• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,637 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

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The Invasion of Canterlot

The people of Canterlot were in a mass hysteria, due to the sudden appearance of every single Bakugan Lucifer had under his control.

The army had surrounded the city on all sides and were beginning to move inwards. Every Bakugan from a Haos Serpenoid to a Darkus Laserman was approaching, several launching blasts that caused buildings to be destroyed whilst others simple walked through them. It was clear that by the time they were done, Canterlot was gonna be nothing but a pile of rubble.

This is what had caused the panic, with many people screaming that they had to escape. But with the stadium surrounded on every side, they knew there was no way to escape.

"Hey!" Scootaloo cried, almost being knocked over by someone running past. Sweetie and Applebloom almost got trampled by this, resulting in their dads and brother lifting them up to keep them safe. "What do we do?"

Flash and his friends were still outside, also wondering the same thing. "It's us they're after," Leonidas pointed out. "Maybe if we leave they'll stop attacking." The others were thinking the same thing. But in that moment, that opinion changed.

"Greetings, you pathetic worms." It was Lucifer, the lot of them hearing his voice from within the stadium. They headed in and saw that everyone had stopped their panic, all staring at the TVs as Lucifer's face appeared on them. "You fools were given your chance to surrender to your lawful lord and master, but instead you chose to fight. And now, I have no other choice but to make an example out of you."

"Oh," Flash growled, "we're so scared."

"You should be," Lucifer replied much to everyone's shock. "I can't actually see you, but I am assuming one of you fools made a snarky remark. Anyway, you now have two choices. Give yourself up and allow me to take my Attribute Energies, or try and fight, lose, then have the energies removed anyway. No matter which you chose, I have the Energies in the end. So do yourself a favour and give them to me. At least that way, your precious city might survive."

Everyone growled at this, knowing he was mocking them. "Jerk," Rainbow growled.

"I know a lot of you are likely planning to escape, but you should know that it's pointless. If you teleport yourself to another city, I'll simply destroy this one and follow you there. All you'll do is cause another city's destruction. You have thirty minutes to make your decision before I start blasting away at your city." With that, the TV went blank and the people started panicking again.

Many were screaming that it was the end of the world. They were all terrified and just wanted to be safe, but it seemed that was impossible. The BakuFighters and the Rainbooms were all just as worried, many fearing that the panicked crowd might turn on them to get out of this mess.

Flash frowned and rushed forward, jumping onto one of the nearby tables. "Everyone," barely anyone heard him, "LISTEN!" His voice echoed over the crowd and they all went silent, the lot of them turning to look at him and all realising it was one of the kids they saw on TV the previous day. "I know you're all scared, but we can't panic. That's what Lucifer wants."

"Then what are we supposed to do?" One man asked. The one to answer that wasn't Flash, but Leonidas.

The dragon flew up and spoke so everyone could hear him. "We have to keep our heads. If we don't, we're just gonna do something stupid and play right into Lucifer's hands." The people were surprised to hear this coming from a piece of plastic, but just kept listening. "So here's what's gonna happen. Lucifer is after something I have. So I'm gonna stay so he doesn't follow you as you escape."

"How are we supposed to escape?"

"The same way we travelled to all those places yesterday," Twilight spoke up as she climbed onto the table. "The devices in this stadium can teleport us to any other stadium in the country. We'll use those to transport you all someplace safe. Meanwhile, the rest of us will fight."

"Twilight," Shining cried, "you can't fight that many of those things all on your own. You were barely able to beat one yesterday." Twilight was about to reply to that insult, but someone spoke up before she could.

"She won't be on her own!" They all looked around and saw Thunderlane pushing through the crowd, joining the Rainbooms as he did so. "I'll fight beside you guys. Even if the odds are a million to one, Ingram and I will do whatever it takes to stop that psycho."

They all smiled at that, only for another voice to speak up as well. "Trixie will battle as well." They saw said girl step through the crowd, her Trickstar Bakugan on her shoulder and even moving on its own. And she wasn't the only one who came out.

Royal Pin and Neon Lights stepped out, followed by Cloud Chaser and Flitter. Teddy, Rover, Fido, Rainy Day, Lemon Zest, Photo Finish, Autumn Blaze and even Pipsqueak and Rumble all showed themselves. Every Bakugan Battle Brawler stepped forward, each of them inspired by those that had risked their lives to fight Lucifer and his cronies.

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom rushed out with that Bakugan, their siblings knowing that trying to stop them would be impossible. Flash and Twilight looked back at their friends, the lot of them smiling with a nod before the two turned to nod at each other. No matter what, they were going to keep fighting.

"Alright then," Flash nodded. "Let's get to work." And they did so, Twilight beginning to show everyone how she had recalibrated the transporters to allow for human travel. As they did, Flash's speech echoed through their minds.

"Ever since he got here, Lucifer's been trying to divide us. He tried to by making humans think Bakugan were nothing but mindless tools. By pitting Brawlers against one another to keep us from focusing on the real enemy. By taking our friends away from us to break our spirit. And now by trying to make us scared. Well he's failed again and again. All he's done is make us stronger than ever. He might think he has the advantage, but he's been at a disadvantage this whole time. And now we're gonna make him pay for everything he's done to our world and the world he destroyed."

As soon as Twilight finished explaining how it worked, people took over using the transporter from her and started warping people away to different stadiums. All the while the brawlers were using the time they had been given to prepare themselves.

Flash was in the bathroom, having not had a chance to use one since leaving for Dark Industries the previous day.

As he was busy doing his business, Leonidas remained on the sink thinking about the battle that was coming. He knew Lucifer would be aiming for either him or Garuda, so he had to be ready. But the tension was starting to get to him.

"Are you worried?" A voice spoke within his mind, surprising him as he looked towards the mirror. There he saw the reflection of an armoured individual.

"Dragonia?" He looked around, but the figure wasn't behind him. She was only in the mirror. "I'm sorry. You trusted us with the Attribute Energies and now Lucifer has four of them."

"It's not your faults. Even we never foresaw the kind of power that Lucifer would acquire when he evolved. You must not focus on your failures. All you can do is learn from them and work to get the Attribute Energies back."

"How? With his power, it seems impossible. And if he manages to get all the Attribute Energies from us, he'll become unstoppable. He'll have the power of Vestroia itself."

"It's true that the Attribute Energies were what made up Vestroia's body, but they were not all of Vestroia's power." Leonidas looked confused. "Vestroia has always been more than just the physical world. It also exists within the hearts of all Bakugan that were born there. Each of them is a tiny piece of Vestroia's spirit, given flesh and allowed experience the world. And when they pass, all those experiences return to Vestroia's spirit and make it stronger. As long as the Bakugan live, Vestroia lives."

Leonidas didn't really understand what she meant, but he got the gist of it. "But Lucifer will probably wish to destroy all the Bakugan. If that happens, Vestroia will truly be gone. All to satisfy his selfish lust for power." He looked up at the mirror, "what do I do to make sure that doesn't happen?" Before Dragonia could reply, a flush of a toilet caught their attention.

Moments later, Flash stepped out of the cubical. "Hey bud. Who were you talking to?" Leonidas looked back at mirror, only to see Dragonia was gone.

"Um...nobody. Just talking to myself." Flash shrugged as he washed his hands and they left the bathroom, where they saw many of the people had already managed to escape. The only ones left were the families of those staying to fight.

"Flash," Misty pulled her son into a hug as Trail did the same to to their daughter, "Scootaloo."

"Both of you be careful," Trail told them. "I don't care how hard things get, you stay strong and stick with your friends. When this is over, you both better come back without a scratch on you."

"We'll do our best," Scootaloo nodded back.

"Don't worry," Leonidas assured them. "They won't be alone. Struthion and I will be there to keep them safe. And they have all their friends as well. We'll keep each other safe." The parents nodded and pulled away, Flash looking around and seeing the rest of the brawlers family doing the same with them. They all looked worried, but knew this was something they had to do.

And so, one by one the families used the transporter and disappeared into the machine. Once the last person was through it, Twilight shut the devices down. They all knew their parents might get worried and try coming back, but doing so would just put them all in even more danger. With the devices shut down, nobody could come through. Although, that also meant they might not be able to escape if things went pear-shaped.

Flash looked around and saw everyone was looking worried. Clearly, they were all nervous about taking on an entire army of Bakugan. "Everyone, listen up!" They turned to him, "I know you're all nervous. But we have to do this. It's our only hope of stopping Lucifer. The fact is, he's way too strong to beat on our own. He knows this and that's why he keeps throwing other Bakugan at us. If we want to stop him, we have to take care of his army first."

"We know that," Rainbow gulped. "But that's a lot of Bakugan."

"Well we've got a lot of Bakugan as well," Flash told them. "We're our own army. We might not be as big as the one outside, but we've got something it doesn't. A reason to fight." Everyone smiled at this, each of them having something important that they wanted to protect. "This is just like any other battle. We throw our Bakugan in, use the right Abilities and win. Now's who's ready to go kick some Bakugan butt?"

"ME!" They all screamed, before Flash turned to charge out of the stadium. The rest of the brawlers all did the same, ready to take back their world from Lucifer.

The army of Bakugan hadn't moved in almost thirty minutes, the mindless Bakugan following their master's directions.

At the front of the army on all sides, a hybrid was also there. And unlike the other Bakugan, they were no being so patient. "Ahh," Skulpion snapped his claws, "what's taking them so long? Why'd they have to waste our time when we all know there's only one option for them?" None of the other Bakugan around him answered, as the hybrids were too far away from them to hear him.

He sighed, knowing talking to oneself was the first sign of going nuts. But he was way too bored to do anything else.

However, his boredom soon vanished when a bright flash of light suddenly caught his attention. That light was straight ahead of him and spun around into a vortex, which flew higher and higher before exploding to reveal a dragon he knew all too well.

"You!" He growled at Leonidas, who smirked back as another burst of light occurred a ways off from him. This light was orange and from it, Gaia appeared. Tornados of water, fire, wind and dark mist soon appeared in the distance, each one vanishing to reveal a BakuFighter Bakugan ready for action. And they weren't the only ones. The Rainboom's Bakugan all appeared out of lights, followed by other Bakugan who were beginning to surround the stadium.

Eventually, an entire army was staring back at the one surrounding them. It might not be as big as Lucifer's, but it was still an intimidating sight to be seen.

"Alright everyone!" He heard Flash yell from Leonidas' shoulder, "let's take these creeps down once and for all!" The entire human populace and many of the Bakugan cheered at this before charging forwards, the hybrids all commanding the army to do the same.

"Ability, Activate!" All the Ventus Brawlers yelled as their Bakugan unleashed gusts of wind out in a circle, the gales flying towards the invading Bakugan. For them, it was like they suddenly ran into a brick wall. Each of them, even the Ventus Bakugan staggered backwards as the defending army continued their assault.

"Ability, Activate!" The Aquos Brawlers cried as their Bakugan created a giant wave of water, which flew out and struck the off balance Bakugan. Many of them were all washed away by the wave, allowing their opponents to get in close.

"Get up you fools!" Rampager roared, having been one of the few not knocked down by the wave as he protected himself with the shield. He charged forward and spotted Garuda at the front of the army, Rampager smirking since this was his chance to make up for his previous failures. "Your Attribute Energy is mine!"

"I don't think so!" Garuda roared as Soarin held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Garuda's claws sparked with light, "Sky Spark Surge!" The lightning shot outwards and formed a blade of lightning, which he swung around and attempted to slash Rampager with, only for the hybrid to block it with his shield.

He then tried to slash at Garuda with his sword, but Garuda pulled back and flew up to avoid it. As this was happening, other Bakugan were battling it out all around them.

Rainbow and Terraspin were fighting against a Fly Beetle, whilst Thunderlane and Ingram where flying around one another attempting to claw the other's eyes out. On the ground, a Serpenoid wrapped itself around a Terror Claw, as a Saurus charged into a Siege and pushed it backwards.

In another part of the battlefield, Gaia was fighting against Gigant. The Magma Bakugan launched a wave of heat towards her, but Gaia held up her arms and was able to withstand it as he cannons folded up. Just as her arms were about to ignite, she fired the cannons the struck Gigant in the chest.

"Augh!" He cried as he staggered backwards, whilst Fenroar slashed at a Laserman. The robot was knocked off balance, causing its lasers to fire into the air. There, several flying Bakugan were fighting as the lasers flew up towards them. Luckily, the Bakugan with partners were warned and they were able to evade them. The other Bakugan weren't so fortunate and they were each struck, the blasts knocking them out of control. As they fell to the ground, their opponents launched several more attacks and reverted them to ball form.

"Ability, Activate!" Trixie cried as Trickstar took out a bunch of playing cards, "Trump Strike!" Trickstar threw the cards and they shot through the air, hitting several Bakugan in the chest and causing them to explode. The Bakugan fell to the ground, reverting to ball form as Trixie smiled. "That's right. Beware the Great and Powerful Trixie's strength, for she and Trickstar are an unstoppable duo that no mindless Bakugan can overcome."

But as she said that, several more Bakugan appeared and started launching lasers and fireballs at them.

Trixie cried as she and Trickstar jumped around to avoid these attack. "Help! These mindless Bakugan are overcoming us!" As one was about to fire at her, Lyra's voice called out.

"Overflow!" A giant wave suddenly appeared and knocked those Bakugan back, saving Trixie as Nimue turned back to Roaster.

"Inferno Dash!" His body ignited and he charged forward, but Nimue was able to avoid his attack before swinging her staff around and slamming him in the head. He squawked as he was knocked backwards into several more Bakugan, as the other brawlers and their Bakugan attacked.

"Glacial Fang!" Pinkie screamed, as her Bakugan bit down on a Rattleoid and freezing it solid. Several more Bakugan also attacked, some with electrical attacks using the water of the Overflow to conduct their attacks and zap their opponents into ball form.

"Sirenoid!" Sweetie cried as her Bakugan flew above many of the opposing Bakugan, holding up a card that Activated her Ability. Sirenoid started playing her harp, the Bakugan that heard this quickly going into a trance. This included Roaster, the Bakugan's eyes being replaced with hearts.

"WOW!" He cried, seeing the beautiful Bakugan above him. "What's your name lovely?" But before he could get in close, Struthion charged at him.

"Ability, Activate!" Scootaloo cried as her Bakugan spread his wings, "Kunai Wing!" With a single beat, the Bakugan launched several feathers towards Roaster and the Bakugan around him. The hybrid was suddenly broken out of the spell when the feathers pieced his body.

"Hey!" He cried, only to suddenly find Nimue in front of him.

"Maiden's Fury!" Lyra cried as Nimue swung her staff around, the strings of her harp being plucked by the water in the air. This caused her to start glowing before she slammed her staff onto his head.


Several more Bakugan charged, but Aerogan leapt into the air and started spinning. "Tectonic Hammer!" Applebloom cried as Aerogan started swinging his feet into the Bakugan and knocking them backwards. Several were thrown through the air and landed at the feet of Muddion, who looked around and held up his hands.

"Dirt Duster!" He roared as he launched a stream of dirt towards Aerogan, who had to use his arms to block it from hitting him and his partner. Muddion prepared to launch a Wild Flooding. But before he could, Wukong appeared on his cloud.

"Ruyi Bang!" Heath cried as his partner summoned his staff and swung it around, hitting the hybrid on the head and knocking him staggering back.

"That's right!" Wukong cried, "just lay there!" But as he said that, Muddion swung his arm around as the fist solidified into a hard rock. "AUGH!" He cried as he was knocked off his cloud, he and Heath falling to the ground. But the Pyrus Bakugan managed to use his staff to catch himself, slamming the end of it into the ground and balancing on the other end.

"Blaze Kick!" Fluttershy cried, as Lepusinge bounced forward and thrust a burning foot into a Darkus Warius. As the ogre fell backwards, several more Bakugan appeared and got ready to attack. But then, Sylvee and Falconeer flew down and launched their attacks at them all.

"Heavenly Cannon!" Quetzal cried as she launched the laser towards Ragnaroid, who simply swung his mechanical claws around to deflect the blast.

"Ability, Activate!" Derpy cried as she held up the card and Ragnaroid's chest opened up, "Doom Vision!" The light from his chest eye exploded outwards and struck Quetzal along with several more Bakugan, causing them to all freeze up. As they did, Rarity and several more Brawlers launched their attacks.

"Gem Leech!" Rarity cried as Cleopal thrust her scarves at Quetzal, the gem slamming into the serpent and draining away her power.

"Let's go!" Neon Lights cried his Hammersaur charged forward and slashed at several Bakugan, whilst Royal Pin's Darkus Siege also charged.

"Get'em!" The knight swung its lance around and took down several Bakugan with a single strike, whilst Ragnaroid finished his Doom Vision and Derpy held up another card.

"Ability, Activate." Ragnaroid raised his claws, "Apocalyptic Fire!" The flames exploded out and consumed Quetzal and several more Bakugan, forcing the non-hybrids back into ball form whilst Quetzal was slammed into the side of a building.

"Attack!" Skulpion cried as he and several more Bakugan launched attacks into the air, where Leonidas was flying all over the place.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Flash held up two cards as Leonidas glowed, "Turbo Overdrive, plus Mega Claw!" Leo sped up and began almost warping from one spot in the sky to another, avoiding each and every attack that was fired at him until he reached Skulpion.

"Raaah!" She slashed at the hybrid and knocked him backwards, Skulpion crying out as he was sent flying. But as he did, the other Bakugan prepared to fire at him.

"Fire Burst!" Twilight's voice cried out, as Spike launched a blast of green fire towards them. Other Bakugan, like Rainy's Elico, also did the same, stopping those aiming at Leonidas and allowing the dragon to get in close and slash at them all. And as Skulpion picked himself up, he was shocked to see his Bakugan army growing smaller as they all reverted back to ball form.

"You'll pay for that," he growled whilst snapping his claws.

Leonidas flew up into the air. "The only one who's gonna be paying for anything is you. You betrayed your kind and are forcing them to attack, just so a psychopath can have power." He shot down towards him, "well now you'll have to face the consequences!"

In an unknown building, Lucifer was watching the battles unfold on holographic screens.

He chuckled seeing the humans and their pet's last ditch attempt to defeat him and his army, whilst Sombra was busy making sure his energy syphoning device was still functioning. He was taking great care to check it without doing anything that could cause the machine to lose its hold on the Attribute Energies. But he could see that the device was beginning to strain.

Holding three of these Energy sources was proving harder then he had originally assumed. He began to tweak the device so that the strain would lessen, but he knew one thing for sure. "This device might not be able to hold all the Attributes."

"Come again?" Lucifer turned to him.

"The device is reaching its maximum storage. I'm adjusting it, but it'll only allow us to store maybe one more Attribute Energy."

"Understood," Lucifer nodded. "That should be fine."

"But there are still two more Attribute Energies left."

"Maybe. But as soon as I get the last one, I won't have a need for storage anymore. I will take the final Attribute Energy into myself and at the same time, you will send the ones we've collected into me. And once that happens, I will become the Ultimate Bakugan." Sombra smiled at this and nodded.

"So, which Attribute will we go after next?"

"I know who I want to take down last," Lucifer turned back to the screens. "Which means by default, there's only one target we can focus on." He watched as Garuda and Rampager battled it out.

"Sword of Light!" Rampager swung his blade around as it unleashed a crescent of light, but Garuda managed to dodge it as his Storm Booster had already activated.

"Blitz Bolt!" He launched a lightning bolt towards Rampager, but the crusader Bakugan raised his shield and deflected the bolt, which happened to hit a Centipoid that Autumn and her Manion were fighting, before charging forward and leaping into the air.

He slashed at Garuda, but the Ventus Bakugan created a lightning sword to block it. The force of the impact knocked him to the ground though, Soarin barely managing to hold onto his shoulder. Garuda landed and managed to keep his footing, using the ground to push himself up and throw Rampager back.

As the hybrid staggered, Garuda took to the air and Soarin held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Garuda's wings were suddenly surrounded by lightning, "Feather Shock!" Before Rampager could respond, Garuda beat his wings and launched several electrofied feathers in his direction.

"Augh!" He cried as the feather slammed into his armor, zapping him as he did so. Garuda then charged down attempting to use this distraction to deal an electrofied slash to him. But Ramager wasn't going down so easily. "Miracle Armor!" This armor glowed and the lightning was quickly dissipated, allowing him to freedom to move and slash at his opponent.

Garuda didn't see this coming in time and cried out as the blade slammed into him. "Garuda!" Soarin cried, as they were knocked flying backwards.

As they fell, Terraspin and Rainbow knocked a Ravenoid back into ball form. They looked around and gasped seeing the pair about to crash into a building, Soarin likely getting crushed between it and Garuda. "MOVE!" Rainbow told her partner, who shot forward until he got close enough to Garuda.

"Shell Tornado!" The wind explode out of him and flew between Garuda and the building, the Ventus bakugan falling into the wind and getting blown away from it. As he was, Garuda recovered enough to spread his wings. The wind vanished as he regained control, allowing him to stay in the air.

"Thanks," he told Terraspin as Soarin pulled himself back up onto his shoulder. "You okay?"

"I think my stomach got blown in a different direction," Soarin groaned before taking a deep breath. "I'm fine. Let's do this!" Garuda nodded and charged down, seeing that Rampager had used Garuda's short absence to attack several other Bakugan on the ground.

He was using his Vampiric Shield to drain them of their power, all the while holding up his sword preparing to slash Autumn's Manion. But seconds before the attack could land, Garuda launched his Aero Bomber towards the hybrid.

"Huh?" Rampager looked around as he saw the attack coming, gasping and leaping to the side to avoid it.

"Raaaaah!" Garuda shot forward and slashed at him with his lightning blade, Rampager barely managing to block it with his. "I won't let you and your master hurt any more of our friends!" He cried. "You've done enough damage already."

"And what are you gonna do about it?" Rampager asked. "In this world, the strong survive and the weak fall by the wayside. That's simply as nature intended it to be, so why waste your time and effort protecting those not strong enough to protect themselves?"

"You're sick," Garuda growled. "Even if that is the way nature intended it to be, I refuse to let that be how the world works. Those with strength should use it to help those without it. That's what it truly means to be strong." As he said that, Garuda started glowing green. "And if you think differently, I'll have to show you what that kind of strength really looks like!" With that, he managed to overpower Rampager and push him backwards.

The hybrid staggered back and almost lost his grip on his sword, as Garuda charged again.

"Prepare yourself!" Gigant roared, as his volcano shoulders began to power up. "My Magma Flow Ability will burn you and this city to a crisp!"

"We can't let him do that!" Bonnie told Gaia, seeing all the Bakugan around them that might not survive. Gaia knew she was right, so she charged forward as he partner took out a card. "Ability, Activate!" Gaia glowed as she got in close, "Gaia Spirit!" Gaia threw a punch into Gigant's face, making him cry out as he was knocked backwards.

Gaia didn't let up and kept punching again and again, not giving Gigant the chance to catch his breath. After about the tenth punch, Gigant managed to finally dodge her next one and held up his hand. "Flame Sphere!" The fireball appeared on the end of his arm, but Gaia crossed her arms as the orb launched.

It slammed into her and almost her entire body was set ablaze, Gaia focusing on protecting Bonnie from the flames. She then swung her arms around and extinguished the blaze, as her shoulder cannons folded up. "Fusion Ability, Activate!" The cannons took in the nature energy, as Gigant tried to charge up his Magma Flow attack.

"Infinite...GAIA!" The Subterra Bakugan screamed as the energy exploded out and Gigant was struck in the chest, making him scream as he was knocked backwards and reverted back to ball form.

Rampager cried out as Garuda attacked with amazing speed and power, the lightning blade he wielded slamming against his sword again and again.

'What's he doing?' He thought, as he realised Garuda wasn't attempting to hurt him. 'It's like he's attacking my weapon instead of me. But why?' He jumped back as his cape flew up, "Cape of Doom!" The cape exploded into millions of bats, which shot towards Garuda.

But the birdman Bakugan managed to fly straight through bats, using his sword to deflect any that would have hit him. He got through the other side and slashed at Rampager again, only for the hybrid to raise his shield just in time. The impact made him flinch as he was pushed backwards, a cracking sound filling the air.

Nimue avoided Roaster's blazing claws as she swung her staff around, slamming it into his chest and knocking him backwards.

He let out a squawk and glared at her, then spread his wings as they were set ablaze. "I'll burn you all to cinders. Wildfire Cyclone!" He beat his wings and the flames flew off, morphing into a flaming tornado. But Nimue wasn't scared.

"Is that the best you can do?" She asked, spinning her staff around as Lyra held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Nimue slammed the staff into the ground, "Whirlpool Trap!" Water exploded out of the ground and spun into its own tornado, which shot towards the flaming vortex and slammed into it. Steam filled the air, but the water managed to outlast the fire and completely extinguish it.

It then moved towards Roaster and sucked him up, the chicken screaming as he was sucked into the giant whirlpool and completely soaked. "Hey!" He cried, "let me out of here!" But Nimue didn't, instead bringing her harp towards her as Lyra held up a card.

"Fusion Ability, Activate!" Nimue began to play her harp, the music forming energy that flowed out of the instrument and started spiralling around her. "Maiden's Heart!" Once Nimue finished playing, she swung the harp around and sent the energy exploding off of her.

Roaster finally managed to free himself from the whirlpool, but as he did the energy reach him. "Clu-uh oh," was all he could say before the energy slammed into him, blasting him backwards and reverting him back to ball form.

"Vampire Shield!" Rampager roared as his shield started the sucking force, attempting to steal away Garuda's power.

But the Ventus Bakugan flew down and managed to avoid the attack, instead causing Rampager to hit one of the Bakugan on his side and taking his power. He then flew down and Rampager tried again, but Garuda dodged again and made him hit another Bakugan under his command. A whole line of these Bakugan quickly fell to the Vampire Shield, causing their power to be syphoned away until Rampager finally stopped.

That was when Garuda shot forward, launching a Blitz Bolt that struck the shield as well. Another cracking sound filled the air and Rampager realised Garuda was damaging his shield, which started getting cracks in it. And as Garuda got in close enough, he slashed at the largest crack as hard as he could.

Rampager was shocked to see his shield begin to break apart, eventually shattering and leaving him with just his sword. He slashed at Garuda, but the birdman dodge this and slashed at the sword as well. Another crack filled the air and Rampager realised what Garuda was trying to do.

Wukong dodged Muddion's Hydro Whip, continuing to zoom around on his cloud before flying towards him with his staff.

As Muddion attempt to slam the water chords into him, he flew around as much as he could to avoid them. He then then extended his staff and slammed it into Muddion's chest, retracting it back before it could get stuck in the mudd and repeating the process. With every hit, Muddion was knocked staggering around.

But then he managed to side-step an attack, forcing Wukong to pull back to avoid any counter attack. "Give it up!" Muddion cried, "you can't win. I'm made of earth and water, the two elements fire has no chance of hurting. You have no chance. Wild Flooding!" The water exploded out of his hands and shot towards Wukong and several more Bakugan, but her and Heath knew they weren't gonna let it hurt their friends.

"Ability, Activate!" Heath cried as Wukong leapt to the ground, his hair exploding into a stronger fire stream. "Backfire!" He swung his head around and sent out a wave of fire, which struck the water and completely evaporated it. The flames them flew over Muddion and made him cry out.

The water in his body began to evaporate as Wukong charged forward. He ignited his staff and with all the strength he could muster, slammed it into Muddion and shattered his now brittle body. From out of the dried mud, a Bakugan Ball fell out and hit the ground.

Garuda slashed at Rampager's sword yet again, attempting to damage it until it fell apart like his shield.

But Rampager wasn't gonna let that happen. "This ends now!" He roared, leaping backwards before holding ups his sword. Chaotic Rampager!" Rampager glowed purple and gold, the two energies flowing through him and into his sword. He then let out a roar as he rushed forward and started wildly slashing his sword around, Garuda barely managing to raise his own sword in time to block the attacks.

At the split second between two of the slashes, Garuda took off and shot straight into the air. Looking down, he saw Rampager was completely out of control. "Feather Shock!" He cried, launching several electrofied feathers towards him. But the rapid slashes deflected them all.

"RAAAAAAH!" Rampager roared, not stopping for even a second. But Soarin quickly realised that worked in their favour.

"Keep firing. Don't give him a reason to stop!" Garuda nodded and launched several Blitz Bolts, which all got defected. Seeing one almost hit Thunderlane and Ingram, Garuda quickly switched to Aero Bombers. Again and again, the orbs of wind were knocked away by his sword. But in doing so, it caused more and more damage to the sword.

Derpy and Ragnaroid continued to fight Quetzal in the air, the hybrid spinning in the air and launching feathers towards them. But Ragnaroid just smirked as Derpy took out a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid brought his tail forward and started spinning the drill, "Death Spiral!" The drill created a small tornado that consumed the feathers and blew them away, leaving Ragnaroid completely unharmed. This infuriated Quetzal, who charged towards them as the golden parts of her body began to glow.

"Radiant Aura!" The light exploded forwards and Ragnaroid flinched at the bright light, making Quetzal smirk as she prepared to strike. But before she could, Derpy stood up and ran forward. She then leapt off Ragnaroid as she held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Ragnaroid suddenly exploded into a bunch of shadows, three of them flying towards Quetzal and completely covering her.

"Augh!" She cried, feeling her Radiant Aura being extinguished. As she did, the shadows split apart and morphed into three Ragnaroid. "Damn you!" She growled before spinning around. "HEAVENLY CANNON!" The laser exploded out of her tail and struck each of the Ragnaroid, the lot of them completely vanishing. "Where are you?" She got her answer when she heard a cough coming from beneath, the hybrid looking down to see Derpy had fallen several meters before the real Ragnaroid had caught her.

"Fusion Ability," she held up the card. "Activate!" Ragnaroid pointed all his weapons at Quetzal, "END OF DAY!" With that, a bunch of lasers exploded out of him and flew straight up. Not needing to worry about collateral damage, Ragnaroid was free to go all out.

The lasers shot into the air and slammed into Quetzal, who cried out with every explosion that occurred. The onslaught continued for several moments until Ragnaroid stopped firing, the large cloud filling the air and blocking out the sun. And eventually, Quetzal fell out of the cloud and plummeted towards the ground. Moments before crashing, she reverted back to ball form.

Garuda kept throwing Aero Bombers at Rampager, who continuously used his Fusion Ability to deflect them. But he was in such a frenzy, he didn't realise every deflected attack was damaging his sword.

And, of course, it eventually reached the point the sword could no longer take it. "RAAAAAH!" Garuda launched the strongest Aero Bomber towards Rampager, who slashed it with everything he had. But in doing so, the sword's blade shattered.

"What?" Rampager cried, looking at the hand and crossguard that was all that remained.

"Now this ends," Garuda squawked as Soarin held up a card.

"Fusion Ability, Activate!" Garuda's body exploded with enough electricity to power a city. "Storm Striker!" Garuda dived down with incredible speed, so much so that Rampager had no way of dodging. All he could do was brace himself as the Ventus Bakugan slammed into him, causing an explosion that consumed the two.

Everyone around them stopped and turned to the cloud, Rainbow gasping. "Soarin!" Moments later, Garuda flew back out of the smoke.

He stared down at the smoke before looking over at Soarin, seeing the teen's hair had gone all staticy. "You okay?" Soarin blinked as sparks flew around him, the teen then giving him a thumbs up as the smoke began to clear. Doing so revealed Rampager, his armor badly damaged as he leaned against a building.

He took several deep breaths and tried to stay upright, but eventually his legs gave out. "Master," he fell, "I'm sorry." With that, he slammed into the ground and reverted back to ball form.

Second to last hybrid beaten, Garuda smirked as he looked around and saw many of the opposing forces had fallen. The army wasn't completely beaten, but a good chunk of it had been dealt with. "We can do this." But then, out of nowhere, a white sphere flew towards Garuda.

The Bakugan saw this and gasped, only just having enough time to grab Soarin and throw him. "Terraspin!" Barely a second later, the orb struck him and he was absorbed into it.

"Garuda!" Soarin cried, as he fell towards the ground only for Terraspin to catch him.

"You okay?" Rainbow asked as she grabbed his arm, making sure he didn't fall off. Soarin groaned as he held onto the turtle, then looked over at where the orb had come from. And there he was.

Lucifer was floating above a nearby building, smiling as he saw Garuda trapped within his white orb. "Get him!" Terraspin then roared to the other Bakugan, the lot of them charging forward. But before they could even get close, Lucifer held up his empty hand and thrust it forward.

This sent out a pulse of energy that slammed into Bakugan and sent them all flying backwards. Soarin and Rainbow cried out as Terraspin flew out of control, whilst Lucifer other held up the black orb. Garuda had been watching his friends fall through the air, Terraspin eventually crashing through a building and destroying it. But his fears for his friends was quickly replaced by fear for himself, as the black or was sent flying towards him.

"Paradise...LOST!" Lucifer roared as the orbs merged together, forming the black and white spinning sphere. And when he snapped his fingers, the energy flew into Garuda.

"AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed, as the energy electrocuted him. HIs scream of agony radiated out through the city, catching the attention of everyone that was still battling.

Leonidas spun around and saw the orb, then noticed Lucifer. "No." He flew forward, "NOOOOO!" Flash held on, as Leonidas shot towards the orb. Hopefully, the attack wasn't unbreakable from the outside.

"Hey!" Skulpion cried, "get back here!" But before he could chase after him, several more Bakugan arrived with Spikenoid glaring at him.

"I don't think so," he roared before launching a Fire Burst towards him. The other Bakugan launched their own attacks, the lot of them slamming into the hybrid.

"NOOOOOOO!" He roared, trying to withstand the attack. But he couldn't and was blasted backwards, screaming as he reverted back to ball form.

Lucifer smirked seeing Garuda being blasted, then noticed Leonidas approaching. "I don't think so!" He got between the dragon and his prey, launching out a blast of power as he did so. Leonidas was struck by this force and almost blown away, but managed to withstand it.

But this slowed him down long enough for the Paradise Lost attack to complete, the orb exploding off Garuda as he floated there. The Ventus Energy continued to glow off him. But before he could succumb to the damage, a beam of light shot up from one of the buildings and struck him.

Soarin and Rainbow groaned as they picked themselves up, then looked up to see the beam hit Garuda. "No!" Soarin cried, pushing himself back to his feet and trying to run to help Garuda. But it was too late.

The Attribute Energy was slowly sucked away. Leonidas managed to push passed the force and stop Sombra, but Lucifer shot forward. "Raaah!" He threw a fist at Leonidas' chest, but the dragon blocked it with his gauntlet armor before trying to slash at him. Lucifer dodged the attack and the two continued to trade blows, allowing Sombra to finish his job.

"GOT IT!" He cried, as the last of the Attribute Energy was taken away. Now, red, blue, green and orange energy swirled around one another within his backpack. But as he did, he got a warning light stating the device was at max capacity. "So that's how much power this thing can handle. That could be a problem."

In that moment, Garuda began to fall to the floor. As he did, he reverted back to ball form and Soarin ran as fast as he could. "GARUDA!" He screamed, getting closer and closer to the spot he was gonna land. And as he was moment away from hitting the floor, Soarin leapt forward and caught him just in time.

He rolled along the ground and let out a moan as he did so, but held up his hand and saw that Garuda wasn't hurt. At least, he hoped so. "Are you okay? Come on, please be alright." In that moment, Garuda popped open and moaned.

"I'm sorry Soarin. Lucifer caught me by surprise."

"It's not your fault," Soarin told him before sighing. "But now, there's only one chance of beating Lucifer." He looked up at Leonidas and Lucifer, the two continue to fight one another.

But Lucifer then noticed Sombra had finished his job and smirked, kicking away from Leonidas. "And then there was one." Leo and Flash both glared at him, as he flew down to where Sombra was. The man leapt onto his shoulder and began saying something into his ear, "is that so. Very well. Then we better not waste any more time."

He shot towards Leonidas and as he did, several other Bakugan picked themselves up.

"Come on!" Thunderlane cried as he and Ingram flew forwards. "We have to help Flash!" Other flying Bakugan followed his lead, hoping to get into the dome before it appeared. But in that moment, Lucifer snapped his fingers and the dark energy appeared above him and Leonidas.

But instead of forming a dome like before, it formed an orb that completely enveloped the four of them. Flash and Leonidas looked surprised by this, whilst the others stopped in their tracks.

"What the?" Rainbow asked, as the orb suddenly began enlarge itself. "WOW!" Terraspin pulled back as the sphere grew larger and larger, some Bakugan not getting away in time and getting zapped along with their partners.

Soarin and Garuda ran as fast as they could, as the orb's bottom got closer and closer to crushing them. Luckily, Terraspin flew down and Rainbow held out a hand. He grabbed hold and Rainbow pulled him up onto Terraspin, the Ventus Bakugan barely managing to pull himself out from under the dark orb before it hit the ground.

Many expected it to do some serious damage to the ground and buildings, but instead, it simply phased through them and morphed into a dome like they had seen before. And inside that dome, Leonidas and Lucifer stared one another down as their partners stood on their shoulders.

"This is it," Lucifer smirked. "The final battle. And with this, winner takes all." He got into a fighting stance. "Are you ready?"

"Are you kidding?" Leo growled as he got into his own fighting stance, then charged forward. "I WAS BORN READY!" Lucifer charged as well and their humans took out cards, ready to finally end it. This was it. The battle that would likely result in the end of this war. And like Lucifer said, this was gonna be winner takes all.

Author's Note:

Well, Garuda got to be awesome one more time before he was taken down. Hope you enjoyed. How will the battle between Leonidas and Lucifer turn out? Only time will tell.

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