• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 1,703 Views, 22 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon - Sunny Solaire

Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer are Mandalorian bounty hunters in the Star Wars galaxy.

  • ...


You cross your arms as you look back at the Jedi. “Well at least you’re polite…”

Your eyes shift back to Applejack and Mac as you think of the pain in the back of your head. It's only now started to sting.

The Jedi speaks again. "I understand your frustration, Anonymous. However, I do ask that you calm yourself."

You look back to the Jedi, surprised. You know for a fact that you didn’t tell anyone here your name. How did she know?

She continues. ”Do not be angry with them. Rather, try to understand their perspective. They could not have known if your allegiance was with the Sith, so they acted as if you were for their own protection.” She just continues to stare at you with those same, expressionless eyes of hers.

Then it clicks. “Oh, you’re doing that Jedi mind-reading thing…” You are never going to get used to that. “Well, I appreciate you being all ‘Defender of Peace’ with your mind games and psuedo-sympathy, but they could’ve handled our capture a lot better. If this is how all Republic officials treat suspicious activity like these two did, then you’re all no better than the Sith. At least we Mandalorians give our enemies a fighting chance.”

The Jedi nods once. "I know. As I said, the fault is on us.”

You’re taken back at her reply. Applejack and Mac seem to be as well.

The Jedi turns around to look at the two soldiers. ”…They did not handle it as well as they should have. They should have shown more restraint by not giving into their anger and vengeful feelings like they did upon your arrival.”

Applejack and Mac look at each other for a few moments before Applejack removes her hat and they both step up beside the Jedi.

Applejack looks at you apologetically and clears her throat. ”I... I truly am sorry for our display of unnecessary force… uh…”

You cross your arms again as you remind her of your name. “Call me Anon. That’s Sunset.” You tilt your head toward Sunset’s cage and Applejack looks at you both.

”…Anon and Sunset." She continues. "I’m sorry. Big Mac ‘n’ I both are.”

He nods as well and replies with a simple “Eeyup.”

Applejack squeezes her hat in her hands once before speaking again. ”It was unprofessional, and not up to par with the Republic’s standards, and we’re going to submit ourselves to disciplinary action to try and correct it for the future.”

A part of you wants to put her down more to make sure she’s got it in her head, but at the same time, you know you’re not perfect either. She does look like she’s genuinely sorry, and you're feeling surprisingly generous, all of the sudden.

You unfold your arms and clear your throat. “Well, you… you don’t need to beat yourself up about it too hard. Everyone makes mistakes. I mean… you’re only human.” You see Applejack’s face show the slightest glimmer of hope as you take another deep breath. “I’m still not a big fan of you guys, but I think I’m willing to overlook this little incident. In the name of good relations.”

You smile at each other a little before you look over to Sunset. She hasn't said a word during this whole exchange.

“Sunset, you’ve been awfully quiet. You okay?” Sunset’s just standing there, staring off into space, almost like she’s in a daze. You clap your hands to get her attention. “Hey. You alive in there?”

Sunset blinks and shakes her head, snapping herself out of it. ”Huh? Wh-… Oh… y-yeah… Yeah, I’m okay…”

You raise an eyebrow and pry a little more. “You sure?”

”Yeah… I feel really, really good.” She smiles and looks over at you all. ”It’s strange. I was so angry just a little while ago, but it just feels gone all of a sudden. Like that.” She snaps her fingers for emphasis.

That’s unusually mushy of her, but she seems to mean it. She looks at you and smiles a real smile, which you return.

You notice Applejack walk over to the terminal and press a button. Your force cages deactivate a moment later. You and Sunset step out and face Applejack, Big Mac and Maud.

"Forgiveness is a step on the pathway to inner peace." The Jedi says. "Holding grudges only brings you down to wallow in anger and unnecessary hatred, whether it is for someone else, or for yourself. For Jedi, it is one of the pathways that lead to the Dark Side of the Force.”

The Force was always a topic you had trouble grasping a real understanding of. Sure, the Jedi and Sith can move objects without touching them and jump high and stuff, but the whole idea of everyone in the universe all being connected by an energy that links us all together seemed like a big pill to swallow. You just figured it was all some sort of invisible magic. Nothing more.

You look to Applejack and Big Mac as they extend their hands out to you and Sunset. Sunset takes Applejack’s hand and shakes it, but you hesitate a little while looking at Big Mac’s. This is the guy who knocked you on your head, after all.

After a moment, you decide it would be best to take his hand and shake it before shaking Applejack’s as well. Once you’ve finished, the door opens again and two doctors enter the room. A male and a female.

Maud turns to them and gives a respectful bow while Applejack tips her hat. ”Hey there, Doc. Miss Redheart.” They both smile at her and she points to you both. ”Patch these two up, if you could be so kind. I’d appreciate it.”

The female smiles at her. ”Right away!”

The doctors go over to you and Sunset and get to work while Applejack looks over at you and assumes a professional stance. ”Mr. Anon, I’d like to borrow a few more minutes of your time, if you’d be willin' to help us out with some questions we have.”

While the doctor is checking your injury, you look at her and sigh. “Maybe. I’ve kind of had a busy day. What are your questions about?”

Applejack clears her throat. ”I’m a bit curious if you’d heard anythin' about death sticks?”

Your eyebrows rise at her inquiry and you stare at her for another moment before answering. “I might know a few things. Talk to me again once we're patched up.”

Author's Note:

Applejack, honest soldier for the Republic.

Nurse Redheart.