself. Unless someone goes out of their way to break him out, he’s not coming back anytime soon.”

“That’s good.” Spike checked the parchment he was holding. “So, now that you’ve visited the griffons and made sure Grogar’s still locked up tight, Yakyakistan is next?”

“Absolutely,” Twilight told him. “And then another hop across the sea to visit the centaurs and gargoyles, and then back to this side to stop in Dimondia. And then…”

“Home,” Spike said almost dreamily.

“Home,” Twilight confirmed.

With that, the two climbed into their airskimmer and flew off, while deep below them, the evil ram sorcerer slumbered on, unaware they had ever been present.