• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 1,705 Views, 22 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon - Sunny Solaire

Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer are Mandalorian bounty hunters in the Star Wars galaxy.

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After waiting on the roof for about an hour, night had finally fallen on Malastare. You continue to peer down at the cantina as alien species of many kinds begin to flock at the entrance. This place gets popular at night. Using your HUD's night vision, you carefully sweep across all the faces in the crowd and wait for the facial recognition software to spot her.

Now that you're actively looking for her, you're starting to think that you're not going to be able to spot her from up here. There's a lot of people down there. She may have blended in with the crowd and gone inside already.

You get to your feet and walk to the opposite side of the building. You turn your jetpack on to its lowest setting and gently descend to the ground. Once you land, you walk into an alley that leads back to the bar and casually head toward the entrance. You're forced to slow down as you get near, due to the amount of people here, but you gently push past them.

Maybe Flash told Sunset something else. Some other detail about Trixie.

You activate your comms. "Sunset."

She comes on a second later. "Find her yet?"

"Not yet. If she's here already, I'm having trouble spotting her in the crowd. This place gets busy at night." You finally reach the actual entrance and head inside. "Is there anything else Flash told you about her?"

Sunset pauses for a moment. "He did mention that she hangs out by the outer walls of the bar and keeps to herself, but that's it. He was pretty stoned when I was talking to him."

You look around at the edge of the bar for any loners, but no one really sticks out right now. "Alright, I'll keep looking around. Get any info on a ship that may belong to her?"

"I don't think so." She says. "I did find records of a couple of ships that have been here for a few days, but neither of them looked too promising. I had one of our probe droids check one of them out, but it came back with nothing."

You make your way toward the area where the security camera caught her. "Alright, well, I'm inside now and sticking to the shadows. I'll keep you posted."

You cut your comms and move past a few people, getting a good look around. You spot the area of the bar where you saw the security footage. You can see the camera on the ceiling. Just below it though, you see two people talking to each other. One of them, you recognize as Flash, who looks a little tired and very nervous.

The other is Trixie.

"There you are..." She whispers.

You hide yourself behind a few people, your helmet's rangefinder moving down in front of your left eye to listen in on, and record their conversation.

Flash rubs the back of his neck as he looks at her. "...she kept asking about where I got them."

"What did you tell her?" Trixie asks.

"I-I told her I got them from you." He replies.

"WHAT?!" Trixie goes from fear to extreme anger and she punches Flash in the face. He reels back and grabs his nose. "How could you tell her about Trixie?! What if she was a mercenary or a bounty hunter or something?!"

She's still whispering as best as she can, but you can tell she wants to explode. She's also speaking in third person, which really irks you.

Flash stammers and starts to back up. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't know you wanted to keep it a secret! I thought she may have wanted some death sticks!"

She grabs him by the collar and gets in his face. "When someone asks for Trixie by name, then you never, EVER tell them about her! Trixie should kill you right here!"

Flash gulps. "Please! P-Please, Trixie, I-I'm sorry!"

Trixie scowls at him for a few moments before pushing him away. "As much as she'd like to, Trixie mustn't. Not here, not now. Trixie must leave before this bitch finds her. Trixie must leave right now! Her work on Malastare is done!"

She shoves Flash out of her way and angrily heads toward the exit, getting about two feet away from you as she walks. You mark her on your HUD and wait for her to get further away before you start to follow her.

"Sunset, did you get all that?" You whisper into your comms.

"I did." She replies. "She called me a bitch. That's kind of rude."

You chuckle. "Don't you worry, love. I'll let you know when I have her. Get the ship ready to go."

You shut off your comms and continue to follow behind Trixie as she exits the bar. Once you're outside, she leads you down one of the darkened streets. You're walking about ten paces behind her and she's sped up a bit, but you don't let her out of your sight. She's being very cautious. Occasionally, she glances behind her and looks directly at you.

You notice that she isn't glancing at the rooftops much when she looks around and so you decide to take advantage of that. To ease any suspicions she may have about you, you make a left down a different street and wait for her to continue forward.

Once she's a bit further away, you activate your jetpack and fly up to the rooftops. You land and follow her from above, quietly hovering over to the next building whenever a gap comes your way. She still isn't paying much attention to the tops of the buildings at all. Good.

"The ship's all ready to go, Anon." Sunset says in your ear.

"Alright, hang tight." You reply. "If she heads to the spaceport, come out and we'll give her a good scare together. If she goes somewhere else, then I'll go in and you come pick us up."

You continue following her down the street and watching her movements. She makes a few lefts and rights but ultimately gets closer and closer to the spaceport. Upon reaching a fork in the road, she stops and looks both ways. You're on the left side of the street. If she goes right, you'll have to risk her seeing you by flying over to the other side.

She looks right and then she looks left. You can see half of her face as she does. She waits there for a moment before suddenly turning her attention up to the roof and right at you. You hold completely still and stare back at her. There's no way she's able to see you up here. It's too dark and you're above any streetlights.

She stares at the rooftop you're on for a moment or two before walking to the right. Her eyes never leave you. You remain motionless and hope she isn't onto you. Your hopes start slipping away as she speeds up into a jog, moving further away from you. She can't see you, but she knows she's being followed. It looks like it's about time to go introduce yourself.

"Sunset, she's running back to the spaceport." You run off the edge and fly into the air after Trixie. "I'll patch you through to my video feed. Get ready."

"Okay. Stay on her." Sunset says.

You press a button on your gauntlet and fly over the street, your rangefinder swinging down in front of your helmet again. Your jetpack roars as you get closer to Trixie.

She turns around and spots you in the air, which makes her eyes widen in horror. "No!"

It's then that she takes off into a full-on sprint down the street. She pushes and shoves people out of her way, making a few of them fall down in the process. You start to descend and close in on her, but you don't want to catch her just yet. She's too far away from the spaceport, for Sunset to get the jump on her, and the chase is one of your favorite parts of this job.

She turns back to look at you for a moment as she runs, and you see her take out a blaster pistol. You fly back into the air and create some space between you two as she fires a couple desperate shots behind her. They miss you by miles of course, and you keep hot on her tail.

She suddenly makes a sharp left down a narrow alleyway. You screech to a stop in the air and descend low to the ground before continuing after her. It's a bit difficult to maneuver down here, but you've done worse. Pipes and various pieces of junk and refuse scatter the area, but you are able to move around them with relative ease.

The alleyway ends and leads out to another street. Trixie skids and tries to make a sudden left turn, but she falls onto her side. She frantically gets back to her feet and takes off into another sprint and the chase resumes. This time, in the opposite direction of the spaceport. You exit the alleyway and continue your pursuit from a higher altitude. Just for fun, you take out your blaster pistol and shoot at the ground around her feet. She screams and nearly trips again, but manages to keep her footing.

You hear Sunset laugh over your comms. "Anon, you're such a jerk."

You laugh with her. "I know I am."

You both continue down the streets for a few moments and again you close in on her. She looks back at you again, clearly out of breath.

You're just about to reach her when she screams and whips around, throwing something in your face. "Leave Trixie alone!"

It smacks against your helmet and explodes into a cloud of smoke. You shout and immediately fly upwards and expect to leave the cloud behind you. However, as you ascend, the cloud doesn't get any thinner and you still can't see. You reach up and rub all around your helmet's face for a moment before you feel a foreign object, stuck just above your visor. It feels like its puffing out air.

Sunset obviously can't see your live feed either. "Anon! What did she do?!"

You growl. "She threw some kind of smoke pellet and it stuck to me. I can't see anything. Switching to thermal."

You feel around and press a button on your gauntlet and your HUD flickers before turning dark blue and illuminating the world around you with red spots, indicating the heat from the life forms below. You can see again, so you quickly look around for Trixie.

You can see a red spot running away from you on your HUD and you take off after her at full speed. Your jetpack roars loudly as you catch up to her much faster than you did before. Playtime is over.

As you approach her, you activate your suit's targeting system and prepare your whipcord. You raise your wrist and aim at her legs. With every second, you get closer and closer to her. You wait until she's in mid-stride, so her ankles are right next to each other.

"3...2...1..." You fire.

The whipcord whistles through the air as it wraps around Trixie's ankles, tripping her instantly. She screams as she falls onto her face and rolls a few times. You fly over her and double over in the air, turning around to look down at her.

"We got her, Sunset." You say on your comms.

"Nice work, Anon! I'll be right there." She replies.

You descend to the ground and walk over to Trixie. She grunts and desperately tries to undo the whipcord around her legs as you approach, taking your helmet off in the process.

"You know, I really don't appreciate you screwing up my vision, Trixie." You hold your helmet up and look at the tiny sphere that's still shooting out little puffs of smoke, even if it's just barely. You grab it and yank it off before throwing it at Trixie's face. "Doing that, on top of bailing on a Hutt so you can deal drugs is all the evidence I need to deduce that you're a damn idiot."

Trixie glares up at you in a fury. "Don't you dare insult the Great and Powerful Trixie, bounty hunter! You are an insignificant-"

You swing your foot into her stomach to shut her up and she wheezes in pain before looking up at you in anger. "Shut up. I'm sick of your 'high and mighty' attitude."

You bend down and bind her hands together before standing her up. She just stares at the ground as you put your helmet back on and walk her toward the spaceport. A small crowd has gathered around you and is watching.

After a minute or two, you look up to see your ship flying toward you. "There we are."

Trixie also looks up at your ship and gets a look of determination on her face, but stays silent. Then, when Sunset starts to lower the ship, Trixie stops and lurches herself backwards. "Illusion! Fire now!"

Your gaze turns to Trixie for a second before the sound of a blast makes you turn back to your ship. Out of nowhere, another ship materializes behind yours and fires a missile at your engines.

It hits and Sunset screams over your comms. "What the-?!"

The ship lurches forward and over your and Trixie's heads as it begins to spin out of control. You run out into the street to keep the ship in your view as it flies behind a building.

"Sunset!" You shout.

In your comms, you hear the ship's alarm blaring in the background, along with her straining to regain control of the ship. "I can get it! Hang on, I can get it!"

Once the ship begins to show signs of control again, you turn around to see Trixie hopping away toward her ship, which is nearly on the ground now and you are in an open spot. It's a terrible place to be right now. As her ship gets closer to ground level, it turns in the air so that it, along with its laser cannons, are both facing directly at you.

"Damn!" You activate your jetpack and fly into the air just in time before the ship unleashes a barrage of blaster fire toward you.

The ground directly beneath you explodes and the following shockwave messes up your flight path and you twirl out of control in the air. You scream as you fly directly into a wall before falling back down to the ground hard.

You grunt and get back to your feet as fast as you can. You look at Trixie's ship for a second and run into a nearby alleyway. You hug the wall between you and the ship and take your blaster out. After a second or two, you turn around the corner and fire a few bolts at the ship, hoping to hit Trixie before she boards. Your hopes are in vain though, as every shot misses her and she finally boards. Once she does, her ship takes off and begins to ascend. She's getting away.

You bolt out of the alleyway and fly back into the air toward the ship. You fire a few more times at it but it does nothing. You approach the ship in the air, but it fires its sublight engines and flies away faster than your jetpack can go.

"No!" You shout.

On your left, you see your ship fly beside you with the exit ramp lowered. Sunset is looking at you anxiously from the cockpit. "Anon, get in!"

You fly over to the ramp and grab a hold of it. You're a bit off-balance at first, but you manage to pull yourself aboard and set foot on the ramp as Sunset stays behind Trixie.

You press a button and close the ramp. "I'm aboard! Go after her!"

Author's Note:

An angry Trixie.

A Mandalorian using his jetpack.

Darth Maul's ship, the Scimitar, had a cloaking device.