• Published 29th May 2020
  • 4,188 Views, 108 Comments

Dropped into a new life - End

Silent, a human turned pony, has been sent back in time, but that's not the worse part. He's been reverted into a foal and must now live a new life. As a prince?

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My life as a prince starts.

Why can’t I ever get comfortable?

I toss and turn in my bed. No matter what position I take, I just can’t get comfortable. Did I eat too many sweets? Ever since I’ve been able to eat on my own, I’ve taken every opportunity to eat whatever candy I could swipe.

Defeated, I sit up and look around the room. The curtains block out any light from the outside, but the light from the hallway bleeds into my room from under the door. The little light coming in is enough to make out my surroundings. Even though the lack of light obscures my vision, I can still recognize my things. Like my desk bookshelf, dresser, Tv, and…

TV? Those don’t exist. How can there be a TV here-? Oh, I see now.

I quickly come to realize that this isn’t my room. At least I think it isn’t. Almost every time I go to sleep, I have a nightmare of dying in some way. At first, it scarred me because whenever I woke up, I couldn’t remember the dream, but when I fell back asleep and entered a new one, I remembered everything.

At this point, it just became normal, so I just wait to die. I know it sounds dark of me, but again, I won’t remember this once I wake up.

Okay, let’s get this over with. How do I die this time, stabbed, crushed, or will I get hit by a bus again?

Nothing happens for a while, and I lay back down. Another thing about these dreams is that I have no control over my actions even though it feels like I do. In most of them, I’m human, but there are a few where I’m a simple creature, like a cat, or a whale. Then there are a few where I’m something strange, like being a talking pegasus strange. One time I was a goblin stealing gold or a weird squid that could turn into a human and back.

It seems like I finally got comfortable and start to fall asleep. At first, I think that I’ll just die in my sleep, but then I have a hard time breathing. It gets harder to get air into my lungs. A feeling, for the time being, familiar to me. It’s not the first time I’ve died like this. Of course, each situation was different.

J-just h-hurry up already.

The world goes dark, just as it always does.


I shoot awake, almost falling off my bed. I quickly scramble for a journal hidden behind the nightstand. I open it up to the next clean page. The journal is almost halfway full, but it’s not the only journal around. There are at least two others like it.

Come on. Come on. Where’s a quill? Come on I need one while it’s still fresh!

When I finally locate a quill, I jot down everything I could recall.

Let’s see, room, dark,...and breath. And. and… Dammit. It’s gone.

I drop the quill back into the ink bottle in frustration. No matter how hard I try, I can’t retain the dream I had. I leave the journal open for a few more minutes to let it dry. There is ink that will dry up almost instantly, but I grabbed this set without anypony seeing.

Ever since I could walk on my own and had better control over my body, I kept a journal near my bed. Each page had an entry describing what I saw in the dream, but never how it ended. I could recall a few details, but within a few minutes of being awake, it would disappear completely.

In truth, I didn’t know how to read or write in equis very well, so I wrote in English. Mom, -er Luna, I mean, doesn’t trust me with ink because one time I tried to write and I ended up spilling it all over the carpet and all over myself too, which was harder to get off my fur because it was also black. So bath time was extra long.

Mom… huh.

I’ve been calling her that ever since I could speak, but it’s only to keep up appearances. Still, I find weird calling her ‘mom.’ I still see myself as a grown stallion, just trapped in a colt’s body. She’s done everything a mother would do. Not always in the best way, but she tried her best. She was very clingy at the start, but as I grew older, she laid off a bit. Not a whole lot, but at least I can go to the bathroom by myself.

One example is the time she tried showing me how to swim. She placed all these safety devices all over me. I looked like that weird tire mascot. To make it worse, we were at a public pool. I’m lucky that cameras haven’t been invented yet. However, that didn’t stop ponies from telling others orally. It eventually made it to the ears of Celestia, so she teased me much to the dismay of Luna.

Speaking of Celestia, our relationship as a family is… fair. We don’t interact very often, nor do we seek out each other. She does her own thing, and Luna and I do ours. Whenever we did meet, it was during the exchange between the night and day courts.

However, Luna’s relationship with her sister hadn’t gotten any better. I’ve heard of ponies holding grudges for years, but these two are immortal beings, this could last for centuries.

As I put the journal away back to its hiding place, my eye catches a pile of books sitting on my desk. I look at the books with dread. I’m at the age where I can learn. So, Luna had hired a tutor to teach me to read and write. I learned to read and write up to a point, but then the tutor dumped all these books one day and told me to do as much as I could.

At first, I assumed it would be just copying down different letters and words. But no, they were full chapter books with quizzes at the end of them. I would have been fine if they were easy books, but no, they were advanced stories. The questions asked what the color of a curtain symbolized. I gave up after that question; in fact, that WAS the first question.

I heard a knock at the door.

“Your highness? Have you completed your assignments?” A voice called out to me.

My ears folded back, and I realized who it was. The voice belonged to my tutor, Mr. Sorrow. He wasn’t the most enthusiastic pony around, but supposedly he was the best tutor. I looked back at the book and remembered that I had a week to complete them, and that week was up.

Oh crap.

I panicked. I desperately tried to come up with an excuse. But what would I tell him? 'Sorry Mr. Sorrow, but I didn’t like what you gave me, so I gave up on it'. Like that would ever work.

Then I look over to the window but instantly shot that idea down. There are guards stationed right out my window, so any chance of escaping out the window are non-existent. Then I hear the lock to my door click.

When did he get a key to my door? And why?

Without thinking, I stretch out my wings and hover above the door entrance. The purple stallion pokes his head into the room. He looks around for me but finds nothing.

“Your Highness?” Mr. Sorrow calls out.

He enters the room completely. He leaves the door wide open as he does. I’m surprised that he doesn’t here me furiously flapping my wings. As soon as he’s far enough in the room, I make a break for it. I land outside the doorway with a soft landing.

“Goodness!” I hear him shout.

Have I been caught?

Luckily no, he was looking over the incomplete book assignments placed on my desk. He was flipping through each page. His expression was becoming more disappointed with each flip. I dissected that it was time for me to go. I took off to someplace else in the castle.

I wonder about the castle’s hallways fairly quickly. Since it’s the middle of the night, the castle is relatively empty. The only ponies awake at this hour are Luna, the guards, a few maids and butlers, and I.

While the halls are mostly empty, there are guards stationed at every corner. These guys are the easiest to sneak past by. I simply fly up to the ceiling beams and walk right past them. It took me a while to figure this out.

However, patrolling guards are a bit more challenging to get by. They’re a lot more observant than the guards stationed at one spot. I got caught a few times before, but I learned to just blend into the shadows and having my coat dark helps tremendously.

As I’m turning another corner, I come across the sound of Mr. Sorrow calling out to me. He sounds tired and irritated. I take a peek around the corner and see that he has a couple of guards with him.

These guys again?

Yes, I recognized these sets of guards. Why, you ask? Its because this isn’t the first time I’ve run off from my duties. I found learning to write boring once I got the hang of having a quill in my mouth, but when we got into cursive writing, I was out of there. Luna had to send out these guards to find me. They were part of the search and locate team. They were annoyed that they were stuck looking for a bratty prince, but once I became harder and harder to find, they took it as a challenge.

I’ve been acting more like my physical age more than I’d like to admit. I know what I do is wrong, but the kid in me wants to have fun. I’ve pulled a fair share of pranks here and there. Nothing to write home about, but they have gotten me in trouble. Luna scowls me because Celestia told her to do so, but she pretends she came up with it on her own. Another example of me being more childlike is going to Luna when I get hurt as any child with their mother would when they get hurt. The child in me does see her as a mother.

The guards make their way closer to me. I look around to try to find a way out here. I’m nowhere near any windows or doors. I’m in the middle of one long hallway. The only sort of cover is the banners hanging from the walls. They could cover me, but then they would find it suspicious to see a significant bump poking out. But then I recognize the design of the banner.

I feel a smile form on my face as I realize where I am—the entrance to one of many secret passageways. Not many know about them, not even the guards, but since I’m a prince, Luna showed me a few of them. So without giving it a second thought, I leap towards the banner. When Luna was first showing me this specific entrance, I thought I was going to become a pancake due to how much force she used tossing me. So instead of hitting the wall, I went through it, so then the secret was revealed to me. The banner and a section of the wall were all an illusion.

Once in the tunnel, the hard part started: navigation. I know I haven’t been the best with finding my way around, but this place would give anypony a hard time to find their way around. The tunnels have no markings, and if they did, then they were covered in cobwebs.

Why don’t they have anypony come in and clean up? Wait, then it wouldn’t be a secret then.

I mentally slapped myself. I venture further down the tunnels, taking random turns. Then I found an exit. This one had a solid surface; fortunately, it open easily and quiet enough so that I could peek out to see where I was in the castle. What I saw made me wish I could write a message to my five-second younger self not to peek out this exit. I backed away from this exit and headed the opposite direction.

Okay, let’s hope the next one doesn’t lead to a couple’s room. I do not need to see the roles reversed again.

After ending up going through several exits, many of which leading to other ponies rooms. I finally found one that leads out to an open area. I found myself above the throne room. Below I could see Luna talking to somepony, which surprised me. The night court rarely had any cases brought to it.

I could see a unicorn stallion blabbering nonsense. After hearing for a few seconds, I could make out that he wanted more land without pay for it. He argued that he generated so much money; it wouldn’t make sense. I looked over to mom, who had a neutral face. But I knew that she was irritated at this ponies’ whining.

This guy’s an idiot. Must have been spoiled since birth.

Even though that not many ponies went to the night court, the few that did, thought that Luna was less experienced, so they would have an easier time attaining what they wanted.

They were ultimately wrong because Luna was just as intelligent as her sister. So they ended up getting the same results just as if they attended the day court.

Deciding that I had enough of this ponies’ nonsense, I turned to leave, but before I could, Luna caught my eye. She was looking right at me. The stallion was so into his speech didn’t notice that the princess wasn’t paying attention. I sheepishly waved at her, and she smiled at me. She pointed with her eyes to the secret tunnel behind me.

Time for me to go then.

I entered the tunnel and spent the next hour trying to find the way back. Once I found an exit that didn’t lead to a room, I made my way back to my room. If only I knew where I was. I looked for a window, once that gave me a view of the castle tower. From that, I could figure out more or less where I was.

Okay, how hard is it to find a window?

The halls seemed to stretch out for miles, and none of them lead to windows. The guards didn’t make the search easier either. Left, left, right, right, and even up, there was no end. Soon I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, a window to the outside. I ran up to it. I looked for the tower. It was the same one Luna brought me when I was still a small foal.

Okay, where is the balcony? There it is! Now, if it’d there, then my room should be… here?

I looked behind me and saw the door to my room. There was no mistaking this door. Somehow, in looking for a window, I ended up finding my way back to my room.

Huh. How convenient.

I opened the door. I looked around to see no pony here. Did Mr. Sorrow already leave? I closed the door behind me, and the moment I did, I heard a cough beside me. It was Mr. Sorrow, and he was not happy.

“Was your little stroll fulfilling?”


“No… more.” I weakly croaked out.

I was in the dining room, waiting for tonight’s dinner. My mouth was sore after writing so much, so talking hurt. It’s a step up from what kept me from talking before, which I still have no idea. I was surprised that I could speak normally without a problem.

Once Mr. Sorrow caught me, he made me do every assignment in one sitting. The only breaks I had were to go to the bathroom, and they had a time limit. After I finished, I thought I was home free, but then he dropped the ball on me. It was another assignment. It wasn’t a paper assignment, but more of a task.

Celestia assigned this herself. She told Mr. Sorrow as she couldn’t deliver it herself. It seemed simple enough, but then Mr. Sorrow said if I failed this, then I could receive five times more homework than I had previously.

I thought since it wasn’t a paper assignment, it would be easy. But once Mr.Sorrow gave it to me, I froze stiff.

The assignment was to find a pony my age and befriend them.

“Lunar?” I heard Luna call me, “What troubles thee?”

Luna was sitting on the other side of this ridiculous long table. I usually sat right next to her, but when I entered the dining room, I sat in the nearest chair.

I raise my head to look up at her. “The assignment,” I say.

She lets out a soft sigh. She probably thought it was something serious. She gets up from her chair and makes her way over to me even though it takes a while.

“Do not fret mine child. I shall have a word with sister.”

I was taken back at this. Was Luna actually going to talk to Celestia after all this time just to get me out of a simple assignment? I felt like jumping for joy, but then something kept nagging me otherwise. As if I needed to this, or else something might go wrong. How? Beats me.

“No, I shall see through this,” I told her. I thanked her for her concern. Now she was taken back at this, but she quickly accepted it. I, however, mentally facepalmed as to why I did that. It was way out for crying out loud!

“Thou art growing fast,” she said, headed back to her chair.

You have no clue.

“Dinner is ready, your majesty’s.” The chief said as the waiters carried plates of food over to us. But I couldn’t focus on eating right now. Right now I’m thinking where I’m going to find a friend?

“Princess Luna!.” A guard came up to Luna. He bowed before speaking again. “The recruits have arrived.”

“Very well, general.”

“However, we have an unusual one.” The general spoke.

“Oh? What seems to be the problem?”

“One of the recruits is… well, just see with your own eyes. Once you are finished eating, of course.”

The general bowed one final time before leaving. Luna signaled me to eat as I have not touched my food. I looked down to see hay fries, a daisy sandwich, and some water.

These exist at this time, too, then?

After eating, Luna and I headed over to the training grounds where the fresh recruits were currently at. Luna decided it was a good idea to let me see who would be joining the ranks. I hope she’s not thinking of making me the captain of the guard just yet.

Once outside, we were greeted by a pair of guards waiting for us. Every time we step outside the castle walls, it is required for us to have at least one guard with us—the only exception being in the courtyard or the castle gardens. But even then, there would be a guard hidden somewhere. How may you ask? I could feel a pair of eyes watching me every time I set foot in those places.

The guards follow us carefully, one at the front and one at the back even though it’s dark out, our way is illumined by torches placed alongside the path. It doesn’t take that long to arrive at the grounds, where many bat ponies are busy training.

Are they all bat ponies then?

I thought I couldn’t see a regular pony among them because of how dark it was out here, but the entire grounds were clear as day with all the torches around.

“What does mine child think?” Luna asked.

“Astonishing,” I said, coming up with the biggest word I could come up with so as to prove my vocabulary was expanding. Some were jabbing their spears at dummies while others were sparing.

Before Luna could say anything else the sound of spears clashing caught our attention, we turned to see where the sound was coming from; almost every pony present had a spear with them, so it was hard to deduce. Luckily, a group was huddled around a circle cheering on, so it was safe to say it came from over there.

“What is all the commotion about?” Luna asks one of the guards.

“This is what I wanted to speak to you about, princess.” A voice spoke behind us.

It was the General from earlier. He walked up to mom before bowing down. He raised his head back again and looked over at the little group huddled. I was expecting to say something, but then one of the recruits who I assumed was fighting was flung over the crowd and was about to land right in front of me. Luna used her magic to push the recruit back before hitting the ground with a hard thud.

The group of recruits began to disperse, and it revealed who the other opponent was. Neither Luna nor I could prepare to see what we saw. The other pony was just a little filly. She was holding a spear too big for her, but it seemed she had no trouble welding it.

“Commn’ now. What the matter now ya’ pansies! Too scared to get ya’ arses owned by a filly?” The filly boosted.

“The filly you see here has abnormal strength for her size and age.”

However, that was not what surprised me. What did was the filly’s eyes. They looked very familiar, almost as I’ve seen them somewhere else before. But where?

I’ve seen her somewhere. I just know it.

Her eyes then lock onto mine. Her left eye is purple, and her right eye being on the opposite side of the color wheel, yellow. We stare at each other for a few moments. The bat filly eyes turn from curiosity to a glare.

“YOU!” She yells across from me.

She wings spread out, and with one push of her hind legs, she travels the distance within a second. Directly at me.


Author's Note:

I hoped you've enjoyed this chapter.