• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 1,678 Views, 22 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon - Sunny Solaire

Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer are Mandalorian bounty hunters in the Star Wars galaxy.

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Cato Neimoidia was one of the few planets in the galaxy where you felt somewhat at ease. Being the business tycoon that she was, Rarity had a large influence over the Neimoidian population, and it was well-known around her building that you were friends with her. She is strict and has high standards, but she is also generous and very respectable. Because of this, you were never given any trouble by the locals. They treated you and Sunset like honored guests.

So it was no surprise when a few of Rarity's personal security guards welcomed you as if you were on the Galactic Senate when you stepped off your ship. The fact that you were allowed to land on Rarity's personal landing pad in the capital bridge city of Zarra was all the more impressive to them.

After a few moments of being surrounded by her welcoming committee, you see Rarity step out of her building and onto the landing pad to greet you herself. "Anonymous and Sunset! Welcome back!" She gleefully walks up to you and gives you both a hug.

"It's good to see you too, as always, Rarity." You say with a smile.

She releases you and ushers you both to follow her. "Come inside and relax for a while! I'm sure you must be tired!"

The two of you head inside and follow her through the hallways of her main corporate building until you reach her personal office. You walk inside and look around at all the different fashion posters and alien artwork, along with the extremely expensive-looking furniture, wall designs, and overall ambiance of the room.

She walks over to her large desk, humming to herself as she sits down and presses a button in front of her. "Aieta, please be a dear and hold all my calls for the next little while. I'm conducting a business discussion with a client."

"Yes, Miss Rarity." The alien woman replies over the speaker.

She releases the button and invites you and Sunset to sit down in the seats in front of her. You both sit down and she leans forward to rest her chin on her hands with a smile on her face. "So! What is this I hear about a gem you have?"

You reach into your pouch and pull out Adagio's gem. "This is it."

Rarity holds out her hand and you give it to her. She gives an "Oooh" in fascination as she looks at it. "It's very beautiful, darling. Where did you say you got it?"

"From our last target." You reply. "She was selling some poisoned death sticks to lowlifes that deteriorated the user's brain alarmingly quicker than usual."

"The death sticks were loaded with a neurotoxin." Sunset adds.

Rarity looks back and forth between you two while she examines the gem. "I see... How did she use this gem against you, exactly?"

You shake your head slowly. "I'm not sure. She touched it and it started to glow, then right after that, she... screeched at me louder than what should be physically possible. It almost made me deaf."

Her eyebrows raise slightly at you, but she stays silent.

You continue. "Sunset and I think that gem will somehow help lead us to her accomplice. We just need to know what it is, and where it came from."

Rarity feels the gem with her thumb slowly before holding it up to the light to look through it. "Interesting... You said you think it's some kind of device?"

"If it was able to make her do that, then I don't know what else it could be." You shrug.

She looks at it closely before bringing it back down. "Well, I can tell you right now that there is no device of any kind in this gem. None that I can see, anyway." She takes out an electronic loupe and looks at the gem up close for a few long seconds. "No, there's definitely no device in here. This is all gem."

"You're sure?" You ask.

She looks back up at you and raises an eyebrow. "Anonymous, I've spent my entire life inspecting and studying all kinds of gems, rubies, and diamonds. I'm 100% positive."

You just give her a grin and she continues looking at the gem.

"It looks like..." She twists a small knob on the side of her loupe to zoom in further. "This gem wasn't formed naturally..."

You and Sunset look at each other for a moment. "Like, it's a fake?" Sunset asks.

Rarity doesn't look at you and keeps examining the gem. "Not exactly. It looks like a real gem in almost every way, but the way in which it was formed is completely unnatural. I'm fairly certain that this is synthetic."

"How can you tell that?" You ask.

She takes a deep breath and looks away from the gem. "It's difficult to explain... The best way I can describe it is it lacks the shine and sparkle that naturally-formed gemstones have. This gem is relatively dull." She looks up at you with an apologetic look on her face. You give a large sigh and she gives the gem back to you. "I'm sorry, Anonymous. Because it's synthetic, I can't tell you where it came from. It could be from anywhere."

"It's alright, Rarity. Thanks for looking at it, anyway." You stare at the gem in contemplative silence for a moment.

"You know... Logically, the best thing to do would be to move on and look for someone else..." You and Rarity look at Sunset. Her face is one of conflict. "This is turning into a lot of work to find out what's behind this gem. The best thing to do would be to let this go and find another lead."

She's right. This lead seems like a dead end.

"But... I kind of feel like we need to find out what this gem is... From what you've said, Rarity, it's kind of unnerving to really think about it..." Sunset says quietly.

"How is it unnerving, darling?" Rarity asks her. "Fake jewelry is all over the place."

Sunset shakes her head and looks at her. "I don't know... it's just..." She reaches out and takes the gem from you, looking at it closely. "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

"A bad feeling? About this little gem?" You ask her. "Are you sick or something?"

She scoffs and gives a little half smile, but she keeps looking at the gem. "No, I'm fine, I just... I think we should keep this gem and see if we can't figure out what it is."

Seems a bit pointless, honestly. However, you can't help but be a bit curious about its origins as well. Especially after what it made Adagio do. Maybe there's a way to weaponize it.

"Well, alright then." You say. "We'll keep it handy and ask around. Maybe we'll find out what it is later." Sunset looks at you and smiles softly.

"I'll do whatever I can to assist you as well." Rarity adds. You both look up at Rarity and she smiles. "I, for one, think it's wonderful that you've found a motive to look into something that isn't about money. You make it sound like this little thing is dangerous, and I think it's admirable that you're going so far to see the end of it."

You smile and give a little chuckle. "Money's important, Rarity, but that doesn't mean other things aren't important too."

She stands up behind her desk. "Well, if you think the Hutts on Tatooine are your best bet at finding this whole thing out, then you're in luck. I heard that one of the Hutts there, Diamond Tiara, has put a bounty on one of her former smugglers for holding out on her payments." She presses a button behind her desk and the holographic image of a female human appears. She has bright blue hair and pale skin, and she looks very smug. "She even has a title: 'The Great and Powerful' Trixie."

"Seriously?" You scoff. "Who calls her that?"

"Herself, mostly." Rarity replies. You scoff again and shake your head. Rarity giggles a little. "It is rather childish... Diamond Tiara would prefer to have her alive, but won't mind if she dies. The reward for her capture is 5,000 credits."

"Not too bad." Sunset comments.

"Where is this Diamond Tiara located on Tatooine?" You ask.

"Her palace is somewhere by the town of Anchorhead, I think." Rarity tries to remember. "I've been to Tatooine only a few times, but I'll look into it and let you know."

You nod at her and stand up. "We better get going then. Thanks for the tip, Rarity."

She smiles and nods back. "Of course! Is there anything I can get you before you go?"

You take a quick look at Sunset and shrug. "Some fuel and some supplies would be nice." She says.

"Consider it done!" She nods. "I'll contact my supply manager down in the docking bay and he'll get you squared away on what you need."

You smile at her. "Thanks, Rarity."

While she starts to contact her supplies manager, she looks up to Sunset. "Sunset, darling, would you please head down to the docking bay so you can make sure you get everything you'll need? My supply manager will meet you there and they'll do the loading and everything."

Sunset nods and heads to the door. "Sure."

"Just turn right, head down the stairs and follow the signs. You can't miss it." Rarity instructs.

You stop Sunset before she leaves. "Make sure you get some more medpacks. Oh, and see if they have a new or extra hydrospanner too. Remember, ours is busted."

She cocks an eyebrow at you and grins. "I remember that it's not my fault it's busted."

You chuckle. "I know, I should've let you handle those repairs on the lighting in the armory."

She giggles. "See you back at the ship."

"See you." You grin.

Sunset turns and leaves the room. The door shuts behind her and you turn back to Rarity. "So Rarity, is there anything else you need?" You ask.

She smiles and stands there in front of you, in the middle of the room. "Well, darling, I actually have a personal inquiry I'd like to make." You nod at her and she continues. "Lately, I've been rather bored with work. I want to try something else. Something exciting."

"Okay..." You slowly nod at her, not completely understanding.

She turns around and holds her arms up to present her office to you. "Look at this place, Anonymous. Look at my fashion empire. Look at the legacy I have maintained on this planet. Tell me what you see."

You take another look at Rarity's over-the-top posh office. All the same intricate gold designs that cover the walls and ceiling, the fancy, rich furniture, the top brand fashion posters, and the whole ambiance of what a few lifetimes of hard work, sacrifice, and creativity can bring.

"I see your expensive office, Rarity." You reply. "It's everything you've worked for, and then some."

She nods. "You're right. It's the culmination of everything that I and my family have achieved over centuries of work. I'm very grateful for my upbringing, and I'm happy with what I've been able to accomplish, but, to be quite frank with you, it's become quite repetitive and dull."

You just stand there silently and listen to her as she explains herself.

She continues. "Every day, I do the same thing. I sit here, I manage everything that happens with my company, I make calls and hold conferences with other businesses on other planets, I make new designs to create and sell, and I host shows and expos for the public on a regular basis."

That does sound boring to you, but you figured that it sounded perfect for her.

"Do you know what I lack from all of this?" She asks. "Adventure. Excitement. Danger, even! Something more than just making clothes and being in charge of clubs."

"Is that why you started helping me with bounties?" You pry.

She turns to you and smiles. "Yes! Exactly!" She looks back at her office again. "I decided I wanted to do this shortly after I posted my first one. Do you remember?"

You think back to when you first met Rarity. "It was a trio of guys in a small gang. I think they called themselves the Diamond Dogs."

She nods and faces you again. "Bringing them to justice gave me such a feeling of excitement that I had never felt before, and I loved it. So I looked around for more bounties; more people who needed to be brought to justice. I bought shares in multiple clubs, set up eyes and ears in them, listened to the rumors and whispers, and tracked down targets for you to hunt. The rest is history."

You think for a moment. "So, what are you proposing then?"

She gives you a small smile and steps forward a couple steps. "I've been curious about what exactly you do out there... I'd like to see it firsthand."

Oh, wait.

"I'd like to accompany you on this hunt, Anonymous." She gives you a hopeful smile. "Please?"

You shake your head before she's even finished asking. "No. No, no, no, no, no. That's a bad idea."

She exhales and starts to whine a little. "Aw, come on! Why not?"

"Because, it's dangerous, Rarity." You look at her. "You wouldn't be able to handle it out there."

She gasps a little and puts her hands on her hips. "Excuse me, Anonymous, but I'm more capable than you might think! Besides, I could use a challenge!"

"No, Rarity, you don't understand." You say. "It's physically demanding, it's messy, and you could die. You're pretty, but that won't stop a few people from killing you if they get the chance."

She smirks at you. "Flattering me won't work this time, darling."

You sigh and shake your head. "I'm being serious, Rarity. No offense, but you would be useless out there."

"No, I can be useful! Give me a blaster! I'll be able to handle myself! Just give me a chance! Please, Anonymous!" She's not smirking or anything anymore, she's being serious too. She legitimately wants to go with you.

You just stay there, silently thinking about what to do. You're not sure that Sunset will be completely fine with her tagging along. Three is a crowd. Not to mention, it is Rarity. How much nonessential fashion stuff would she bring with her?

You fold your arms and look at her. "If I were to say yes, how long would it take you to be ready?"

She looks into your eyes. "If I make calls, move appointments, pack, inform others of my leave of absence, and load everything onto your ship, less than an hour, if I rush."

You continue to stare at her. "You'd be going to Tatooine. It would be dangerous, messy, and hot."

"I understand." She nods.

"All that sand, too." You continue. "Course, rough, irritating, and it will get everywhere."

She nods again. "I know, Anonymous."

You shut your eyes and take a deep breath. She's been an invaluable ally and great friend to you. You suppose it's the least you could do for her. You're going to regret this though...

"Fine." You conclude. "Pack what you need, only what you need, and be ready within the hour."

Her eyes widen and she smiles wider than you've ever seen it. "YES! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" She jumps over to you and hugs you tight. You lean back and grab her shoulders, forcing her to stop. "I'm sorry, I'm just so excited!"

You give her a contempt half-grin and release her. "Alright, good. You'd better start getting ready then."

She smiles and gives you a salute. "Aye aye, captain!" She giggles again and you turn to head out the door behind you.

You shut it with a sigh and lean up against the wall and shake your head. Anon, what did you just get yourself into?

Author's Note:

Some of the many massive bridged cities that are found on the planet Cato Neimoidia.