• Published 26th Mar 2020
  • 2,025 Views, 94 Comments

Diplomat at Large - Evilhumour

Following her adventures in the Packlands, Twilight and Spike set off around the world on an extended diplomatic visit, while their friends have their own adventures back home.

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Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

Wiping the sweat from her brow, Applejack let out a “Phew” of relief as she finished clearing the last of the fields and looked around to see her other helpers taking up their own positions at work.

It had been a few months since the war’s end, and while production had generally wound down afterward (especially because it was still winter), more than a few of their more recent hires had actually stayed on in Ponyville and were lending a hoof with the Winter Wrap-Up and the start of spring.

She definitely missed Twilight’s help with organizing; Amethyst Star did her best, and she was using Twilight’s notes from the last few Wrap-Ups, but it just wasn’t the same.

Still, with the spring planting season upon them, it would be a good time to replenish their stocks. She knew cousin Slice n' Dice would be doing her own planting once the snow had melted in the Packlands, and that Slice’s parents were busy with their own work back at their farm.

Thinking of Slice made her smile. That letter she’d gotten all those months ago about her cousin’s reunion with her parents and her first meeting with her little sister had brought smiles to all their faces when she read it; Apple Bloom had been especially eager to hear what little Bramley was like. The two had actually met when they were in Canterlot because of all the evacuations, and Apple Bloom had happily introduced her to their cousin Babs Seed, sent out from Manehatten in case of an attack on there or other coastal cities. The trio had gotten along like peas in a pod, and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had liked Bramley too. Though, Applejack reflected, the more recent news of a new western branch of Cutie Mark Crusaders in Tall Tale had brought some dread to her.

Turning her attention back to her work, she began looking around, barking orders at the slower-moving ponies. While she might have a healthy respect for how they did things in the Packlands, this was still Ponyville, and winter wasn’t going to wrap itself up here, after all.

A couple of days later, a trio of little fillies ran down the streets, laughing happily.

“Ah,” Scootaloo finally sighed as they came to a halt at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres. “I know it’s been a few months, but still, it’s so good to be back home!”

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle agreed. “I’m glad I can spend time with Rarity again, and I bet your aunts are really glad to be back here too…”

Scootaloo nodded. Holiday and Lofty had just begun the process of moving their things from their old home into Scootaloo’s (her parents’ personal belongings having largely been put into storage, with their permission, as soon as they’d gotten the news of the planned move and sent word back) when the war preparations began, and while they’d finished doing so, they’d accompanied her up to Canterlot with the other evacuees.

The city hadn’t been nearly as fun as Ponyville. She’d had to restrain herself from running wild in the streets on her scooter, and their Crusading had been rather limited. Still, getting to hang out with the other foals who’d also been evacuated there had been enjoyable.

Apple Bloom was smiling too. “Ah missed Sweet Apple Acres while we were out,” she said, gazing over the fields and orchards.

“Speaking of, has Applejack said anything about when she wants to go visit your cousin in the Packlands?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Not until after the spring planting is done, at least,” Apple Bloom said. “Might not be until summer - she says she doesn’t want to uproot me from school again while Ah’m still gettin’ used to bein’ back.”

“Yeah, no kiddin’,” Scootaloo agreed. “One good thing about bein’ away, we didn’t have to deal with any of our usual bullies.”

“Diamond’s actually been kind of subdued lately though,” Sweetie Belle pointed out. “Maybe meeting Mr. Swift-Pad did some good for her.”

“Ah’m certainly hopin’ that’s the case,” Apple Bloom said. Then she grinned. “Race ya to the clubhouse!”

Laughing, the trio went through the gate and ran towards their destination.

“Come on Spitfire, this is ridiculous,” Soarin whined as he tried to keep up his captain’s pace. “We need to slow down!”

“Come on you lazybones, this isn’t bad at all!” Spitfire shot back from the front of the pack. “I know I was away for a while but you guys seriously can’t have got this bad in that short amount of time!”

“There’s fast and there’s this!” Fleetfoot complained as she kept moving. “We’re supposed to warm up and build up to these kinds of speeds at the start of a workout, not just move to the top right off the bat!”

“What are you, Wonderbolt or not?” Spitfire demanded. “Wonderbolts are supposed to be known for being the fastest fliers in Equestria!”

“I’m somepony who listened to Rainbow Dash when she told us the story of how one of her friends - a unicorn, mind - strategized so she would do as well as she did during the Running of the Leaves, and didn’t wreck her muscles doing it!” Fleetfoot shot back. “High-speed routines during a show are one thing, but we’re just starting for the day - we need to pace ourselves so we don’t get lactic acid buildup and wind up being worn out right away.”

“What, are you some kind of textbook?” Misty Fly joked.

“No, but the unicorn we’re talkin’ about acts like she swallowed a few,” Fleetfoot called back. “‘Course, she’s not exactly a unicorn anymore, if ya know what I mean!”

Spitfire, having kept quiet during this little exchange, shook her head and sighed. “Okay, I get the point,” she said. “But we are going to focus on being able to build up speed again for our routines. Not to mention the Equestria Games - qualifiers are on again next week!”

“Understood, Captain!” Soarin called as he gave her a salute before taking off in the air again.

Blueblood was busy with the latest round of papers he had to go over and sign when someone entered his study. Glancing upwards, he saw it was the blue-maned stallion that he had been working with for the last few months helping turn Equestria back to normal.

“We are not due to meet for another few days, Fancy,” he said going back to his work. “We both have a lot to do if we are to see Equestria back as it once was.”

“I do have to admit you are far better than what people think,” Fancy said as he sat across from him, ignoring his rude tone much to the prince’s annoyance.

“Watch it Fancy, those are dangerous words,” Blueblood said as he put the pen down. “I have a reputation to keep up.”

“And now you sound like that Cinch mare from the school my Fleur used to attend in Prance,” Fancy said as he pulled out a bottle of wine and a pair of wine glasses. “Come on, share a glass with me.” He began to pour each of them some of the fine Prench wine.

Another one, Fancy?” Blueblood said with a smirk but still taking the glass he was offered. “If you keep that up, people will think you have a drinking problem, my good stallion.”

“The only drinking problem I have is when I have a good bottle and nopony to share it with,” Fancy Pants said with a wink. “I assure you, I have no such addiction as you seem to be implying.”

“True, but you know how ponies love to gossip,” Blueblood tipped his head. “So what brings you here?”

“To see you,” Fancy replied. “And as I said, you are a good pony despite the thickheaded, arrogant persona you like to show off. So I must ask, old colt,” he said as he breathed in the aroma of the wine. “Why the act?”

“You don’t need to ask, older colt,” Blueblood said with Fancy snorting at him.

“Fine fine,” Fancy rolled his eyes. “You truly have your aunt in you, Blueblood but let us not pretend. We both know why - to drive away the obvious ladder-climbers who would seek to use you to improve their own status.”

“Then why are you asking,” Blueblood raised an eyebrow.

“What I am asking is why you are keeping at it?” Fancy said with a tilt of his head. ”I don’t see the reason you need to keep at it anymore, not with what you did during the war.”

“What need do I have to take any credit for my actions?” Bluelood said. “All I did was keep the remaining nobles in line and make sure none of them got in Luna’s way.”

“Considering that keeping them in line tends to be like herding cats, I would say your preventing them from causing trouble did just as much to help the war effort as any of those who were actually out fighting,” Fancy said.

Blueblood dismissed it with a wave of a hoof. “Princess Sparkle did most of that with her little research binge; she cleared out the worst of them in one move. The ones I had to handle were small fry at best, compared to the real trouble-makers.” He chuckled. “Besides, neither her or Celestia know that her little law isn’t that legal as it was never ratified by the lower or upper court which can only be done by all Princesses present with no absentees permitted in either courts or our Princesses.”

Fancy coughed, sputtering his fancy wine, into the napkin provided by Blueblood. After finally clearing his throat, he asked, “Are you serious about that?”

“As a heart attack, old friend,” Blueblood confirmed. “But I only found out for certain afterward. I kept silent because it was what was needed, and the end result was well worth it. If they had been allowed to delay preparations, the creators only know how many additional lives would have been lost.”

“But Top Jewel and his cronies, all of their resources and finances, it all technically belongs to them,” Fancy said, leaning forwards. “They are being held for treasonous actions, which you yourself just admitted was based on false information. I cannot believe I am advocating for this but do they not deserve their titles and land back?”

“Perhaps but they were long obstacles to the progress of our governing not to mention backing that heinous vegetarian organization along with other shady and harmful parties. And quite frankly, given how more than a few of them were actively plotting to grab more power for themselves in the hopes of one day expelling the Princesses from their positions entirely…” Blueblood shrugged. “Princess Sparkle got them out of the way much more quickly, but I have full faith that they would have been removed for cause anyway within a few years, had anypony taken the time to do a full investigation, let alone clean enough to do so to have a proper verdict come out. And as it happens, I’ve been working on just such a thing for a long time. I intend to turn this evidence over to my aunts very soon, giving them enough to make it stick on every last one of those whom Princess Sparkle saw removed in the first place.”

“All legally obtained?” Fancy asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Would I do it any other way?” Blueblood sighed. “As you know full well, I may act the fool, but that is all it is, an act. I have been working to ensure this came through for a very long time, covering every single legal loophole that might be used to get evidence dismissed. I have no intention of letting my aunts be removed by a herd of power-hungry fools, and this is just one more step in ensuring such a thing never comes to pass. But until I play my final card, I must remain as I am, so that I am underestimated by those who would otherwise view me as a threat, politically speaking.”

“Again, you are truly a good pony Blueblood, and I enjoyed working with you these months,” Fancy said. “I only hope that your dream comes true soon, so that you can show your true character to the world.”

“Fancy, my friend, once this whole mess is done with I intend to ask for a leave of absence so that I may go out and visit the rest of the world, as my Cutie Mark told me I was to do, and be able to truly relax for once.” Blueblood smiled. “And when I do so, now that I no longer have to look over my shoulder at every instant, I will show them my true character - as somepony who just wants to see what more is out there and live it.”

“An admirable goal, my friend,” Fancy Pants said as he raised his glass. “To a successful culmination of your dream.”

“Cheers, good sir,” Blueblood said. “I’ll absolutely drink to that.”

The two clinked glasses, and drank, each looking forward to the brighter future they were certain lay ahead.

Standing on the beaches of Ornithia, feeling the warm tropical breezes running through her mane, Twilight sighed happily.

If I ever get the chance to repeat certain parts of this trip, I am absolutely bringing Pinkie down here, she thought. These harpies really know how to party!

“Surf’s up!” one of the locals called, before a dozen of the birds ran out into the waves with surfboards under their arms.

All up and down the beach, the harpies were enjoying themselves, dancing to records, sipping fruity drinks or playing volleyball. Nearby, she could see Spike sunbathing, a pair of dark glasses over his eyes, while in the background, a number of harpies were serving up some of the local cuisine. Really, the island was one big beach party most of the time, and she couldn’t blame them.

“Hey, Princess!” one of the harpies called. “Come on and join us, we’ve got the swordfish steaks all ready!”

“Coming!” Twilight called.

Yep, she thought to herself. Definitely coming back here for a vacation.

Then she trotted off to join the chow line.

It was some days later when Twilight and Spike emerged from a forest and took a deep breath of fresh air.

“They weren’t kidding when they named this place Paraíso Valley,” Spike remarked. “This place is beautiful!”

“It sure is,” Twilight agreed. The two had parked their airskimmer at a pony village a few miles back, preferring not to risk losing it as they headed east, towards the cities of what the locals had heard was called the Cuanmiztl Kingdom by its inhabitants. They’d advised Twilight to avoid the place entirely, but Twilight had been unwilling to do so, having never been this deep into the forest regions south of Equestria and wanting to see them for herself.

She just hoped the valley’s residents were friendlier than Ahuizotl and his minions, from the last time she’d been… well, not quite this far south into the continent’s interior, but still pretty close.

As she and Spike continued moving east, she couldn’t help but detect a faint whiff of a scent she thought was familiar, but she wasn’t sure.

Suddenly, there was a blur of motion and she fell backwards, and then - TONGUE!

Spike stared aghast at the sight. One minute Twilight had been walking along, the next she had a beech timberwolf standing on her, licking her face eagerly.

“Frida, atras!” another voice called. A moment later, a form he recognized from the Daring Do books walked up. “Come on, girl,” the figure said in Equestrian, though with an accent he couldn’t place. “Let her up.”

The timberwolf whined a bit, but did as commanded, and the figure held out a hand, helping Twilight to her hooves.

“Thanks,” Twilight said as she took her first good look at the figure. While clearly surprised and a bit taken aback at first, she calmed herself. “Ahem. Hi, I’m Twilight Sparkle. And you’re a…”

“An ahuizotl,” the person said with a chuckle. “You’re taking this a lot better than most ponies who sneak out here would.”

“Sir, I’ve been most of the way around the world, and met more species in under a year than most ponies meet in a lifetime,” Twilight said. “You are far from the strangest type of being I’ve met.” She cocked her head. “Actually, you’re not even the first ahuizotl I’ve met. You are a lot nicer than the other one though.”

The ahuizotl chuckled. “Yeah, there are some of us who tend to get vicious, especially the treasure guardians. What was this one protecting?”

“Treasure guardians?” Twilight blinked. “I thought he was trying to steal treasure - the Rings of Scorchero.”

“Steal?” The ahuizotl waved a hand. “Nah, nah, you’ve got it all wrong. There’s a bunch of my people who all have their duties to prevent others from getting hold of some artifacts, but the ones who try to steal them usually think the guardians are the thieves. Doesn’t help that some of them play up the stereotype.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “I have so many questions for you,” she said.

The ahuizotl nodded. “I’m sure you do,” he said. “Come on, I’ll take you to Tenochtitlan, let you meet our Prince-King.”

“Isn’t that…” Twilight looked a little uncertain of which word she wanted to use.

“Nah, it’s right,” the ahuizotl said. “We don’t start calling him just ‘King’ until he gets married.”

“Ah, I see.” Twilight smiled. “Well, let’s go. Spike!”

Spike hurried up to her. “Right here!” he said eagerly.

“Frida!” The ahuizotl whistled. “Come on, girl!”

The beech timberwolf trotted up, panting happily.

“Now,” the ahuizotl started to say. “You say this one you met was guarding the Rings of Scorchero? Who were you with when you met him, that pegasus in the pith helmet or that other guy, the one with all the creepy goons?”

“Well…” Twilight looked a little abashed.

“It was Daring Do mister whoever you are,” Spike said as they walked, patting the timber wolf. “I wasn’t there, but Twilight told me all about it afterward.”

“Oh, the misguided one then,” the ahuizotl said. “Way I hear it, she keeps trying to take his treasures because she thinks she’s protecting them from him.” He shook his head. “You would not believe the rants that guy goes into about her!”

Twilight looked surprised, but then shook her head. “I should have known there was more to it,” she said. “But why doesn’t he just tell her? When I was actually there, all he ever said were demands for them to give back the rings, and swearing revenge when we were getting away!”

The ahuizotl stopped for a moment, clearly thinking. Finally, he shrugged. “I don’t know, really. Maybe he tried once and she didn’t listen, so he just didn’t bother anymore after that?”

“Well…” Twilight looked at him. “I want to know more,” she said. “And once we’re done here, I’m going to see what I can do about talking to her so she realizes the truth about what she’s been doing.”

“While you’re at it, think you could get that Caballeron guy to stop too? He’s just as bad about wrecking the places, and he’s stealing stuff for the sheer greed of it!”

“I’ll do what I can,” Twilight promised.

It took them a few hours, but the foursome finally reached the city of Tenochtitlan.

“So,” Twilight was saying to the ahuizotl, whom she had learned was named Diego. “I really appreciate all the help you’ve been giving us.”

“Hey, getting to meet a pony who isn’t freaked out by my kind is well worth it,” Diego said. “Most of them just scream and run. Give a guy a complex, why don’t they?” He chuckled as he said it though, and Twilight smiled back.

The two continued to chat amicably, with Spike throwing in the occasional comment of his own, as they headed through the streets towards the royal palace. Finally, they reached it, and were met by a set of guards.

“Halt, in the name of Prince-King Tezozomoctzin,” one of them said, in clearer Equestrian than even Diego was speaking. “Who presents themselves before our monarch?”

Twilight looked up at them. “I am Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria,” she announced. “I have come with my companion Spike to further my knowledge of the nations of the world.”

The guards exchanged glances, before one beckoned her to follow him.

She and Spike were led through a number of halls before being presented to the throne, with the guard reaching up and pressing something on his head before he began speaking his native tongue to the ahuizotl who sat in front of them. That same ahuizotl answered back in the same tongue, before both reached up and pressed the same spots. That done, the guard moved aside, and the ahuizotl on the throne gazed down at Twilight.

“I am Prince-King Tezozomoctzin of the Cuanmiztl Kingdom,” he said. “I greet you, Princess Twilight of Equestria, and your young companion.” He seemed to be studying them, before continuing. “While my people are not ignorant of the outside world, we have largely kept to ourselves these long ages. Tell me, what brings one of your land’s rulers across our borders?”

Twilight repeated her story, and after much nodding, the Prince-King placed a hand on his chin.

“It is well that Equestria is finally making an effort to seek us out and understand us,” he said. “My people have not interacted with them much, but enough to know that we would not be widely welcomed. Now, however, you have sought us out, with knowledge and understanding as your goal. The sign has at last come, and as such, it is time to make ourselves properly known to the world.”

Summoning a scribe, he began dictating a message.

“To her royal Highness, Princess Celestia of the nation of Equestria, I offer you greetings and wishes of good fortune. I am Prince-King Tezozomoctzin of the Cuanmiztl Kingdom, and on behalf of my people, I send you this message of a hope for a better and closer future.

“I have met with your land’s youngest Princess, the first of your kind to properly seek us out in order to attain a knowledge and understanding of our people. In doing so, she has fulfilled the ancient promise made by our sages; a prediction that one day, a representative of a land far to the north, past the desert known as the Badlands, would come. They would not be wishing to claim that which we seek to protect, but to learn what they can of us and enrich their mind in doing so. We were told that when those who sought an understanding came, we should make ourselves known to the outside world. The time is now, and as such, I hereby request that we each come forth to meet in a suitable place, so as to formally begin ties between our nations.

“Yours sincerely,

“Prince-King Tezozomoctzin of Tenochtitlan, the Cuanmiztl Kingdom.”

With that, he rolled up the scroll, pressed a seal against it, and then started to hand it off to one of the guards around him to be sent off, until Twilight gestured. “Spike can send it straight to Princess Celestia for you,” she said.

The Prince-King arched an eyebrow, but handed it to him, and arched another eyebrow as he saw the letter be burned and turn into a flaming spiral that shot out of the palace, heading to the north.

“Fascinating,” he said. “Now, young Princess. I understand that a few residents of your land have been causing quite a bit of trouble for one of our treasure guardians over the last few years. Would you care to tell me your side of the story?”

Twilight nodded, and began to speak.

A short while later, and many hundreds of miles away, Princess Celestia read the letter in stunned silence.

“Something wrong, Princess?” Thorax asked as he sat nearby, having taken up a small desk in her office so the two could work on certain details together.

“Nothing is wrong,” Princess Celestia said. “But I do believe Twilight was just responsible for allowing us to open diplomatic ties with another nation.”

“I’m starting to think that’s par for the course with her,” Thorax said.

Celestia raised an eyebrow at his phrasing.

“Sorry. I got invited to spend several hours meeting with one of your people yesterday, and they chose the place. I literally spend the entire time hearing various golfing expressions and they’ve been stuck in my head ever since.”

Celestia shook her head. “They do tend to do that.” She rose. “I need to inform some of my people about this.” Halfway out the door, she paused. “Have any of your people ever been to this… Cuanmiztl Kingdom?” She went to the wall and pointed to the jungles and valley below the Badlands, where the description in the letter indicated.

“No,” Thorax said. “There used to be a hive in the Badlands, but that was as far south as we ever went.”

“Very well then.” Celestia took up the scroll again. “I expect your people will be interested in being a part of this as well.”

“Oh, absolutely,” Thorax said as he rose and followed her out the door.

As she walked through the halls, Thorax at her side, Celestia thought back to how much her former student had accomplished since she’d set out. From strengthening their bonds with the wolves, to earning a pardon for Blueblood and opening friendly ties with the changelings, to solving the griffons’ financial problems, to discovering the fate of the hippogriffs and then helping defeat the Storm King, thus allowing their people to finally return to and rebuild their homeland of Mount Aris.

She had encouraged Queen Novo to send her own messengers to Canterlot with the hippogriff representatives so the kingdoms could become close again, she had studied and analyzed that Staff of the Storm King’s and its abilities, sharing the results with her fellow Princesses (in a specially-marked and sealed letter, reserved for Celestia and Luna’s eyes only) to confirm that while the Storm King had tried to steal her Power, Tempest Shadow had never had any such Power, not even the barest of hints that were left on former Powers in the afterlife, for the Staff to claim when Twilight had drained the petrifying magic from her.

And now this.

She blinked away tears of pride before Thorax could see them, but she couldn’t help it.

Twilight, you just keep making a habit of exceeding even my highest of expectations, don’t you? she thought to herself. What you have done for this world is far greater than I had ever dared imagine.

And I’ve a feeling that this is just the beginning.