• Published 5th Jun 2020
  • 9,244 Views, 862 Comments

Slice of Velvet and Pear - David Silver

We walk down our long roads of life, but what of the roads not taken? Twilight and Applejack are carried along a different path, where their fates were bound in new ways.

  • ...

81 - Canterlot Wedding, Part One

All the girls, Spike included, dismounted the train into Canterlot. Above them, a strange new shield stretched over the city, a bubble of force.

Twilight nodded up at it. "Some sort of 'emergency', though I'm unsure what for."

Moondancer shrugged lightly. "It doesn't appear to be in the way. Let's focus on this, hm, wedding?" She didn't sound especially sure of the whole thing. "It's going to have a lot of ponies, all close together, talking, correct?"

Spike slapped her flank with a laugh. "Cheer up! You can always stick with me, I'm cool." He flexed his muscles, or attempted to. "Your bro will keep you safe."

Moon smiled a little at that. "I feel certain you will try, and that helps."

Rarity powered to the front of the crowd. "Ah, Canterlot. One day, you will be mine. For now, a wedding! Isn't it simply fantastic?! A royal wedding of all things! I simply can't contain myself."

Applejack adjusted her hat. "You've been awfully giddy since we got the news." She shrugged. "I don't mind it none. Been lookin' forward to seein' Spike's home, though."

Spike jumped at that. "You mean Moon's foalhood home?"

Applejack looked over at him. "Is that where you grew up?"

"Yes." Moon sighed lightly. "It is." She bobbed her head forward. "I'm certain there will be plenty of time to go over our various pasts."

Rarity coughed into a hoof. "Let's focus on the present, which is about the future of two lovely ponies that want to get together." She giggled with building energy. "Technically, already together, but they want to make it official."

Diamond Tiara sighed as she trailed after the others. "This is so dumb."

Spike walked next to her. "What's dumb?"

Diamond grumbled under her breath, eyes turned away. "Like I'd be interested in all this foal stuff."

Spike elbowed her gently. "Weddings aren't foal stuff."

Diamond glared at Spike. "Being a flowermare is. How did I end up with that job?"

"Um, because you're cute and sweet? Sometimes." He winked at her. "And Rarity wants to make you look good, since you're her friend and all."

Diamond rolled her eyes, but a smile flashed over her muzzle for just a moment.

As they reached the castle, a tall white unicorn trotted into view. "Twily!" Shining Armor was upon her, and she brightened at seeing him.

But she didn't accept the happy reunion alone. "Shining! Why didn't you tell me earlier you were getting married?!"

He waved it off with a smile. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't risk telling you. The best security is surprise, and even more so in a royal wedding." He offered a hoof to Moondancer. "Hi, Moon. You've grown a lot since I last saw you."

Moon pricked her ears as she was called. Though not asked, she blurted out, "Twilight and I are now dating steadily."

Shining came to a complete stop, stunned. "Oh, um. I didn't ask that, but, uh, good?" He rubbed behind his head. "I think we're even, sis."

Twilight grinned at him. "I have to know, how did you get involved with a princess? They usually only associate with other royalty, from what I've read." She took her place at his side, waiting for his reply. "And she sounds extra posh with a name that long."

Shining laughs at that. "Twily! That's just another name for Cadance! Don't you remember her? She was your foalsitter.

Twilight's eyes went wide. "Cadance?! She isn't just a foalsitter. She was the best! Beautiful, caring, and kind are all terms that fit her. You're marrying her?!" Her eyes were sparkling with wonder at the very idea.

Shining Armor leaned against Twilight. "It was actually quite easy, now that I think about it. After that first fateful meeting, we kept in touch over the years." He rolled his eyes, just to start. "Oh, there she is."

Cadance approached at a steady walk, sharing a little nuzzle with Shining. Twilight hurried to her. "Cadance! Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" She performed an intricate little dance as she went, ending with shaking her rump at the baffled and indifferent Cadance.

Shining Armor threw a leg over Cadance. "She'll be looking over the wedding details. We're both happy to have you all here."

Cadance fixed Twilight with a brief, if mildly troubling, smile.

The greetings had been given, and Cadance moved on to sending ponies about on various assignments.

Moon inclined her head. "What position do you have for me?"

Cadance considered Moon quietly a moment. "What was your specialty again?"

"Research." There was no hesitation there. "Magic?" Moon leaned against Twilight. "We are both excellent magicians."

Cadance shook her head. "Enjoy the wedding." She went past, just dropping the conversation entirely.

Moon flicked her ears gently. "Does that mean I have no assignment?"

Twilight gently nudged against her. "Come with me. I want to see how everypony's doing, and having a little company would be nice."

"Understood." Moon rubbed her cheek against Twilight's side as they moved into the castle.

Applejack flicked her tail as she helped with cooking. Putting her newly gained gourmet skills to use, she made extra special apple treats in the Canterlot ovens that she had grown used to during the gala. "Like old friends!" She gently bumped a door open to rescue some ready baked treats. "Mmm, smellin' real good."

Twilight poked her head into the kitchen, nodding at Applejack. "Don't let us stop you." She drew back with Moon, munching on an apple treat. "Delicious, as usual."

Moon broke off a piece with her magic and tried a bite herself. "Hm. Applejack is improving at her skill. Every time I get a chance to try something of hers, it's better than the last."

"Aw, shucks." Applejack had heard the compliment. "Jus' tryin' mah best!" She slid some new work into the oven to begin its process. "Oh, Cadance. How is it?" She offered up some of the newly created treats. "Fer yer special day!"

Cadance took a small bite of the offered food and started with surprise. "This is—" She glanced about. "Surprisingly capable." She marched past. "I should continue, so many things to look over."

"Don't doubt that." Applejack offered a bag towards her. "Eat this if y'aint had a chance to have a meal bein' so busy an' all!"

"I'll do that." Cadance glanced at the bag. "It smells quite nice." She turned to leave. "See you later."

"Yeah, later." Applejack shrugged as she resumed her work.

Moon inclined her head at the interaction, considering it.

Twilight was faster at reaching a conclusion. "Did she just say 'surprisingly capable?!' That is so rude." She huffed and bumped anew into Moon. "Let's keep going."

Moon matched Twilight's pace, nodding. "Yes. This may be very rude. I'm uncertain what her excuse will be for such behavior, but there may be one." She ducked her head, looking into some of the other rooms, but not wandering into them. She saw her school friends standing in a line rigidly. It was surely for some wedding thing she didn't understand. Moon walked past.

Heading to a tower room, they find Rarity putting finishing touches on a line of dresses. "Darlings! Look." She waved over them all with a big smile. "They'll be dresses I made, worn at a royal wedding." She cantered in place with a giddy giggle.

Twilight nodded. "It looks great. All the dresses you make are great." She moved closer, tapping at the fabric with a hoof. "Hm. The royal Canterlot gown?"

Rarity shot Twilight a little glare. "There's a bit more specific to it, hm, dear." She broke into a warm smile and turned as she heard hoofsteps approaching.

There was Cadance, with the mares Moon had spotted earlier. "Darling! I was hoping you'd stop by. I've been working extra hard to be sure every dress was ready for your big day."

Cadance ignored the greeting entirely in favor of examining the main dress critically. "More beading and a longer train." She turned to the Bridesmaids' dresses. "Mmm." Even though the actual maids looked pleased with them, she was not. "Change the color, hate it."

Rarity clasped her hooves together. "Of course! What the princess wants is what she will get!"

Moon rubbed at her cheek lightly. "I'm not the expert in these situations, but this does not seem to be a good exchange."

Twilight pushed Moon away from them, lest they be overheard. "It is not! Princess Demandypants over there is being incredibly rude to Rarity." She huffed with building anger. "I don't like any of this."

Moon hummed with thought. "Why don't we approach her?"

Twilight's anger deflated. "I, uh. Not yet. Let's lay low. If we see her misbehave one more time, then we'll raise a fuss about it. I don't want to do that before we're sure. Three's the magic number, right?"

Moon inclined her head left and right. "Three is no more or less arcane than any other digit, but I will assist how I can."

Elsewhere, Cadance was instructing Diamond Tiara in how to join the other fillies in scattering petals on cue. "There's nothing to it. When those doors open, you will burst out with them and swing these baskets around just enough to scatter petals."

Diamond Tiara smirked. "And then what?" She tossed her mane and winked. "They're going to land all over. A cute filly like me should make a much bigger splash than just that."

Cadance huffed gently. "That is your job. That's all you have to do. Proceed down the aisle so that we, Shining and myself, can proceed on the carpet of petals that you and the other fillies have made."

Diamond Tiara studied the princess with a raised eyebrow. "And how do you think that will happen?" She half-closed her eyes as she snickered at Cadance. "I want something more from this gig."

Cadance recoiled at the sheer brazenness of the filly. "You will receive nothing, and you'll thank me." Her eyes flashed green as she glared.

Diamond's eyes echoed the color as she went limp in place.

"That's more like it. Now, when the doors open, you will do what?" Cadance pointed towards the closed doors with a sneer.

Diamond stiffly turned to face the door. "I will scatter petals, and go down the aisle."

"Good." Cadance's eyes returned to normal, but Diamond still stood stiffly, just awaiting further instruction. "Go with the others. You will need your beauty sleep for tomorrow."

The doors opened, and the other girls poured out into the hallway, stopping as they reached Diamond. "All done with practice?" Sweetie Belle hopped in place in front of Diamond. "It's easy!"

Diamond shook her head. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm ready." All thoughts of rebellion were gone, and she went with the girls off to their room.

Cadance emerged from the hall with a satisfied smile. Spike poked his head out from the corner he'd been waiting in for Diamond, a scowl on his face. "That was not cool." Arms folded, he stormed off. "Nopony makes my Diamond get all googly eyed."

Shining Armor popped his head out from the very next door. "Are you talking to me?" He rubbed at his cheek. "Is that who you think did it?"

Spike scoffed as he glanced back. "What? No." Though he could see Shining looked tired. Beat and exhausted were perhaps better words for it. "You need to take a nap or something?"

Shining stared off into the distance. "I'm busy, Spike."

"Doing what? Look, uh, Princess, whatever her name is, she's the one rushing all over. Why don't you go find a dark room to take a relax? You'll both be better for it." He fired a thumbs up. "You can blame me if they complain about it later."

Shining chuckled with fatigue. "You're a nice dragon, Spike." He gently mussed the spines atop Spike's head. "I'm glad Twilight has such a good friend."

Spike huffed. "I'm cute and cuddly too. All sorts of fun stuff." He rolled his eyes, caught between those not being the traits he wanted especially, but also traits his girlfriend admired in him. He elbowed Shining's flank. "But seriously, dude. You need to chillax."

Shining swayed in place as if pushed. "No, I'm really busy. The ceremony is going to be fine, but..." He rubbed at his face, sighing. "Some kind of attack, I'm not sure what, is coming for Canterlot. I have to be alert." With a thunderous yawn, he began to walk. "I'll go check with Cadance. She can make the headaches go away."

Author's Note:

It is here. Time for the season finale!

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Comments ( 4 )
redmar #1 · 1 week ago · · ·

Twilight and Moondacner will hopefully aproach this a bit better than Twilight did in the cartoon.

Twilight and Moondancer with backing song by Suspicious Spike are up against a slightly less obnoxious and more intelligent Chrysalis?

This is gonna hurt. :trixieshiftright:

I love how "Cadence" had to hold back her genuinely positive reaction to Applejack's cooking. Gee, I wonder why she did that?

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