• Published 29th May 2020
  • 4,217 Views, 108 Comments

Dropped into a new life - End

Silent, a human turned pony, has been sent back in time, but that's not the worse part. He's been reverted into a foal and must now live a new life. As a prince?

  • ...

Settling in

I was not expecting this. I really wasn’t expecting to actually end up as Lunar Night. I thought he would be somepony else that just looked like me. It wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t know that he mysteriously disappeared. If I recall, Lunar disappeared somewhere where the edge of the Everfree Forest stands. Right now, the forest doesn’t exist. However, we are close to where it will be.

Not only do I have that to look forward to, but I also have an entire life as Lunar too. It’s going to be a long 20 plus years. I wish I paid more attention to Lunar’s, or my history. Twilight was digging up anything she could find about him. But most of his later history was lost or never recorded. Princess Luna tried to fill in the gaps but said that Lunar left for long periods of time and almost never spoke about them.

So all I know is that Lunar became the captain of the guard and left on long journeys.

I hope I don’t cause any paradoxes.

After all of the servants that served under Luna were dismissed, Luna and I were left alone. Luna had me in front of her. My back supported by her forelegs. After a moment of silence, she carried me with her magic and we made our way down from the throne. As there was nothing else to carry me in or at least nothing here she wanted to use she kept me in the air. The stroller was still there, but I guess she wasn’t willing to use that one.

“T’s time for us to wend to catch but a wink.” Luna, or now mom, said.

Catch but a wink?

We made our way down the hallway. There appeared to be a guard stationed at almost every corner we passed. Each one, standing perfectly still like a statue, not even to bow before their princess or the new prince, which is me. I guess they already gave their respects when Luna announced me as her son.

We kept passing door after door. They all looked the same, not one visible difference. I’m so getting lost once I’m able to be on my own. Then we reached a wide hallway and there were two lunar guards standing on opposite sides of two large doors. Luna didn’t even stop to say anything to them, the guards just simply moved out of the way as the doors opened.

We entered a dark room. There was barely any light in here. The only light coming in looked like it came from the moon. Remind me of my first night at the orphanage. But just then, the room was filled with a soft blue light. It wasn’t very bright, but it was enough to see where things were and not trip yourself over them.

I could see a dresser, a study, a bed, and-.

Oh, so that's what she meant by ‘catch but a wink’.

Is it almost morning? Doesn’t she have to lower the moon first? But then she passed the bed, so that means that she probably wasn’t going to bed just yet, just me. I am a little tired from the spells that the doctors and nurses kept casting. I do have a little kid’s body, of course, I’m going to get tired easily.

Luna stopped for a moment. From the corner of the room, she pulled a rocking chair. It had moons and stars carved into it. It was painted like the night sky.

Then from the corner of the room again she pulled a long piece of cloth. It wrapped itself around me, to the point that I couldn’t move my limbs more than a few inches. I guess that’s because the cloth has zome elasticity.

I think I’m too old for this.

I struggled around a bit to give her the hint that I didn’t like being in this. I felt it loosen around me.

“I thought not.” She sighed.


She looked down at me and brought her head down and nuzzled me against my cheek.

“I should have taken thee earlier.” She whispered, “I did plan to take thee by force, but sister would have intervened.”

Wait you were planning to kidnap me?

The thought of Luna breaking into the orphanage frightened me. Her thunderous roars were enough to make the castle shake, but see her use her physical strength and magic? I haven’t seen present Luna use her magic around me. So who knows how destructive her power is.

Then a pain in my stomach causes me to cry a bit. I no longer cry like I used to. I have some control over how much I cry now, but its not enough to stop it completely. This body is still far from under my complete control.

“Dear mother! What is wrong mine own child?!” Luna had a look of panic. She was looking all around me to see what was causing me to cry.

I’m hungry.

She didn’t react because no pony can understand me anymore.

“Has mine child soiled himself?”


“Tired? Wait! Mother’s book on foals!”

She summoned an old-looking book and furiously started to flip through its pages. Her eyes darting left and right, up and down, desperately trying to find the answer in the pages. Could she even register the words with how fast she was scanning the book? When she finished ‘reading’ the book her face looked flustered.

“I-I h-has't prepared for t-this.” Luna stuttered.

She began to lower me. At first, I was confused as to why. She did know all she had to do was to feed me a bottle of milk, right? She kept lowering me down past her belly and closer to her crotch.

Wait. Wait. Wait. NO! NO! I’ve had enough time spent ‘down there’!

Then a knock at the door was heard. Through was a muffled voice of one of the maids.

“Princess? I have brought Fresh warm milk for the colt. Shall I leave it here?”

“Oh? OH! Please do.”

The sound of a tray gently being place on the ground and then followed by hooves moving away was heard. After a few moments, Luna lifted me back up. Her horn flared and brought in the tray.

The tray contained a single bottle of milk. Luna took the bottle off the tray and brought it up to me. She placed the little nibble at the tip of the bottle and pressed it down on my lips. I instinctively began sucking in its contents.

Oh, thank whatever deity is looking out for me.

I felt the warm liquid travel down my throat and into my belly. The bottle felt neverending. The more I drank, the more milk came out. Was I really that hungry? I was fed at some point at the hospital. I think? Oh, I don’t think I was.

“We hope we did not traumatize thee.” Luna apologized. “Thou art not of our blood, so thee could not have drunk from us.”

You were going to make me drink from there!? Is it too late to think over this adoption?

I looked up at her and saw that she was smiling. There was a welcoming feel to it. Then a single tear traveled down her cheek. Then another one.

“What is this emotion we feel?”

I looked at her as she was starting to cry. Why is she crying? There are a few reasons why somepony cries, but nothing comes to mind. I can’t do very much as I am. I feel the last of the milk drip down into my mouth. I push the bottle out of the way and start reaching towards her.

She has her eyes closed. Meaning that she can’t see me trying to reach her. If she can’t see me, then perhaps hearing me will work.

Okay, let’s try it. Breath in, shape lips, and…


Dang, I meant to say, Luna.

This grabs her attention. She had a shocked look on her face. Even more, tears left her eyes. Did I do something wrong? Did I make it worse? I don’t know I can’t read her mind.

“Forgive me these art not drops of sorrow, but of joy.” She summoned a handkerchief and wiped away her tears. “Thee has brought so much to us in so little time.”

She’s probably never felt joy like this before then. What was she like before this moment then? I look back up and see that she’s still wiping away. Doses it matters? I guess the important thing now is that I’m here.

“T's almost morning I shalt only be gone for a moment.” She placed down in the bed.

She teleported away. I was left alone, but it was clear to where she left to go do. The sky went from being purple to blue as the moon was set and the sun took its place. Luna reappeared again. She closed all the curtains that weren’t previously closed. She took her place next to me on the bed.

I snuggled next to her barrel. For some reason, it felt like the best place to be. It didn’t take long for me to fall into a deep slumber.

“Sweet dream, Lunar, mine child.”

“...And this is the library,” Luna said. If anypony didn’t notice the little colt in a baby carrier wrap, then they would have thought that she was talking to herself.

The next night, Luna is currently taking me on a tour around a castle. Again, there aren’t many ponies around as most are asleep. The only ones awake are the lunar guards and the few maids. The maids bowed down whenever we intercepted them, the only guards that did do any sign of respect were the ones patrolling. They’d step aside and salute, then they’d continue to patrolling their routs.

When we entered the library I was amazed by the immense amount of books that filled the shelves. The entire room looked endless. No matter where you looked, there were books. Up? Books. Down? Books. I bet this place would cause Twilight to get aroused.

I bet I could learn a lot by just being here. Well, first I need to learn to read. Yeah despite living in Equestria for almost a year I still can’t read well. I learned a few words here and there, but an entire book? No thanks. Luckily I had Octavia or Vinyl to read for me.

I tried to learn, but I felt embarrassed to be a grown stallion while most of my peers would be little fillies and colts. I couldn't find the time to learn on my own if I wanted to. If I wasn’t working, then it would be Silver and Grey chasing me and taking me back to their village. Then after that, it would be escaping and I would arrive home tired. But now that I’m a colt myself, I can now learn to read without anything holding me back.

“However, I do not believe thou are not interested in books.” She gave a light chuckle.

Wait! Let’s not jump into any conclusions! Aaannnd we’re gone.

“I did save the most wondrous lodging for last.”

So far I have been enjoying the tour. The castle turned out to be much bigger than it seemed. Each door hid something different. I can’t even count how many doors there are since they all look the same. Seriously, I swear we entered through the same door twice and both times the room was different.

So far I’ve seen the library, kitchen, throne room, barracks, courtyards, and even the baths. There were baths for different ponies of various positions. The maids and other servants, like the gardeners and messengers, had their own. The soldiers had their own, but the day and night guards had separate baths. There was one bathroom reserved for the guest that would stay here. Then there was a royal bath. When I saw that, my jaw was threatening to fall out. That room was covered in gold and other precious metals and stones.

The kitchen surprisingly bussy, however, the cooks all looked to be nocturnal bat ponies. There didn’t seem to be a single regular ponies among them. We stopped here and ate. The staff wasn’t intimated by Luna’s presence like I thought they would be. They treated her as if she was another pony. However, they were slightly tense by my presence. Probably because if I choked on something it would probably cause Luna to go into a frenzy. So they made sure my food safe for me to eat without a problem.

During all this time, Luna was the happiest that I’ve ever seen her. Even more than the Luna from my time. While she was happy with her sister and the other princesses, there seemed to be something missing. I could somewhat tell. It was preventing her from being truly happy. Speaking of her sister, Celestia, they don’t see eye to eye. I knew that there was some tension between them in the past, but I thought it was Luna being the main problem, seeing that no pony appreciated her nights.

Celestia was nothing like her counterpart in the future. From what I’ve seen, She’s more like the monster Nightmare Moon describes her to be. Yeah, I know about Nightmare Moon. Twilight would not shut up about her when Luna was brought up around me. From what I’ve seen, Celestia does not approve a majority of what Luna does. Adopting me included.

The adoption was weird. I expected some sort of paperwork to be done, but there was none of that. She just said she was going to be my mother and everypony besides Celestia accepted. I still wonder if there’s any other reason that she wanted to adopt me. Besides the simple desire of wanting a child to be a mother, there was no other purpose I could figure out.

She closes the doors to the Library and walks forward. We passed many doors, most of them turn out to be empty guest bedrooms. Each one fitted for a different race. Apparently we have minotaurs, griffins, and even dragons come into the castle for diplomatic reasons. We end up outside. We are on top of one of the castle walls. It doesn’t expand very far, it curves back. The wall surrounds a small courtyard.

But something tells me that this is not what she wanted me to see. Luna spreads her majestic wings and with a single strike of her wings, we are lifted into the air. I peered down, but Luna pulled my head in.

“Nay peaking mine own child.”

I felt like pouting, but I hold it back as best I can.

Then lands somewhere. It didn’t feel like we’ve gone too far, the time in the air was much too brief for us to have gone very far. In fact, I didn’t feel our descent back down either.

“Thee can behold now mine own son.”

I think she wants me to look now. Truth be told. I only understand about a fourth of what she says. I go off the tone of her voice. Hopefully modern speech comes soon. I do not want to speak like that.

When I look out, I’m left speechless. In front of me is the entirety of what seems the entirety of Equestria. First thing I notice the city just across the bridge. Most of the houses are vacant of any life. The only light polluting the air beside the moon are the street lamps at every corner. The city looks very dated compared to Canterlot from the present.

Then past that are the farms outside the city. I could make out the barn houses, but even they lacked any light. Above I could make out what looked like a giant cloud hovering several feet above. Cloudsdale, I never guessed I’d ever see it here and now. It too was void of any light or life.

Past all of it, I could make out a beautiful purple sky. The sky was illuminated by the moon and stars. I could make out various constellations that I could see back home when I was human. Like the… uh, or the...uh. Why can’t I remember any of the constellations? One of their names is on the tip of my tongue, but the closer I get to it, the harder it is to remember. Like trying to see a faded image in the dark.

Oh well, at the very least I can learn them here.

I enjoy the scenery longer. How come more ponies aren’t enjoying a night stroll? The lamps produce more than enough light that you wouldn’t need to worry about tripping over anything.

I feel a hoof grazing the back of my head. I look up to see Luna smiling down at me. It seems like she’s thrilled that I’m admiring this. I can see tears about to form. She hasn’t experienced this much happiness, has she? Or at the very least not in a long time.

Then a flash of light illuminates the area for a second. The smile Luna had quickly turned into a frown. She turns us around and we are greeted by the sight of Celestia.

“Good morning, sister.” Celestia greeted.

Luna said nothing. She gave a heaving sigh and turned back around. She spoke, but not to Celestia. “This is the last thing I did want to show thee, but our moment alone is ruined.” She spoke to me in a low voice.

A blue aura surrounded her horn and then the moon began to move down. I’ve never seen Luna or Celestia move their respected celestial bodies.

Wait. It’s morning already? How long was that tour?

It felt like we only visited a few places. Did I fall asleep at some point?

The moon is quickly replaced by the sun. All of a sudden the previous dead city below is brought to life. Ponies can be seen leaving their houses. Birds can be heard tweeting about. I look up to see that Luna’s expression has turned sour. Af if she’s thinking how everypony can enjoy and appreciate the day, but none take the moment to do the same to her night.

“Sister,” Celestia calls out, but Luna doesn’t respond.

The scene warps around us and it changes back to the room. Luna closes the curtains so that the room is darkened. She lays me down. I suddenly feel sleepy, so I comply. She lays down as well, I moved beside her barrel.

I already decided to stop trying to get back home to my time. The reason being was that I have the body of a little colt. I have no magic or at least none that I could control. The biggest one being that I’m Lunar Night, Princess Luna’s son. If I were to disappear all of a sudden, then I would probably cause a huge paradox, assuming I haven’t done so already.

Even if it didn't cause one, then Luna would probably go berserk and look all over for me. But again, I'm currently a little colt. I couldn't go very far even if I wanted to.

I close my eyes and let sleep take over me.

I just realized I haven’t been knocked out in a while. Heh.

Luna looked down at her child. Everything was going so well during their tour. She knew that Lunar wouldn’t recall most of what they went through, but many of the night staff recommended that he’d get at least familiar with his surroundings. Then when they viewed the night sky she felt overjoyed that her son was liking her night. Finally, before heading to bed she wanted to amaze her son with the moon, but of course, her sister had to intervene.

So that moment was ruined. She had no desire to speak to her sister. She knew Starsril would make them make up, but until then she wanted nothing to do with her. But no matter. She had many years in front of her to spend with Lunar.

Lunar let out the softest of snores. He had fallen asleep quite quickly. She had to admit that his sleeping schedule was strange, but it benefited her as she could show him the night.

“Lunar, mine own son I shall protect thee no matter what.” She swore.

Now that he was asleep, she wondered what he was dreaming. Actually she didn’t need to, she had the ability to dreamscape. She could enter his dream easily.

“Allow us to see what thou art dreaming about.”

She closed her eyes and concentrated. The world around her melted away. When she opened her eyes again she was surrounded by a few bubbles. She wasn’t surprised to see so few. After all, the majority of ponies were wake.

She walked around a bit, looking for her son’s dream. After a few seconds, she grew uneasy. There were no signs of Lunar dreaming. Usually, if she wanted she could locate a specific pony in a matter of seconds. No matter what she did Lunar’s dream couldn’t be found.

It wasn’t possible. Even the most recent newborn could conjure up a dream. A pony had to train extensively to avoid dreaming. Another one was if the individual had cast a spell to prevent her from entering.

She quickly left the dream realm. She took control of her physical body. Luna looked down at her son expecting him to be awake at the very least. But he was still very much asleep. He was snoring. If Luna hadn’t experienced her run into the dream realm she would have passed it off, but now she was very considered. Afraid even.


The only other reason she could think of was if he was remembering something. Many great unicorns trained themself to replace a dream with reliving a major moment in their life when they fell asleep. Only then could she not find their dream. But this is a colt of bearly a couple of years of life. What memories could he have that could impact him?

“This hurts… so much.”

I was stuck and I was having a hard time breathing. It was dark and whatever was holding me in place was crushing me. I feel like I should know where this is and what happening, but nothing clicks.

Then the entire place shakes and whatever is holing me presses down on me even more. It’s crushing me. My head finally registers whats happening. Something is crushing me and its a matter of time before it completely falls on top of me and kills me.

Then the place I’m in is illuminated by light. It's a nearby fire just a few feet away from me. Its light reveals a large slab of concrete pressing down on me. The only thing preventing me from flattening down like a sandwich is a broken metal I beam holding it up at an angle. But even that looks like it’s going to give out. One more shake like the one before and I’m done for.

Why am I dreaming about this stuff? And why is it when I wake up I forget? It only when Ii dream that I remember.

Then I hear the sound of footsteps closing in. My head turns to the source. I smile thinking I'm safe. I can’t hear him or her. Their mouth is moving, but no words come out.

“Please… help me.” I choke out.

“I will.” They respond.

The stranger, who I can’t their face see walks over to the beam. I’m confused as to why but then he kicks it. I try to call out to them, but all they needed was that one kick and the slab of concrete falls

All of a sudden I can’t breathe or move. The stranger walks up to me. They placed their hand over me. They say something as their mouth is moving but I don’t hear anything as the world goes dark again.

Why is this happening?

Author's Note:

Sorry that it took a little while longer to get this chapter out, but I had an exam to study and get done. I've also gotten a few graveyard shifts at work, so when I get home I get home a bit tired.

I'll try to keep the uploads constant.