• Published 14th Nov 2020
  • 6,940 Views, 573 Comments

Two Nymphs, One Pony - CitreneSkys

While running errands, Fluttershy finds two abandoned nymphs deep within the Everfree Forest. She quickly decides to take them under her wing.

  • ...

Her Changelings

What am I doing?

Her pink mane whipped her face as she glided along the air. Thorax was clinging to her feathers, his eyes shut tight as the wind became stronger. Angel clung onto the side of the saddlebag, and the magpie behind her took a steady pace as he followed.

Her wings felt shaky, Fluttershy feared they would give out at any moment. Teal eyes were glued to the ground as she watched her surroundings, the misty fog from the corner of her eyes becoming thicker and thicker. She flicked her ears as she tried to rid the constant ringing she felt, but to no avail.

“Um...M-Miss Fluttershy...?” Thorax quietly whispered from upon her back, reverting to the name he used back when they first met. “Why are you really anxious right now...? Did your meeting not go well?”

“Hm?” Fluttershy gulped, forgetting that changelings could read emotions. Well...she didn’t outright know that, but they fed on emotions so they probably could read them, too. “Oh...uh...I guess you could say that.”

Thorax frowned, an almost fearful look crossed his face. Before she could ask what was wrong, he buried his head into her mane, hiding.

Sighing, she dipped down towards the door of her small cottage. It’s been a few days, but she was already beginning to miss her cozy home. The smell of blossoming violets and peonies welcomed her back, a choir of birds soaring overhead.

With a quick click, she opened her front door, stepping into the vacant house. Aside from some of the gathering dust, nothing seemed out of place or moved, which put her more at ease. Angel gave a whining groan, hopping onto the ground and running to the garden bushes.

The small changelings slid off of her back, ungracefully tumbling onto his hooves. He shook himself, the wings along his back pulsating as he buzzed them. Behind them, Pharynx the magpie returned to Pharynx the changeling, the red-hued nymph prodding at her saddlebag.

“Heh, you really like that book, huh?” Fluttershy smiled, pulling the small rust-colored novel from out of her bad. She didn’t bother to look at the cover, handing it over towards the young changeling. Pharynx took it without hesitation, flopping down onto the couch as he flipped to one of the pages in the middle.

“How did you remember the page you were on without a bookmark?” Fluttershy asked.

“...memorized every word on the page,” he said nonchalantly, to which Fluttershy screwed her mouth shut. Welp, I’m not asking.

“Oook then, I’m going to be out in the garden, call me if you need anything,” she smiled at both nymphs, nudging Thorax gently with her nose. Turning towards her door, she quietly shut it behind her. Her wings were tired, but she needed to clear her mind.

With a little flutter, she settled down near one of the housing trees, the robins descending around her as she kicked her hooves.

“Oh, hello Lady and Rin!” She smiled as the darker one perched atop her head. The tweeted and chirped at her, happy that she was home. “I know I’ve been away for a few days, but I hope everyone is doing well!”

Chirp Chirp!

“Oh, Harry went to see his mother again? How nice of him, remind me to tell him to say hi for me?”

Tweet chirp chirp!

“...Huh...Rin you’re a little too young to be thinking about dating, don’t you think?”


“Okay okay...! I’m just saying!”

Tweet tweet.

Fluttershy frowned. “Ha ha, very funny...” Teal eyes averted to the ground as she wonders towards the stream. The soft sounds of running water soothed her senses as she laid down onto the soft bed of grass, sighing.


“Huh?” She looked up at Lady, the robin giving her a concerned look within her beady eyes. “Oh, I’m fine, Lady. Just...the meeting in Canterlot didn’t go as well as I hoped...”

A reddish wing patted her sympathetically, and she smiled. “Thanks...I really needed that.”

She chuckled as the robins snuggled in closer towards her. Rustling feathers, the soft breeze, it all seem to help calm Fluttershy’s nerves. See could forget her stress or a little while...


Her ears perked as she swiveled her head around, calming down once she saw the nymph. Thorax buzzed his wings quietly, shuffling his hooves as he approached her.

“Yes, Thorax?” She asked, the robins next to her shuffling around as the nymph settled by her. He seemed nervous, though she wasn’t entirely sure why.

“Um...I have a...question...if you don’t mind me asking...” he started, his tone seeming to pick his choice of words carefully, wavering as he looked up at her.

“Alright...what is it?”

“Um...you aren’t going to be getting in trouble...are you?”

“...pardon?” She blinked, her head tilting.

“I-I mean...you said you were having a meeting with the Princess...and you said that it didn’t go well...I was just wondering if you were going to be in trouble is all...is the Princess going to punish-“

A yellow hoof pressed against his nose. “Slow down, Thorax. What makes you think I’m getting in trouble?”

“U-um...well if things don’t do well you’d be p-punished...at least...that’s what usually happens...”

Rin flapped her wings landing into Thorax’s forehooves. The little robin rubbed her head onto his chitinous hooves as if to comfort him. He was stunned at first, before relaxing.

Fluttershy frowned. “..was it like that back at your hive?”

He bit his lip. “...does it not work like that for ponies...?”

“No sweetie, it’s not like that,” she rubbed his crest affectionately. His moment of embarrassment faded away as he giggled. “Equestria is very fair with its system, or at least, for the most part it is. I’m not going to be getting in trouble for talking back to the Princess.”

“Really?” Thorax seemed intrigued by the very thought of it, before looking at his hooves. “In the hive, you would be executed if you even think about doing other things other than what the Queen tells you...”

Fluttershy shivered at that thought. With a careful wing, she brought the cyan changeling close to her, placing the warm feathers against his back. “Know that it’s not like that around here, your safe.”

Thorax stayed quiet, watching the stream water. Unexpectedly, Rin and Lady decided to swarm around the small nymph, making the changeling squeak.

She chuckled. “Thorax, this is Rin and Lady. They are very nice robins and who want to be friends with you.”

“Friends?” Thorax's eyes widen before his lips unzipped in a wide smile. “Hi! I’m Thorax, it’s nice to meet you.”

Fluttershy watched fondly as Thorax conversed with the robins, her mind easing with every second.

Even if Celestia didn’t quite approve yet, I’ll protect them to the end, she vowed.

They are my changelings, after all...

Author's Note:

January 11, 2021

I hoped you enjoyed this shortish chapter. I skipped over the parts where Fluttershy’s returned home because I thought it would be tiring an not entertaining. I hope you don’t mind this change.