• Published 26th Mar 2020
  • 2,025 Views, 94 Comments

Diplomat at Large - Evilhumour

Following her adventures in the Packlands, Twilight and Spike set off around the world on an extended diplomatic visit, while their friends have their own adventures back home.

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Chapter Four

Chapter Four

“You won’t see the train yet bro,” Pharynx muttered as his brother continued to stretch his head upwards. “They will be here in a few minutes if Steam Top is driving the train.”

“Come on Pharynx, Coal Pile is good at the job too,” Thorax grumbled but kept himself standing with his legs straight. After several weeks of Princess Celestia and the other Queens’ training, he wasn’t going to risk their ire by slipping into his old habits of slouching. Besides, his changelings deserved to see their King looking like a King.

“Pfft,” Pharynx snorted while remaining still, something that Thorax was still having trouble doing. How his brother kept from fidgeting was beyond him, though it was more than likely due to his military training. “It’s a miracle if Coal can bring a train in under five minutes past its due time.” His brother then frowned, his wings buzzing in annoyance. “It is not like we have schedules to keep.” He muttered, eyes darting to the clock on the wall.

“Look, I can do this myself,” Thorax said, turning to face his brother. “I will have my guards and the Royal Guards with me so nothing will happen. If you want to-”

“Doesn’t matter if I want to go,” Pharynx snapped, though it was without his normal venom. “I have my duties as your Commander to be by your side. If anything were to happen to you while I was gone, I’d never forgive myself. Besides,” Pharynx muttered with a faint blush on his cheeks. “If I were to go now, she’ll be furious with me.”

“Of course I would,” Luna said, melting out of the shadow. “Would be a poor reflection on you and I if you were to abandon your post just for me.”

“Hey Lus,” Pharynx grinned, turning to face the alicorn. “Not that I am complaining to seeing you-”

“Nor should you ever, my dear little bug,” Luna chuckled as she stepped towards Pharynx with the drone chuckling.

“But aren’t you still dealing with the latest batch of the recruits?” he asked, the two standing side by side automatically. It hadn’t taken the two long to start dating; mutual respect and a common military background had led them to spend more time together at first, and eventually Luna’s inability to keep from broadcasting her feelings had led to Pharynx asking her out directly.

“They are in capable hooves,” she said. “Our borders stations are starting to fill themselves with worthy soldiers once more.”

“Surprising, considering how much the nobles whined and complained along the way,” Pharynx grumbled with Luna snorting and rolling her eyes.

“Their misguided fear that Celly and I would use them to overthrow the government was cute at first but it seriously got tiresome fast,” she complained, leaning on his brother.

“As if you wanted to take on their jobs, Lus,” Pharynx said with a snort, nuzzling her. “Luckily their fear of the outside proved to be useful for once.”

“Silence you,” Luna said, giving him a nip on the neck. “Do you not know the damage that would follow if the nobles heard that they were useful?”

“A thousand apologies then, oh princess,” Pharynx teased back before sharing a laugh with his marefriend. “But you gotta admit, Fancy Pants really does know what he’s doing when it comes to everything, and he actually respects you and Celly.”

“True,” Luna said, resting her head on his, something if Thorax had ever tried would result in his big brother kicking his flank. “And it does not hurt that he is one of the few who likes both Rarity and Queen Scolopidia, albeit for different reasons.”

The two shared a laugh. Scolopidia’s abrasive nature had taken more than a few nobles by surprise, and they’d made their disapproval of her attitude quite clear despite either Celestia or Luna’s ability or drive to change it. Fancy Pants, on the other hoof, had referred to her as “Brusquely honest”, and voiced his appreciation for it from the start. The fact that she was already friends with Rarity, whom he also approved of, didn’t hurt.

“Ah, there is your train, good changelings,” Luna said, not moving her head from between Pharynx’s horns. “Remind me, how many this time come to receive the change?”

Thorax cleared his throat, ignoring his brother’s comment to Luna- You already know, Lus- and reported. “There are ten more families of my hive coming for the change while the others have a smattering between ten to fifty changelings seeking it.”

“A shame that Celly is not here,” Luna said with a pout as she pulled herself off of Pharynx with his brother actually feeling a bit sad at her moving away. “She does so love to greet the young grubs.”

“Hey, someone needs to finish off the treaty for the Migration, and he has an excuse to be out,” Pharynx said, pointing at Thorax. “Besides Lus, you’re far better at fighting than making stuck up nobles agree to sharing.” He then gave her a knowing grin. “And do you really wish to be stuck inside doing paper-”

“Enough, my dear bug,” Luna said, placing a hoof on his lips. “You have convinced me, you need not say anymore.”

“But Lus, I didn’t really argue-” he said with a cheeky grin only for her to cut him off with a kiss to the lips with Thorax rolling his eyes at the pair. The pony nobles had really thrown a fit when the two began to date but Celestia had proven to be scary enough to cow them into submission so that none had dared to voice their opposition for long. And Pharynx had managed to sway a few to his side somehow, the nobles accepting him as the possible future consort of Luna.

“If you two are quite done,” Thorax said, causing the two to give him an annoyed look, but pulling apart and standing proper. While Luna had training from years ago to instill the right reactions, Pharynx had taken the steps to learn what he needed as Thorax’s Commander, a new Royal changeling and as Luna’s coltfriend with the same determination that got him to be one of Chrysalis’s elites.

He felt a twinge of fear when he thought about her but he did his best to squash it. Scolopidia was right; they were fools to avoid saying her name and the only way he could truly prove he was the King of his hive was to be able face her-Chrysalis without shaking in his chitin.

He smiled as the train pulled up into the station, not showing too many teeth as Celestia had taught him, awaiting the arrival of his hive members.

A few hours later, when all had visited Canterlot Castle and the Change had been made for them, Thorax led a pair of them through the streets, his guards trailing close behind. Pharynx and Luna had left to the training yard to observe the last of the recruits’ training which was one of the ways those two had a date.

As he and the two recently metamorphosed changelings headed down one sidewalk, he heard a loud cry of delight. “Oh look at her! She’s so adorable!”

And then a white-furred mare was right in the face of the littler of the two changelings with him. “Hi,” she said with a delighted grin on her face.

The little changeling responded by squeaking in fear and shifting into a rock.

The mare looked at her in confusion. “Was it something I said?” she asked.

Thorax smiled. “It’s fine, Mrs. Velvet,” he said. “Ocellus is just a little shy.”

The female changeling next to them, seeing he clearly knew this mare, nodded. “My daughter’s always been that way,” she said. “It’s all right, dear, you can show yourself.”

With a quiver, the rock changed back into a little arctic blue (with a brilliant red shell over her wings) changeling. “A-all right,” she stammered.

The changeling mare, her chitin a light opal, nuzzled her before looking to Velvet. “I’m Stemma,” she said. “And you are?”

“Twilight Velvet,” Velvet introduced herself. “Your King is well-acquainted with my daughter, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Stemma’s eyes lit up. “Oh, it’s good to meet you then!” she exclaimed. “We owe your daughter and daughter-in-law so much, Mrs. Velvet!”

Velvet smiled. “And this is my husband, Night Light,” she said as he came over.

“Pleased to meet you too,” Stemma said as she held out a hoof for both of them. “You must come with us; my husband and our younger children are still back at the castle. They’re a bit too little to be coming out around so many people yet.”

“We’d be honored,” Night Light said.

As they made their way towards the castle, a drone of Tegmina’s hive flew towards him. “We got important news, King Thorax,” he said, bowing his head. “Your presence is required.”

“Good thing I am headed there already,” he chuckled good-naturedly with the drone looking awkward.

“Your immediate presence is required,” the drone repeated with Thorax biting back a sigh as he began the spell. Another lesson the Queens and Celestia had drilled into his skull was learning useful spells, teleportation among them. Something he wouldn’t have been allowed to use in the Packlands, no matter his form, but here it was quite convenient.

Knowing his guards would take care of Velvet and Night Light, he teleported himself into the council room alongside Scolopidia. Of all the Queens, she had seemed to flourish the most since coming to Equestria, making friends with those two famous musicians. Though he wasn’t sure if the rumours that they were more than friends were true, he wasn’t going to risk his life on asking her.

“What is the matter Tegmina,” she asked, looking at the Queen for answers. All of those who had accompanied him to Equestria were present, along with a few other Queens that had come to learn how to perform the Change and whom he hadn’t learned the names of yet. Celestia and Luna were also there, standing before an open letter.

“It’s time,” Tegmina said, looking at Celestia who nodded her head in agreement. Tegmina had taken on the role as lead Queen to changeling matters while they had been in Equestria.

Finally,” Scolopidia said with a roll of her eyes before giving Thorax a light friendly shoulder bump. “King Thorax has proven himself to be his hive’s true ruler ages ago.”

He smiled at her, sending some love towards her for her kind words. “So when will the Seal be done?” he asked, trying to sound confident.

“By tomorrow if all things go to plan,” Celestia said with the Queens looking at her, her displeasure only noticeable by her emotions that she was getting better at hiding.

“And what plans are those?” Thorax asked, frowning.

“The Alpha is bringing her in personally, along with his own personal guards and White Changelings, for her to be Sealed,” Luna said with a grunt. “She may be his prisoner but I feel it is a mistake to unnecessarily delay in her Sealment.”

“You are not alone, Princess Luna,” one of the new Queens said. “But best we do so while all of us are present in case she tries something, right King Thorax?”

Thorax felt the eyes of everyone on him and while he despised being on the spot like this, he knew he couldn’t hesitate too long. “With everyone’s help I doubt there’s anything she could do,” he said with his eyes shifting around. “But if she tries, I will be reassured that it will fail with everyone’s help here.”

“Wise words, King Thorax,” Remigium said, the tough Queen nodding her head in approval with the other Queens nodding in agreement. She then turned towards Celestia, eyeing her coolly. “Any words from the young Princess abroad?” she asked with the other Queens turning to see how she would react.

“None so far,” Celestia responded. “Her last message said she was at Mount Aris. We should get a reply from her tomorrow if everything goes to the schedule.”

“I hope she’s all right there,” Queen Tegmina said, leaning forward. “Ever since the hippogriffs cut off contact, I’ve been concerned, as have many leaders. I tried sending a small team once, just to try and get a look at the place, but they were unable to get any closer than the wolves’ ships did.” She looked surprised. “Did she say she was at Mount Aris, or just close to it?”

“She said she had just arrived at the edge of their island,” Luna said. “Somehow, she has made it further than any attempt we know of; she declined to inform us of how she and Spike were able to do so though.”

“I have faith in Princess Twilight finding a way,” Celestia said. “She always does.”

“She certainly found a way to help the griffons,” Luna noted with a wry grin. “I wish I could have seen the looks on their faces when she cut through all that red tape in such a short time.”

That got everyone chuckling and Thorax to let out a sigh of relief but he knew tomorrow would be one of the most challenging moments of his life; facing down his old Queen.

The night came, and went. The sun rose once more, and just a few short hours later, the train arrived.

It was a far cry from the normal train that usually rode the rails. Instead of the painted wooden panels, each of the five carts were made of pure steel with very low magic properties as to minimize the effect of any potential magical manipulation of the train carts.

Not that one could really tell that they were made of steel as each cart was covered in White Changelings clinging to the sides along with nearly a score in the sky and four squads of rune wolves running along each side of the train with several more further back as backup.

The station itself had been cordoned off along with two city blocks in every direction emptied out of anyone who absolutely did not need to be present, with Elite Guards of Equestria standing at attention with full armour on and weapons uncovered and primed if anything were to happen. Behind a thick squadron of Elite Guards and changeling guards comprised of those that Pharynx chose himself, were Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Queen Scolopidia, Queen Metamorphia, Queen Remigium, Queen Taenidia, Queen Tegmina, Commander Pharynx and the other Commanders, the former captain of the guards Shining Armor and King Thorax, each with powerful spells of their own prepared.

It was a tense moment when the train pulled in and the two sides began to verify their identities with one another as to prevent any sneak attack from those loyal to the prisoner. Finally, after ten minutes of cross-checking and double checking, it was deemed both sides were who they said they were and door to the train car was opened.

Out first was the largest wolf anyone had ever seen. He was one of the few that could meet Celestia in the eye by sheer height alone, to say nothing of the aura he radiated. “Ah Princess Celestia, if only we could meet on better circumstances instead of ones like these,” he said with a chuckle and a loud rattle of stones. Despite his seemingly blasé attitude, he was clearly taking all precautions with all the runes on him, several of which he himself had long since outlawed and banned.

“We could if you had not closed your doors to us, Alpha,” Celestia, unable to take a step towards the wolf with the guards in front of her unwilling to move an inch out of place. “Yet those times are long behind us as our friendship between our people has been rekindled.”

“Yes, by your wise former student,” he chuckled, standing in front of the door, radiating Summer magic as to keep everything in a perpetual state at the peak of their growth, thus strengthening everything present. Subtle magic for such a bombastic person, but that was the Alpha’s way. “I would ask how she fairs but such questions must wait until we finish the last of our little issues.”

“Indeed,” Luna said, giving her fellow Power a nod of her head while at the same time stealing another glance at Pharynx which sent a surge of joy throughout the crowd who saw her do so. Luna had yet to believe that everyone was truly happy to see her in love but she was coming around to it slowly and surely. “You and my sister can gossip like the old hens you are once we finish with the matter at hoof.”

“Ah Luna, the same fiery spirit as always,” the Alpha chuckled as he rose to his paws. “You play with fire courting her, Commander Pharynx.”

“That is fine with me; I don’t mind a bit of sparks,” Pharynx said with a chuckle that was hiding nerves as the moment of contact drew closer.

“The Change suits you all well,” the Alpha said as he moved out of the door. “Especially you, King Thorax.”

Bah!” a voice soaked with contempt and rage spat out from inside the train car. “All I see are a traitor and his honourless lackeys!”

Led by four slightly shorter wolves holding onto etched chains, a tall changeling Queen was dragged onto the station’s platform. She was heavily chained with strong wards covering her entire body and a one hundred percent pure steel magicless nullifier ring covering her entire horn. There was a blinder and muzzle on her face but there was clearly enough room for her to still talk.

Chrysalis hissed. “You’re abominations,” she spat, looking straight at the changeling component of the protection detail. “Ruining yourselves, turning into these… these new forms.”

“No, Chrysalis,” Thorax said. “We are the future. A new hope for our kind.”

“So says the puppet,” she snarled. “You all sold our race out to an obese tyrant; how else can the most pathetic and worthless drone ever to be born manage to do any of this?”

Pharynx snarled but was held back by Luna’s auraless magic to prevent him answering her bait.

"You can call it selling out," a calm voice said. It was Queen Tegmina. "But the fact is, I am the Eldest Queen now; I approved of King Thorax, and I have read Princess Celestia’s emotions and understood them. There is only one tyrant here today, and it is you."

“It’s pitiful that you so eagerly wish to defend a criminal, Tegmina, but then again, how can anyling expect to know better with her around,” Chrysalis snarled through her restraints, everyone tensing up as the wolves holding her pulled the nymph back hard.

“And how am I a criminal,” Princess Celestia asked coldly, letting her wealth of age press down on the prisoner who simply laughed it off.

“Well not to the laws that any of these pitiful nations follow, Lady of Day,” she cooed acidly. “But last I checked, being the Lady of Self-Centeredness outranks the Day and you imprisoned me inside of a volcano!

“Is this true; are you really the Lady of Self-Centeredness,” the Alpha asked with everyone looking confused now. “And I speak from neutrality; the Seasons are beholden to none but our own.”

“Yes of course I am the Lady of Self-Centeredness, you overgrown furball-” Chrysalis began to snap before Cadance began to laugh. “And what do you find so funny?”

“Oh, just that you just doomed any chance of escaping this, you idiot,” Cadance said with a grin on her face and wiping away a tear with her wing. “I studied the Laws and as you didn’t identify yourself back then, Princess Celestia broke no law. However, it was known to everyone that I was made the new Lady of Love when I ascended to being an alicorn as a child.” Smiling with a grin that was slowly passing around everyone as they were catching on to what was going on. “And you just admitted you knowingly attacked not one but two Powers unprovoked, one of which you did so twice.”

“She’s right you know,” Discord said, floating above everyone, causing them all to jump in surprise, but thankfully not fire off any weaponry. “You really had a chance there to get away with this all before you opened your big mouth.” He then appeared by her side, laying a paw on her shoulders. “Though it was a really small chance but then again Self-Centerednesses are a bit too boastful at times. Still,” he said, spinning in front of her. “I am really glad to finally meet you, Chryss so I can learn who had this sub-Power of mine,” he said, holding a bright object in his claws.

She let out a gasp, looking and feeling terrified for the first time anyone could remember. “You can’t!

“I can and I just did,” Discord said, suddenly getting very close to her face. “Beyond being a terrible Self-Centeredness, you also put Fluttershy in danger with your little invasion and that is something I cannot forgive.” He appeared furious for a moment before vanishing from sight and appearing next to Celestia. “Don’t worry Sunbutt, I will go find someone more suited to this Power. Someone who may be self-centered, but not out of a lust for power like that,” he said, pointing a claw at a now hyperventilating Chrysalis who was on the floor. “Until next time; arrivederci!”

“Isn’t that a little redundant?” Pharynx whispered to Luna. “They mean almost the same thing!”

“It’s Discord,” Luna whispered back. “He doesn’t find it fun to make sense.”

Pharynx was about to answer when a small Discord appeared on his nose. “You and I are also going to have a talk later about making Moonbutt there finally interesting and fun.”

“Only when we’re not occupied, Discord,” Luna said with a whispered huff. “We are busy with our duties and we don’t get a lot of time together.”

The tiny Discord nodded his head, snapped his claws and vanished.

“That was unexpected,” the Alpha noted. “Yet further evidence that you made the right choice regarding him, Celestia.”

Celestia smiled at that before turning her attention towards Chrysalis who was still in shock and shook her head. She had really put them all in a bind by speaking so openly about the Powers; it would undoubtedly cause them all headaches later on, but what was done was done. “I don’t believe you will have much issue in performing the Seal,” she said to the Queens who were slowly stepping towards the shackled Queen who made no reaction to her words. “Hopefully, this is all the excitement we will see tod-”

She stopped as a letter from Twilight came sailing through the sky towards her. It was far earlier than when Twilight had said she would send it which meant...

Taking the letter out of the sky, she quickly skimmed the contents before the blood drained out of her face and her heart fell. Luna immediately noticed her reaction and was at her side in an instant.

“Celestia, what’s wro-” she asked, only to be given the letter Twilight had written them and her own heart sank and her dread soared as she read the letter.

“Princesses,” Thorax asked, his voice distant to the two princesses. “What’s wrong?”

Celestia shook her head for a moment, attempting to regain her composure. “We need to call for a full meeting of the Noble Council at once,” she said. “Once she is dealt with, I would like you all to join us as soon as possible.” She directed her eyes to the Alpha. “After this, you will need to return to your people and prepare them.”

“How bad are we expecting Celestia?” he asked, all levity gone from his voice.
