• Published 14th Nov 2020
  • 6,940 Views, 573 Comments

Two Nymphs, One Pony - CitreneSkys

While running errands, Fluttershy finds two abandoned nymphs deep within the Everfree Forest. She quickly decides to take them under her wing.

  • ...

Sorting the Issue

Fluttershy rushes over towards the two, trying to keep a stern demeanor. Underneath her bristling wings was a mare who was very worried. What happened within the twenty minutes she was gone?

“Pharynx. Angel. What happened.”

Her bunny rabbit cried, pointing towards his back and stomping on the ground. The winged mare’s eyes widen.

“He threw you?!” Teal eyes turned to look at changeling, who seemed to be backing off. His crest was standing straight up, still hissing. “Pharynx...why?”

The small changeling looked away, crouching defensively. His head was turned away from her, violet eyes sudden very interested in a speck on the ground.

Fluttershy sighed, deflating her wing and chest. “Pharynx...look at me....”

Slowly, the small changeling turned his head. His eyes narrowed as he growled. A small scratch on his cheek was still bleeding, a stream of crimson running along his chitin.

She gasped, and then face hoofed. She looked at both creatures and turned back to Thorax who was still standing in the doorway. “Thorax, in the first drawer of my nightstand there is a first aid kit, can you bring it? Small white box with a red cross.”

“Um...sure,” he buzzed his wings, disappearing up her stairwell. Fluttershy gently picked up both Pharynx and Angel, placing them on the couch.

She took note that there were torn up prices of paper along the floor, and a stray pencil with its tip broken.

Sighing, she looked both creatures in the eye. “Ok...what happened?”

Angel squeaked first, pointing at Pharynx and stomping his feet. Fluttershy listened intently but frowned. “He attacked you for no reason? Um...Angel are you sure you did nothing to make him do that?”

The rabbit shook his head, giving her sad eyes. Fluttershy sighed, then looked over at Pharynx. “Alright Pharynx, what about you?”

Biting his lip, he fiddled with the red blanket. His ears flatten against his head, casting a not so hidden glare at the rabbit.

“Pharynx, I know you aren’t comfortable talking to me yet but I need to know what happened.”

Low clicking emitted from his throat, and he sighed. “...your rabbit is being a jerk...


Rubbing a hoof against his cheek, he grimaced. Fluttershy could tell that he was uncomfortable, but he pressed on a bit. “...kicked a graphite at me...

“Graphite?” Fluttershy picked up the broken pencil from the floor. So that’s why the tip snapped. “You mean the pencil?”

He shrugged, growling. Teal eyes turned towards the bunny, “Wanna explain that?”

Angel shook his head, but Fluttershy knew better. Sighing, she gave Angel a stare, causing him to freeze in place.

She perked her ear when she heard a slight buzz coming from her stairs. Turning her head, she saw Thorax holding a small white box. “This is the one, right?”

“Mhm, thank you,” she carefully took the box into her hooves. Unlatching the lock on the First Aid kit, she ripped open the alcohol wipe. “This will sting,” she warned, placing it onto his open cut.

Pharynx recoiled at the touch, hissing. She gazed sympathetically towards the small changeling, rubbing his hoof as he bared his teeth. The winged mare continued to clean his wound, then placed an appropriately sized bandaid on top.

“There we go,” she said quietly, then turned to her rabbit. As far as she can tell, there were no wounds she could see. No bruises, no scratches, and definitely no broken bones.

She opened her mini-fridge, pulling out an ice pack. Gingerly, she placed it onto Angel’s back, soothing the pain.

“Alright...I’ll deal with you in due time,” she pointed towards the colorful changeling. “Thorax, can you take your brother upstairs?

“Sure...” Thorax had a worried frown.

Fluttershy watched as the two changelings trotted up the stairs. Her ears flattened when she saw how dejected and tired Pharynx looked, but she would deal with the unhappy changeling later.

Turning towards her rabbit she frowned. “Angel...we talked about your behavior...”

The bunny rabbit whined, stomping his foot. Fluttershy glared...or rather tried to. With her timid demeanor, it was hard to look stern.

“No excuses. You can’t treat anyone who walks into the house like that! I might tolerate it, but that doesn’t mean everyone will.”

More stomping. Angel crossed his arms and poured, kicking off the ice pack given. Fluttershy sighed, facehoofing.

“No. I don’t care if you think he is taking up your space, we are the host, they are the guests.”

Stomp. Stomp.

Language! Say that again and I’ll drop you off with Twilight for the week.”

Angel vigorously shook his head, holding out his paws in a plead. Fluttershy smirked, knowing that Angel hated staying over at the Golden Oak Library.

“Don’t want to go? Then you need to behave.”

Angel nodded, hopping off the couch.

The winged mare casted a worried glance up the stairwell. With silent wings, she flew up towards her bedroom.

“Thorax? Pharynx?”

“Yes?” Thorax’s high pitched voice was muffled by the door, and Fluttershy pushed against it with on hoof. Slowly, the door creaked open, and she peered inside.

“Um...can I come in?”

A few moments of silence then, “Mhm...”

Opening the door all the way, the pegasus stepped into the dimly lit room. Looks like Thorax had closed the curtains, preventing the light from coming in.

Pharynx was curled in a small quilt, Thorax laying across his back. The colorful changeling looked up, rubbing his cheek.

“Um...Thorax why don’t you...um...” Fluttershy struggled to think of a task for the little changeling to do. Thankfully, the cyan nymph chirped in understanding.

“I’ll go watch the gardenias,” he said quietly, buzzing out the door. Sighing, the winged mare turned her head towards the sour changeling.

“Pharynx? What’s wrong?”

Nothing. The changeling stayed silent, glaring at her. Fluttershy gave him a worried frown.

“I know it’s been only one day but...I can tell something is bothering you. I just want to help...”

He snorted, uninterested in the conversation. He buried himself deeper into the covers, shielding himself from the outside world.

Fluttershy tried to reach out towards him, but he hissed. His narrow eyes were locked onto her, his crest standing straight. His tail lashed against the bed.

...fine...” he said quietly, barely audible. “...let me spell it out for you...I...Don’t...Trust...You...”

Pharynx was forcing the words to come out, she could tell. He was still not comfortable with talking with her...or interacting for that matter.

“...I don’t trust any of you...not you...your rabbit...or your purple friend...I don’t care if Thorax has taken a liking towards you...he’s too trusting anyway...count yourself lucky that I didn’t tear to shreds when we first met...because I would have...”

Okay, I’m being threatened, Fluttershy realized, but let him continue.

“...you at least make Thorax happy...” he admitted, sighing. “...it’s why I’m letting you around him...”

She smiled slightly. At least he trusts her enough to let her around his brother.

Pharynx kept his glare, snarling. “...but leave me alone...I don’t want your coddling...

“I’ve been making you uncomfortable, haven’t I?”

The changeling huffed, laying his head back down on his forearms. His entire body was turned to face the closed window, silently watching the curtains rock back and forth.

Fluttershy shook her head, trying to keep her smile warm.

“Alright, I’ll leave you alone for now, okay?”

She didn’t get an answer. Sighing, she trotted out her door, leaving the little changeling along in her room.

Author's Note:


Pharynx spoke to Fluttershy for the first time!

I know it’s been only a day but he’ll speak when needed too.