• Member Since 18th Oct, 2019
  • offline last seen Sunday


Just a simple guy who likes making stories.

Comments ( 45 )

Alright, I like it so far and can't wait to see more.

Thank, if you've got any suggestions feel free to tell me them

So far it's pretty good and I'm glad you're not making the MC a doormat like most anime protagonists.

I kinda based Ethan's personality off of Kazuma from Konasuba

Nice, will other girls come into story or just these 12?

More will show, mainly to find these 12.

Then if may suggest, do a Rule34 Big Mac because ewe don't have enough stories with her.

Hmmm, maybe, I might come up with something later along the lines.

Maybe something along the lines of a spell hitting the wrong person and making a clone?

Or you can just have it to where Big Mac is a girl in this universe so you don't have to make things complicated, alot of people do it.

Huh this story reminds me ,of another story one here where it had,the same premise as this one

Well I did take a little inspiration from a few stories that are similar in concept.

I see, also the story reminded me of this one a bit
. You might have already read it i guess https://www.fimfiction.net/story/170928/roommates

Reverse Gender Roles Equestria, an Equestria where all the gender roles are flipped. Mares work while stallions do the housework and raise the foals, that sort of thing.

Ah, then sort of, there are a few exceptions to the norm in their version of Equestria

Ethan swiped his hand at Rainbow launching dozens of Kuni shaped lightning bolts made of his aura, Rainbow took to the skies but the aura Kuni followed her, they were hot on her tail and gaining, when she made a sharp turn they made a sharper turn when she when faster they went even faster, then Rainbow tried to backflip over the aura Kuni, but the aura Kuni immediately changed direction and hit her exposed back.

Kunai is spelled with an a. At least you didn't put an s at the end.

Oh, thank you for pointing out spelling error, I didn't know Kunai had an A in it.

If I've made any more feel free to point them out.

A few.

"Tomorrow, the mal is closed on Mondays." Ethan continued.


"Thank Celestia!" Applejack said think she'll be able to get out of the dress she was in.

Pretty sure that should be thinking.

The other ponies nodded in fear of Twilight and the girls followed Ethan to his apartment, it wasn't big but it wasn't small, one about 3 rooms, there wasn't much in it either, just a few futons, a flat-screen TV, and the basic things an apartment needs, like a kitchen and bathrooms, "You'll have to find something to sleep on, I'll buy some air mattresses when we go to the mall,"

One should probably be only.

"Well, we've been from our own world, so we've got nowhere to go, so we'll be happy to take you up on your offer," Twilight replied before giving a glare to the others, "Won't we girls?"

They've been what from their own world?

"That's your punishment for randomly starting a fight with him, don't worry about any injuries on our part, I've already cast a healing spell on them, and Silver Spoon was healed during the fight," Twilight said motioning to a fully healing and wide awake Silver Spoon.

Pretty sure that should say fully healed.

Ethan snickered and said, "I have my moments of niceness, my moments of jackassery, and my moments of perversion. I'm not some white knight, your gonna have to go back in time for those kinds of heroes. Also, you kinda deserve it since you attacked me without reason."

You're gonna.

Ethan made a pair of scissors with his aura, only Twilight could see it, but Ethan made it known with one swipe at the two mares, their manes and tails were given a haircut, Applejack losing the most hair, and their clothes were cut to ribbons, Ethan seemed to fully enjoy the view he was getting, the two mares covered themselves as to be they could.

Themselves the best.

And finally: pretty much all of your paragraphs are long run on sentences. Using commas isn't enough to fix this. I would suggest finding an editor.
Other than that and the ridiculous bust sizes you gave the Mane 6 the story seems to have an interesting premise so keep it up.

Thank you, also I have been considering lowering those bust sizes, which I have now done as well, also... Editor? How's that work?

Not sure as I have never written a story on here. You will have to ask another author. Proofreader is another word for it used on this site so again I don't know.

Still a little silly but more believable on the bust sizes.

Well, we're not talking about humans here.

Yes which is why I find these new sizes acceptable. I just always found someone expecting the usual productiveness out of a Rarity with a bust size bigger than Celestia's flanks to be taking it too far.

This is getting good, keep it up man.

Also I say let the fillies learn Nen as well.

Comment posted by Shadowblade019 deleted Jul 8th, 2020

Not bad at all im liking the anime theme of it and the protagonist ,tthe charectes can be worked on tho,rd and applejack seem too hostile for someone they dont know they dealt with zecora and learned from it so its out of charecter , pinkie should be more cheerful and active and fluttershy should be more shy twilights peesonality works well tho otherwise you got something solid hope to see more :)

Well, Ethan has humiliated them on a couple of occasions.

Well they deserve it all, for being Hostile for NO reason.

Well, now that have a reason, Ethan is being a dick.


No he wasn't. Not to me that is. Applejack and Rainbow deserve the humiliation for being Assholes to Ethan. And another thing. Why the hell are you letting Ethan giving them the Nen Powers?!

For one thing. Their were being rude and mean to him. And the Ponies are NOT even friends to Ethan somewhat. So, WHY should Ethan be a nice guy and feels like he own them a favor?

Besides, the Ponies are very inexperience and are "Noobs" to learn the Nen Powers and Techniques. Nen is VERY Different than the Ponies Magic. And is not used like a plaything. There just gonna screw up and get themselves killed.

Personally, I WON'T have a problem with this IF the Ponies act WWWWAAAAYYYY Nicer, and Apologize to Ethan ( Especially Applejack and Rainbow Dash.). And they have to EARN the Nen Powers first. Not rushing it without training.

The Nen Powers ( HunterXHunter ) sounds a bit similar to KI ( DBZ, DB GT, DB Super ) and Chakra ( Naruto ). But, ALL of them are very powerful and dangerous in their own right. So giving it to the Ponies very fast and in a rushing matter, sounds very irresponsible for Ethan do that. I hope the Higher Ups from the Hero Organization scold him for it.

I mean, I just don't think Ethan is a "Master/Teacher" type to help the Main Six, and others.

Ethan is just showing them the basics so they don't blow themselves up.

As for why he's teaching them, Nen would greatly help them since they're in the most dangerous area in the world, and since the ponies have no money, they're stuck there.

Ethan can't be everywhere and sometime his job as a hero takes him to faraway places if he's not there when something happens, then they'd die.


Those are good points. I just think they got it too early and fast. And think they don't deserve this very cool, but destructive power. And I'm still sour with Rainbow and Applejack for being bitches to Ethan here. Plus, I worry they might abuse their Nen Powers and do something very stupid! Like attacking the WRONG person like when they did it with Ethan. And get into more trouble.

Them attacking anyone won't be a problem, since there isn't a single person within a 50-mile radius of the city they're in, it's mostly just monsters.

Oh, so it's just some heroes being there. And is this both a One Punch Man, and a HunterXHunter Crossover? Are you adding more Anime?

No, just an OPM crossover, I'm using a simplified version of Nen, and it's basically a nod to one of my favorite animes, I might add more references and/or things that are nods to other series since OPM has done this many times.

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