• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,627 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

  • ...

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Bakugan are Soarin High

Flash and Leonidas had just arrived at the battle stadium once again, looking forward to another day of training matches.

"Ready Leo?" He asked his Bakugan, "we've still got a lot more training to do before we're ready to enter the tournament." The Bakugan in question jumped up onto his shoulder.

"Just point me at the opponent and let me at'em. I'm itching for a match."

"I'm sure Derpy will be able to find us someone to face off against," Flash turned towards the front desk. But instead of his cross-eyed friend, another worker was sitting behind it typing away. "That's weird. Derpy left school early. That's usually so she can get here on time."

"Maybe she's somewhere else," Leonidas guessed as Flash marched over to the desk. The man looked up at him and smiled.

"Excuse me. Do you know where Derpy is?"

"Oh," he looked confused, "she's not working today." This confused Flash, who explained why he asked. "I see. Well...it's possible she got called into headquarters. Or she might have been sent to another stadium to fill in for someone whose sick. That usually happens to the more experienced workers."

"Is Derpy really that experienced?" Flash asked, the guy just shrugging. "Alright. Thanks anyway." He moved away from the desk and sat down, whilst Leonidas jumped down onto the table.

As he did, Lyra, Bonnie and Heath arrived. "Hey Flash!" Heath waved as they moved over to him, noticing his face. "You okay man?"

"You look upset," Bonnie told him.

"Not upset," Flash replied. "Just...puzzled. Derpy's not here, even though she left school early." This confused the three and their Bakugan, all wondering where Derpy was as they sat down. They discussed her possible locations for a few minutes, until Lyra had the bright idea.

"Why don't you just call her? Better yet, text. In case she's doing something important." Flash nodded and took out his phone. And as he began typing away, someone else stepped into the stadium.

That someone was Soarin Skies, who looked around until he spotted the front desk. He moved over to it as Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity and even Rainbow and Fluttershy arrived. "He's here!" Twilight stated as they spotted Soarin reach the front desk, then looked around to see Flash. "Looks like we'll be in for a show after all." They rushed over to the table, getting there as Flash sent the text.

"Hey guys," he smiled before spotting Rainbow and Fluttershy. "Who are your friends?"

"Hey," Lyra pointed at Rainbow, "I've seen you one the web. Rainbow Dash, right?"

"That's me," Rainbow smirked. "One of Cloudsdale's best Ventus Brawlers."

"Cool," Heath smirked, "you up for a match?"

"Any time," Rainbow said before hearing Applejack cough. "Except right now. There's another match we wanna see first."

"Between who?" Bonnie asked before the girls turned towards Soarin, who was talking to the desk man. Said man pointed in their direction, Soarin turning towards them and smiled before heading over.

"What's this guy's deal?" Flash asked, Twilight looking at him.

"His name's Soarin and he's come to challenge you?" She then blushed, "we...might have put the idea into his head." Flash raised an eyebrow before turning back to Soarin, standing up as he reached them.

"Are you Flash Sentry?"

"That's me," Flash nodded. "My friends told me you're here to challenge me?"

"Not just that." As he said this, the Bakugan known as Garuda jumped onto his shoulder. Those not in the know all went wide-eyed at the sight, as Garuda popped open and looked around.

"Hello," he told them, "I am Ventus Garuda. Soarin's Bakugan Partner."

"Another talking Bakugan," Lyra gasped as the Bakugan looked up at him.

"Garuda?" Nimue asked, "I haven't seen you in a very long time."

"Indeed," Garuda nodded before jumping down on the table. "I'm surprised to see all of you here. Or, at least, here and talking. I thought I was the only one until these girls told us about all of you."

"Do you remember what happened to Vestroia?" Gaia asked, with Garuda shaking his head.

"Not all of it. But I remember some things. Not enough to know exactly what happened."

"Don't worry about it," Wukong told him. "I do." This statement caught those who hadn't heard his story off guard, whilst Garuda looked intrigued.

"I look forward to hearing your tale." It was then he turned to Leonidas, who had remained quiet up until now. "So, you're the famous Leonidas. I'm told we both arrived on this planet at the same time."

"Is that so?" Leonidas replied. He glanced at Garuda and noticed him staring at him, a low growl escaping his lips. "Let me guess, you don't remember seeing me in Vestroia. Well get over it."

"Leo," Flash told him.

"It's not that," Garuda stated. "There's something about you. Something...strange." Leonidas growled again, "I can feel a great sadness within you." Leonidas turned to him, a curious look on his plastic face. "Call it a gift. My eyes can't just see well. They see deep. Deep into the souls of others. And I can see a great sadness, which was once a mighty rage. Clearly, something happened to you."

"Can it!" Leonidas almost yelled, "and keep those all seeing eyes pointed somewhere else."

The others frowned whilst Flash gave Soarin an apologetic look. "He's a little sensitive about these things."

"I can see that," Soarin told him. "Well, anyway, I was hoping I could face off against you in a match. I've never brawled a player with a talking Bakugan before."

Flash smirked, already knowing what Leonidas thought of this. "Alright, let's do it. I wanna see what Garuda really looks like."

"Same with me and Leonidas," Soarin picked his Bakugan up. "Let's meet at the battlefield in an hour. Chose your Bakugan wisely." Flash nodded as Soarin left, Rainbow turning to him once he was gone.

"You better be careful. Soarin's tough. I know from experience."

"I figured that," Flash nodded. "But I've got Leonidas with me, so I know we can take whatever he throws at us. Right Leo?"

"Right," the dragonoid nodded. "Our last match against another talking bakugan might not have ended so great, but we've come a long way since then. This time, we'll be coming out on top." Flash nodded and took Leonidas before heading off to plan which Bakugan and cards they would use, whilst the others were interested in seeing how this battle would turn out.

Only time would tell.

"Welcome Baku-fans!" The announcer cried an hour later, as Flash and Soarin arrived at the battlefield. "Today's battle will involved everyone's favourite bad boy of brawling, Flash Sentry! His opponent, a first timer here at this stadium but one with a great rep over in Cloudsdale. Soarin Skies!"

Flash and Soarin reached the centre of the field at the same time, both smirking whilst their Bakugan waited patiently on their shoulders. Up in the stands, Twilight and the others were watching excitedly. "This is gonna be sweet!" Rainbow cried.

"I wonder what Soarin's battle style is like?" Lyra asked.

"I think we're about to find out," Bonnie told her.

"Let's see where our Brawlers will be facing off against one another today!" The announcer cried, before the floor below them began to glow, transforming the battle arena. In a flash, the two boys suddenly found themselves standing on a very elastic surface. They looked down and saw they were standing on a cloud, then look around to see houses, streetlamps and even a large castle made of clouds with smaller clouds floating around the place and Power-up coins scattered around. "It's Cloud City! Our competitors will either fly high of drop like a stone on this battlefield."

Flash and Soarin smirked at the place before glancing back at one another the two taking out their cards as the announcer called out again.

"It looks like both Brawlers are ready for action. So, without further ado, Bakugan...BRAWL!" The crowd cheered as Flash and Soarin's BakuColars beeped and showed their Life Gauges.

Flash: 100%
Soarin: 100%

"Gate Card!" Flash threw his card and it dug into the cloud before exploding, "SET!" Both he and Soarin began to run, Soarin showing off some incredible athletic skills as he managed to parkour up the sides of too buildings onto a roof before jumping onto a nearby cloud.

"Bakugan!" He threw the ball, "Brawl!" It struck a few power-ups before hitting the ground and bouncing on the cloud, "Bakugan...STAND!" The ball bounced into the air and popped open, exploding into a tornado that filled the air. "Ventus Ravenoid, take flight!" The Bakugan was a large humanoid bird with a raven's head.

Ravenoid: 380Gs

The Bakugan squawked as it flew around, glowing with the power-up's light.

Ravenoid: 480Gs

"He's not using Garuda?" Leonidas asked.

"I think he's testing us out," Flash guessed. "Seeing how well he handle him." He smirked and took out another Bakugan. "Let's match his game." He leapt up onto another house and used it and a nearby streetlamp to jump into the air. "Bakugan," he threw it, "BRAWL!" It hit three power-ups before landing on the ground, bounced. "Bakugan...STAND!" The Bakugan opened up but the bouncing caused it to fall forward.

In a flash of light, Flash's Haos Siege appeared but it stumbled forward as it took form.

Siege: 360Gs
Ravenoid: 480Gs

Flash flinched at this, realising the uneven ground would make this difficult. Siege managed to correct itself as it too powered up.

Siege: 510Gs
Ravenoid: 480Gs

However, this slight stumble allowed Ravenoid to fly down as Soarin held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed, "Tornado Pandemonium!" Ravenoid began to circle around Siege at high speed, forming a tornado that caused Siege to be buffeted by the wind.

Siege: 410Gs
Ravenoid: 480Gs

"Ahh!" Flash cried as he held up his card, "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed along with the head of Siege's weapon. "Star Staff!" Siege swung the staff around and unleashed a wave of light that dispelled the tornado, Ravenoid flying up to a safe distance.

Siege: 510Gs
Ravenoid: 480Gs

"Double Ability, Activate!" Soarin held up two cards that began to glow, Ravenoid doing the same. "Shadow Scratch, plus Slipstream!" Ravenoid flew down, moving at an incredible speed. It kept disappearing and reappearing every few seconds before finally warping behind Siege and slashing at it with its claws.

Siege: 460Gs
Ravenoid: 580Gs

"Come on Flash!" Leonidas told him, "you're not gonna let him get away with that, are you?"

"Of course not!" Flash held up a pair of cards, "Double Ability, Activate!" They glowed as Siege charged towards Ravenoid, its staff head glowing. "Shining Prison, plus Piercing Light!" Siege held his staff up and unleashed a blinding light that shot straight up before exploding into a small dome that trapped the two inside of it.

Ravenoid flinched at the light surrounding it and found it difficult to fly within the confined space, whilst Siege charged forward as the top spike of its star extended into a pike made of light. It thrust the spear forward and stabbed into Ravenoid, making it cry out.

Siege: 460Gs
Ravenoid: 430Gs

Ravenoid tried to pull itself off the pike, but Siege pushed it until its back slammed into the light dome. It flinched but Soarin was quick to hold un a card. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Ravenoid held up its wings and began to flap, "Feather Shot!" Feathers shot out of the wings and slammed into Siege, hitting it between its armour and making it flinch whilst staggering backwards.

Siege: 360Gs
Ravenoid: 430Gs

Soarin didn't give Flash a moment to react and held up another card. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed, "Wind Echo!" Ravenoid spun on its feet, forming a tornado around it that shot up and caused the dome to shatter.

Siege: 360Gs
Ravenoid: 530Gs

Ravenoid flew straight up before circling around and diving towards Siege. But before it could reach him, "Gate Card...OPEN!" The clouds suddenly exploded with radiant light, which flowed into Siege. "Haos Reactor!"

Siege: 560Gs
Ravenoid: 530Gs

Siege held up its staff and used it to block Ravenoid's claws, getting pushed back several inches but managing to hold its ground. It then pushed Ravenoid back and started swiping with its staff, Ravenoid barely managing to avoid it.

"That's the way!" Flash cheered, but Leonidas wasn't.

"Don't get cocky. Use an Ability before Soarin-"

"Ability, Activate!" Soarin held up a card as Ravenoid flew straight up, "Storm Breaker!" A powerful wind swept around Ravenoid before it beat its wings and sent blades of air shooting towards the ground. It smashed into the shining clouds, doing so causing the light they were emitting to shatter off them. Siege stopped glowing, the Haos Bakugan feeling its power beginning to drain.

Siege: 360Gs
Ravenoid: 530Gs

"NOW!" Soarin yelled, Ravenoid diving down and reaching Siege before Flash could react. It slashed at the knight, making it cry out as it was knocked backwards. Flash grunted as it began to fall towards him, but reverted back to fall form seconds before crashing into him.

Flash: 66%
Soarin: 100%

"And Soarin takes the first win of the match!" The announcer cried and the crowd began to cheer, whilst Flash's friends watched him pick up his Bakugan.

"That was a close match," Twilight stated.

"But Soarin was able to outsmart him," Lyra realised.

"Flash is gonna need to step it up if he wants to beat Soarin," Rainbow told them. "If you think he's good with Ravenoid, just wait until he brings out Garuda." They all nodded, knowing Flash might be in trouble if he didn't kick it up a notch."

"Man," Flash sighed as he watched Ravenoid return to Soarin, "he's good."

"You only have yourself to blame," Leonidas told him. "You got careless when you should have activated an Ability. You would have been the one ahead if you hadn't gotten overconfident."

Flash wanted to argue, but knew he was right. "Even so, that Soarin doesn't miss a beat. We're gonna need to pull out all the stops if we wanna win this." He turned to Leonidas, "you ready?"

"Always!" As he said this, Soarin took out a card and leapt up onto another rooftop.

"Gate Card," he threw it, "SET!" It hit the clouds and exploded, with Soarin then holding up Ravenoid. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" It flew through the air and hit a trio of power-ups before landing and bouncing on the clouds. "Bakugan...STAND!" It flew back into the air and opened up before a tornado exploded out of it, "Ventus Ravenoid, take flight!" The avian Bakugan took to the sky and glowed from the power-ups.

Ravenoid: 530Gs

"My turn!" Flash leapt up onto a cloud platform, then onto another and another until he was high enough. "Bakugan," he threw Leonidas, "BRAWL!" Leonidas shot through the air and struck a single Power-up before hitting the ground and bouncing up to hit three more. "Bakugan...STAND!" Leonidas popped open and was consumed by light, which flew through the air and grew larger before exploding to reveal the dragon. "Haos Leonidas, RISE!"

"RAAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" He roared, shaking the area as Soarin stared at him in amazement.

"Wow," he whispered, "that thing looks awesome." He watched as Leonidas glowed, then stared down at his BakuColar.

Leonidas: 600Gs
Ravenoid: 530Gs

"Ability, Activate!" Flash held up a card that glowed along with Leonidas, "Dragon Flash!" His Bakugan shot through the air at incredible speeds, too fast for Ravenoid to keep up with.

Leonidas: 700Gs
Ravenoid: 530Gs

Ravenoid tried to escape, but Leonidas was too fast and kept slamming into Ravenoid again and again. Soarin frowned but then held up to cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Ravenoid also glowed and then started flying around as fast as Leonidas. "Slipstream, plus Feather Shot!" The two shot through the air until Ravenoid beat its wings, shooting out feathers that struck Leonidas in the chest.

"Augh!" He cried as he fell back, but managed to keep flying.

Leonidas: 600Gs
Ravenoid: 630Gs

"Hold on, Leo!" Flash cried as Leonidas pulled the feather out of him, then held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Leonidas' mouth filled with lightning. "Alpha Blaster!"

Leonidas: 800Gs
Ravenoid: 630Gs

Leonidas then fired a blast from his mouth, hitting Ravenoid in the chest and making it scream in pain as it was pushed backwards the ground. But before it could crash into the ground, "Gate Card...OPEN!" The clouds glowed green before unleashing powerful gusts of wind that cushioned Ravenoid's fall. "Ventus Reactor!"

Leonidas: 800Gs
Ravenoid: 830Gs

Ravenoid spread its wings and flew back up, as Soarin held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Ravenoid reached Leonidas and slashed him with its claws, "Shadow Scratch!"

Leonidas: 750Gs
Ravenoid: 830Gs

Leonidas flew away and managed to circle around, as Flash held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Leonidas shot down and balled his fists, "Brawling Dragon!"

Leonidas: 850Gs
Ravenoid: 830Gs

Leonidas stared throwing punches and kicks at Ravenoid, making it cry out with every hit that made contact. But then, Soarin held up another card before it glowed. "Ability, Activate!" Ravenoid managed to dodge a punch and then started flying around Leonidas. "Tornado Pandemonium!" A tornado formed around Leonidas, causing him to be bombarded by the winds that caused him too flinch.

Leonidas: 750Gs
Ravenoid: 830Gs

But Flash was ready. "Ability, Activate!" He held up a card that glowed as a force-field appeared around Leonidas and protect him from the winds. "Hyper Shield!"

Leonidas: 850Gs
Ravenoid: 830Gs

Leonidas then flew through the tornado and slammed into Ravenoid, the shield protecting him and making Ravenoid hiss. Flash then held up another card. "Let's end this. Ability, Activate!" Leonidas broke out of the force-field and started spinning, transforming into a drill of light. "Shining Tornado!"

Leonidas: 1000Gs
Ravenoid: 830Gs

The drill shot through the air and flew towards Ravenoid, hitting it before Soarin could activate an ability and causing the bird man to squawk in pain. This lasted several seconds until Ravenoid reverted back to ball form, which fell towards the ground and landed a few feet from Soarin's position.

Flash: 66%
Soarin: 66%

"Wow," the announcer cried, "Flash sure pulled that one out of the fire. Now they're all tied up."

"Orr...yeah!" Rainbow cheered as Flash recalled Leonidas. "Nice one man."

"Ravenoid didn't stand a chance against Leonidas," Lyra smiled as she watched Soarin move over to pick up his Bakugan. She then frowned, "does this mean he'll use Garuda?"

"And if he does, will Flash and Leo be able to stand up against them?" Heart asked, the Bakugan all staying quiet but wondering the same thing. Twilight also wondered how the next battle would go, keeping a close eye on Flash as they stared one another down.

"Those two are good," Soarin told Garuda as he picked Ravenoid up.

"He's definitely powerful. But the way he fights..."

Soarin turned to him, "you okay?" Garuda stared at Leonidas for several long seconds, then turned to Soarin.

"I want you to use me in the next battle." He turned back to Leonidas, "there's something about him. And I won't be able to figure it out unless I face him in battle myself."

"Alright," Soarin nodded before Garuda leapt into his hand.

"You see that?" Flash asked Leonidas, who nodded.

"Looks like Soarin's gonna be using Garuda." He turned to Flash, "it's time to show them why we're the best of the best here." Flash nodded and took Leonidas in his hand before taking out a Gate Card.

"Let's do this! Gate Card," he threw it towards the ground before he and Soarin began to run through the cloud town, "Set!" The Gate Card spread throughout the field as they both leapt up onto some of the houses and jumped from roof to roof until they spotted some power-ups of in the distance.

"Bakugan!" They both leapt of the roofs and threw their Bakugan, "BRAWL!" The two balls flew through the air and managed to get to the Power-ups at the same time, Leonidas' angle allowing him to hit one more power-up then Garuda before they hit the cloud and bounced off. "Bakugan...STAND!" The Bakugan popped open midair and were both consumed by both light and a tornado.

However, Garuda's tornado wasn't like the other Ventus Summons. Instead of just wind, green lightning sparked around it. And when it disappeared, Soarin's Bakugan was revealed.

"Ventus Garuda, take FLIGHT!" Garuda was a large humanoid Bakugan whose entire body was surrounded by green feathers, though his head was that of a bird with a green V-shaped crest on his head whilst his forehead, beak and the front of his neck were yellow. Instead of human arms, he had a pair of large green wings with yellow lightning bolt streaks running through them and his legs were green until after the knee. After that, he had a pair of yellow chicken feet with green talons and large green tail feathers. The Bakugan flew through the air, lightning sparking around him as he flew.

Leonidas also broke out of the light, roaring as he looked Garuda over and Flash checked his BakuColar.

Garuda: 450Gs
Leonidas: 400Gs

The Bakugan was fifty Gs stronger, but Flash knew that wouldn't be an issue right now with the power-ups.

Garuda: 600Gs
Leonidas: 600Gs

"Both Bakugan are equal in power level," the announcer told the audience. "The outcome of this match will rely squarely on the brawler's skill."

Flash was the first to pull out an Ability Card, holding it up as Leonidas flew up. "Ability, Activate!" Leonidas opened his mouth, "Alpha Blaster!" He then roared and unleashed the laser towards Garuda.

Garuda: 600Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs

Soarin held up his own card, which glowed as Garuda began to be surrounded by lightning. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda suddenly morphed into a bolt of lightning, that dodged the laser and flew through the air at incredible speed. "Spark Streak!"

Garuda: 700Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs

The lightning bolt shot through the air, zigzagging all over the place whilst Leonidas tried to keep up with it. But he eventually lost sight of it, only for a flash of light to occur behind him. "Ability, Activate!" Soarin cried as Garuda materialised behind Leonidas. "Lightning Wing!" Leonidas spun around, only to get a sharp electrified wing slammed into his gut.

"AUGH!" He cried, feeling himself getting knocked backwards until he crashed into the ground.

Garuda: 850Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs

"Leo!" Flash cried as Garuda flew down, ready to slash at him again. He then held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" As Leonidas picked himself up, the force-field appeared around him. "Hyper Shield!" Garuda slammed his wing into the shield, but couldn't get through it.

Garuda: 700Gs
Leonidas: 800Gs

"Now," Flash held up another card, "Ability, Activate!" The shield vanished as Leonidas glowed, "Dragon Flash!" Leonidas shot into the air, moving at incredible speed as Garuda did the same. Both Bakugan were now sped up, everyone else seeing them as nothing but blurs.

Garuda: 700Gs
Leonidas: 900Gs

Leonidas tried to slash at Garuda, who managed to avoid the attack as Soarin held up two cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Garuda's wings sparked with lightning, "Thunder Gale!" He flapped them and the lightning was carried on a wind that shot towards Leonidas and hit him.

"Augh!" He was pushed backwards.

Garuda: 700Gs
Leonidas: 750Gs

Garuda then flew straight up before circling around, the Ventus Bakugan diving towards Leonidas. "Plus, Sky Burst!"

Garuda: 850Gs
Leonidas: 750Gs

Garuda slammed into Leonidas, making him cry out as he was pushed towards the ground. But he managed to grab onto Garuda's wings before spinning around, throwing Garuda away. The bird man squawked as he hit the ground, seconds before Leonidas did. Both slid across the ground, flinching as they did so.

"Ooh," the announcer cried as the crowd flinched, "that had to hurt." They watched as both Bakugan began to pick themselves up, "but it looks like neither are ready to give up yet. But with Garuda a hundred Gs ahead, it looks like Soarin will be winning this match.

"Not yet he won't," Flash stated before holding up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Leonidas focused on Garuda before charging forward. "Brawling Dragon!" The dragonoid shot forward and started slamming his fist, feet and tail into Garuda.

"Augh!" He cried, groaning with every impact Leonidas smashed him with.

Garuda: 850Gs
Leonidas: 850Gs

He looked into Leonidas' eyes and saw a great look of ferocity in them, like a beast that had starved for many days given the chance to finally eat. "What are you?" He asked before managing to dodge an attack and leap into the air. "What happened to you before coming here? Where did you come from?"

"None of your business!" Leonidas leapt at him, but Soarin quickly held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Garuda dodged Leonidas' attack and opened his beak, as lightning sparked within it. "Blitz Bolt!"

Garuda: 1000Gs
Leonidas: 850Gs

Before Leonidas could evade, Garuda spat out a bolt of lightning that struck him in the back. "AUGH!" He cried before falling towards the ground, slamming into it as he felt his body seizing up. "What's...happening?"

"LEO!" Flash cried, running over to him. "What's wrong?" He then saw the green lightning sparking around Leonidas, whilst he remained frozen.

"I...can't move!" He tried to spread his wings and take flight, but they refused the do as he told them. "What did you do...to me."

"Blitz Bolt!" Soarin explained. "Powers up Garuda and paralyses any Bakugan it strikes, making them unable to move or activate an Ability." Flash's eyes went wide hearing this. "Now it's time this battle drew to a close. Garuda!" The lightning bird flew up before diving down, "END THIS!" The Ventus Bakugan charged towards Leonidas, who no doubt would fall if this attack struck. But before it could.

"Gate Card...OPEN!" The ground began to glow, with that light flowing into Leonidas. "Haos Saver!" The lightning exploded off of the dragon, who felt himself able to move again. And not a second to soon, as Garuda drew closer and he barely managed to jump up and avoid him.

"How's he moving?" Soarin asked as Leonidas spread his wings and flew up.

"Haos Saver negates any effect my opponent's last ability has on a Haos Bakugan," Flash told him before holding up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Leonidas began to spin, morphing into a drill of light. "Shining Tornado!"

Garuda: 1000Gs
Leonidas: 1000Gs

The light drill shot towards Garuda, who turned to see in coming and knew he could dodge it in time. "This is gonna hurt," he stated before crossing his wings. The drill then slammed into him and he was pushed down towards, groaning as he did.

He then thrust his feet down into the clouds below him and used them to stop being pushed back. The two Bakugan pushed against one another as hard as they could, grunting and groaning until they couldn't take it anymore.

"AUGH!" They both cried as Garuda was thrown backwards and Leonidas was blasted out of his tornado, both crashing into the ground and rolled as they kicked up a powerful gust of wind. Flash and Soarin cried out as the wind knocked them backwards, whilst the Bakugan continued to around until they finally came to a stop. Both looked badly beat up, but remained in their natural form.

"Seriously?" Wukong asked, "those two can still stand after all this?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Nimue asked him, "they refuse to give up. It's a matter of pride right now."

Gaia nodded. "Both see the other as a worthy opponent and wish to give them the toughest battle they can give them. Then and only then, will the victor be satisfied with winning."

"Maybe," Twilight frowned as she watched Flash and Soarin pick themselves up, "but if they're not careful they're gonna destroy each other."

Flash and Soarin stared each other down, their Bakugan doing the same as the pushed themselves back to their feet. The four all panted at the intensity this battle was putting them through, but they wouldn't let that stop them. The brawlers took out a card, the last card they could activate. If this didn't work, they would need to send out another Bakugan.

"I hope you're ready!" Soarin told him, "because things are about to get crazy." Garuda leapt into the air before beating his wings, Leonidas taking to the air and Flash let out a chuckle.

"Funny. I was just about to tell you the same thing." Both Bakugan were now hovering at the same height, ready for the final attack. "Now let's end this!"

Soarin smirked and held up his card as Flash did the same, both calling out in unison. "FUSION ABILITY, ACTIVATE!" Leonidas flew up into the air and began to spin, whilst Garuda did mirrored his movements almost perfectly. "ALPHA HURRICANE/LIGHTNING VORTEX!" Both Bakugan became surrounded by either green wind or golden light, forming drills of their respective elements that had lightning sparking around them.

Everyone gasped at this and checked the score, wondering which ability have them the edge.

Garuda: 1350Gs
Leonidas: 1350Gs

"It's still even!" Heath cried out as the attack flew through the air before charging towards one another. "What happens now?"

"I...I don't know," Twilight replied as the attacks finally collided. The impact created a shockwave that shot across the field and even made the glass separating the battlefield from the crowd cracked, scaring those that were in the first few rows and made them just back.

And even after that, the two Bakugan continued to push against one another in an attempt to beat the other one. But nothing they did worked the their opponent just kept fighting back. More and more shockwaves exploded off the two, which caused the clouds to break apart and made the brawlers need to cover their faces from getting hit by the wind.

"LEO/GARUDA!" They yelled as they felt the energy build, but still neither allowed themselves to give in. The entire battlefield was shaking by now and, finally, it happened.

The energy they were throwing at the other had been merging together and combining until it reached critical mass. And then-


The force exploded outwards and rocked the entire stadium, blasting Flash and Soarin and throwing their Bakugan away from one another. Everyone else in the room screamed as the energy made the glass barrier shatter and fly into the air, though luckily it then flew straight back down. The light that had been unleashed blinded them all for a several long seconds, completely making them miss that the lights had gone off.

The rest of the stadium noticed this however, as the entire power supply to the building blew. In the other battlefields, the Bakugan suddenly reverted back to ball form whilst the battlefields vanished. In the main foyer, the lights cut out and the TVs died. The shaking was also felt, causing everyone to question what had happened.

Back in the battlefield that the insanity had occurred in, the light had finally died down and everyone was able to see again.

They all groaned as they looked around. "What was that?" Rarity asked.

"What happened to the lights?" Pinkie asked.

"I think..." Twilight frowned. "I think the power grew beyond what the system could handle and it caused a power surge."

"But what happened in the match?" Rainbow asked, everyone rushing towards the edge and looking down into the battlefield.

The bowl was filled with smoke, which slowly faded to reveal the battlefield had deactivated. And laying on the now flat metal floor were Flash and Soarin, both groaning as they sat themselves up. Everyone looked around, but couldn't see the Bakugan anywhere. That was until they saw Flash and Soarin crawling forward and picking up a pair of balls.

"Leo!" Flash cried as he held him up.

"Garuda," Soarin did the same, "speak to me buddy!" Both Bakugan were silent for a moment, but then they opened up and let out a groan.

"What happened?" Garuda asked.

"Who cares what happened," Leonidas cried. "Who won?" The brawlers turned to one another, then looked down at their BakuColars and saw they were both offline. It was then that the announcer spoke up.

"I apologise for what happened! It appears our brawlers were too awesome for the system to handle. As a result, the battle system has shut down for safety reasons. And since both brawlers had equal life gauges at the time, this match will be designated as a draw." The crowd cheered hearing this, whilst Flash and Soarin shared a look. Neither were sure how they felt about that, but they did know they would need to have another brawl at some point to settle the score.

The pair quickly left the battlefield and headed back to the main foyer, though that was difficult at first since the automatic doors refused to open with the lack of power and they had to pry them open. Moving through the building, they found that most of the place was completely powerless.

They finally arrived at the foyer, where they spotted their friends. "Guys!" Rainbow cried out as they stepped over to them, "that was insane. You completely blew the whole system!"

"Yeah," Flash nodded as he scratched the back of his head, "I guess we went a little overboard."

"A little?" Applejack asked, "a'h think that's an understatement."

"I can't believe you two were able to generate so much power," Twilight told them.

"I've never heard anything like that happening before," Lyra stated.

"Maybe it's because of the Bakugan that were fighting," Bonnie guessed. The others turned to her as she explained, "well Leonidas and Garuda are the two strongest talking Bakugan we've seen so far." That was true. "Maybe it's because of that, they generated to much power for the system."

"So being able to talk makes you stronger?" Pinkie asked.

"Who knows," Heath shrugged. "I just wonder if it's gonna happen again." He turned back to Flash and Soarin, "imagine if it happened every time you guys faced off. Especially in the tournament that's coming up." Flash and Soarin turned to one another, the idea of facing off in the tournament only to overload the system again making them frown.

"So what are they supposed to do?" Rainbow asked, "avoid each other during the tournament?"

"That won't work," Twilight stated. "It's highly likely they'll be some of the last brawlers left by the end of it. The only real way to avoid them facing off is if one of them doesn't enter." Nobody liked the sound of that.

Flash tried to think of a way they could both compete safely. Then, an idea formed that made him smirk. "Hey," he turned to Soarin, "i have an idea." He held out his hand to Soarin, "what if you and Garuda join our team." Nobody had been expecting that. "Think about it. If you joined us, we could both compete without worry. Plus, with you on our team we'd probably be unstoppable." Lyra, Heath and Bonnie all smirked, liking the sound of that. They stepped up next to Soarin, giving him a hopeful look.

Soarin seemed to be considering this, the brawler turning to Garuda on his shoulder. The Bakugan turned to him and also look unsure, the pair turning back to the four. "Maybe. You guys sure are strong. But joining a team full of people I don't really know probably isn't a good idea." They all frowned as Soarin turned to leave. "I think I'll stick around here for a little while. If you guys impress me, then I'll join." With that, the pair left and the four continued to frown.

"What does he mean about impressing him?" Lyra crossed her arms, "like...what makes him so special?"

"I don't think he's trying to be mean or anything," Bonnie assured her. "But he does have a point. We just met him today. Imagine if someone you didn't know asked you to be part of their team."

Lyra thought about this and nodded, "I guess I would want to see what kind of skills they had. And what kind of person they were. Certainly wouldn't want to be on a team with a mean brawler that has no skills."

"Exactly," Flash turned to them, "what's why we have to show Soarin why he belongs on our team. Then, we'll have almost an entire set of attributes." The three nodded, all swearing to themselves that they impress Soarin so much that he would beg them to let him onto their team.

Flash then turned to the front desk, where Derpy usually was. "It's too bad she couldn't be here to watch that awesome match." He took out his phone and saw she hadn't texted him back yet. "Wonder what she's doing right now?"

The Doom Dimension.

Lightning exploded above the land of destruction and death, the statue-like remains of the many Bakugan thrown into this horrible place littered about the place. And standing atop one of these statues, a Wormquake, was Phantom. The masked Brawler stared down at the only other remaining occupants in the dimension. A boy and a girl who looked worried.

Up above them, the cube floated. The only symbols on it now were the Ventus, Aquas and Haos ones, with the Aquas symbol almost completely gone.

"This has been fun," Phantom told them before holding up a card. "But now I think it's time we put an end to it. Don't you agreed?" He didn't give them time to answer before throwing the card towards the dead ground. "Gate Card, SET!" The card hit the ground and exploded, his opponents running off to find some Power-Ups.

"There!" The girl yelled, seeing some coins low to the ground. She took out a Haos Bakugan and threw it. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" It hit a pair of coins before landing on the ground. "Bakugan...STAND!" The orb popped open and was surrounded by light, "Haos Fangoid!" The light faded to reveal a giant yellow brachiosaurus wearing white armour. It had a super long curved horn on its forehead.

Fangoid: 360Gs

The dinosaur roared as the Power-ups kicked in.

Fangoid: 460Gs

The boy also spotted some power-ups and smirked. "Alright, Bakugan...BRAWL!" He threw the Bakugan, but flinched when it curved and only hit one of the coins before landing on the ground. "Bakugan," it popped open, "STAND!" A tornado or water exploded around it. "Aquas Scaboid!" From out of the water, a strange blue mechanic creature appeared. It had four spider-like legs and and a tortoise-like head that snapped.

Scaboid: 350Gs
Fangoid: 460Gs

It too powered up, but not by much.

Scaboid: 400Gs
Fangoid: 460Gs

"My turn!" Phantom stayed where he was and threw his Bakugan towards a line of power-ups, "Bakugan...BRAWL!" It flew forward, hitting all five before landing on the ground. "Bakugan...STAND!" It popped open to reveal a very familiar Bakugan, which exploded with dark light to transform. "Darkus Fury, rise!" The demonic Bakugan appeared, taking to the air and staring down at the two.

Fury: 400Gs
Scaboid: 400Gs
Fangoid: 460Gs

"How pitiful," he stated as his power increased.

Fury: 650Gs
Scaboid: 400Gs
Fangoid: 460Gs

"Let's go!" The girl cried as she held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed along with Fangoid's horn, "Razor Glow!" It swung its neck around and unleashed a blade of light that flew up towards Fury. The demon crossed his arms as it struck him, but Fury simply swung his arms open and dispelled it without appearing injured.

Fury: 550Gs
Scaboid: 400Gs
Fangoid: 460Gs

"Ability," the boy held up a card, "Activate!" It glowed as Scaboid opened its mouth, "Blast Hydro!" It suddenly fired water out of its mouth, with Fury crossing its arms again and deflecting it like before.

Fury: 450Gs
Scaboid: 400Gs
Fangoid: 460Gs

"Cute," Phantom held up his own card, "here's mine. Ability, Activate!" The card glowed along with Fury's claws, "Darkus Greed!" The demon suddenly appeared to teleport, warping from his spot in the sky to behind the two Bakugan. He then stabbed the claws into their back, making them cry out as their power was stolen.

Fury: 650Gs
Scaboid: 300Gs
Fangoid: 360Gs

The two frowned as Fury released their Bakugan and flew up, the girl holding up a pair of cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" The cards glowed as the disks on the sides of Fangoid's shoulders started spinning, whilst its mouth glowed. "Hyper Shining Cannon, plus Flash Grinder!" The disks shot off it and struck Fury, grinding into him before Fangoid fired a laser from its mouth.

Fury: 550Gs
Scaboid: 300Gs
Fangoid: 460Gs

"Clever!" Fury yelled before throwing the blades away before holding his hands up to deflect the laser, "but not clever enough."

"Then how about this!" The boy held up a card, "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Scaboid held up one of its claws and pointed them at Fury, with blue lightning sparking between them. "Freeze Burner!" The lightning exploded forwards and struck Fury as the laser faded, making him cry out as his power was reduced.

Fury: 450Gs
Scaboid: 300Gs
Fangoid: 460Gs

"That's cold!" The demon groaned, unconsciously gliding down towards the ground. As he did, Fangoid charged towards him and swung its neck around to slash him with its horn. Fury held up his hands and grabbed the horn, trying to stop it but felt himself being pushed back.

"Ability, Activate!" Phantom held up a card as Fury's arm spike suddenly extended and glowed, "Darkus Wrath!"

Fury: 650Gs
Scaboid: 300Gs
Fangoid: 460Gs

"Raaah!" Fury slowly pushed the dinosaur's horn until it was finally pushed backwards, staggering around as Fury flew up before dive-bombing it. With a powerful slash, Fangoid was knocked down.

"Fangoid!" The girl cried as the boy held up two cards, Scaboid charging towards the evil Bakugan.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Scaboid opened its mouth and unleashed a freezing cold mist, which began to surround Fury and freeze him. "Subzero Nullifier, plus Hydro Barrage!" Several compartment on the back of the Bakugan then opened, unleashing blasts of water at Fury.

Fury: 450Gs
Scaboid: 500Gs
Fangoid: 460Gs

The water blasts slammed into Fury, shattering the ice that covered him and caused him to fall towards the ground. As he landed, Fangoid began to pick itself up as the girl held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Fangoid charged as its feet began to glow, "Power Stomp!"

Fury: 450Gs
Scaboid: 500Gs
Fangoid: 560Gs

Fury opened his eyes as Fangoid appeared above it and raised its glowing foot, then thrust it down into him. He barely managed to hold up his hands and grab it before it crushed him. He grunted, feeling the force of the attack about to overpower him. But Phantom wasn't worried.

"Gate Card...open." The ground beneath them glowed, unleashing a purple light. "Darkus Reactor." The light flew into Fury, who began to feel a new wave of strength flow through him

Fury: 650Gs
Scaboid: 500Gs
Fangoid: 560Gs

He grunted and groaned, but eventually managed to throw Fangoid's foot off him before jumping into the air. "Now," Phantom held up two cards, "to end this. Double Ability...Activate!" The cards glowed as Fury's arm blades glowed before growing twice as long as they grew before, "Darkus Gluttony!" His entire body then glowed the same light Fangoid's foot had glowed before, "plus, Darkus Envy!"

Fury: 1150Gs
Scaboid: 500Gs
Fangoid: 560Gs

The two brawlers gasped at the point difference and reached for their Ability Cards. But before they could pick one that could save them, Fury shot down towards their Bakugan. "This ends...NOW!" With that, he swung his blades around and struck both Fangoid and Scaboid. Doing so caused a large explosion which filled the Doom Dimension and caused all but Fury and Phantom to be sent flying backwards.

The Bakugan were reverted back to ball form as their life gauges dropped, the light completely enveloping them.

When the light faded, Phantom and his opponents were in Canterlot Park.

Phantom laughed as Fury landed onto his shoulder, holding his new Bakugan in his hand. He then held up the cube and saw the Aquas and Haos symbols fade. The Aquas symbol completely vanished, leaving only the Haos and Ventus symbols on it.

"So close," he stated before looking down at his opponents and seeing them groaning and rubbing their heads. "Thanks for the match, and the Bakugan. It's been a blast." He then noticed that several people were around them and moving over to come check on them. "Gotta bounce." He gave them a two fingered salute before appearing to vanish, appearing in the branches of a nearby tree.

Hidden there, he looked down at the cube and smiled whilst Fury turned to him. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that if I can find a strong enough opponent, I'll be able to finally unlock this thing with just one battle." As he said that, his gauntlet beeped and he activated it. The holographic image of Sombra appeared on the screen. "What's up?"

"Something very interesting," Sombra replied before the screen changed. It showed Flash, battling against Soarin with Leonidas and Garuda.

"Him again?" He asked, but kept watching. And when the two Fusion Abilities collided, the screen turned to static. "What happened?"

"It appears the two generated so much power, our systems couldn't handle it."

"Is that so?" Phantom asked. "Leonidas on his own couldn't do that. That other Bakugan...doesn't look familiar."

"It's a talking Bakugan, just like Leonidas. Possibly the most powerful one. The two were so strong, it completely fried the system. We're already working on a way to increase the dampers to handle it better." It was then Sombra saw a smile on Phantom's lips. "What are you thinking?"

Phantom held up the cube, showing the last two remaining symbols left to get rid of. "I'm thinking I've found my next opponents."

Author's Note:

Whelp, Soarin showed why he's a force to be reckoned with. How will Phantom's battle with them go? Find out, next time.

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