• Member Since 24th Jun, 2018
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Comments ( 38 )

I don't care about all the inevitable downvotes, this was aweomse!

Looking forward to seeing where this goes. Always love interpretations of Equestria where sex is just open and free. Good so far.

You know, I can't help but wonder, does the word "incest" even exist in the vocabulary that these characters have? Or is it so normal, there is no reason to distinguish it from regular sex?

I have more than half a dozen ideas for other chapters, including the Twilight and parents chapter I’m working on now. Slogging through, honestly. I’m half to two-thirds done, but also lucky to get a sentence or two every hour. Maybe I should try focusing on one of my other ideas in the meantime?

Other ready to write ideas include:
Fluttershy/OC pegasus-mild fetish content
AJ/Applebloom/Sugar Belle-moderate fetish content
Big Mac/Braeburn-as vanilla as M/M incest gets
Shining/Sunburst/possible Cadance-mild/moderate fetish content
Rainshine/Queen Novo-minimal fetish content
Twilight/Celestia/Secret Guest Stars-heavy fetish content/takes a dark turn, but only briefly
Cheerilee/DT-heavy fetish content/potentially dark-ish

Listed fetish descriptions are loose estimates, based on my own judgement, which obviously may not be the same as yours, and do not take into consideration those fetishes inherent to the premise. (Foalcon, Interspecies, Incest, etc...)

I have several other vague ideas brewing, but none of them are fleshed out. Any suggestions/preferences? Or ideas of your own you’re willing to share?

They do have the word, but it has no negative connotations. And the act is mostly treated as a mild kink. Something almost everyone tries, and most don’t mind. Sort of like…oral sex IRL, I guess? Maybe? I’m pretty out of touch with the average person’s opinion of sex, TBH.

Or maybe you could think of it like lesbianism in pony-fics? Perfectly normal, and maybe even expected, to some degree. It just happens, and nobody really thinks twice about it.

That was pretty good. And if you're looking for ideas I have one, and could most likely come up with others.

Feel free to PM me with it, or even just put it here in the comments, and I’ll try to write it.

On another note, the Twicest chapter is coming along a lot better, and I’m nearly done with it. Shouldn’t be more than a few hours, at this pace. Apparently, I just needed a few hours away from it to start the words flowing again. And maybe a few hours sleep. :twilightsheepish:

Another excellent chapter!

By the way, have you ever thought of doing something like a PonyXGryphon predator/prey role play?

Not until you just mentioned it.

Maybe Gallus/Sandbar? But that’s probably kind of cliche.

Gilda/Dash? Nah, way too cliche.

Gabby and one or more of the CMC? You know, I don’t remember seeing any stories with that character combo, clop or otherwise. So maybe.

Gustave and…? Huh, no idea who to pair him with. Pinkie, perhaps? Or maybe the Cakes do a little kinky swinging?

A shame Sweetie Belle couldn't join in.

you have my attention please continue

I have a couple chapters/chapter sets that include her, but mostly with Rarity and the other CMC. Though I do have one idea involving the whole family, it’s just not very fleshed out at the moment.

I am, slowly but surely. Mostly on the Fluttershy/OC chapter mentioned earlier. But I may bounce around between that and a couple others suggested/requested, while they’re fresh in my head.

As long as you're considering requests, I'd love to see a Starlight x Trixie x Sunburst chapter, because I'm a huge fan of that threesome and would love to see another author's take on their relationship.

Is it okay to send in multiple ideas for chapters?

It is. Fair warning, though. As much as I would like to promise they’ll be written, I can’t. As good as I am at imagining these kinds of things, I’m a much better procrastinator.

Also, I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner, but I somehow missed/wasn’t alerted to your comment.

One other thing:
For ideas that involve hypnosis, where's the line regarding hard non-con?

I don’t really know. It really depends on the characters and the situation. Just let me know your idea(s), and I’ll figure out if it’s too hard for this collection.

Will do when I get a chance (i've been a bit busy today)

Wow, this is awkward. I never thought my idea would actually be used. Not that I have a problem with it, it was just unexpected.

I didn’t think I would use it so soon, either. I figured I’d write a few more of the scenes I‘d already come up with, before looking at the suggestions for other ideas. Then the three little pigs thing popped into my head, almost fully formed, and I just had to write it.

But seriously, how did I do on the predator/prey thing? I’ve only read two or three stories with this fetish, and I really only remember one of them. (It was about Twi being chased through the woods by a human.)

I thought it was done well here, and I can't wait to see the remaining parts of this to get the full picture.

i am loving this! hope we see spike in later chapters

Thanks for compliment.

I’ve got a couple ideas for Spike, though I don’t know when I’ll get around to them.

I currently have three chapters of Visiting Family--Fluttershy, AJ, and Big Mac--open that I’m working on, and I want to get at least one of them finished--probably Fluttershy--before starting the next one in this set. I’m 99% sure it’ll be Scootaloo’s turn.

I haven’t really thought about it too much, but there’s every possibility. It would be nice—kind of an unofficial goal—if I could fit this story into every folder in the Incest is Wincest group. Except for the Non-Clop folder, of course. Maybe the Cake twins, once they’ve aged up a bit. There might end up being others, too.

yeah won't lie thats one of the things I really enjoy sadly it looks like there isn't a Ton of them around. I have read most of the ones that are on the site already. well All the ones thats in the Impregnation group anyway. only ones I really don't read are the rape ones not a big fan of rape... like at all. well full on rape slight non-con where they fall asleep and get it is ok but holding them and harming them to force them to do it is a big big turn off.

Still excellent, glad to see this isn't dead!

This story will probably only die with me, so don’t worry about that. It will, however, spend significant time in stasis, when my muse doesn’t want to work on it.

Glad you still like it, by the way.

My muse is not as accommodating as I might hope, so large gaps between chapters are unavoidable, unfortunately.

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