• Published 29th May 2020
  • 4,215 Views, 108 Comments

Dropped into a new life - End

Silent, a human turned pony, has been sent back in time, but that's not the worse part. He's been reverted into a foal and must now live a new life. As a prince?

  • ...

Who are you?

Ow… that really hurt.

I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head. At least that’s where I think it is. The entire world is a bit fussy and whenever I see the world fuzzy that means I’ve hit my head again.

The last thing I remember I was with Luna, following a general of her army and we were going to see one of the new recruits. Once we got there we were greeted by the sight of a small bat-filly around my age kicking the older recruits' asses. Then she turned to face me and something at the back of my head clicked but was interrupted by the same filly flying into me.

Then the last thing I saw was her eyes, one yellow, and the other one purple. Just like the ones staring down at me right now.

Staring down at me!?

Once I regained my senses I find myself on my back once again with the opposite sex on top of me. She’s stabbing daggers into me with her eyes. The rest of the ponies, including my mother, are shocked to see that somepony had the audacity to attack a member of the royal family, and being one of the guards made it worse.

I opened my mouth to speak, but I was cut off before a single sound can leave my lips.


What the buck are you talking about?

“NOTHIN TO SAY AT ALL!?” She slams her right hoof into the ground a few centimeters away from my head, the force causes the ground to somewhat crack around her hoof.

Have I met her before? I feel like I have, but I think the trauma to my head has caused me to forget. No, wait! I know…


She took offense to that. She raised her hoof again and aimed for it to hit my face. Just as it was about to make contact, her hoof was surrounded by a blue aura. I turned my head over to see Luna. She was the one holding the hoof of the bat-filly.

“How dare thee…” Her voice turned cold and dark. “...hurt mine own child.”

Luna’s blue coat looked like it was turning black, her eyes were almost cat-like but that could be my imagination. It is dark outside after all.

“HE-!” The filly is cut off as she is flung away from me. She hits the castle wall headfirst with a heavy thud. Her body goes limp as she bounces off the wall and lands on the ground. She is then surrounded by a bunch of guards all pointing their spears at her. This does not phase her, and despite being flung and hitting a solid stone wall, she gets back up and dusts herself off.

“Hmph!” She rolls her eyes.

What was she made of if getting tossed like that did nothing to her? It almost made me feel envious of her durability. Basically, anything aiming for my head will have a 100 percent chance of knocking me out cold.

The general furiously marched his way to her. He began to shout whatever profanity he had in his vocabulary bank. I may have forgotten a few things thanks to earlier. But I’m making up for it by filling in whatever that stallion was spewing out his mouth.

“General! Not in front of mine child.” Luna said, clearly desiring me not to ever repeat those words.

‘O-oh of course! My sincerest apologies.” The general realizes his mistake.

I feel mom’s magic aura lift me off my back and onto my hooves. I try to dust myself off as best I can, but it seemed that I collected more dust than I appeared to have.

“Seems a bath is in order Lunar,” Luna said inspecting me for any further injuries.

I just had one!

She turns to leave. I don’t move, however. My eyes are fixed on the filly that just attacked me. She’s just like the other bat-ponies I’ve seen, the only major difference is that she’s a filly. There’s something else that’s bothering me. No, it's not the eyes, I've seen a few other ponies with heterochromia iridium.

Screw it, I’m going to ask her.

I made my way to her. Luna saw me making my ways towards her and asked what I was doing. I pointed my hoof at the filly and continued walking. The filly in question was still rolling her eyes and not paying any attention to the general. However, when I got close enough she took quick notice of me, and not long after her so did everypony else. The guards who had their spears pointed at her retracted them as they did not want to hurt me and receive Luna's wrath.

“Your Highness what is ever the-?” I raised my hoof, signaling him to zip it. I know this kind of behavior is inappropriate for a prince, but I was just attacked by a guard who is supposed to serve the monarch.

“I wish to speak to her,” I said.

“Of course…” The general backed away and I was left with the filly.

So, what your deal? What did I ever do to you?

She says nothing. She still looks like she’s waiting for me to say something. A few moments pass before I realize what I did. Or rather what I didn't do.

Right, forgot.

“First, who are you? Second, Why did you think... that was a good idea?”

“So… you DID forget.” She looked elsewhere. Her voice dropped sending a small chill down my spine.

“So we have met... before then?” I asked. She’s supposedly met me then, so then why can’t I remember her? Perhaps if I ask her where we’ve met, then I may be able to figure it out. “Tell me… were have we met?”

“We shared a bed.”

Despite my black coat, my face turned red at this. A few snickers were heard in the background. I asked her where we met not how we met. Another thing is that we’re still kids! I’m around five to six years old. She can’t be too far off either. But I better make sure.

“So did we just sleep or…?”

“Just slept! Nothing more! For crying out loud we were at the most two!” Now her face was red. “We grew up at that forsaken orphanage!”

Then everything clicked into place. She was the filly that bit me!

“YOU BIT... ME!” I yelled. Something I rarely ever do.

“THAT’S WHAT YOU REMEMBER ABOUT ME?!” She yelled back. She had a face of confusion and shock.

“IT... HURT!”


“No, I remember us playing at night because every pony else was asleep.” My voice resumed back to a normal volume.

“Yes!” She lowered her voice as well.

“Also ate! Hated broccoli.” I remember throwing away the broccoli whenever it was served.

“Yes! We would throw them away when no pony was looking.” I didn't want to waste food so I stuffed it into some sleeping ponies' mouth. It was weird how they made us eat in our beds instead of the cafeteria.

“And that’s it.” I finished.

Her face went blank. She said nothing after that. Her head dropped and immediately the temperature dropped drastically.

“...I waited for you… to come back.” Her voice gave me chills. “And that all you remember me by? Did I mean nothing to you?” She turned around and stared at me with a dead look. Her one visible eye was blank and lifeless while the other one was covered by her hair.

Why would she? I mean we were little children who could barely talk at all. I was fully aware of everything, but her? I thought she would forget everything. People don’t remember their time as babies unless they experienced something traumatic.

Then a bell was heard from afar. Every pony knew what that meant and began to pack their stuff and head off. The general yelled at the top of his lungs for every pony to bow before Luna and me before they left. The filly refused to look in my direction, which seemed hard to do since I was only a few steps away in front of Luna.

“Hey! What’s... your name?” I asked despite still being scared half to death.

“You don’t deserve to know.” She bluntly said.

She picked up her spear that was laying on the ground. She pressed down on it and it flipped up off the ground and landed on her back. Seeing a full-sized spear on a small filly looked ridiculous. She turned and gave me one last look before joining the others.

The grounds were left empty, only leaving me and Luna. I was standing there going over what just happened. I meet the bat-filly I grew up with for the first two years of my life since I got here shows up again, she charges into me, and gets angry that I forgot all about her.

“Lunar, mine child, what happened?”

“An old… friend happened.”

“Princess!” A messenger yelled from behind us.

A Green pegasus made their way over to us. I’ve seen this pony a few times before. They’re one of the few ponies who is allowed to go in and out of the castle as they please. As long they are on duty.

“Yes? What is it?”

“The royal blacksmith says the prince’s crown is ready.” The messenger told her.

“Excellent! Thou are dismissed.”

The messenger bowed before leaving. They yawned before taking off. I’m guessing that they’re heading home and getting into bed. It is pretty late at night, in fact, it looks like it will only be a few more hours before dawn.

Luna and I finally make our way inside the castle. I head towards my room ready to go to sleep. I don't know why mom keeps asking what I dream about. And I always give her the same answer: I don't remember. Why does she need to know? She can see every creature's dream after all. Can't she?

Why do I keep switching between mom and Luna?


"Yes, mother?" I looked up to meet her gaze.

"Do not forget your bath."


Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait. A change in schedule at work. Anyway, I hope to release a chapter every two weeks and adding a few drawings here and there.